Biden's speech...

Violation. Inappropriate use of a meme. It would be appropriate to post in response to your post.
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Each of those 6 states had GOP Legislatures that could have solved that problem by just letting the mail/early votes be counted first. But THAT is not what team Trump wanted...

OH has roughly the same population as GA. So why were states like OH and FL able to get their votes counted in a day...

Both OH and FL counted all of their mail/early votes PRIOR to election day. They were added to the public tally as soon as the polls closed, which gave Biden an early lead in both states. However the Biden lead was mitigated because the early vote totals were not overwhelming, and the election day totals were heavy Trump and gave Trump the victory...

The 6 states you mentioned followed the exact opposite script. Instead of allowing early votes to be tabulated prior to or even on election day, the GOP Legislatures in each of those states mandated that those votes could only be counted AFTER the election day totals. In PA, they weren't even allowed to open the mail ballots until the day after election day.

That meant that all of the opening, removing verifying/certifying and counting couldn't even start until Nov 4. In each of these states more votes were cast before election day than on Election day, which meant fewer votes were counted on election day than subsequently. In most of these states that meant Trump was leading because the Biden votes hadn't been counted yet...

Why did various election precincts take breaks? First off ,many were understaffed due to covid concerns. They don't make a lot of money to begin with, and in most states polls open at like 6am, so people had basically began their day at 4 or 5 am. How late into the next day did you want them to work? Not to mention the disturbances caused by Trump poll watchers or mobs in the parking lots with numerous folks being harrassed when they did leave...
Wait - I thought you said they didn't stop counting. And now you're blaming the stopping of the counting on Republicans?

Oh, and by the way, the states that allowed voting as they came in were won by Trump.

We have a Republican Senate primary race going here in Ohio and one of the guys is running campaign commercials that amount to nothing more than he being a devoted Trump follower. Nothing at all about anything other than that. It’s pathetic and if he happens to win the primary he won’t be getting my vote. He’s a loser IMO.
Assume you're talking about old Josh Mandel. I'd say this is one of his more unhinged moments, but I probably haven't seen enough of those to make a qualitative judgement...Strange to see someone who is Jewish try and equate a vaccine meant to save the lives of the people who utilize it, with Nazi medical experiments designed to sacrifice Jews and others in order to provide medical benefits to others...

Who would you say is your preferred Pub candidate at this point? Ryan seems like a pretty formidable candidate against someone like Mandel who couldn't beat Sherrod Brown...
None 'finished'. You're wrong about that.

'broke for the night' is stopping counting. Duh.

No one said they didn't start the next day. Why do you purposely make stupid statements.
Stopped counting for the night isn't the same as stopping the count. Remember, there were Trumps crowds in some places chanting for the count to stop. LOL
It's prompted a couple of good ideas, even the notion of Biden daring to talk about it is divisive is a good discussion.
I assume after Bidens' feel good unity speech today these approval numbers will go through the roof. Heck he could be at 60% approval by Monday. I am sure he really won over the independents today with his inspiration.


· 7h
Biden Approval Approve 35% Disapprove 56%

Net: -21 Independents Approve 24% Disapprove 65%
Net: -41
This is a CIVIQS map, which plots Biden's approval in each state, with Blue representing Positive Approval, Orange representing Disapproval
It's not me saying the counting was stopped. Every media source reported it.

See the post I made to Aloha above that links to reporting irregularities.

You're just blowing smoke out your ass, as usual.
You are simply a Trump worshiper, which explains almost everything you post here. There's really nothing he could do or say that you wouldn't defend. Only you know why you genuflect to his altar. Strike that. You probably don't have a clue how you got suckered in.

Finally, as someone else said, every election has "irregularities." The critical issue is whether there was fraud to the extent that it could have changed the outcome. Every recount, every audit, every court, and even the guy's former Attorney General said that wasn't the case. But keep clinging to the fantasy that your Orange Crush won. As John Lennon once said/sang, "Whatever gets you thru the night..."
Now I really think I will have to watch Mr. Unity's speech ( tirade) later tonight. I suppose I should hear what the guy who labels me his enemy has to say about me. I am sure it is very unifying!

Joe Biden on Thursday delivered a divisive speech at the Capitol marking the anniversary of the January 6 Capitol riot.

January 6 is a holy day for Joe Biden and the Democrat party.

Biden painted Trump supporters as domestic enemies during his January 6 speech.

Joe Biden didn’t mention Trump by name on Thursday, but he smeared him and his supporters as domestic enemies.
You are simply a Trump worshiper, which explains almost everything you post here. There's really nothing he could do or say that you wouldn't defend. Only you know why you genuflect to his altar. Strike that. You probably don't have a clue how you got suckered in.

Finally, as someone else said, every election has "irregularities." The critical issue is whether there was fraud to the extent that it could have changed the outcome. Every recount, every audit, every court, and even the guy's former Attorney General said that wasn't the case. But keep clinging to the fantasy that your Orange Crush won. As John Lennon once said/sang, "Whatever gets you thru the night..."
We will never know because the type of audit needed to check signatures, etc will neve be allowed to happen.
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This is for shooter. I know he just loves Desantis!

  • Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis said the national media was "obsessed" with January 6.
  • He said Florida voters were more focused on issues such as inflation and gas prices.
WEST PALM BEACH — Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis on Thursday accused journalists of having an "obsession" with the January 6 attack on the US Capitol.

"This is their Christmas: January 6," the Republican governor said, specifically mentioning media organizations based in Washington and New York. "They are going to take this and milk this for anything they can to be able to smear anyone who ever supported Donald Trump."

DeSantis was appearing at a press conference about COVID-19 testing roughly 10 miles from former President Donald Trump's private Mar-a-Lago club. Asked by Insider to comment about the Capitol attack, as well as if he planned to speak with Trump on Thursday, DeSantis answered by calling comparisons to the September 11, 2001, terrorist attack an "insult" to first responders.

He also accused the press of spending little time covering the 2017 shooting at a congressional baseball practice outside Washington DC when "a Bernie Sanders guy" shot and wounded House Majority Whip Steve Scalise and several others.

"That was like a one-day, two day story," he said. "That was not something that the Capitol-based press wanted to talk about. Why? Because it totally undercut their preferred narratives."
We have a Republican Senate primary race going here in Ohio and one of the guys is running campaign commercials that amount to nothing more than he being a devoted Trump follower. Nothing at all about anything other than that. It’s pathetic and if he happens to win the primary he won’t be getting my vote. He’s a loser IMO.
J. D. Vance? I hope you aren’t talking about him. I liked his book and many of the things he has since said and written. What do you think of him?
J. D. Vance? I hope you aren’t talking about him. I liked his book and many of the things he has since said and written. What do you think of him?
It’s not him. One of his opponents, I don’t recall his name, is running an ad that consists entirely of disparaging comments that Vance made about Trump. Vance has backtracked on his comments which disappoints me, but he’s apparently figured that he has to do that to have a chance. Frickin’ politics suck.
Not to hijack the thread, but in keeping with your post the director of the Last Picture Show died today. As epic as the Lonesome Dove series is so too is the Last Picture Show book series. Pure genius.
That's too bad. I think he kind of got lost when he started dating Dorothy Stratten (R.I.P. Dorothy) but my favorite film of his was "Paper Moon", which you can watch for free if you have Amazon Prime. It holds up very well even if it is almost 50 years old:

Amazon product ASIN B00AAKZSDY
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That's too bad. I think he kind of got lost when he started dating Dorothy Stratten (R.I.P. Dorothy) but my favorite film of his was "Paper Moon", which you can watch for free if you have Amazon Prime. It holds up very well even if it is almost 50 years old:

I was just reading a bit about him. Had an interesting life
Wait - I thought you said they didn't stop counting. And now you're blaming the stopping of the counting on Republicans?

Oh, and by the way, the states that allowed voting as they came in were won by Trump.

"Oh, and by the way, the states that allowed voting as they came in were won by Trump.


I'm not even sure what you're saying, since I already pointed out that everyone knew based on the early vote totals that Biden would be leading but not by an overwhelming margin in both OH and FL once the early vote/ mail in tallies were added to the public record. Here is a Sarasota Herald article from Oct 23, discussing Biden's lead in mail vote and the Pubs chipping away at the lead with in person votes...

Which is basically what I said, the early vote in both OH and FL was split, so the election day results were the deciding factor and reflected in the way the vote count went...

That was not what happened in PA, where Biden had a huge lead among mail and early votes. PA was a state where Trump urged his supporters not to vote by mail, and as a result record numbers of early votes meant Biden would have a HUGE lead if the early votes were counted and added first. There were 2,629,000 mail ballots returned in PA, and only 623,000 by Registered Republicans. That's more than a 2 Million vote lead for Dems in mail in ballots alone...

Trump only had a 700,000 lead based on election day votes. Had they tallied the 2 Million mail votes and added them to the tally when the polls closed, Trump would never have been able to even have a lead...

"By the time officials in Florida went home that night, they’d already been counting mail ballots for more than three weeks. Less than two hours after the close of polls, the state reported more than 95% of its presidential votes. North Carolina began counting votes more than a month before Election Day and reported more than 95% of its votes by 11 p.m. that night.

Similarly, Texas and Ohio began processing votes before Election Day and reported more than 90% of their presidential results by the time it was midnight in Pennsylvania"

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I assume after Bidens' feel good unity speech today these approval numbers will go through the roof. Heck he could be at 60% approval by Monday. I am sure he really won over the independents today with his inspiration.


· 7h
Biden Approval Approve 35% Disapprove 56%

Net: -21 Independents Approve 24% Disapprove 65%
Net: -41
This is a CIVIQS map, which plots Biden's approval in each state, with Blue representing Positive Approval, Orange representing Disapproval
I hate to end the discussion, but there are enough sane people in this country, and right here now, to realize that the Proud Boys and Oath Keepers are severely mentally ill and will not take over the country. Trump was horrid, and still trying to run the show for a revamp from a golf course in FL. It's unimaginable to me how this translates that he's some patriot sticking up for middle class Americans. It almost makes me get conspiratorial on these Havana Symptoms, like did whoever is doing it say, it worked, let's aim it at retards now. His legacy will be the presidential library that has no books and the adjacent casino.
306 >232
81 million > 74 million
How about refuting why these factors should not raise any suspicion? If you can’t, fine, just say so, but perhaps you should provide some insight as to why these historic predictors are no longer viable.
How about refuting why these factors should not raise any suspicion? If you can’t, fine, just say so, but perhaps you should provide some insight as to why these historic predictors are no longer viable.
Sure, they're curious. So what, we should declare Trump the winner? The GOP in every state is well-represented in overseeing elections. They couldn't find proof. Case closed, move on.
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How about refuting why these factors should not raise any suspicion? If you can’t, fine, just say so, but perhaps you should provide some insight as to why these historic predictors are no longer viable.
I did refute it. The election was certified, and has stood up to every challenge. I believe that if there was a concerted effort to "steal" the election, we would know it, but there is no "there" there.
Making those who believe the election was stolen from Trump look extremely stupid.
Joe Biden and Kamala’s speeches today were so clownish - I couldn’t stop laughing long enough to hear them finish.

One of the most ridiculously embarrassing moments in presidential history.

Join @CatturdFan!
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I heard they are now outside the capital with masks on and lit candles. Good lord the theatre is beyond pathetic.
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· 5h
Kamala Harris said January 6th is the equivalent of Pearl Harbor and 9/11. Honest question, does anyone actually believe this, even the most idoitic left winger on the planet? This is one of the dumbest historical analogies I have ever seen.
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Making those who believe the election was stolen from Trump look extremely stupid.
Yeah , you mean the way Biden looked like a dead marionette puppet with strings on his arms? They are both dipsh*ts but worshipping Joe Biden gives you no high ground to stand on whatsoever.
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Cult? Not close. The GOP was here long before Trump and it will be here long after. That ain’t no cult. I agree that an extreme personality like Trumps could be a basis for a cult of personality. But it’s pretty weak sauce to suggest a Trump personality is taking over the GOP.
The Dear Leader at the Ministry of Truth has ordered the use of the word “cult”
I bet you believe in climate change too?
At one time Nebraska was a tropical paradise. In fact, the fossil record suggests that balmy climate was perfect for horses, zebras, elephants, and rhinos to flourish, actually originating in North America not Africa. The mean temperature of the earth over time is high enough that polar ice caps are the exception not the norm. It is only cataclysmic events like a super volcano beneath yellow stone that eliminated life in Nebraska or asteroid hits that fostered in ice ages. You can see evidence of the ice ages a few miles north of Bloomington. The change in topography at Martinsville shows exactly where the glaciers stopped.

The sun's destiny is to one day expand to consume the earth. It is getting closer all the time. Something about Hydrogen fusing into Helium and expanding volume, or so I've been told. Solar activity in the form of flares can change the climate to be warmer for periods of time. Temperatures are actually lower in the last ten year period than the ten prior. It has been suggested that flares play a part. Unfortunately, no mathematical algorithm is in existence that can pinpoint the actual root cause.

Water levels have traditionally been much higher on planet earth than they are today. The fossil record in deserts and caves support this statement. How else do you find a fish in a place as dry as bone. The tendency of things is regression to the mean, warmer temps and higher water levels. Given the expansion of the sun, things will predictably grow hotter over time. Climate change is a forever reality.

Humans can take actions to cool things off. Exploding numerous nuclear weapons is one option. Nuclear winter will ensue and a new ice age will emerge. Satellites can be launched into the Kuiper Belt or asteroid belt and use collision and gravity to direct an asteroid or comet into the earth. Otherwise we are stuck with sitting around and praying that a super volcano can erupt and usher in a new era while pretending that the changes are human caused and nonsense like electric vehicles, windmills, and solar panels will change the inevitable in some way.

If Biden really cared about stopping climate change, he'd fire off all the nukes at his disposal. Being unwilling to do that, it's just talk.

I do believe in climate change (in terms of flat earth, it depends on your perspective. Those familiar with the concept of tanget would say at any given point on the curve, it's flat. However viewed from outside, it's a sphere.)
Sure, they're curious. So what, we should declare Trump the winner? The GOP in every state is well-represented in overseeing elections. They couldn't find proof. Case closed, move on.
No, Trump didn’t win the election, as I have stated many times, but these are interesting points of discussion I’ve never seen anyone explain.

And you telling anybody to move on about something on this of all days is absolute fvcking gold.🤣🤣
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