Biden gets one right.

There's a segment of our population that will never admit that these special types of guns are different, and should be controlled differently. Why we still cater to those people, is beyond me.

There absolutely could be common sense laws put in place that preserves everyone's right to own these types of guns, but makes getting them more of a process. And there could be laws that allow for scrutiny on the manufacturer and gun dealers that sell the ones that end up being used to harm other people.

Buying a weapon like this is often aspirational. If someone isn't willing to wait an extra week or two to get it, then that alone might be red flag enough to not allow them to buy it.

There might not be a ton of legal precedent here. But precedent seems to be something pretty much everyone is willing to overlook these days...on all ends of the political spectrum. Maybe its just the time to do the right thing?
You act like there is no process today. No background check. No waiting.

Why don't you go try to buy a gun and actually see the process?
He literally said two years ago it was the one thing that it was his biggest goal.
So where is the legislation? He had a Democrat Congress, for God's sake.

'Biggest goal' my ass.
I don't know how that determination could be made. Any gun can kill. How do you determine which one has 'social utility' or is 'ultr-hazardous' - that could apply to any of them.

I don't even see any specific guns advertised or marketed to the public. How is that an issue today?
I kinda agree. Any gun can be an assault weapon, that’s why I think Dems are stupid for framing the issue in those terms.

You would have to agree that a semi-auto AR 15 is more deadly than a single shot .22 LR. It could be that a jury could find all semi -auto AR 15’s are too dangerous to be sold so that gun must be a bolt or lever action. This is essentially what happened to 3-wheeled ATV’s.
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There is no logical reason to treat guns, vehicles and alcohol the same. We should treat the manufacturers, distributors, and sellers the same based upon the nature of the product they provide.
No logical reason? They're all capable of causing violence and social calamity. How is there 'no logical reason' to treat them the same?
I kinda agree. Any gun can be an assault weapon, that’s why I think Dems are stupid for framing the issue in those terms.

You would have to agree that a semi-auto AR 15 is more deadly than a single shot .22 LR. It could be that a jury could find all semi -auto AR 15’s are too dangerous to be sold so that gun must be a bolt or lever action. This is essentially what happened to 3-wheeled ATV’s.
One of my favorite Jack McCoy closing arguments...

And then he gets spanked by the judge.
I kinda agree. Any gun can be an assault weapon, that’s why I think Dems are stupid for framing the issue in those terms.

You would have to agree that a semi-auto AR 15 is more deadly than a single shot .22 LR. It could be that a jury could find all semi -auto AR 15’s are too dangerous to be sold so that gun must be a bolt or lever action. This is essentially what happened to 3-wheeled ATV’s.
Yes, and beer is less potent than whiskey. So what? There's still no manufacturer liability for alcohol manufacturers.

A MACK truck is more deadly than a passenger car.

It's just a matter of degree. If they don't want AR-15s, or guns of that calibur, in the public's hands, then outlaw public use of them altogether.
Bullshit. No liquor manufacturer is held responsible for their product being misused.
Manufacturer, no. Distributor, yes.
There is a reason bartenders have to cut off patrons.
There is a reason that stores have to ask for ID's of the buyer.
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I don't know how that determination could be made. Any gun can kill. How do you determine which one has 'social utility' or is 'ultr-hazardous' - that could apply to any of them.

I don't even see any specific guns advertised or marketed to the public. How is that an issue today?
Let run an experiment. Lets lay an AR, a 9mm with a pistol brace, a 12 ga and Tony Fauxi with a Chinese Bio lab on a table. Lets see which one kills more people.
Manufacturer, no. Distributor, yes.
There is a reason bartenders have to cut off patrons.
There is a reason that stores have to ask for ID's of the buyer.
Yeah, and I said above, the sellers of guns should be held liable if they don't follow the process/law.

But CO is talking about the manufacturer (I think).
Spoken like a product liability attorney. Are you sure you're not a Democrat? lol

I once gave a presentation to a GOP group explaining how tort reform is a liberal idea. The seventh amendment is as important as the second.
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You act like there is no process today. No background check. No waiting.

Why don't you go try to buy a gun and actually see the process?
OH OH OH we need common scenes universal background checks....... GO buy a damn gun and see if we have that already. duh.
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Yes, and beer is less potent than whiskey. So what? There's still no manufacturer liability for alcohol manufacturers.

A MACK truck is more deadly than a passenger car.

It's just a matter of degree. If they don't want AR-15s, or guns of that calibur, in the public's hands, then outlaw public use of them altogether.
You are forgetting the social utility part of the analysis.
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Yeah, and I said above, the sellers of guns should be held liable if they don't follow the process/law.

But CO is talking about the manufacturer (I think).
I’m talking about any part of the supply chain that creates a problem. That could be a retail seller.
You are forgetting the social utility part of the analysis.
Still trying to figure out how alcohol is of social utility - unless it's to help fat girls have sex, too.

Social utility is sort of a nebulous concept, right? Everyone's idea of social utility is different.
I’m a moderate. I don’t want unnecessarily dangerous weapons that can wipe out 25 people in seconds. If my old goat dad feels better with a handgun I want him to be able to have one.
I know who you are. It's clear as day.

Just because you believe something, doesn't mean that it is common sense. You're fallible, just like everyone else. You may have the wrong take here.

( do)
I’m talking about any part of the supply chain that creates a problem. That could be a retail seller.
Aren't gun sellers liable now, if they don't follow the process and one of their guns is used in a crime?

Is there a specific law that says gun manufacturers are exempt from normal liability? I honestly don't know - just asking for my own education.
Spoken like a product liability attorney. Are you sure you're not a Democrat? lol
COH has been beating this drum for years.

The goal has always been to get as many guns as possible off the streets. PERIOD. The 2nd amendment is pretty cut and dried so this is what they’ve come up with.

Repeal the immunity laws and start filing endless lawsuits until they find a sympathetic judge. Sue every manufacturer out of existence and voila, they’ve circumvented the 2nd amendment.

Then the progressives can pat each other on the back while the lawyers count the money.

Meanwhile, the criminals can still have any gun they want because the black market has EXPLODED and the only people who won’t be able to have guns are those of us who buy them legally, because all the gun shops have closed because guns are either not available or way to expensive to own.

That doesn’t matter to them, though. They’ve accomplished their goal.
I’m a moderate. I don’t want unnecessarily dangerous weapons that can wipe out 25 people in seconds. If my old goat dad feels better with a handgun I want him to be able to have one.
And, "unnecessarily dangerous"? Do you believe everyone (or even most) will be in agreement with regards to what guns are considered "unnecessarily dangerous"? Talk about subjective...
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And, "unnecessarily dangerous"? Do you believe everyone (or even most) will be in agreement with regards to what guns are considered "unnecessarily dangerous"? Talk about subjective...
"Why do you need that slingshot, anyway?"
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I kinda agree. Any gun can be an assault weapon, that’s why I think Dems are stupid for framing the issue in those terms.

You would have to agree that a semi-auto AR 15 is more deadly than a single shot .22 LR. It could be that a jury could find all semi -auto AR 15’s are too dangerous to be sold so that gun must be a bolt or lever action. This is essentially what happened to 3-wheeled ATV’s.
So, a 1st step kind of gun grab thing. Right?
Aren't gun sellers liable now, if they don't follow the process and one of their guns is used in a crime?

Is there a specific law that says gun manufacturers are exempt from normal liability? I honestly don't know - just asking for my own education.
Yes. There is a federal gun immunity law that no other industry has.
Still trying to figure out how alcohol is of social utility - unless it's to help fat girls have sex, too.

Social utility is sort of a nebulous concept, right? Everyone's idea of social utility is different.
Yea it kind of cuts totally against every freedom that we are SUPPOSED to have in this country.
Oh, I don't like that hobby so I won't let you do it, sounds a little like China or Venezuela.
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And, "unnecessarily dangerous"? Do you believe everyone (or even most) will be in agreement with regards to what guns are considered "unnecessarily dangerous"? Talk about subjective...
Everyone is never in agreement. Like all things we have experts and compromise. Ranger is gone but he provided valuable insight on this topic and was for more aggressive regulation
COH has been beating this drum for years.

The goal has always been to get as many guns as possible off the streets. PERIOD. The 2nd amendment is pretty cut and dried so this is what they’ve come up with.

Repeal the immunity laws and start filing endless lawsuits until they find a sympathetic judge. Sue every manufacturer out of existence and voila, they’ve circumvented the 2nd amendment.

Then the progressives can pat each other on the back while the lawyers count the money.

Meanwhile, the criminals can still have any gun they want because the black market has EXPLODED and the only people who won’t be able to have guns are those of us who buy them legally, because all the gun shops have closed because guns are either not available or way to expensive to own.

That doesn’t matter to them, though. They’ve accomplished their goal.
There are too many hand guns in most urban areas and I don’t see a social need for a semi-auto AR15. Restrictions on both don’t have any more second amendment issues than restrictions on 50 cal machine guns. Prove me wrong
Yes. There is a federal gun immunity law that no other industry has.
Well, I have to agree that's wrong. If they're doing something nefarious - and, as far as I know, they're not - they should be held accountable.

If a gun performs as designed and expected, there should be no problem. I'd also like to see restitution to the gun manufacturer if a jury finds for them in a lawsuit. That should keep frivolous lawsuits from being filed.
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Everyone is never in agreement. Like all things we have experts and compromise. Ranger is gone but he provided valuable insight on this topic and was for more aggressive regulation
Well, if Ranger thinks it...

Was Ranger's insight valuable because it confirmed your bias on this subject?
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There are too many hand guns in most urban areas

and I don’t see a social need for a semi-auto AR15.

Restrictions on both don’t have any more second amendment issues than restrictions on 50 cal machine guns. Prove me wrong
I though we were talking about immunity laws?

But here at least we’re getting to the heart of the matter.

It’s not about what’s right or just. It’s about your opinion of guns.

Just be honest about it.


I though we were talking about immunity laws?

But here at least we’re getting to the heart of the matter.

It’s not about what’s right or just. It’s about your opinion of guns.

Just be honest about it.
They are working very hard to frame it otherwise, but you nailed it.
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Yeah he knows first hand the damage they do. His opinion matters. So let’s hear it in your own words. What social utility attends these weapons?
WHO here doesn't know what damage a bullet does. Ranger was on a soap box about this. Nothing more nothing less. "this bullet will kill you, but THIS ONE will tear you up more while it kills you". That was his take. Both end with the same COD.
It's just people with a loud voice, an agenda and no more of a cure than anyone else. With ALL due respect to Ranger of course.
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Is the S&W "Muddy Girl" an "assault weapon"?

WHO here doesn't know what damage a bullet does. Ranger was on a soap box about this. Nothing more nothing less. "this bullet will kill you, but THIS ONE will tear you up more while it kills you". That was his take. Both end with the same COD.
It's just people with a loud voice, an agenda and no more of a cure than anyone else. With ALL due respect to Ranger of course.
No that isn’t at all what he said. Be honest. It was assault weapons paired with large capacity mags and the damage they do to a mass of people. Not one
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They are working very hard to frame it otherwise, but you nailed it.
But trust them that once they take the next class of gun that they won't start the grab for the NEXT gun. They wouldn't do that. TRUUUUUUST us. Get in the cattle car for the next and last vacation that you will ever need.
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Oh yea wise guy? All they have to do is follow the Chicago and NY gun laws it will all be ok........ Oh wait a minute... Disregard. :)
They assume I'll follow them. At this point there isn't much left on the table except ban and confiscate.
No it’s the recalcitrance of the margins. I wouldn’t support a complete ban on guns. But I would AR. I suspect most reasonable people would. The problem is the margins have lost common sense and refuse to cooperate and compromise. Let’s get rid of cops. We must have assault rifles
Let's say you ban the AR. What happens when these shooters start using the next semi-auto in line? Want me to start listing all the available options?