Blowjob repost…

You see enough people dying in front of you you start to realize politics don’t mean shit
I get that, when you see people die, it affects you.

Policy isn't developed by anecdotal evidence - or shouldn't be. It should be data driven and I'm surprised, if you're actually a physical or health care worker, that you don't understand that.
Our choices are between the Trump revenge tour and Kamala’s “oh i totally don’t believe in the things I’ve said all my life I believe in. Trust me”.

It’s a sad state of affairs.
After the treatment of Trump by the Biden DoJ for the last 3+ years and media for that last 8, I hope like hell he goes on a revenge tour. Unfortunately, I doubt he will if he's elected. If he wouldn't go after Hillary for literally destroying evidence under subpoena, he won't do much as President again.

'Revenge tour' is a Democrat fear spin.
I get that, when you see people die, it affects you.

Policy isn't developed by anecdotal evidence - or shouldn't be. It should be data driven and I'm surprised, if you're actually a physical or health care worker, that you don't understand that.
I do understand that. I had to do all the BS scientific method stuff (that was a joke btw) as a biochem undergrad at good ole IU. Then 4 years of med school and 3 years of residency. But I’m telling you that when the delta wave arrived the disease was a menace. I still don’t need data to prove that to me personally
I do understand that. I had to do all the BS scientific method stuff (that was a joke btw) as a biochem undergrad at good ole IU. Then 4 years of med school and 3 years of residency. But I’m telling you that when the delta wave arrived the disease was a menace. I still don’t need data to prove that to me personally
I never said it wasn't a menace. Just not as deadly overall as the previous ones.
I don’t need data. Trust me. On the front lines of healthcare.. Delta was the massive killer. Why is that Trump pushed the vaccine (a major accomplishment by the way) but it seems to be the Trump supporters who hate and have all the conspiracy theories about the vaccine??
This is interesting. From my experience….the original was more deadly. Delta did seem to to hit a wider population subset adversely.

It’s very possible that Delta would have also killed all the elderly that the original did…, you are probably correct.

As far as the vaccine goes….we are chasing our tail. We received vaccine last Saturday. This iteration of Covid has already blown thru a good portion of the local population…..myself included
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This is interesting. From my experience….the original was more deadly. Delta did seem to to hit a wider population subset adversely.

It’s very possible that Delta would have also killed all the elderly that the original did…, you are probably correct.

As far as the vaccine goes….we are chasing our tail. We received vaccine last Saturday. This iteration of Covid has already blown thru a good portion of the local population…..myself included
No kidding. It felt like flu season from mid July until last week. Now the vaccine available and COVID is gone 😂😂
This is interesting. From my experience….the original was more deadly. Delta did seem to to hit a wider population subset adversely.

It’s very possible that Delta would have also killed all the elderly that the original did…, you are probably correct.

As far as the vaccine goes….we are chasing our tail. We received vaccine last Saturday. This iteration of Covid has already blown thru a good portion of the local population…..myself included

These are not mutually exclusive things. Getting Ebola is much more deadly than getting influenza.... But it doesn't mean than Ebola is going to kill more people in raw numbers this year than the flu will.

If Delta was more highly transmissible it could kill more people even though the individual mortality rate was lower than original strain.
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I am a lifelong Republican with conservative values and I absolutely hate the progressive agenda. This post has nothing to do with policy but just with the fact that Trump is am absolutely horrible human being who has no business leading a Boy Scout troop let alone our beloved country

These are not mutually exclusive things. Getting Ebola is much more deadly than getting influenza.... But it doesn't mean than Ebola is going to kill more people in raw numbers this year than the flu will.

If Delta was more highly transmissible it could kill more people even though the individual mortality rate was lower than original strain.
As I think about it….the likelihood that Delta would have killed the elderly subset that the original strain preyed upon…is highly likely
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that you think there is any comparison between the character of harris/walz and Trump shows your delusion.
That you think there's a difference, shows yours.

Waltz LIED about his military service, bro----Not good. Lying about military service is pretty fukin shameful.

Harris has done nothing BUT lie.

You support a party that 110% lied to you about the health of a sitting POTUS. Then , get this----picked their own candidate. **** democracy, right?

Trump is an asshat...a lying asshat. Ego-maniac. Probably has had multiple upon multiple affairs.

I DONT GIVE A ****. I'm not voting for a pastor or a school board member---Or someone to mentor my kids. Voting for someone to run this country----CORRECTLY. Couldn't give two ****s if he's banging a different chic every night. So the **** what. He wouldn't be the first POTUS to do so----Nor the last.

My goodness....You'd vote in the Taliban if it meant keeoing DJT out of office. And why? Oh.....becasuse he's lied, cheated, etc, etc....Yeah, like hes the first politician/{POTUS to do so....
Dan….if people would’ve listened to some of us on the front lines…..the amount of bullshit would’ve been cut on half.
I agree. But even the data at the time showed the virus was mainly deadly only to the elderly and people with breathing conditions.

Even a layman like myself could see the data and called bullshit on shutting the entire country down, but the abuse we took for that...... It made me realize how dangerous the mob mentality can be. We were arresting people for being outside!
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Trump is an asshat...a lying asshat. Ego-maniac. Probably has had multiple upon multiple affairs.


There are numerous better reasons not to vote for Donald Trump than his lechery.

About the only defensible reason to vote for him is that he’s not his opponent. Ironically, that’s also about the only defensible reason to vote for his opponent.

There are numerous better reasons not to vote for Donald Trump than his lechery.

About the only defensible reason to vote for him is that he’s not his opponent. Ironically, that’s also about the only defensible reason to vote for his opponent.
It’s shocking to me that this isn’t the default of this board
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There are numerous better reasons not to vote for Donald Trump than his lechery.

About the only defensible reason to vote for him is that he’s not his opponent. Ironically, that’s also about the only defensible reason to vote for his opponent.
Yeah, "probably". Do you know how many affairs he has had? I dont. And it would be reckless for me to speculate. Through his history, I'd say it would be safe to assume there have been multiple times...

I can think of more important reasons not to vote for him, other than he's told lies, committed adultery, etc...But for some reasons, one of the most corrupt "professions", i.e. media/politics, want to focus on this---Oh the irony that holds. Neither are very good candidates---and had either party put out a viable candidate, this race would be a landslide.

For me, I set aside the similarities---the lies, the pandering, the smearing, etc, etc---and actually LOOK at what they have done. We have seen what DJT done as POTUS....And through all his shortcomings, life was just fine under his command. What has Kamala done/accomplished? She's a part of a meh, somewhat disaterous administration..She has completrly flipped flopped on every thing she has sttod for politically for over 20 years...She is promising to FIX things---Yet in the same breath preached how good Joe has been.

If he has been so good, then wht is it you need to fix Mrs. Harris?

I'll pass on the prostitute, and cast my vote for the pimp.

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