Biden interview on ABC 8:00 EDT

Define big lead?

As to Obama destroying the US military, we spent more on real dollars on defense under Obama than we did under Reagan. There is a chart at the link below. If we are going to ever get the budget under control we must have cuts in defense, domestic, and more taxes. If we change all three by a percent or two, hold it steady, growth will balance the budget.:

6% is a big lead. Also,is anyone predicting Biden to win? Big lead
6% is a big lead. Also,is anyone predicting Biden to win? Big lead
Here are some 2016 polls from July, Clinton is bolded. I don't think Biden will win, but July polls are worthless.

CNN/ORC[265]July 29–31, 201652%43%91,003± 3%
CBS News[266]July 29–31, 201647%41%61,131± 3%
NBC News/SurveyMonkey[267]July 25–31, 201650%42%812,742± 1.2%
Morning Consult[268]July 29–30, 201643%40%31,931± 2%
Public Policy Polling[269]July 29–30, 201650%45%51,276± 2.7
Here are some 2016 polls from July, Clinton is bolded. I don't think Biden will win, but July polls are worthless.

CNN/ORC[265]July 29–31, 201652%43%91,003± 3%
CBS News[266]July 29–31, 201647%41%61,131± 3%
NBC News/SurveyMonkey[267]July 25–31, 201650%42%812,742± 1.2%
Morning Consult[268]July 29–30, 201643%40%31,931± 2%
Public Policy Polling[269]July 29–30, 201650%45%51,276± 2.7
A lot of people didn't know if they should take Trump seriously at this point in 2016. As time went on,and it was obvious he was really in it to win it,then support increased dramatically. I suspect you picked 2016 specifically to support your claim, the problem is,no one is suddenly going to start taking Biden more seriously as time passes.
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My concern is no matter if Biden or Trump is elected the country will remain so deeply divided.

So for all practical purposes there will not be a real winner whose programs are at least given a chance to survive by those in the other party.

Heck, we have gotten to the point where the losers want the economy to fail. About like not rooting for the home team because the coach won't let your son be the first team quarterback.
I just don’t see anyone on either side that will unite.

Personally I think we need a strong third party that don’t caucus with either party. We need it where everything that passes either needs dems and pubs on the same side or the third party going with either the dems or pubs.
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A lot of people didn't know if they should take Trump seriously at this point in 2016. As time went on,and it was obvious he was really in it to win it,then support increased dramatically. I suspect you picked 2016 specifically to support your claim, the problem is,no one is suddenly going to start taking Biden more seriously as time passes.

About 45% take Trump seriously even if he shot and killed someone in the middle of the street. He said that about you, not me.

They take him seriously even if he said dead veterans were losers, John Kelly quoted that as being from Trump. He was on Team Trump and career military.

I can only imagine what your reaction would have been if Obama had told McCain he liked his heroes not to be captured. Instant cow. Trump says it and you guys eat it up.

The choice is between a frail old man and a pathetic Benito Mussolini imitation. Neither are good candidates. Either one beating the other isn't a sign of strength. It is just being slightly less pathetic.
I just don’t see anyone on either side that will unite.

Personally I think we need a strong third party that don’t caucus with either party. We need it where everything that passes either needs dems and pubs on the same side or the third party going with either the dems or pubs.

There are third party advocate groups such as the Committee for a Responsible Federal Budget. You can sometimes see guests representing these groups on C Span.

Understand this isn't the same as having a third party. However, if more people got their information from sources such the CFRFB instead of sources backing one of the parties the demand for a third party might break the two party log jam.
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When my son was born, I thought... This little dude could be president one day. Later he was diagnosed as a Pathological liar.
Now I know that he can be president.
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Any chance that this ^^^ is the last thing you said to your past wives?
I think we could build some correlation.
My minion and I went out for breakfast then I rented a paddle boat at our big park here to go around the water. Got around fifty yards out and realized it was all couples with mimosas and shit. Fing hell.

I went home and watched the England game. Can’t decide whether this is better or couples and mimosas and the dong days of summer
My minion and I went out for breakfast then I rented a paddle boat at our big park here to go around the water. Got around fifty yards out and realized it was all couples with mimosas and shit. Fing hell.

I went home and watched the England game. Can’t decide whether this is better or couples and mimosas and the dong days of summer
I bought a new boat for the compound 1 day less than a week ago. I've lost $150 of crab traps, broken two fishing poles, got the outboard caught under the the dock due to the tide rising, and got it "hung up" on a low tide sand bar.

I feel so bad about laughing at Aloha....
HAHAHA not I really don't. It's still funny !!! :)
I bought a new boat for the compound 1 day less than a week ago. I've lost $150 of crab traps, broken two fishing poles, got the outboard caught under the the dock due to the tide rising, and got it "hung up" on a low tide sand bar.

I feel so bad about laughing at Aloha....
HAHAHA not I really don't. It's still funny !!! :)
I’ve never grounded a boat. Should I laugh at you?
I’ve never grounded a boat. Should I laugh at you?
YES !!!!

I played with fire, that the depth finder was a biden.... It wasn't, and only for the help of a nosey damn neighbor, with a long rope.... I didn't sink my own battleship..
My life fails are extremely more funny than most other people's.

You all just do it more often.
I'm laughing my arse off at what
I just did ! So should you.
About 45% take Trump seriously even if he shot and killed someone in the middle of the street. He said that about you, not me.

They take him seriously even if he said dead veterans were losers, John Kelly quoted that as being from Trump. He was on Team Trump and career military.

I can only imagine what your reaction would have been if Obama had told McCain he liked his heroes not to be captured. Instant cow. Trump says it and you guys eat it up.

The choice is between a frail old man and a pathetic Benito Mussolini imitation. Neither are good candidates. Either one beating the other isn't a sign of strength. It is just being slightly less pathetic.
You’re lying. Trump never called the veterans losers. People in the room have said that Trump never said that. Carry on
You’re lying. Trump never called the veterans losers. People in the room have said that Trump never said that. Carry on
Link it. Kelly was there and it’s classic Trump. He said John McCain wasn’t a hero because he was captured. I don’t know why you’d not believe Kelly. Multiple people confirmed Kelly on this.
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The fact that you say it's "utter nonesense" without providing anything supporting it,proves you are ignorant. Its not a secret that Obumma neglected the military,and it's not a secret Trump upgraded the military. The fact that you talk about Trumps spending while Biden has sent 180 billion to Ukraine so the dems can keep their secrets is hilarious. You are special one.
Bolton, no fan of Trump, said he never said that. Google it. “Classic Trump”, more TDS bias from you as usual.
You are in deep dude. Do you deny what Trump said about McCain?

Link it. You support your assertions or don’t make assertions.
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You are in deep dude. Do you deny what Trump said about McCain?

Link it. You support your assertions or don’t make assertions.
You have access to google. You have no credibility. You believe every negative rumor about Trump. It’s comical.
You have access to google. You have no credibility. You believe every negative rumor about Trump. It’s comical.
So you can’t support your assertion. I’m not expecting those of you that live in an alternate reality, and you are, to know what credibility is.

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Bolton, no fan of Trump, said he never said that. Google it. “Classic Trump”, more TDS bias from you as usual.

"I can’t prove the negative that he never said those things. The president has a habit of disparaging people. He ends up denigrating almost everybody that he comes in contact with whose last name is not Trump." - John Bolton
An "incompetent idiot" who had gas prices @2.35/gallon,under 2% inflation,a much more secure border,and over 4 trillion in tax revenue(highest ever) while cutting taxes. What's that say for the dems?(I won't say Joe,as he obviously isn't making any decisions).
Obama set it up on the tee for Trump. Then Trump continued to run up the debt even when the economy was strong BEFORE COVID hit. I know spendi g only matters when Democrats are in charge.
So Trump was able to keep those things at about the same rates while he was President,and Biden hasn't been able to do that,but Biden is better? Logical
Sorry things are so bad for you obviously. Try upskilling, changing careers, or working two jobs until things get better.

Jobs to be had, portfolio making new highs every week, good raises, and inflation starting to come down. Restaurants packed around me and airport parking lots full too with folks all going on vacation. Things aren't as bad as Fox tells you.
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So you can’t support your assertion. I’m not expecting those of you that live in an alternate reality, and you are, to know what credibility is.

Google it. Dude, you’re off the reservation with all things Trump. Nothing anyone posts, sites shown, video evidence provided…can save you from your TDS. It makes you a shell of yourself. A child. You can’t process anything but your hatred of Trump. It’s sad and funny. More funny than sad. You make me laugh. A lot. Thanks
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Google it. Dude, you’re off the reservation with all things Trump. Nothing anyone posts, sites shown, video evidence provided…can save you from your TDS. It makes you a shell of yourself. A child. You can’t process anything but your hatred of Trump. It’s sad and funny. More funny than sad. You make me laugh. A lot. Thanks
I did and Bolton didn’t say what you think he said, which I presume is why you won't link support for your assertion. He wasn't with him the entire time and says he didn't hear it when he was with him then goes on to say disparaging others is what Trump does. Again, it fits. You're so deranged by your Trump devotion that you don't have an objective bone left in your body. True TDS. You won't even acknowledge what Trump said about McCain. Multiple sources confirmed that he called dead soldiers losers and dead Marines suckers, which fits with what he said about McCain. Of course, Trump says he didn't, and you believe a proven serial liar of extremely low character over people like Kelly and his associates. This is because you're deranged. I truly hope it's temporary and you move back into reality when he's gone.

What's really sad is that I agree with most of you guys on many policies, but you get all butthurt that I can't and won't support Trump. I see him for the unfit ass that he is. Get over it. Live with it. If you don't reply to me or mention me, you can live in your little alternate reality Trump bubble all you want without any comment from me to you.
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Sorry things are so bad for you obviously. Try upskilling, changing careers, or working two jobs until things get better.

Jobs to be had, portfolio making new highs every week, good raises, and inflation starting to come down. Restaurants packed around me and airport parking lots full too with folks all going on vacation. Things aren't as bad as Fox tells you.

A couple years ago when inflation was spiking and the sky was falling I started a thread here asking posters to describe the sacrifices and belt tightening they were doing to deal with the current economic climate. The vast majority said they were doing little or nothing different than before. A few talked about keeping a closer eye on their grocery budgets or curbing the most frivolous of their spending, but that was about it. Didn't hear about anyone forgoing vacations or putting off major purchases. Sure, prices had climbed, but everyone was able to absorb them and no one had needed to really change his lifestyle.

As the Cooler's token poor white trailer trash, I'm one that knows what it's like to have to deal with an economic downturn. The Great Recession damn near put us into abject poverty. The ACA was the single most important economic government program to be enacted in my adult years. Without it, we would have had to start looking at public assistance.

I've always been of the opinion that as long as anyone who wants a job can get one then things can be dealt with. That's where we're at today. The sky is not falling.
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