Arrest Schiff for Treason?


Hall of Famer
Oct 25, 2006
Can anyone imagine the collective Republican outrage if O had tweeted that about Nunes?

Can't make this up. The party of "law and order" is the party of utter lawlessness.
Trump’s civil war tweet is even more troubling.
Yep...something Trump and his followers don't fully grasp (or don't want to admit) is that there is a lot of power in a sitting president's words. Not speaking about anyone in particular here, but a sitting president can comfort and inspire a grieving nation, influence the stock market, and rile up the country when/if he so chooses.

You don't have to look far to see figurative nodding heads to this civil war comment.
Can anyone imagine the collective Republican outrage if O had tweeted that about Nunes?

Can't make this up. The party of "law and order" is the party of utter lawlessness.
Schiff has no credibility but he did not commit treason and for Trump to say so is outrageous. Maybe insane is a better word.
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It boggles the mind that a Trump apologist would talk about someone else's credibility.
I always like how people are lumped into a group just because they don't see each issue the same as another.
I've been outspoken about what I think is media bias and also that I thought some of the FBI and others acted in a way that was not appropriate. To you that equals Trump apologist.
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It boggles the mind that a Trump apologist would talk about someone else's credibility.
Monroe just said Trump was outrageous and insane. Shouldn't we just count that as progress and let the rest go? :):D

I don't know why Monroe gets attacked on here. He's one of the only Trump voters who's abandoned the President. Kudos to him. He may vote for Biden. I don't know if he would vote for the other candidates. The only thing that matters is the 2020 election, so why hit Monroe with a hammer. We need his vote.
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Schiff has no credibility but he did not commit treason and for Trump to say so is outrageous. Maybe insane is a better word.
Schiff has ABSOLUTE credibility, and you had a clue what's actually going on, you'd be thanking your lucky stars that he's doing his job. That man is doing more to protect American democracy than any soldier who ever served.
Schiff has ABSOLUTE credibility, and you had a clue what's actually going on, you'd be thanking your lucky stars that he's doing his job. That man is doing more to protect American democracy than any soldier who ever served.
It's great that you think he's credible.
I'm not surprised.
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Can anyone imagine the collective Republican outrage if O had tweeted that about Nunes?

Can't make this up. The party of "law and order" is the party of utter lawlessness.

There's a real threat to the whistleblower's confidentiality by allowing Nunes to attend his testimony. Same with Jordan- both are Trump lackeys who would probably race each other across the WH grounds to see who could get to Trump with the info the quickest. They may have to have him testify behind a partition or place a hood over his head. It's like US Marshals discovering they are harboring a a mole that compromises the identity of a witness protection participant...
It's great that you think he's credible.
I'm not surprised.
Yeah, because I live in reality, rather than your little propoganda-fueled fantasy bubble. Have fun telling your grandkids about how there used to be more than one candidate for every election... If there even ARE elections.
I don't know why Monroe gets attacked on here. He's one of the only Trump voters who's abandoned the President. Kudos to him. He may vote for Biden. I don't know if he would vote for the other candidates. The only thing that matters is the 2020 election, so why hit Monroe with a hammer. We need his vote.
Then he should also credit Schiff for his efforts in bringing Trump's crimes to light.
Schiff has ABSOLUTE credibility, and you had a clue what's actually going on, you'd be thanking your lucky stars that he's doing his job. That man is doing more to protect American democracy than any soldier who ever served.
That's a fairly hyperbolic statement. Over a million soldiers sacrificed their very lives to protect American democracy.
Yeah, because I live in reality, rather than your little propoganda-fueled fantasy bubble. Have fun telling your grandkids about how there used to be more than one candidate for every election... If there even ARE elections.

I wonder what makes Schiff lack credibility to some people outside of being from California and a democrat. Sounds like a Trump apologist still parroting Trump’s nonsense.
Then he should also credit Schiff for his efforts in bringing Trump's crimes to light.

Who gives a crap where credit is and isn't due? All I know is that Monroe has turned away from Trump. That's enough in my book. Let's be smart about this.
Who gives a crap where credit is and isn't due? All I know is that Monroe has turned away from Trump. That's enough in my book. Let's be smart about this.

While that may be, I feel like if the GOP runs T.rump in 2020, and the Dems run anyone other than a Repub, many will still vote for T.rump.
As when a little kid throws a tantrum, just ignore our president who thrives on the attention..
As when a little kid throws a tantrum, just ignore our president who thrives on the attention..
The problem is that his immature tantrums are often illegal, embarrassing for our county, and detrimental to our diplomatic interests.
The problem is that his immature tantrums are often illegal, embarrassing for our county, and detrimental to our diplomatic interests.

Good point.

Fortunately we have the press, Congress, and the courts along with a Constitution to protect us against presidents.

Unfortunately, we now have presidents whose power and lack of accountability have gradually increased over the years before Trump.

In respect to Congess, tribalism and gerrymandered districts now allows a president to have party members willing to blindly defend his actions without repercussions.

Thus we have presidents with more power and less accountability.
Sorry dude, but soldiers protect people and property. Usually in some distant part of the world. There's not a damned thing they can do to protect the Constitution from greedy Americans with bad ideas.
I get your point, I do. But contrasting Schiff's efforts to the sacrifice of so many American patriots who literally gave everything they had for the defense of our form of government, and marginalizing the impact their sacrifice had in preserving the American form of government was, at least, in bad taste.
I get your point, I do. But contrasting Schiff's efforts to the sacrifice of so many American patriots who literally gave everything they had for the defense of our form of government, and marginalizing the impact their sacrifice had in preserving the American form of government was, at least, in bad taste.
Maybe. Maybe not.

From what I can tell, Schiff is one of the few in a thin wool line standing up against what has to be the most deliberate existential assault on American democracy since Pearl Harbor.

None of the Americans who lost their lives in combat knew when that sacrifice was going to be required of them . . . they just knew it was entirely possible because of the degree of threat posed by the enemy. Schiff doesn't know what is going to befall him either . . . if the thin wool line's efforts aren't successful Schiff could be held for treason just on the Orange Dictator Wannabe's say-so.

You don't know that mainway's comment marginalized anybody . . . we just know that you're comment was for the purpose of marginalizing Schiff. That's bullshit.
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I get your point, I do. But contrasting Schiff's efforts to the sacrifice of so many American patriots who literally gave everything they had for the defense of our form of government, and marginalizing the impact their sacrifice had in preserving the American form of government was, at least, in bad taste.
Nonsense. I marginalized nothing. That was your interpretation.

I expected blowback when I posted that. In this country we're taught from the cradle to glorify the military. The fact remains that our downfall won't happen happen at the hands of foreign invaders with guns. Without vigilance by ordinary, voting citizens and the non-violent work of people like "Shifty Schiff", we'll do it to ourselves.
You don't know that mainway's comment marginalized anybody . . . we just know that you're comment was for the purpose of marginalizing Schiff. That's bullshit.
No sir. I had no agenda of marginalizing Schiff. I'm fully in the camp of what he's trying to accomplish.

I said it was, at best, in bad taste. I stand by that statement. Agree or not; your choice..

Edit: Focusing my quote to the point I addressed in my response.
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Nonsense. I marginalized nothing. That was your interpretation.

I expected blowback when I posted that. In this country we're taught from the cradle to glorify the military. The fact remains that our downfall won't happen happen at the hands of foreign invaders with guns. Without vigilance by ordinary, voting citizens and the non-violent work of people like "Shifty Schiff", we'll do it to ourselves.
I am not one to glorify the military, and a search of my posts will bear that out. But there was no need to contrast what Schiff is doing with the sacrifices Soldiers made on the battlefield. That was a comparison no one was making but you, and I stand by my statement that it was in bad taste.
Nonsense. I marginalized nothing. That was your interpretation.

I expected blowback when I posted that. In this country we're taught from the cradle to glorify the military. The fact remains that our downfall won't happen happen at the hands of foreign invaders with guns. Without vigilance by ordinary, voting citizens and the non-violent work of people like "Shifty Schiff", we'll do it to ourselves.
Your post was nonsense. You’re comparing apples to green beans. It’s fine that you’re upset about the glorification of the military, because I think that’s probably true also. But your remark is that of a naive simpleton.

Modern wars take part overseas. Fine. Tell your tale to Joshua Chamberlain at Little Round Top or to the unpaid soldiers of the Revolutionary War. But oh by the way, wars are fought overseas to keep them from being fought here.
I wonder what makes Schiff lack credibility to some people outside of being from California and a democrat. Sounds like a Trump apologist still parroting Trump’s nonsense.

Maybe the fact that he spent two years on every news channel in America acting as if he was privy to Mueller probe information that would bring about the end of Trump.
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Maybe. Maybe not.

From what I can tell, Schiff is one of the few in a thin wool line standing up against what has to be the most deliberate existential assault on American democracy since Pearl Harbor.

None of the Americans who lost their lives in combat knew when that sacrifice was going to be required of them . . . they just knew it was entirely possible because of the degree of threat posed by the enemy. Schiff doesn't know what is going to befall him either . . . if the thin wool line's efforts aren't successful Schiff could be held for treason just on the Orange Dictator Wannabe's say-so.

You don't know that mainway's comment marginalized anybody . . . we just know that you're comment was for the purpose of marginalizing Schiff. That's bullshit.

Is no one going to say anything to this nut job?

This is akin to the “Clinton Murders” theory, except that he’s speculating about people he thinks Trump is going to murder. So in reality it’s even dumber.
I am not one to glorify the military, and a search of my posts will bear that out. But there was no need to contrast what Schiff is doing with the sacrifices Soldiers made on the battlefield. That was a comparison no one was making but you, and I stand by my statement that it was in bad taste.
Then bad taste it is. My point is one can't glorify the military simultaneously vilify Schiff.
Your post was nonsense. You’re comparing apples to green beans. It’s fine that you’re upset about the glorification of the military, because I think that’s probably true also. But your remark is that of a naive simpleton.

Modern wars take part overseas. Fine. Tell your tale to Joshua Chamberlain at Little Round Top or to the unpaid soldiers of the Revolutionary War. But oh by the way, wars are fought overseas to keep them from being fought here.
Modern wars take part overseas because we're a huge nation surrounded by two large, peaceful neighbors and two massive oceans. Other than the occasional sucker punch like Pearl Harbor or 9/11 we are geographically immune. We'd see an invading force approaching from thousands of miles away. We have no choice but to fight in other parts of the world if we want to fight at all. Our homeland and system of government is not at least not from anything a conventional military can stop.

The only real threat Democracy faces is internal.
Sorry dude, but soldiers protect people and property. Usually in some distant part of the world. There's not a damned thing they can do to protect the Constitution from greedy Americans with bad ideas.

Well...,there's idiots and then there's guys like you who take things to a whole new Low...

You evidently really don't grasp that you wouldn't be able to post or speak an opposing view to or about whoever was in power if it weren't for Soldiers Marines, Airmen, Naval and Coast Guard personnel having done their duty in a "distant part of the world"...
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I wonder what makes Schiff lack credibility to some people outside of being from California and a democrat. Sounds like a Trump apologist still parroting Trump’s nonsense.

Maybe the fact that he spent two years on every news channel in America acting as if he was privy to Mueller probe information that would bring about the end of Trump.
As a former prosecutor he knew a scoundrel when he saw one. I’m sure he also wasn’t a bit surprised when this corrupt scoundrel walked right back into another illegal action. Keep the heat on a criminal and they’ll eventually hang themself. So I say, well played Mr. Schiff, you drove Trump to do what he does best, lie, cheat and flout the law and now he’ll hopefully get his comeuppance.
Well...,there's idiots and then there's guys like you who take things to a whole new Low...

You evidently really don't grasp that you wouldn't be able to post or speak an opposing view to or about whoever was in power if it weren't for Soldiers Marines, Airmen, Naval and Coast Guard personnel having done their duty in a "distant part of the world"...
Yeah I would. North Vietnam was not going to invade the US. Nor was Afghanistan, Iraq, Russia, Nazi Germany, Japan, etc.

Some wars need to fought, but not (with the possible exception of the Civil War) to defend our constitution. Our "top dog" standing my have been at risk, but never our sovereignty.

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