Arrest Schiff for Treason?

I know you didn't. What I was trying to say (while laying in bed, half-awake) is that any damage that U-boats could do would never be more than an annoyance in the bigger scheme of things. U-boats were a real problem and deserving of a military response....but they were absolutely no threat to American democracy.

My point in all of this is that right-wingers always gush that our military defends American democracy, and consequently puts them on an pedestal. In reality, it's American voters and our system of checks and balances that keeps democracy safe. Schiff is the point man in that process at this very critical moment in our history, and he deserves to be respected as such.
This thread conclusively proves the following

This country would be much better off if everybody (1) respected history as much as the posters in this thread do, (2) believed history and historical sources as much as the posters in this thread do, and (3) respected posters who disagree with them as much as the posters in this thread do.

It was refreshing to read a thread where posters actually discussed issues without whataboutism or namecalling.
No. I don't.
Of course it does. If the democracy was threatened by a military opponent who would defend it? They would. Sure, they're also the strong arm of our corporate and a diplomatic sectors but in a capitalistic society what do you expect? It's exactly what they should be.
Of course it does. If the democracy was threatened by a military opponent who would defend it? They would. Sure, they're also the strong arm of our corporate and a diplomatic sectors but in a capitalistic society what do you expect? It's exactly what they should be.
And what military opponent would be capable of that?
And what military opponent would be capable of that?
Well, if you don't know, you can start with the White Supremacists at Fredericksburg, who were a military group armed with cudgels and shields (that we know of) but dispersed by the National Guard and police.

You do know what the National Guard is, right?

There's no requirement that a military organization have atom bombs and tanks to threaten our democracy.
In the first six to twelve months of a war with the United States and Great Britain I will run wild and win victory upon victory. But then, if the war continues after that, I have no expectation of success.
Yamamoto....because we would bury them in production. Pearl Harbor was meant to be a quick blow to get us out of the war so that they could go about and establish an empire in the Pacific.

Amidst the "success" of Pearl Harbor, Yamamoto wrote in his diary "I fear I have awakened a sleeping giant"...
I agree with 85.2% of the bad things said above about Trump. Don't confuse that with there are no issues with THE Biden's that need to be looked at closely and objectively.

The House needs to move forward but don't confuse this with the hypocrisy of the parade of "sad" and "shocked" Dems.

Trump and Schiff are the two most repugnant punchable faces in the country right n
I agree with 85.2% of the bad things said above about Trump. Don't confuse that with there are no issues with THE Biden's that need to be looked at closely and objectively.

The House needs to move forward but don't confuse this with the hypocrisy of the parade of "sad" and "shocked" Dems.

Trump and Schiff are the two most repugnant punchable faces in the country right n
What about this face? Where does it rank?

I agree with 85.2% of the bad things said above about Trump. Don't confuse that with there are no issues with THE Biden's that need to be looked at closely and objectively.

The House needs to move forward but don't confuse this with the hypocrisy of the parade of "sad" and "shocked" Dems.

Trump and Schiff are the two most repugnant punchable faces in the country right n
What precisely is Joe credibly accused of doing wrong? I only want facts please.
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Well, if you don't know, you can start with the White Supremacists at Fredericksburg, who were a military group armed with cudgels and shields (that we know of) but dispersed by the National Guard and police.

You do know what the National Guard is, right?

There's no requirement that a military organization have atom bombs and tanks to threaten our democracy.

Do you honestly believe that half-witted skinheads pose a significant threat to American democracy?
Schiff very well may be viewed by history as one of those otherwise unremarkable people who, when driven by circumstances, rose to the occasion. He will be in good company.
Far from being unremarkable, Schiff has been the go-to-guy on intelligence matters for the PBS Newshour dating back to a time when the GOP was the House majority party.

Mike McCormick (Texas, Representative) often gives the GOP side on intelligence.

Up to the viewer to decide who offers the more credible observations.

I don't have a problem with Schiff, but he's not a holier than thou figure. To think otherwise is naive. He undoubtedly considers his political future.
Don't confuse that with there are no issues with THE Biden's that need to be looked at closely and objectively.
This is you swallowing the bait, hook, line & sinker. That's all they want to do, plant the seed that some fantastic, hot-fevered conspiracy might have some validity and ought to be looked at. Once they've done that, it's easy the pull you in to the "everyone does it" camp.

This is what happened to the "good Germans".
You are the one claiming the Bidens need a looking into. What specifically has Joe done that requires a looking into? To this point, the only allegations are from the person being investigated for strong arming.

Hmmm. Not so bright today toasty. How can I put this in a way your hysterical self can understand...

Let's try this. I don't know what he or his son have done which is why I advocate for an inquiry. But there is enough to take a quick look (by someone objective). Sort of like why I want to see a bi-partisan hearing to learn what Trump and several others have done.

Sorry, it's an intellectual and ethical curiosity.

But screaming into the street.
This is you swallowing the bait, hook, line & sinker. That's all they want to do, plant the seed that some fantastic, hot-fevered conspiracy might have some validity and ought to be looked at. Once they've done that, it's easy the pull you in to the "everyone does it" camp.

This is what happened to the "good Germans".

Hmmm the poster doth protest too much methinks.
They certainly interfered with democracy for a few days in Fredericksburg.
No they didn't. What elections didn't happen because of them?

They disturbed the peace for for a few days. That's a matter for the local police to handle. Apparently that was a rare case where it got to be too much for them so they called in the National Guard for some extra muscle.
Hmmm. Not so bright today toasty. How can I put this in a way your hysterical self can understand...

Let's try this. I don't know what he or his son have done which is why I advocate for an inquiry. But there is enough to take a quick look (by someone objective). Sort of like why I want to see a bi-partisan hearing to learn what Trump and several others have done.

Sorry, it's an intellectual and ethical curiosity.

But screaming into the street.
If you’re ignorant of the facts, perhaps in lieu of a federal investigation you could simply Google up all the articles explaining that the insinuations about Joe Biden are all bullshit. Do you even know what the case against Biden is? Because there isn’t one.
If you’re ignorant of the facts, perhaps in lieu of a federal investigation you could simply Google up all the articles explaining that the insinuations about Joe Biden are all bullshit. Do you even know what the case against Biden is? Because there isn’t one.

Don't you know that it's always a "both sides" problem? He is a moderate!
I agree with 85.2% of the bad things said above about Trump. Don't confuse that with there are no issues with THE Biden's that need to be looked at closely and objectively.

The House needs to move forward but don't confuse this with the hypocrisy of the parade of "sad" and "shocked" Dems.

Trump and Schiff are the two most repugnant punchable faces in the country right n
I don't know much about Schiff. What repugant things has he done?
Hmmm. Not so bright today toasty. How can I put this in a way your hysterical self can understand...

Let's try this. I don't know what he or his son have done which is why I advocate for an inquiry. But there is enough to take a quick look (by someone objective). Sort of like why I want to see a bi-partisan hearing to learn what Trump and several others have done.

Sorry, it's an intellectual and ethical curiosity.

But screaming into the street.

This is the problem. You're trying to sound rational,but at the same time you're saying let's "investigate" in order to disprove this crazy lie that Trump has told in his latest attempt at revising history. There are certain FACTS that you have to take into consideration,and then you have to ask yourself do Trump's accusations make sense in light of the known facts?

Fact 1- at the time (2015) Viktor Shokin was viewed as either extremely ineffective,corrupt or BOTH. The British case against Burisma/Zlochevsky was undermined by the actions of either Shokin or others within his office when they refused to forward the documents the Brits requested in their investigation into Zlochevsky's money laundering. The US Admin was NOT happy,which is discenible from Amb Pyatt's remarks in Sept (2015) in Odessa...

We applaud the work of the newly-established Inspector General’s office in the PGO led by David Sakvarelidze and Vitaliy Kasko. Their investigations into corruption within the PGO, have delivered important arrests and have sent the signal that those who abuse their official positions as prosecutors will be investigated and prosecuted. I encourage all of you to speak up in support of these brave investigators and prosecutors. Give them the resources and support to successfully prosecute these and future cases. We have learned that there have been times that the PGO not only did not support investigations into corruption, but rather undermined prosecutors working on legitimate corruption cases. For example, in the case of former Ecology Minister Mykola Zlochevsky, the U.K. authorities had seized 23 million dollars in illicit assets that belonged to the Ukrainian people. Officials at the PGO’s office were asked by the U.K to send documents supporting the seizure. Instead they sent letters to Zlochevsky’s attorneys attesting that there was no case against him. As a result the money was freed by the U.K. court and shortly thereafter the money was moved to Cyprus. The misconduct by the PGO officials who wrote those letters should be investigated, and those responsible for subverting the case by authorizing those letters should – at a minimum – be summarily terminated. Even as we support the work of the new Anti-Corruption Commission, and the recruitment of new prosecutors, we have urged Prosecutor General Shokin to empower Deputy Prosecutors Sakvarelidze and Kasko to implement reforms and bring to justice those who have violated the law"

He mentions Shokin by name, in a lightly veiled threat to Shokin to shape up or ship out. He also talks specifically about the Burisma case and how Shokin's office failed to do the job they were appointed to do. He is the US Ambassador- so he is speaking for the State Dept/US Govt. Biden's son worked for Burisma,and here is the US Amb telling Ukrainian officials that the US Govt is NOT HAPPY with the shoddy work Shokin has done on the Burisma case...

So 3 mos later when Biden tells Ukrainian officials that there will be no million $$ loan guarantee till Shokin is replaced, he is stating the OFFICIAL US Govt position.THAT is what Biden is discussing (and lauding) in video of his appearance before the CFR that Trump falsely claims is Biden celebrating Shokin being fired to STOP the investigation into Burisma. The people Biden is talking to, are they applauding Hunter's company being saved or a US attempt to stem corruption? Why would Biden even bring up the subject of Shokin if his actions were different that official US policy?

Trump's claims make no sense to anyone with critical reasoning skills. Watch and LISTEN to the video, which of course Trump is counting on people not doing.
Biden even says that he told the Ukrainans that if they didn't believe that was official US policy they could call BO and check. Trump knows the average American voter who supports him,is just going to take his claims at face value. They aren't going to do any RESEARCH,and go back and read Pyatt's speech or any of the media accounts of events and the details that were reported at that time.

Biden was proud of his role in getting rid of Shokin because Shokin was corrupt and his removal was what the US (along with the UK,the IMF, reformers insde Uraine and demonstrators rioting on the street) all wanted.Only a slimeball like Trump could try and make this sleazy,when Biden was doing the task Obama had assigned to him. I mean was BO in on the alleged plot, to go after Shokin in order to "protect" Hunter Biden? Is that what the Pubs who signed the bipartisan letter to Poroshenko in 2016 urging reforms in the PG's office (official US policy) were doing-trying to protect Hunter Biden? Again the US wanted Shokin fired because he WAS NOT investigating Burisma, the exact opposite of what Trump claims happened.
Hmmm. Not so bright today toasty. How can I put this in a way your hysterical self can understand...

Let's try this. I don't know what he or his son have done which is why I advocate for an inquiry. But there is enough to take a quick look (by someone objective). Sort of like why I want to see a bi-partisan hearing to learn what Trump and several others have done.

Sorry, it's an intellectual and ethical curiosity.

But screaming into the street.

From where I’m sitting you look to be the hysterical one. You don’t handle it very well if someone challenges you or dares to question your self proclaimed rational and unbiased opinion. Be well.
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Biden was proud of his role in getting rid of Shokin because Shokin was corrupt and his removal was what the US (along with the UK,the IMF, reformers insde Uraine and demonstrators rioting on the street) all wanted.Only a slimeball like Trump could try and make this sleazy,when Biden was doing the task Obama had assigned to him. I mean was BO in on the alleged plot, to go after Shokin in order to "protect" Hunter Biden?
Not only was Obama in on it, so was the UK, the IMF, and the Ukrainian reformers. That's one deep fxcking Deep State.
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Not only was Obama in on it, so was the UK, the IMF, and the Ukrainian reformers. That's one deep fxcking Deep State.

If we dig still deeper,we see that it was only AFTER Shokin was replaced,by a more stringent PG,that people like "Sam" Kislin were banned from the Ukraine and branded as "economic criminals". So that's more of an example of Shokin coddling the endemic Ukraine corruption rather than trying to root it out...

Now fast forward to 2019,and who are the major players within Ukraine pushing Rudy to investigate Biden? Shokin,claiming he was framed,and people like Kislin and Pavel Fuchs with ties both to the Russian/Ukranian mob as well as financial ties to both Trump/Giuliani. Remember all the discussion we had back in 2016 about investigating Trump's ties to Russian money laundering? Guess who ("Sam" Kislin) was at the HEART of those ties...
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This is the problem. You're trying to sound rational,but at the same time you're saying let's "investigate" in order to disprove this crazy lie that Trump has told in his latest attempt at revising history. There are certain FACTS that you have to take into consideration,and then you have to ask yourself do Trump's accusations make sense in light of the known facts?

Fact 1- at the time (2015) Viktor Shokin was viewed as either extremely ineffective,corrupt or BOTH. The British case against Burisma/Zlochevsky was undermined by the actions of either Shokin or others within his office when they refused to forward the documents the Brits requested in their investigation into Zlochevsky's money laundering. The US Admin was NOT happy,which is discenible from Amb Pyatt's remarks in Sept (2015) in Odessa...

We applaud the work of the newly-established Inspector General’s office in the PGO led by David Sakvarelidze and Vitaliy Kasko. Their investigations into corruption within the PGO, have delivered important arrests and have sent the signal that those who abuse their official positions as prosecutors will be investigated and prosecuted. I encourage all of you to speak up in support of these brave investigators and prosecutors. Give them the resources and support to successfully prosecute these and future cases. We have learned that there have been times that the PGO not only did not support investigations into corruption, but rather undermined prosecutors working on legitimate corruption cases. For example, in the case of former Ecology Minister Mykola Zlochevsky, the U.K. authorities had seized 23 million dollars in illicit assets that belonged to the Ukrainian people. Officials at the PGO’s office were asked by the U.K to send documents supporting the seizure. Instead they sent letters to Zlochevsky’s attorneys attesting that there was no case against him. As a result the money was freed by the U.K. court and shortly thereafter the money was moved to Cyprus. The misconduct by the PGO officials who wrote those letters should be investigated, and those responsible for subverting the case by authorizing those letters should – at a minimum – be summarily terminated. Even as we support the work of the new Anti-Corruption Commission, and the recruitment of new prosecutors, we have urged Prosecutor General Shokin to empower Deputy Prosecutors Sakvarelidze and Kasko to implement reforms and bring to justice those who have violated the law"

He mentions Shokin by name, in a lightly veiled threat to Shokin to shape up or ship out. He also talks specifically about the Burisma case and how Shokin's office failed to do the job they were appointed to do. He is the US Ambassador- so he is speaking for the State Dept/US Govt. Biden's son worked for Burisma,and here is the US Amb telling Ukrainian officials that the US Govt is NOT HAPPY with the shoddy work Shokin has done on the Burisma case...

So 3 mos later when Biden tells Ukrainian officials that there will be no million $$ loan guarantee till Shokin is replaced, he is stating the OFFICIAL US Govt position.THAT is what Biden is discussing (and lauding) in video of his appearance before the CFR that Trump falsely claims is Biden celebrating Shokin being fired to STOP the investigation into Burisma. The people Biden is talking to, are they applauding Hunter's company being saved or a US attempt to stem corruption? Why would Biden even bring up the subject of Shokin if his actions were different that official US policy?

Trump's claims make no sense to anyone with critical reasoning skills. Watch and LISTEN to the video, which of course Trump is counting on people not doing.
Biden even says that he told the Ukrainans that if they didn't believe that was official US policy they could call BO and check. Trump knows the average American voter who supports him,is just going to take his claims at face value. They aren't going to do any RESEARCH,and go back and read Pyatt's speech or any of the media accounts of events and the details that were reported at that time.

Biden was proud of his role in getting rid of Shokin because Shokin was corrupt and his removal was what the US (along with the UK,the IMF, reformers insde Uraine and demonstrators rioting on the street) all wanted.Only a slimeball like Trump could try and make this sleazy,when Biden was doing the task Obama had assigned to him. I mean was BO in on the alleged plot, to go after Shokin in order to "protect" Hunter Biden? Is that what the Pubs who signed the bipartisan letter to Poroshenko in 2016 urging reforms in the PG's office (official US policy) were doing-trying to protect Hunter Biden? Again the US wanted Shokin fired because he WAS NOT investigating Burisma, the exact opposite of what Trump claims happened.
Not only was Obama in on it, so was the UK, the IMF, and the Ukrainian reformers. That's one deep fxcking Deep State.

There is an actual scandal brewing, which no one is talking about yet...

See here:

I'd call this an actual bombshell.
There is an actual scandal brewing, which no one is talking about yet...

See here:

I'd call this an actual bombshell.

That's why it's so ironic that Trump tried to blame Perry for the call to Zelensky. The man will throw ANYONE under the bus...

That's why he's so insistent on having a vote NOW on the Inquiry, and tries to portray the Dems not conducting one as unprecedented. The fact is the Nixon Inquiry began 3 mos before any full House vote,and had they required a full vote prior to launching an inquiry they likely didn't have the votes. Which means they might not have uncovered enough evidence to force him to resign.

Trump wants the Dems in contested districts to have to go on record as favoring the Inquiry. The Dems have the votes,but Pelosi wisely knows the longer they investigate the more they will uncover. It seems they are on top of these Trump/Giuliani mob connections,having subpoenaed both Giuliani and the WH for documents related to those. And if the Press keeps digging they will continue to dig up stories like you linked. The evidence will mount and in the House at least Impeachment will at some point adopt more of a bipartisan nature. Not to mention how new revelations will affect polling...

Still don't believe the Senate will ever convict, but as evidence mounts more and more Pubs are going to have to defend the corruption.The public may be currently "split",but pro Impeachment numbers are far ahead of where they were in this same stage of either Nixon or Clinton. Imo, they will only rise since Trump is so unpopular to begin with.
This is the problem. You're trying to sound rational,but at the same time you're saying let's "investigate" in order to disprove this crazy lie that Trump has told in his latest attempt at revising history. There are certain FACTS that you have to take into consideration,and then you have to ask yourself do Trump's accusations make sense in light of the known facts?

Fact 1- at the time (2015) Viktor Shokin was viewed as either extremely ineffective,corrupt or BOTH. The British case against Burisma/Zlochevsky was undermined by the actions of either Shokin or others within his office when they refused to forward the documents the Brits requested in their investigation into Zlochevsky's money laundering. The US Admin was NOT happy,which is discenible from Amb Pyatt's remarks in Sept (2015) in Odessa...

We applaud the work of the newly-established Inspector General’s office in the PGO led by David Sakvarelidze and Vitaliy Kasko. Their investigations into corruption within the PGO, have delivered important arrests and have sent the signal that those who abuse their official positions as prosecutors will be investigated and prosecuted. I encourage all of you to speak up in support of these brave investigators and prosecutors. Give them the resources and support to successfully prosecute these and future cases. We have learned that there have been times that the PGO not only did not support investigations into corruption, but rather undermined prosecutors working on legitimate corruption cases. For example, in the case of former Ecology Minister Mykola Zlochevsky, the U.K. authorities had seized 23 million dollars in illicit assets that belonged to the Ukrainian people. Officials at the PGO’s office were asked by the U.K to send documents supporting the seizure. Instead they sent letters to Zlochevsky’s attorneys attesting that there was no case against him. As a result the money was freed by the U.K. court and shortly thereafter the money was moved to Cyprus. The misconduct by the PGO officials who wrote those letters should be investigated, and those responsible for subverting the case by authorizing those letters should – at a minimum – be summarily terminated. Even as we support the work of the new Anti-Corruption Commission, and the recruitment of new prosecutors, we have urged Prosecutor General Shokin to empower Deputy Prosecutors Sakvarelidze and Kasko to implement reforms and bring to justice those who have violated the law"

He mentions Shokin by name, in a lightly veiled threat to Shokin to shape up or ship out. He also talks specifically about the Burisma case and how Shokin's office failed to do the job they were appointed to do. He is the US Ambassador- so he is speaking for the State Dept/US Govt. Biden's son worked for Burisma,and here is the US Amb telling Ukrainian officials that the US Govt is NOT HAPPY with the shoddy work Shokin has done on the Burisma case...

So 3 mos later when Biden tells Ukrainian officials that there will be no million $$ loan guarantee till Shokin is replaced, he is stating the OFFICIAL US Govt position.THAT is what Biden is discussing (and lauding) in video of his appearance before the CFR that Trump falsely claims is Biden celebrating Shokin being fired to STOP the investigation into Burisma. The people Biden is talking to, are they applauding Hunter's company being saved or a US attempt to stem corruption? Why would Biden even bring up the subject of Shokin if his actions were different that official US policy?

Trump's claims make no sense to anyone with critical reasoning skills. Watch and LISTEN to the video, which of course Trump is counting on people not doing.
Biden even says that he told the Ukrainans that if they didn't believe that was official US policy they could call BO and check. Trump knows the average American voter who supports him,is just going to take his claims at face value. They aren't going to do any RESEARCH,and go back and read Pyatt's speech or any of the media accounts of events and the details that were reported at that time.

Biden was proud of his role in getting rid of Shokin because Shokin was corrupt and his removal was what the US (along with the UK,the IMF, reformers insde Uraine and demonstrators rioting on the street) all wanted.Only a slimeball like Trump could try and make this sleazy,when Biden was doing the task Obama had assigned to him. I mean was BO in on the alleged plot, to go after Shokin in order to "protect" Hunter Biden? Is that what the Pubs who signed the bipartisan letter to Poroshenko in 2016 urging reforms in the PG's office (official US policy) were doing-trying to protect Hunter Biden? Again the US wanted Shokin fired because he WAS NOT investigating Burisma, the exact opposite of what Trump claims happened.

Then with respect to the Shokin aspect he has nothing to worry about? How about the BOD gig?
If you’re ignorant of the facts, perhaps in lieu of a federal investigation you could simply Google up all the articles explaining that the insinuations about Joe Biden are all bullshit. Do you even know what the case against Biden is? Because there isn’t one.

You seem overly concerned. You have never been even the slightest bit objective so your immediate rush to excuse is interesting. You remind me of the Trump apologists.
Young Biden no doubt played on his name. I'd be surprised if Trump really wants to go there.

Nah, Hunty had deep expertise in the global fuel industries... particularly gas. He was fluent in all of the relevant languages and deeply ingrained in the local cultures. There was no available leverage, so Rockfish is right...perfectly logical hire.

Oh...and I don't know or care what Trump thinks or where he wants to go.
Nah, Hunty had deep expertise in the global fuel industries... particularly gas. He was fluent in all of the relevant languages and deeply ingrained in the local cultures. There was no available leverage, so Rockfish is right...perfectly logical hire.
Except that @Rockfish1 has said none of those things. Interesting coming from someone who gets all bound up when someone ascribes opinions to you that you've not explicitly stated.
Rocky ran quickly to proclaim nothing to see here with regard to the Bidens. A red flag coming from a closed-minded quasi intellectual.
What I've seen him post are well regarded, well researched sources thoroughly debunking the entire "Biden question" (as have several others).
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But when a guy like that looks like a geeky 7th grade English grammar teacher, he should know better than to try to act cool like a late-night performer.

I wasn't under the impression he was trying to act cool. I AM under the impression that he believes in the constitution and has a duty to follow protocol in regards to the whistleblower. I also believe it to be his duty to let Americans know when the President blatantly lies on twitter to his followers. I appreciate people that have integrity for country over party on both sides of the aisle. It takes guts.
But when a guy like that looks like a geeky 7th grade English grammar teacher, he should know better than to try to act cool like a late-night performer.
The guy has conducted himself honorably from the beginning of the shitshow that has been this administration. Playing second fiddle to Nunes without punching him in the face was heroic. The Godfather riff on Trump's phone call was pure gold. He earned that one.