Biden gets one right.

i think it's the opposite. the right who thinks the gov may come for them one day
It just seems the one side always asks how are you going to fight the government with ARs.

The only reason why it annoys me is it shows a lack of knowledge of history and no understanding of what it takes to field a modern fighting force.
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There is no comparing what the Ukrainians are able to do against vastly inferior and poorly maintained opponent weapon systems with what our military can do. Our government can pick people off on a balcony from a de facto unseen drone.

You’re adding illogical platitudes and talking points to an argument that holds no water.
It’s a dumb argument because it will never happen but the idea that the government would just roll right over any resistance is just dumb.

There are 1.4 million active service members in the US, a country of 330 million.

The numbers alone make it unlikely the government would win and that’s not even accounting for the number of service people who would refuse to fight against their fellow citizens.
It just seems the one side always asks how are you going to fight the government with ARs.

The only reason why it annoys me is it shows a lack of knowledge of history and no understanding of what it takes to field a modern fighting force.
Gotcha. Yeah I don’t know. What we’re building with the dream team is more of a militia. We were going to use cray’s property. As for “modern fighting force” I would imagine if you saw the dream team standing together on cray’s property you wouldn’t have any idea what year it was
It’s a dumb argument because it will never happen but the idea that the government would just roll right over any resistance is just dumb.

There are 1.4 million active service members in the US, a country of 330 million.

The numbers alone make it unlikely the government would win and that’s not even accounting for the number of service people who would refuse to fight against their fellow citizens.
And maybe 10% of those 1.4 million are combat troops.
And maybe 10% of those 1.4 million are combat troops.
Yeah, are they gonna drone every cave in Kentucky? Every mountainside in Colorado? Every basement in Texas?

No, they’re not.

Like I said, it’s a pointless conversation because it will never happen, but the military would be facing something like Iraq and Afghanistan multiplied by about 100,000.
i think it's the opposite. the right who thinks the gov may come for them one day
True. Hard righties have always thought that.

Leftists used to think so, too, until they got control of the deep state.
The Taliban needed time and for the West to get bored and give up. They had RPGs, mines and other anti-armor weaponry when they initially took their country back from a Soviet army. An army that didn’t have kinetic drones.

Like Ukraine, without armor-defeating weaponry, there is no chance.
In my hypothetical rebellion, China is dropping in all those weapons via "weather balloons" so we can all tear ourselves apart.
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"Gravy SEALS" taking up arms against the British.
They would have been Tories..

Tories were conservative authoritarians, the revolutionaries were liberal progressives... they were extremely woke.

You would have hated the founding fathers for their radical leftist ultra liberal unreligious political idealogy and waved the union jack shouting "God save the King, down with anarchy", with the rest of the conservative anti- liberal anti-progressives..

You really need to reread early American history and maybe pay better attention this time..

Really sick of you guys inserting yourselves as the good guy in every narrative. You're not .... you are instead the easily manipulated ignorantly evil masses the stories and histories have warned us about.
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They would have been Tories..

Tories were conservative authoritarians, the revolutionaries were liberal progressives... they were extremely woke.

You would have hated the founding fathers for their radical leftist ultra liberal unreligious political idealogy and waved the union jack shouting "God save the King, down with anarchy", with the rest of the conservative anti- liberal progressives..

You really need to reread early American history and maybe pay better attention this time..
They weren't woke - they knew what a woman is.
It’s much less actually. But it’s way more pound for pound than the wanna bes in the civilian population.
You seem to be dismissing the fact the military would fracture.
you mean like subs, missiles, artillery, bombers, fighters, tanks, drones and things that can kill without detection?
The navy would be irrelevant beyond the coasts, not anyone can fly a plane, tanks needs roads, bridges, and infantry support and tons of fuel, drones need more than a guy flying it at a terminal.
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Then why do run rights advocates continue to bring it up?
I don't, not sure about others, but I mostly see gun grabbers bring it up. When gun grabbers bring it up its a simplistic poorly thought out thought experiment on their part.
I don't, not sure about others, but I mostly see gun grabbers bring it up. When gun grabbers bring it up its a simplistic poorly thought out thought experiment on their part.

Then you're not paying attention. It's the 2A crowd always claiming they need their guns in case the gubmunt gets oppressive and tyrannical and shit. Freedom and Patriots and 1776 and all that.
Conservatives are all about the corporate rather than the individual..that is why they are for company bailouts but against anything that helps the individual/needy.
👆 is why I can’t respect anything you say. Your whole belief system and everyone you vote for disagree with that statement.

Are you a conservative and don’t know it?

It’s also possible you haven’t figured out the differences between fiscal and social yet.
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Same here. My dad had a shotgun and .22 that he let us use to hunt when we were teens. And we always had beagles to hunt rabbits, though have to confess I've never killed one. I was dead-eye with that .22 on fox squirrels, though.

Today, all the guns I own are for hunting (waterfowl, deer, boar, etc.). Of course, they would be setviceable for self defense if needed. But zero interest in an AR or anything similar. Wife wants a handgun for self- defense, so maybe.

My biggest concern is all the novices who bought assault guns and think they're the last line of defense. Wife talks about moving to Canada. I say this is my country and this is where I'll die. Hopefully at a ripe old age, but come what may.
I realize you don’t want to argue, just need to know what an “assault gun” is?
They would have been Tories..

Tories were conservative authoritarians, the revolutionaries were liberal progressives... they were extremely woke.

You would have hated the founding fathers for their radical leftist ultra liberal unreligious political idealogy and waved the union jack shouting "God save the King, down with anarchy", with the rest of the conservative anti- liberal anti-progressives..

You really need to reread early American history and maybe pay better attention this time..

Really sick of you guys inserting yourselves as the good guy in every narrative. You're not .... you are instead the easily manipulated ignorantly evil masses the stories and histories have warned us about.
Really dumb
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👆 is why I can’t respect anything you say. Your whole belief system and everyone you vote for disagree with that statement.

Are you a conservative and don’t know it?

It’s also possible you haven’t figured out the differences between fiscal and social yet.

My comment is 100% correct based on what conservative politicians have done. You must not follow what the people do that you vote for if you think my post was false.

But don't worry, if you are in need, conservatives will assist using the trickle down theory. Help the rich and then hope it trickles down to you.
My comment is 100% correct based on what conservative politicians have done. You must not follow what the people do that you vote for if you think my post was false.

But don't worry, if you are in need, conservatives will assist using the trickle down theory. Help the rich and then hope it trickles down to you.
The entire economy has always been 'trickle down'. How many workers do Unions employ? And I'm not talking about the officials who line their own pockets with members' union dues.

How many jobs do poor people create?

Stop being a dupe.
Then you're not paying attention. It's the 2A crowd always claiming they need their guns in case the gubmunt gets oppressive and tyrannical and shit. Freedom and Patriots and 1776 and all that.
I guess I'm not or I don't care. I just like to point out flaws in arguments since people seem to think government is this all powerful sentient being when in reality they are just squishy average people like the rest of us.
Normal people don't have as many enemies as you do, apparently.

In a case where someone is a responsible gun owner with their guns locked up, how likely is it going to be useful in self-defense without some kind of pre-warning system that would give the homeowner advanced warning?

No one is going to wait for someone to unlock their gun cabinet and/or load their weapon.
In a case where someone is a responsible gun owner with their guns locked up, how likely is it going to be useful in self-defense without some kind of pre-warning system that would give the homeowner advanced warning?

No one is going to wait for someone to unlock their gun cabinet and/or load their weapon.
So you can only be responsible if they are locked up? I don't have kids and keep my house locked. I consider myself responsible.

They make biometric safes you can keep handguns in and access in a second or 2.
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You seem to be dismissing the fact the military would fracture.

The navy would be irrelevant beyond the coasts, not anyone can fly a plane, tanks needs roads, bridges, and infantry support and tons of fuel, drones need more than a guy flying it at a terminal.
The military wouldn’t fracture. You’re talking about some dystopian ammosexual fantasy where the country descends into civil war against the *gasp* Government. That’s not reality and if that happens nothing matters anyways the country is lost.

In reality, small bands of untrained and untested “freedom” fighters will try to take on the government and be absolutely annihilated or hopefully just captured and jailed.

I’m not a liberal guy control guy. I’m a conservative gun who doesn’t think private citizens outside of ranchers need high powered semi-auto longs. And I’m right.
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