Beautiful documentary about life on a glacier in Antarctica

Re: I'm a sucker for Wes Anderson references

I have not seen Grand Budapest Hotel yet--I'm cheap so I won't watch until it's on Netflix or Amazon Prime. :)

I did see Moonrise Kingdom a few months back and absolutely loved it.

As for the documentary, I don't think it quite rises to the level of Wes Anderson in terms of comedy, but it's still darn good for a documentary. And the cinematography is outstanding. Here's a link to the filmmaker's (Temujin Doran) other works:
GBH is the most Wes Andersonish movie ever

I saw it on what I didn't realize was the first day it opened in Indianapolis. The Keystone Arts theater could have sold tickets to fill three screens.

I'll definitely watch the documentary. Thanks.
Continuing to hijack your thread . . .

I've meant to mention it many times, but those geoducks are obscene.

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