Blowjob repost…

Way too late. Trump was morally responsible for 1/6. You look stupid trying to shy away from that.
"Morally"? He was directly responsible. Had trump not been there that day (or the days leading up to it) and said what he did, do you think the violence and riot would have happened? This is 110% on trump leading the mindless morons into battle.
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I am a lifelong Republican with conservative values and I absolutely hate the progressive agenda. This post has nothing to do with policy but just with the fact that Trump is am absolutely horrible human being who has no business leading a Boy Scout troop let alone our beloved country
And Kamala does? Come on man. Trump or Kamala? Those are our choices.

Trump is a typical New Yorker.
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I am a lifelong Republican with conservative values and I absolutely hate the progressive agenda. This post has nothing to do with policy but just with the fact that Trump is am absolutely horrible human being who has no business leading a Boy Scout troop let alone our beloved country
Sounds like you’re in your feelings. Not a good place to be. Look at the people who liked your post. All fellow feelings guys. That should be your tell you are on the wrong side of things here.
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Trump said “march peacefully and patriotically to the capital“
Bobs Burgers Straws GIF

Trump also had the crowd riled up chanting "Fight for Trump". Trump also said "it is up to Congress to confront this egregious ASSAULT on our democracy." Lets not cherry pick and pretend just because he used the word "peacefully" once means he isn't the one that stirred the pot and sent them to do exactly what they did. He also didn't call them off right away either until he realized they weren't going to accomplish the task at hand.

His mob did exactly as instructed. Trump should just be glad the secret service stopped him from participating.
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Sounds like you’re in your feelings. Not a good place to be. Look at the people who liked your post. All fellow feelings guys. That should be your tell you are on the wrong side of things here.
I’m no fan of Kamala or progressive policies. I just can’t believe the Republican Party has hitched to this moron
I’m no fan of Kamala or progressive policies. I just can’t believe the Republican Party has hitched to this moron
It’s such a bummer for many of us. He’s who I want when it comes to policy. Not the other republicans. He’s who I want when it comes to approach. And I think he’s funny. But that self destructive streak (which naturally I emphasize with) is so incredibly frustrating. The election fraud bs. The petty digs that people are just tired of. All of the unnecessary things he does undermine him and will again cause him to lose
I’m no fan of Kamala or progressive policies. I just can’t believe the Republican Party has hitched to this moron
It has to be a big picture vote, not an I can’t stomach more mean tweets vote. Republicans/conservatives need to come together on make sure Kamala is not the next POTUS. She’s an absolute disaster.
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To be fair, sex outside of marriage used to be seen as immoral but times have changed and majority opinion on the matter has evolved to it not being frowned upon (by most)

I don't see adultery ever being seen as anything but immoral.
But God hasn't changed or evolved. I suggest its smart not to believe the so called "majority opinion" of man.
He’s who I want when it comes to policy. Not the other republicans.

Personally, even if you take away all the baggage related to his character, temperament, demeanor, etc., I think there's plenty (again, for me) to oppose just on policy grounds.

The most obvious one is trade. Generally speaking, the less governments obstruct trade between people in different nations, the better. Trump has taken the GOP back to its pre-Depression days. At that time, trade protectionism was one of the Republican Party's core planks -- culminating, of course, in the disastrous Smoot-Hawley Tariff Act...which could not have come at a worse time, but came *because* it was the worst time.

Trump also had a terrible fiscal record. Yes, a lot of this was due to Covid related spending -- and virtually every dollar of that was allocated with near unanimous bipartisan support. But he was obstinate about leaving entitlements alone. I understand's always been considered political suicide to go anywhere near them. That's why they're being left alone as they hurtle toward the cliff and people just pretend it isn't happening or that it's nothing to worry about. It is happening, and it's something to worry about.

I was lukewarm on the TCJA -- with the exception of the reduction of the corporate tax. That was needed and overdue.

I have no huge problems with his immigration policies (other than the dumb gimmick of Mexico paying for a wall). He's clearly been effective in moving that issue his direction -- even if he loses.

I appreciated his efforts on trying to trim the sprawling tree that is our regulatory state. I don't know how effective it was, but i do know there was genuine effort put into that.
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that you think there is any comparison between the character of harris/walz and Trump shows your delusion.
I don't really see much difference. One blatantly lies. The other stretches the the truth. One made stupid sexual comment that happens in every locker room in America. Has been accused of a rape and the defendant says was not really rape or sexual assault. The other one got jobs based on sleeping with a married man of power. One actually had results as president before the pandemic. The other claims that they are going to fix the problems that they claim don't exist and yet they actually created.
Personally, even if you take away all the baggage related to his character, temperament, demeanor, etc., I think there's plenty (again, for me) to oppose just on policy grounds.

The most obvious one is trade. Generally speaking, the less governments obstruct trade between people in different nations, the better. Trump has taken the GOP back to its pre-Depression days. At that time, trade protectionism was one of the Republican Party's core planks -- culminating, of course, in the disastrous Smooth-Hawley Tariff Act...which could not have come at a worse time, but came *because* it was the worst time.

Trump also had a terrible fiscal record. Yes, a lot of this was due to Covid related spending -- and virtually every dollar of that was allocated with near unanimous bipartisan support. But he was obstinate about leaving entitlements alone. I understand's always been considered political suicide to go anywhere near them. That's why they're being left alone as they hurtle toward the cliff and people just pretend it isn't happening or that it's nothing to worry about. It is happening, and it's something to worry about.

I was lukewarm on the TCJA -- with the exception of the reduction of the corporate tax. That was needed and overdue.

I have no huge problems with his immigration policies (other than the dumb gimmick of Mexico paying for a wall). He's clearly been effective in moving that issue his direction -- even if he loses.

I appreciated his efforts on trying to trim the sprawling tree that is our regulatory state. I don't know how effective it was, but i do know there was genuine effort put into that.
Trade agree
Fiscal I do excuse with Covid and agree his hands were tied with entitlements as you note
Agreed on Corp tax
Agreed on immigration
Agreed on regs.

The biggest issue I had with him was Covid. He demonstrated poor leadership. Now the left will disagree but the vapid virtue signaling extended lockdowns school closures etc was fueled and backed by fauci. Trump allowed fauci to have too much influence. The president, the elected president, needs to control the narrative. Garner info from health experts but filter same through broader concerns like the economy, education, etc and you as president give the speeches. He should have known better. Of course a health official will be draconian. Their beliefs (bias) dictate same
I don't really see much difference. One blatantly lies. The other stretches the the truth. One made stupid sexual comment that happens in every locker room in America. Has been accused of a rape and the defendant says was not really rape or sexual assault. The other one got jobs based on sleeping with a married man of power. One actually had results as president before the pandemic. The other claims that they are going to fix the problems that they claim don't exist and yet they actually created.

the married man was separated for 13 years even though he didn't file the paperwork. That was a technicality. You're going to compare that to groping women by the pussy, rape in the dressing room etc..

Yea, everything equals everything. You know full well there's no comparison but you're blinded by politics.

Trump didn't do shit before the pandemic. He didn't build much of a wall (mexico didn't pay for it), he didn't address the infrastructure (Biden did), didn't do anything about Obamacare as promised. Oh yea, gave the wealthy a tax cut. Yea, he got the results lmao. He took over a good economy from Obama and coasted until he screwed the pooch in how he handled the pandemic. He had more scandals than high five for that.
the married man was separated for 13 years even though he didn't file the paperwork. That was a technicality. You're going to compare that to groping women by the pussy, rape in the dressing room etc..

Yea, everything equals everything. You know full well there's no comparison but you're blinded by politics.

Trump didn't do shit before the pandemic. He didn't build much of a wall (mexico didn't pay for it), he didn't address the infrastructure (Biden did), didn't do anything about Obamacare as promised. Oh yea, gave the wealthy a tax cut. Yea, he got the results lmao. He took over a good economy from Obama and coasted until he screwed the pooch in how he handled the pandemic. He had more scandals than high five for that.
What benefit do you get from lying? Do you work for the Dem campaign? Honest question. You don’t contribute by lying. Remain in Mexico. Asylum agreements etc. you always try to ignore. Why? Are you personally invested somehow?
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Trade agree
Fiscal I do excuse with Covid and agree his hands were tied with entitlements as you note
Agreed on Corp tax
Agreed on immigration
Agreed on regs.

The biggest issue I had with him was Covid. He demonstrated poor leadership. Now the left will disagree but the vapid virtue signaling extended lockdowns school closures etc was fueled and backed by fauci. Trump allowed fauci to have too much influence. The president, the elected president, needs to control the narrative. Garner info from health experts but filter same through broader concerns like the economy, education, etc and you as president give the speeches. He should have known better. Of course a health official will be draconian. Their beliefs (bias) dictate same
If you remember it was actually Pence who I do like was in charge of COVID handled a majority of meetings and press conferences, Trump would have been better off if he let Pence handle all press conferences. Yes ultimately anything that went wrong does still fall on Trump since it was his administration. Also I did agree with them allowing the states top make their own decisions on many things COVID some did good things. Some really missed their mark.
the married man was separated for 13 years even though he didn't file the paperwork. That was a technicality. You're going to compare that to groping women by the pussy, rape in the dressing room etc..

Yea, everything equals everything. You know full well there's no comparison but you're blinded by politics.

Trump didn't do shit before the pandemic. He didn't build much of a wall (mexico didn't pay for it), he didn't address the infrastructure (Biden did), didn't do anything about Obamacare as promised. Oh yea, gave the wealthy a tax cut. Yea, he got the results lmao. He took over a good economy from Obama and coasted until he screwed the pooch in how he handled the pandemic. He had more scandals than high five for that.
and coasting is a good thing. What you don’t want is somecpresident promising to be transformative. You know dumb shit will follow
It has to be a big picture vote, not an I can’t stomach more mean tweets vote. Republicans/conservatives need to come together on make sure Kamala is not the next POTUS. She’s an absolute disaster.
Pubs are never going to come together if he is the chosen one. I agree with McM. F the presidency. It’s over. Let’s make sure the Pubs have congressional majority and then nothing can get done except
Cherry picking his statements to suit your narrative doesn’t? Maybe not, just disingenuous, of which your are without question the most prolific…
I'm used to it from him. He's a troll, masquerading as a pedant.
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Trade agree
Fiscal I do excuse with Covid and agree his hands were tied with entitlements as you note
Agreed on Corp tax
Agreed on immigration
Agreed on regs.

The biggest issue I had with him was Covid. He demonstrated poor leadership. Now the left will disagree but the vapid virtue signaling extended lockdowns school closures etc was fueled and backed by fauci. Trump allowed fauci to have too much influence. The president, the elected president, needs to control the narrative. Garner info from health experts but filter same through broader concerns like the economy, education, etc and you as president give the speeches. He should have known better. Of course a health official will be draconian. Their beliefs (bias) dictate same
No one cares for Fauci - now. But, at the time, he was the foremost expert, due to his work with AIDS.

If Trump wouldn't have leaned on Fauci, the pandemic would still have raged and he'd be blamed for not depending on Fauci. The pandemic raged anyway, but what was Trump going to do to stop it? He did get the vaccine developed.

And more people died under Biden from Covid than under Trump - and Biden had the vaunted vaccine. (and yes, I know the variant changed, so spare me with the defense of Biden. BFD - trump was dealing with a more deadly variant)
the married man was separated for 13 years even though he didn't file the paperwork. That was a technicality. You're going to compare that to groping women by the pussy, rape in the dressing room etc..

Yea, everything equals everything. You know full well there's no comparison but you're blinded by politics.

Trump didn't do shit before the pandemic. He didn't build much of a wall (mexico didn't pay for it), he didn't address the infrastructure (Biden did), didn't do anything about Obamacare as promised. Oh yea, gave the wealthy a tax cut. Yea, he got the results lmao. He took over a good economy from Obama and coasted until he screwed the pooch in how he handled the pandemic. He had more scandals than high five for that.
It's not rape when she invited him into the dressing room, Skippy.
And more people died under Biden from Covid than under Trump - and Biden had the vaunted vaccine. (and yes, I know the variant changed, so spare me with the defense of Biden. BFD - trump was dealing with a more deadly variant)

No, the Delta variant that arose in early 2021 was far more virulent and transmissible than the original. It was the much "weaker" Omicron that ended up replacing Delta.
No, the Delta variant that arose in early 2021 was far more virulent and transmissible than the original. It was the much "weaker" Omicron that ended up replacing Delta.
More transmissible, maybe. You're going to have to show me a link to for me to buy it was more deadly.
More transmissible, maybe. You're going to have to show me a link to for me to buy it was more deadly.

I looked, and based on my quick search it appears I was wrong about delta being less more lethal (death rate) than previous variants. Omicron was far less lethal than Delta.

My quick search didn't address transmissibility. If I'm right on that, then the raw number of deaths would be explained by the number of infections even with a slightly lower death rate.

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I looked, and based on my quick search it appears I was wrong about delta being less lethal (death rate) than previous variants. Omicron was far less lethal than Delta.

My quick search didn't address transmissibility. If I'm right on that, then the raw number of deaths would be explained by the number of infections even with a slightly lower death rate.

So, my original statement stands.
More transmissible, maybe. You're going to have to show me a link to for me to buy it was more deadly.
I don’t need data. Trust me. On the front lines of healthcare.. Delta was the massive killer. Why is that Trump pushed the vaccine (a major accomplishment by the way) but it seems to be the Trump supporters who hate and have all the conspiracy theories about the vaccine??
I don’t need data. Trust me. On the front lines of healthcare.. Delta was the massive killer. Why is that Trump pushed the vaccine (a major accomplishment by the way) but it seems to be the Trump supporters who hate and have all the conspiracy theories about the vaccine??
Probably stems from the hit job conservative media did on fauci and that was a byproduct. There may be overlap between maga and people who think there is a deep state and people that were already anti-vaccine.
I don’t need data. Trust me. On the front lines of healthcare.. Delta was the massive killer. Why is that Trump pushed the vaccine (a major accomplishment by the way) but it seems to be the Trump supporters who hate and have all the conspiracy theories about the vaccine??
You don't need no stinking data?

Ohhh kaaayyyyy........ :rolleyes: