Arrest Schiff for Treason?

Let's try this. I don't know what he or his son have done which is why I advocate for an inquiry. But there is enough to take a quick look (by someone objective).
We don't know what you may have done either. Maybe you've bilked your employer out of money from falsifying expense reports. Maybe you even are guilty of insider trading? Have any inside info about the goings on at wherever it is that you work? Perhaps the gubment ought to look into that. I mean, we don't need any more criminals around here, ya know?

There has not been one iota of a credible accusation of wrongdoing by Hunter or Joe Biden. Unless and until that happens, statements like yours are pure bullshit.
We don't know what you may have done either. Maybe you've bilked your employer out of money from falsifying expense reports. Maybe you even are guilty of insider trading? Have any inside info about the goings on at wherever it is that you work? Perhaps the gubment ought to look into that. I mean, we don't need any more criminals around here, ya know?

There has not been one iota of a credible accusation of wrongdoing by Hunter or Joe Biden. Unless and until that happens, statements like yours are pure bullshit.
Not true!
Our president says that Biden and his son did something very evil. What is more credible than the words of the president of the most powerful nation in the world?:(:)
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I wasn't under the impression he was trying to act cool. I AM under the impression that he believes in the constitution and has a duty to follow protocol in regards to the whistleblower.
IIUC, the whistleblower originally contacted a Intelligence Committee staffer. He was told to go through the whistleblower protocol, which was to go back to the IG in his department. That's what happened. Had Schiff and his staff wanted to play games and gin things up, they wouldn't have sent the whistleblower away.
What I've seen him post are well regarded, well researched sources thoroughly debunking the entire "Biden question" (as have several others).
As he repeatedly insists, Courtsensetwo is "an objective moderate with an open mind." If you point out that his ignorance is causing him to post foolishly, this proves that you're biased.

Centristy centrists operate under the delusion that the truth must always lie in the middle. This hobbles them when one "side" is spouting lies and lunacy. How do you find a middle ground between truth and lies -- or between reality and wingnut conspiracy theories? Well, one thing you do is call for an investigation of the lies supporting wingnut conspiracy theories. Once again, this is useful idiot territory.
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You seem not to grasp the obvious logical problem, so I'll try again. You're calling for a federal investigation of Joe Biden because you're ignorant of the facts. But there doesn't need to be a federal investigation to remedy your ignorance. It would only be necessary for you to inform yourself by reading some of the many available reports showing unambiguously that the insinuations against Biden are false and scurrilous. You're being a useful idiot here.

You clearly seem not to grasp the concept that the guilt of one doesn't necessarily preclude the guilt of another. I understand it is difficult to wrap a closed bigoted mind around that. Defending Hunter's curious spot on the BOD without any objective discussion only makes you look foolish.
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You clearly seem not to grasp the concept that the guilt of one doesn't necessarily preclude the guilt of another. I understand it is difficult to wrap a closed bigoted mind around that. Defending Hunter's curious spot on the BOD without any objective discussion only makes you look foolish.
I'm not defending Hunter Biden's decision to trade on his father's name. Since he isn't going to be on any ballot, I couldn't care less about Hunter Biden. I'm talking about Joe Biden, the guy who's running for President. That's what this whole thing is about.

Please describe, in your own words, exactly what about Joe Biden that you think needs to be investigated. I dare you.
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You clearly seem not to grasp the concept that the guilt of one doesn't necessarily preclude the guilt of another. I understand it is difficult to wrap a closed bigoted mind around that. Defending Hunter's curious spot on the BOD without any objective discussion only makes you look foolish.

Like Rockfish says,I'm not particularly enthused about the fact that Hunter Biden has (likely) chosen to trade on his father's name,but Trump is (as usual) trying to revise History and preaching STUPID to the stupid and lazy element of his base. He has likely convinced the average Trumpster that Hunter Biden was somehow "born with a silver spoon in his mouth" which (falsely) feeds into his us vs Elites (except MY family,of course) narrative that the stupids swallow whole hog...

The truth is that when Hunter (and Beau,his older brother) were born, Joe Biden was a small town lawyer. He was elected to the New Castle County Council in 1970,the same year Hunter was born. Despite being the "Black sheep" of the family, Hunter does have a law degree from Yale,and I'd venture to say he is at least as Intelligent as any of the Trumps (Don,Jr and Eric) or GWB- all of whom were born into far more privilege than Biden or any of his offspring. He is an accomplished lawyer,who has been in consulting and was hired by Americans within Burisma,not Zlochevsky himself.They didn't just hire Hunter,they hired his consulting firm,including his partner Devin Archer who was in the photo circulated by Trump Inc. In fact ALL 4 of the folks in that pic are Americans,but it resonates more with the stupids to label the 4th American as "Ukranian Gas Co Executive" instead of American (Capitalist) Businessman...

Hunter was actually hired by Burisma Holdings (for their corporate legal Dept) in 2014,and his job was to rehabilitate the Company's image abroad. The fact that he didn't speak Ukranian or have experience in "gas" is basically irrelevant. He joined other Americans on the board and his main job was to travel Europe and attend conferences on Burisma's behalf as a consultant.He actually comes off sounding pretty accomplished and experienced in the press release which announced his hiring,and he has an Undergrad degree from Georgetown in addition to his law degree from Yale. Certainly as qualified as Ivanka,Jr or Eric to do whatever it is they do...

Nothing points to Joe being instrumental in Hunter being hired,certainly no influence peddling on Joe's part. Kids trade off their father's name all the time,doesn't mean the father (or son) for that matter have done anything wrong or even worthy of investigation. The same folks complaining about the optics in this case have no issue with trump's shredding of the emoluments clause, or the overnight stays in Trump properties from various govt entities...

And we know that Biden didn't press for Shokin to be fired because Shokin was actually investigating Burisma. Had Biden violated official policy and not gone after Shokin,THAT would be evidence of corruption since neutral observers all felt that Shokin was coddling Burisma. When you enable Trump's lies and attempts to revise history by trying to smear (Joe) Biden for doing the job he was appointed to do, then you're basically encouraging Trump to continue to lie and obfuscate the facts to further his own goals.Trump has made a living out of lying and slandering people to camouflage his own shady dealings and endemic corruption,so in principal I'm opposed to letting him get away with it here...
I'm not defending Hunter Biden's decision to trade on his father's name. Since he isn't going to be on any ballot, I couldn't care less about Hunter Biden. I'm talking about Joe Biden, the guy who's running for President. That's what this whole thing is about.

Please describe, in your own words, exactly what about Joe Biden that you think needs to be investigated. I dare you.

I wonder if he believes Ivanka and Donny should be investigated for her getting all those trademarks in China since her father was elected? I mean since he’s so unbiased, fair, rational and as you would say a “centristy centrist”. I can try the search function and see if he’s posted about that. I’ve never tried to use it so it might take a minute
I wonder if he believes Ivanka and Donny should be investigated for her getting all those trademarks in China since her father was elected? I mean since he’s so unbiased, fair, rational and as you would say a “centristy centrist”. I can try the search function and see if he’s posted about that. I’ve never tried to use it so it might take a minute

The Trumps are done. The difference between you and I is that I look at the broader landscape and I understand why many on this forum don't want to hear it. Completely predictable.
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Like Rockfish says,I'm not particularly enthused about the fact that Hunter Biden has (likely) chosen to trade on his father's name,but Trump is (as usual) trying to revise History and preaching STUPID to the stupid and lazy element of his base. He has likely convinced the average Trumpster that Hunter Biden was somehow "born with a silver spoon in his mouth" which (falsely) feeds into his us vs Elites (except MY family,of course) narrative that the stupids swallow whole hog...

The truth is that when Hunter (and Beau,his older brother) were born, Joe Biden was a small town lawyer. He was elected to the New Castle County Council in 1970,the same year Hunter was born. Despite being the "Black sheep" of the family, Hunter does have a law degree from Yale,and I'd venture to say he is at least as Intelligent as any of the Trumps (Don,Jr and Eric) or GWB- all of whom were born into far more privilege than Biden or any of his offspring. He is an accomplished lawyer,who has been in consulting and was hired by Americans within Burisma,not Zlochevsky himself.They didn't just hire Hunter,they hired his consulting firm,including his partner Devin Archer who was in the photo circulated by Trump Inc. In fact ALL 4 of the folks in that pic are Americans,but it resonates more with the stupids to label the 4th American as "Ukranian Gas Co Executive" instead of American (Capitalist) Businessman...

Hunter was actually hired by Burisma Holdings (for their corporate legal Dept) in 2014,and his job was to rehabilitate the Company's image abroad. The fact that he didn't speak Ukranian or have experience in "gas" is basically irrelevant. He joined other Americans on the board and his main job was to travel Europe and attend conferences on Burisma's behalf as a consultant.He actually comes off sounding pretty accomplished and experienced in the press release which announced his hiring,and he has an Undergrad degree from Georgetown in addition to his law degree from Yale. Certainly as qualified as Ivanka,Jr or Eric to do whatever it is they do...

Nothing points to Joe being instrumental in Hunter being hired,certainly no influence peddling on Joe's part. Kids trade off their father's name all the time,doesn't mean the father (or son) for that matter have done anything wrong or even worthy of investigation. The same folks complaining about the optics in this case have no issue with trump's shredding of the emoluments clause, or the overnight stays in Trump properties from various govt entities...

And we know that Biden didn't press for Shokin to be fired because Shokin was actually investigating Burisma. Had Biden violated official policy and not gone after Shokin,THAT would be evidence of corruption since neutral observers all felt that Shokin was coddling Burisma. When you enable Trump's lies and attempts to revise history by trying to smear (Joe) Biden for doing the job he was appointed to do, then you're basically encouraging Trump to continue to lie and obfuscate the facts to further his own goals.Trump has made a living out of lying and slandering people to camouflage his own shady dealings and endemic corruption,so in principal I'm opposed to letting him get away with it here...

Trump it Ace. What is next? For you, apparently nothing.
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That is low dude.
LOL. Thought that might get your attention. :)
The question didn't apply to me so no need to answer it. Rockyfishy has reading comprehension issues among others.
He's just asking the question that your posts early on raise: if you think Joe Biden needs to be investigated, what exactly should they be looking for that hasn't already been debunked?
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LOL. Thought that might get your attention. :)

He's just asking the question that your posts early on raise: if you think Joe Biden needs to be investigated, what exactly should they be looking for that hasn't already been debunked?
Joe Biden had the prosecutor fired to protect his son. Political privilege. Term limits for every office.
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I love when people hop in here that you can tell barely even pay attention to the news. Do you honestly think that? If so, you’d be well served to do a little research before posting again.
ufo33 is probably paying close attention to what he regards as the news. That's why he's so ill informed.
He has no idea what they should be looking for. He just knows they should be looking for it.

It's been multiple days. I'm still waiting for a single credible accusation against Joe Biden. Apparently the standard is if the devil himself throws shit on the wall, investigate the shit.
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This cheap shot sponsored by Hannity wannabe of the Left.
Plus, the Right didn't care to investigate "corruption" until impeachment talk ramped up.
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This cheap shot sponsored by Hannity wannabe of the Left.
Once again, you’re so ignorant of the facts that you can’t even explain what you think Joe Biden might have done that merits an investigation. Apparently we need an investigation into what you think needs to be investigated.

I wouldn’t have expected “an objective moderate with an open mind” to have such difficulty with such a simple question.
This video probably explains Trump's strategy about as well as anything:

Once again, you’re so ignorant of the facts that you can’t even explain what you think Joe Biden might have done that merits an investigation. Apparently we need an investigation into what you think needs to be investigated.

I wouldn’t have expected “an objective moderate with an open mind” to have such difficulty with such a simple question.

The great irony is that Biden demanded the firing of the prosecutor precisely because he was not investigating the company that his son was affiliated with! How corrupt!

In this fake news world, it's spun to be the total opposite of the actual facts.
The great irony is that Biden demanded the firing of the prosecutor precisely because he was not investigating the company that his son was affiliated with! How corrupt!

In this fake news world, it's spun to be the total opposite of the actual facts.

That is the part no one wanting an investigation explains.
That is the part no one wanting an investigation explains.

I'm very dissapointed with the Democratic party for their tepid response. I don't see any party figures on TV calling this what it is. Bullshit. They were allowed to fling bullshit at Hillary without an effective pushback, and now the same against Biden. They are tepid and feckless. The impeachment of Trump is separate from pushing back against this total bullshit being flung at Biden. It's almost become a guilt by association for Biden. A really weak sauce response imo. This is a bigger issue than who will actually win the primary. You can't allow people who have invested their lives in public service to be shat on and not push back. No one will want to subject themselves to this in the future.
The problem for the Bidens is that, regardless of whether it was legal or not, it's still not a good look. I think I heard it best last week when some news guy said "It's legal, but it's swampy." As much as Biden wants to scream from the highest peak that this is a smear campaign against him, part of Trump's platform was to be a thorn in the side of the established politician who were cheating the system. The more Joe draws attention to the fact that his son cashed in on his family name to get a board position that he was not particularly qualified for, the more people will question whether Joe is part of that supposed DC Varisty Club that Trump was going to disrupt. It's total BS, but political campaigns are not won with facts, they are won by controlling the narrative of their image as presented to the public.
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The problem for the Bidens is that, regardless of whether it was legal or not, it's still not a good look. I think I heard it best last week when some news guy said "It's legal, but it's swampy." As much as Biden wants to scream from the highest peak that this is a smear campaign against him, part of Trump's platform was to be a thorn in the side of the established politician who were cheating the system. The more Joe draws attention to the fact that his son cashed in on his family name to get a board position that he was not particularly qualified for, the more people will question whether Joe is part of that supposed DC Varisty Club that Trump was going to disrupt. It's total BS, but political campaigns are not won with facts, they are won by controlling the narrative of their image as presented to the public.

But what part there does not include Ivanka and Chinese patents, or the fact Trump owns property in Turkey but not in Kurdish Syria? I do not get why the people focused on the swmp do not see that part of it.
Joe Biden had the prosecutor fired to protect his son. Political privilege. Term limits for every office.

By now the only people making this thoroughly debunked claim are either trolling or just morons who can't/ choose not to read links posted thru out this thread and elsewhere that establish otherwise. Not sure which you are,but your posting style of repetitively posting nonsense leads me to troll :cool:
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You clearly seem not to grasp the concept that the guilt of one doesn't necessarily preclude the guilt of another. I understand it is difficult to wrap a closed bigoted mind around that. Defending Hunter's curious spot on the BOD without any objective discussion only makes you look foolish.

Would you be okay with Schiff demanding investigations from the leaders of every country Trump's children or in-laws have done any business with? You got the three ugly poster children for nepotism right there.
Would you be okay with Schiff demanding investigations from the leaders of every country Trump's children or in-laws have done any business with? You got the three ugly poster children for nepotism right there.

No issues whatsoever. It is irrelevant at this point because team Trump is done, but zero issues. I have been clear about all of this.
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No issues whatsoever. It is irrelevant at this point because team Trump is done, but zero issues. I have been clear about all of this.
Would you have any issue with whoever wins the Democratic primary asking China, Iran, Japan, South Korea, everyone in the EU, Mexico, Canada, etc. to start investigations into Trump (based on absolutely no credible evidence of any wrongdoing)?

Is that how we roll as a nation now? Foreign interference is welcome... actually invited... Into our elections?

If Trump is free to do that then we all are.

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