Biden's speech...

I did refute it. The election was certified, and has stood up to every challenge. I believe that if there was a concerted effort to "steal" the election, we would know it, but there is no "there" there.
I’m not talking about stealing the election. I don’t believe that, I’m talking about the specific points laid out by DANC. Again, if you can’t just say so, I just think it would be interesting to understand why these indicators that used to apparently be such a big predictor of results no longer matter.
I’m not talking about stealing the election. I don’t believe that, I’m talking about the specific points laid out by DANC. Again, if you can’t just say so, I just think it would be interesting to understand why these indicators that used to apparently be such a big predictor of results no longer matter.
Well, I was actually replying to dbmhoosier, who is saying the election was stolen.
At one time Nebraska was a tropical paradise. In fact, the fossil record suggests that balmy climate was perfect for horses, zebras, elephants, and rhinos to flourish, actually originating in North America not Africa. The mean temperature of the earth over time is high enough that polar ice caps are the exception not the norm. It is only cataclysmic events like a super volcano beneath yellow stone that eliminated life in Nebraska or asteroid hits that fostered in ice ages. You can see evidence of the ice ages a few miles north of Bloomington. The change in topography at Martinsville shows exactly where the glaciers stopped.

The sun's destiny is to one day expand to consume the earth. It is getting closer all the time. Something about Hydrogen fusing into Helium and expanding volume, or so I've been told. Solar activity in the form of flares can change the climate to be warmer for periods of time. Temperatures are actually lower in the last ten year period than the ten prior. It has been suggested that flares play a part. Unfortunately, no mathematical algorithm is in existence that can pinpoint the actual root cause.

Water levels have traditionally been much higher on planet earth than they are today. The fossil record in deserts and caves support this statement. How else do you find a fish in a place as dry as bone. The tendency of things is regression to the mean, warmer temps and higher water levels. Given the expansion of the sun, things will predictably grow hotter over time. Climate change is a forever reality.

Humans can take actions to cool things off. Exploding numerous nuclear weapons is one option. Nuclear winter will ensue and a new ice age will emerge. Satellites can be launched into the Kuiper Belt or asteroid belt and use collision and gravity to direct an asteroid or comet into the earth. Otherwise we are stuck with sitting around and praying that a super volcano can erupt and usher in a new era while pretending that the changes are human caused and nonsense like electric vehicles, windmills, and solar panels will change the inevitable in some way.

If Biden really cared about stopping climate change, he'd fire off all the nukes at his disposal. Being unwilling to do that, it's just talk.

I do believe in climate change (in terms of flat earth, it depends on your perspective. Those familiar with the concept of tanget would say at any given point on the curve, it's flat. However viewed from outside, it's a sphere.)
A one off comment in an interview isn't the same as what all went down after 2020. You want to play that card? We can start clipping stuff Trump said in the fall of 2015.

Do better.
Well, we had the Democratic candidate and former First Lady, and a former President telling the country that Trump was an illegitimate president because of Russian collusion, together with congressional investigations and a DOJ investigation that went in for years. And the real knee-slapper here? The whole Russian collusion was a hoax crafted by said Democratic candidate and First Lady. Can you say Attempt to overthrow an election?

And now we are supposed to think a few hour ordeal on January 6 is an assault in Democracy? The Democrats are going stark-raving mad.
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I know that CPA’s and corporate attorneys have been sanctioned for ignoring statistical anomalies in the financial world, but we not only ignore statistical anomalies in vote counting, we call those who call them out as stupid or insurrectionists.
What are you talking about here? I know there is a statistical way to look at elections but how does that relate to the 2020 election?
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Joe Biden and Kamala’s speeches today were so clownish - I couldn’t stop laughing long enough to hear them finish.

One of the most ridiculously embarrassing moments in presidential history.

Join @CatturdFan!
At least crazy Nancy is taking the high road 🤪

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Cult? Not close. The GOP was here long before Trump and it will be here long after. That ain’t no cult. I agree that an extreme personality like Trumps could be a basis for a cult of personality. But it’s pretty weak sauce to suggest a Trump personality is taking over the GOP.
He’s only taking over the minds of democrats.
Well, we had the Democratic candidate and former First Lady, and a former President telling the country that Trump was an illegitimate president because of Russian collusion, together with congressional investigations and a DOJ investigation that went in for years. And the real knee-slapper here? The whole Russian collusion was a hoax crafted by said Democratic candidate and First Lady. Can you say Attempt to overthrow an election?

And now we are supposed to think a few hour ordeal on January 6 is an assault in Democracy? The Democrats are going stark-raving mad.
OK Boomer
I’ve gone totally informal in my office.
I think just about everyone has, which is fine by me. I will say wearing a nice suit did make me feel more, purposeful, I guess is the word I'd use. But it's effort. Cleaners. Shoe shines. Blah blah blah. And now it's hardly industry appropriate for most gigs. The world did look better though. Now everywhere I go looks like a bad Dockers commercial and everyone manages a Radio Shack
What are you talking about here? I know there is a statistical way to look at elections but how does that relate to the 2020 election?
“If you can’t dazzle them with brilliance, baffle them with bullshit.”
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Was the insurrection an attack on democracy given they believed the election was stolen,
or was it a complete disregard for law and order to achieve a goal?

The rioters might reply to the above with Barry Goldwater's statement, "Extremism in the defense of liberty is no vice."
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Stopped counting for the night isn't the same as stopping the count. Remember, there were Trumps crowds in some places chanting for the count to stop. LOL
God, you're hopeless.

You and Goat both claim they never stopped counting. Then you change to "they started counting the next day".

Yeah, no shit. That's the point.
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Not to hijack the thread, but in keeping with your post the director of the Last Picture Show died today. As epic as the Lonesome Dove series is so too is the Last Picture Show book series. Pure genius.
You just liked seeing Cybil Shepherd naked.
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God, you're hopeless.

You and Goat both claim they never stopped counting. Then you change to "they started counting the next day".

Yeah, no shit. That's the point.

I never claimed they didn't stop counting. The bottom line, they finished the count, and there was an instance where the Trump people wanted them to stop counting altogether.

You're nitpicking. People have outlined reasons results were later in the some states and shown you the political landscape of those states (i.e. GOP controlled), you're too dumb or stubborn to listen.

Congrats. They stopped counting before they went to sleep.


Trump still lost, legally. I don't know of any law that said the count had to be done before the end of the day. In fact, quite the opposite since results weren't final until December.
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I never claimed they didn't stop counting. The bottom line, they finished the count, and there was an instance where the Trump people wanted them to stop counting altogether.

You're nitpicking. People have outlined reasons results were later in the some states and shown you the political landscape of those states (i.e. GOP controlled), you're too dumb or stubborn to listen.

Congrats. They stopped counting before they went to sleep.


Trump still lost, legally. I don't know of any law that said the count had to be done before the end of the day. In fact, quite the opposite since results weren't final until December.
Why did they stop counting on election night?

I can't ask the question any more simpler.
Was the insurrection an attack on democracy given they believed the election was stolen,
or was it a complete disregard for law and order to achieve a goal?

The rioters might reply to the above with Barry Goldwater's statement, "Extremism in the defense of liberty is no vice."
The riot was wrong. Those who attacked police and property should be prosecuted. Rioters should always be prosecuted. During Trump through January 6 there was only one riot that really bothered democrats.
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It is true - I've stayed up all night before until the final counts came in.
Yeah, I don't think so. I think you are confusing "enough reporting to call a state" with "counting is actually finished." States continue to count ballots for days. Maybe some of them regularly do it 24/7 until it's done, but I doubt it. I know for a fact some don't. NC famously earned some ire from pundits who wanted to call the state for their regular practice of calling it a night and coming back in the morning.
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Yeah, I don't think so. I think you are confusing "enough reporting to call a state" with "counting is actually finished." States continue to count ballots for days. Maybe some of them regularly do it 24/7 until it's done, but I doubt it. I know for a fact some don't. NC famously earned some ire from pundits who wanted to call the state for their regular practice of calling it a night and coming back in the morning.
Well of course they continue to count after the election is 'called'. But it doesn't take 100% counted to make a call.

As you and others have noted, there were still many ballots left before the election could be called in the key states.

Yet, they all quit counting fairly early - they've gone past 2 or 3 am many times in the past.

The questions come in because, as the news pointed out that night, no one even knew how many ballots were outstanding - they had no projected count because they were so inept at handling mail-in ballots. And there are still no audits to match signatures on ballots with registration.

If one were a conspiracy theorist, one might believe the counting stopped because Trump was way ahead in key states and the Dems needed to know how many votes to manufacture in order to help Biden win. Crazy, I know. Nothing like that could possibly happen.
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Well of course they continue to count after the election is 'called'. But it doesn't take 100% counted to make a call.

As you and others have noted, there were still many ballots left before the election could be called in the key states.

Yet, they all quit counting fairly early - they've gone past 2 or 3 am many times in the past.

The questions come in because, as the news pointed out that night, no one even knew how many ballots were outstanding - they had no projected count because they were so inept at handling mail-in ballots. And there are still no audits to match signatures on ballots with registration.

If one were a conspiracy theorist, one might believe the counting stopped because Trump was way ahead in key states and the Dems needed to know how many votes to manufacture in order to help Biden win. Crazy, I know. Nothing like that could possibly happen.
If one were that kind of conspiracy theorist, then one would be an idiot not worth wasting time on.

We can't have a democracy if you are determined to reject the validity of the results every time your team loses. If that's the game you're in, just grab a gun, join one of those stupid militias, and hide out in the woods waiting for the revolution, already. Because civilized society is not for you.
Never mind the fact that, in previous elections, they counted all night.
Pretty sure that in previous elections they counted all of the election day votes all night. Absentee ballots have always been counted later, and in previous elections absentee results weren't officially certified for upwards of 2 or 3 weeks...

Plenty of states have gone to all mail in ballots and they all were able to declare winners on election day. Again it was only states with GOP Legislatures that required mail in ballots to be counted last that had the count drag out for 2 or more days...

You keep bringing up these meaningless points as if they are significant. You claimed (falsely) that the count stopped in all battleground states at the same time, which is patently false.

Lookz started this nonsense...

"I have only one request which no one has been able to answer, why did the vote counts stop in the middle of the night at the same time in swing states?"

You doubled down on the inanity...
"I did and they all quit counting around 2-3am."

You didn't even provide evidence or a link to support that claim, and there is plenty of evidence out there to refute the claim... Including the video I posted from NV which showed they were still counting at midnight (PST)...

The Inquirer article on PA voting that I linked has a graph of the point when various states reached the 90% mark of counting their outstanding ballots... That wasn't until Thurs in PA, and that delay was also due to "legal challenges" by Team Trump that were filed and had to be dealt with...
Every state has their own election procedures. Some count until 12, some til 2, sometimes a grumpy boss says to go to bed right now and come back at 7. Is this really that hard, DANC? Have you ever been an election volunteer?
Toughness, hustle and playing smart. The kid is a coach’s son. He learned how to play the game. Hope he gets more minutes than Kopp and Stewart going forward. I also hope he gets a jump shot.
LOL I love how IU fans can drop their political differences and take a quick timeout to discuss the truly important thing in their life, IU basketball!
Biden lost 18/19 bellwether counties, lost black and Hispanic support, lost FL, OH, and Iowa by massive margins, and lost 27/27 House toss up races.

I've seen no evidence that this was a non fraudulent election.
Can you provide links for these claims, rather than just expecting us to not only accept them blindly, but also to discuss them in the proper context?

The point about losing OH ,Iowa and FL is meaningless, since the EV in all of those states is already figured in and no one is dispelling that Trump won those states...Biden lost some minority support, but he did far better with whites than HRC did in 2016.

From a Pew analysis just posted in June...

Biden got 92% of Black voters, so saying he "lost" Black support is tenuous... On the other hand, Trump won men by 11% in 2016 and Biden basically split them with him in 2020.Biden also made gains over HRC with non-college white voters which Trump won 64-28% over Clinton in 2016. In 2020 the margin dropped to 61-33% which was a huge factor in 3 states PA,WI and MI that Trump won in 2016 and lost in 2020.

In 2020, Biden improved upon Clinton’s vote share with suburban voters: 45% supported Clinton in 2016 vs. 54% for Biden in 2020. This shift was also seen among White voters: Trump narrowly won White suburban voters by 4 points in 2020 (51%-47%); he carried this group by 16 points in 2016 (54%-38%).

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