Brady suspended for 4 games HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA

what I said: "Tom could know him by appearance but not by name."

what Wells said "Brady claimed "he did not know McNally‟s name"

No difference WHATSOEVER!

The texts are clear that the measurements were made the next day. Footballs pumped up legally, today, at room temperature are never going to be 3 psi higher tomorrow, at room temperature.

Is this hard for you to grasp?

It would also appear that the Jets game, when the footballs were awfully over-inflated, was the time at which the ball boys or Brady realized that, upon request, the refs can be asked to change their standard practice of putting footballs at 13 psi, if you show them that 12.5 psi is perfectly legal.

They wanted him to share the information from the phone. I made that perfectly clear, doofus. They would have taken info provided by Tom's attorney, and clearly they would have taken it with a skeptical eye that "more likely than not" Brady and his lawyer were picking and choosing what not to show them. This was their attitude throughout the entire process.

On the contrary, I am asking people to take a careful, cold, dispassionate look at the scientific data for yourself.

Many of those who have done so, and who were among the Patriots harshest critics (Mike Florio, Peter King) have concluded that the scientific aspects of the report are complete and utter bunk.

I am going to ignore all journalists that didn't spend months directly working inside the investigation, regardless of where they stand. They can't know more than the investigators.

Often the cover up is more damaging than the crime. The Patriots didn't beat the Colts because of the ball. Only the idiots on the Patriots side bring that subject up. The Patriots could have benefited against the Ravens due to the ball, but there is no way to tell.

Brady should face a suspension if he lied to investigators. I suspect there were statements made that were disproved by the facts. That makes statements that cannot be proved look suspect. Kraft demanding an apology and trying to show up the league didn't earn them any points. I look for a suspension of Brady, a fine for the Patriots, and a rule change on the handling of balls.
Stepping Back and looking at this I honestly think this should be a $25K fine per football under-inflated. However, I also think the Colts should be fined 25K x their footballs also

You could argue, in a vacuum, that's reasonable. Problem is Commissioner Dunderhead has boxed himself in by being so suspension-happy with any on or off-field misconduct, he won't be able to reconcile a slap on the wrist fine with all his other punishments.
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Stepping Back and looking at this I honestly think this should be a $25K fine per football under-inflated. However, I also think the Colts should be fined 25K x their footballs also
Read the Executive Summary of the report (page 1). According to the report, the Colts would owe $0 and the Patriots would owe $275,000.
Now the thread sucks even worse. I told you dumbasses that common conversation attracts common people. Do you listen, nope.
Stepping Back and looking at this I honestly think this should be a $25K fine per football under-inflated. However, I also think the Colts should be fined 25K x their footballs also

I disagree. If you were doing it, you'd have to fine per ball AND per psi. $25K per ball plus $25K per psi. So 1 psi low would be $50K. 2psi low would be $75K. And so on.

11 balls, 3 psi low => $1.1M.
4 balls 0.5 psi low => $150K.

* I agree.... this thread sux. *
The thread sux, yet we are all reading it.

01010100 01101000 01100101 00100000 01110100 01101000 01110010 01100101 01100001 01100100 00100000 01110011 01110101 01111000 00101100 00100000 01111001 01100101 01110100 00100000 01110111 01100101 00100000 01100001 01110010 01100101 00100000 01100001 01101100 01101100 00100000 01110010 01100101 01100001 01100100 01101001 01101110 01100111 00100000 01101001 01110100 00101110
Read the Executive Summary of the report (page 1). According to the report, the Colts would owe $0 and the Patriots would owe $275,000.

That is because Wells made the assumption that the referee Anderson was mistaken as to which gauge he used in the pregame analysis. Anderson says that he remembers one thing, Wells said that he must be mistaken, because if he is mistaken, then wrongdoing occurred. If Anderson was NOT mistaken, any wrongdoing could NOT have happened.
I disagree. If you were doing it, you'd have to fine per ball AND per psi. $25K per ball plus $25K per psi. So 1 psi low would be $50K. 2psi low would be $75K. And so on.

11 balls, 3 psi low => $1.1M.
4 balls 0.5 psi low => $150K.

The 11 Patriots footballs were underpressurized by an average of 0.02 psi, per Peter King:

[quote = Peter King]Officials used two gauges at halftime of the AFC Championship Game to measure the air pressure in 11 New England footballs and four Indianapolis footballs. On page 113 of the Wells report, after a description of the scientific Ideal Gas Law (eyes glaze over), Wells says the Patriots footballs should have measured between 11.32 psi and 11.52 psi. The average of one gauge for the 11 balls was 11.49 psi, on the upper range of what the balls should measure. The average of the other gauge was 11.11 psi, clearly lower than what the balls should have measured. Average all 22 readings, and you get 11.30 … two-one-hundredths lower what the Ideal Gas Law would have allowed for balls that started the day at 12.5 psi. You’re going to suspend someone—never mind a franchise quarterback, never mind without a smoking gun—for an air-pressure measurement of 11.30 when the allowable measurement would have been 11.32?[/quote]

11 x 0.02 psi = 0.22 psi

Moops suggested fine = $25K/psi

Patriots fine = $5,500
Fact still remains, Cheatriots have been caught cheating twice.


They violated a memo once, admitted it, apologized, and paid the price

Now they've been set up by people who were too stupid to understand the issue to realize that their efforts would be exposed.

Learn science, it helps you understand the world.
You are dense. I said $25K per ball plus $25K/psi.

Also, I don't care what they measured based on Ideal Gas Law. The fine would be based on actual PSI and difference from the minimum PSI per Rule book. The rule states nothing about accounting for the Ideal Gas Law. It is the equipment manager's (and team's) responsibility to account for weather.

Fill them up outside if you must.
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R-Fan, OS, Moops, and TMP so far. Looks like I'm gonna be busy!

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That is because Wells made the assumption that the referee Anderson was mistaken as to which gauge he used in the pregame analysis. Anderson says that he remembers one thing, Wells said that he must be mistaken, because if he is mistaken, then wrongdoing occurred. If Anderson was NOT mistaken, any wrongdoing could NOT have happened.
You used the term "if". I insist on an Executive Summary on any report in case the report goes to the board or the President. The summary is backed up in the report by fact, data, and testing. I would make you re-write it if you said "if".
You used the term "if". I insist on an Executive Summary on any report in case the report goes to the board or the President. The summary is backed up in the report by fact, data, and testing. I would make you re-write it if you said "if".

Please killl yourself in the most painful fashion imaginable.
Look at me, everyone. I know how to use bold-faced type to make bullshit look more convincing. I even convinced Mike Florio of my argument, and we all know he's the Great Decider. Never mind the fact that the text messages prove that there was a pattern of secretly deflating balls that Brady was aware of. I have numbers and stuff. Never mind that the Wells Report addresses those numbers using experimentation and theory and concludes that the environment can't explain the deviation. I'm just going to keep posting like I'm the world's foremost expert in atmospheric science in the hopes that at least one person here will be convinced that I am not just talking out of my ass. I'm completely unaware of the fact that this goal of mine is entirely hopeless, and that the people here have long since lost all respect for me on this particular issue. It doesn't even cross my mind that every single other poster on the board knows that if you slap Brady on the ass, the back of my throat gets sore. I'm completely oblivious to how transparent my lunacy is. It's almost miraculous. Go Pats!
WTF? Goat, I can't get any of your highlighted links to work. Am I gonna have to get that new Rivals app ? (It does make you look scientific, however.)
The rule states nothing about accounting for the Ideal Gas Law. It is the equipment manager's (and team's) responsibility to account for weather.

Fill them up outside if you must.

The refs adjust the pressure in the footballs, in their heated, climate-controlled locker room, before the game. If you don't even know this, then you are a truly hopeless moron.

The NFL did not account for the Ideal Gas Law because they did not understand it or know that it even existed.
You used the term "if". I insist on an Executive Summary on any report in case the report goes to the board or the President. The summary is backed up in the report by fact, data, and testing. I would make you re-write it if you said "if".

two gauges that act differently, two possibilities, two different results.

They guessed and made conclusions that relied on that guess.

Reverse the guess and their conclusions are invalid.

Can you really not grasp this?

They violated a memo once, admitted it, apologized, and paid the price

Now they've been set up by people who were too stupid to understand the issue to realize that their efforts would be exposed.

Do you have your tin hat on? This conspiracy theory is laughable. You really think the NFL. Wanted to deal with this? With everything going on they would much prefer it went away.
two gauges that act differently, two possibilities, two different results.

They guessed and made conclusions that relied on that guess.

Reverse the guess and their conclusions are invalid.

Can you really not grasp this?
Free Hernandez! He was framed too!
The refs adjust the pressure in the footballs, in their heated, climate-controlled locker room, before the game. If you don't even know this, then you are a truly hopeless moron.

The NFL did not account for the Ideal Gas Law because they did not understand it or know that it even existed.

Wait....what exactly are your qualifications again?
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Wait....what exactly are your qualifications again?

All of the education that you need to understand that point, that the refs check and adjust (if necessary) the pressure in the footballs before the game, in their heated, climate-controlled locker room, is an ability to read.

Maybe Mr. Wells should have published a pop-up version of his report, especially for challenged citizens such as you and Moops.
The refs adjust the pressure in the footballs, in their heated, climate-controlled locker room, before the game. If you don't even know this, then you are a truly hopeless moron.

The NFL did not account for the Ideal Gas Law because they did not understand it or know that it even existed.

Or more likely, like much of the population of the US once they are out of high school chemistry, or college chemistry, they didn't have the need to get into the nitty gritty of measurement and calculation of the ideal gas law, especially in the heated, climate-controlled locker room.

I can see it now.. pregame coverage of the Superbowl and they cut to this:

"Well as you can see Joe, the refs are now going through the ever important ideal gas law calculation to determine the exact psi that the balls should be inflated to for Miami's current weather conditions."

"Jim, can you tell us are they calculating that using atmospheres, torr, or mmHg?"

"Well John they are actually going the SI route and using pascals, of course that means they'll need to do some additional conversions between units, but these refs really want to go by the scientific book, you can tell they are really in the zone."

"Well thanks for that insightful report Jim, we look forward to hearing the final numbers from out of the locker room."

In a league where 99% players are on steroids, and everyone knows it, but pretends it doesn't exist only so idiot fans will still buy tickets. Does it really matter if someone gets caught cheating? There isn't one person, team, or coach, in that whole league that's innocent of cheating in one way or another..

This thread sucks.. NFL football sucks... OS sucks and all the people trolling him suck even worse.
In a league where 99% players are on steroids, and everyone knows it, but pretends it doesn't exist only so idiot fans will still buy tickets. Does it really matter if someone gets caught cheating? There isn't one person, team, or coach, in that whole league that's innocent of cheating in one way or another..

This thread sucks.. NFL football sucks... OS sucks and all the people trolling him suck even worse.
It's amazing how simple it is under the new format to simply ignore a thread you don't wish to be a part of.
Irony ..

Steroids deflate balls .. so there's 1696 pairs of deflated balls in the NFL.

That's appx 3392 deflated cheating balls. Assuming every player has two.

Gonna complain and argue about them next, or are you guys gonna be hypocrites about it?
Did the old format routinely kick your ass?

The thread sux ... as does the subject line ... as does its author.
I prefer the old format. The new format required me to delete a page and a half of carriage returns TMP posted just to be annoying. Under the old format, his tactic would have been useless.

But, under the new format, people who don't want to be in this conversation can very easily ignore it.