any tangible ideas for changing the conditions in african american

kurt cloverdales

Mar 3, 2020
communities, I don't see this ever ending unless we do something about the poverty and violence in black neighborhoods. hearing a lot of talk about offering free health care and education through college.
Do you think blacks are unable to control themselves?

Wait... are you talking about yourself now?

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communities, I don't see this ever ending unless we do something about the poverty and violence in black neighborhoods. hearing a lot of talk about offering free health care and education through college.
Well, the looting didn’t do any good. We know that much.

Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot said it would take a "Herculean effort" to keep businesses open in disadvantaged neighborhoods after looting and damage that occurred during the first weekend of protests following the death of George Floyd.

"I've been on calls and text messages with people all day who fought hard to bring economic development to areas of the city, only to see the Walgreens, the CVS, the grocery store, everything vanish in an eye blink," Lightfoot said on a May 31 call with distraught aldermen. "It's going to take a Herculean effort on the part of all of us to convince businesses not to disappear, to come back. We're prepared to fight that fight."

Walmart can't confirm it will reopen its Chatham location on the city's South Side after it was ransacked.
All of this protesting WILL NOT change the fact that most black homes are fatherless. Many black kids are raised by their 70 year old grandmother....These are very deep seeded problems in their communities across the nation....Education is a tremendous problem in their communities, too. Bailing out on high school in the 10th grade is a sure fire way to poverty...

The white man was absolutely their problem under Jim Crow but that's been many decades ago...The black on black crime in the West end of Louisville is through the roof. This circles back to no value on education. You get a bunch of hardened, drug dealing, uncouth, violent people that essentially operate as sociopaths in society.

They've got tremendous problems...
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Unfortunately disrespect and selfishness has become a big part of society and it starts at the very top.
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Unfortunately disrespect and selfishness has become a big part of society and it starts at the very top.

It starts at the bottom. The looting, mayhem, arson, assaults, and more are pretty convincing evidence that the system raises kids to be pissed off. And yes, black kids have more reason to be pissed off than white kids. The pissed off culture is in music, in the homes, on the internet and in the schools.

Systematic racism? I don't think so--at least not to the extent many want to believe. I think we have systematic anger. That is no more apparent than the current debate over school resource officers. There are close to zero reports about cops using excessive force in school. The clear subtext of the SRO debate is that some community leaders don't want school kids to ever have positive interactions with the cops.

I'm not giving those "at the top" a pass. I don't think the top is the cause of all the anger. Trump is by no means a model person. Neither are many others, they are just less crude and more elegant with stoking anger. The top politicians have found out that stoking anger is good for fund-raising and exciting their base.

The Michael Brown Ferguson riots were in 2014. The 19 and 20 year olds rioting today were 13 or 14 and in junior high or starting high school then. The anger caused by the "hands up don't shoot" canard is in full bloom now. The kids who are 13 and 14 now will be at a hair trigger in when they are starting their adult lives in another 6 or 7 years. We may not survive the next riot.

So, how do we change the lives of not just African Americans, but all of us? Let's start with mutual respect and random acts of kindness, and hug a cop. Then the particular programs like opportunity zones, better schools, and sensible criminal enforcement will take root in fertile soil instead of being destroyed by toxic waste.
All of this protesting WILL NOT change the fact that most black homes are fatherless. Many black kids are raised by their 70 year old grandmother....These are very deep seeded problems in their communities across the nation....Education is a tremendous problem in their communities, too. Bailing out on high school in the 10th grade is a sure fire way to poverty...

The white man was absolutely their problem under Jim Crow but that's been many decades ago...The black on black crime in the West end of Louisville is through the roof. This circles back to no value on education. You get a bunch of hardened, drug dealing, uncouth, violent people that essentially operate as sociopaths in society.

They've got tremendous problems...

You got it all wrong. Reducing police presence and tearing down bronze statues directly addresses those problems.
It starts at the bottom. The looting, mayhem, arson, assaults, and more are pretty convincing evidence that the system raises kids to be pissed off. And yes, black kids have more reason to be pissed off than white kids. The pissed off culture is in music, in the homes, on the internet and in the schools.

Systematic racism? I don't think so--at least not to the extent many want to believe. I think we have systematic anger. That is no more apparent than the current debate over school resource officers. There are close to zero reports about cops using excessive force in school. The clear subtext of the SRO debate is that some community leaders don't want school kids to ever have positive interactions with the cops.

I'm not giving those "at the top" a pass. I don't think the top is the cause of all the anger. Trump is by no means a model person. Neither are many others, they are just less crude and more elegant with stoking anger. The top politicians have found out that stoking anger is good for fund-raising and exciting their base.

The Michael Brown Ferguson riots were in 2014. The 19 and 20 year olds rioting today were 13 or 14 and in junior high or starting high school then. The anger caused by the "hands up don't shoot" canard is in full bloom now. The kids who are 13 and 14 now will be at a hair trigger in when they are starting their adult lives in another 6 or 7 years. We may not survive the next riot.

So, how do we change the lives of not just African Americans, but all of us? Let's start with mutual respect and random acts of kindness, and hug a cop. Then the particular programs like opportunity zones, better schools, and sensible criminal enforcement will take root in fertile soil instead of being destroyed by toxic waste.
i think you make some good points, until aa,s start respecting the police I don't see a good ending, when im approached by a cop we discuss what the reason for stopping me was, to many of the initial stops of AA,s start out with disrespect and conflict which then escalates
that started with bush 2 didnt it?
I recall that there was this movement called the "birthers" a while back, that got people really riled up. They were insisting than whomever was the president back then wasn't even born here. I remember the cartoons depicting him as a monkey. Those were a little "negative" and it really divided people.
I recall that there was this movement called the "birthers" a while back, that got people really riled up. They were insisting than whomever was the president back then wasn't even born here. I remember the cartoons depicting him as a monkey. Those were a little "negative" and it really divided people.

black man bad

I remember those
93% of black homicides are committed by another black person. They could start by quit killing each other.
communities, I don't see this ever ending unless we do something about the poverty and violence in black neighborhoods. hearing a lot of talk about offering free health care and education through college.

end the war on drugs, and move everything out of the black market..

it's been the worst disaster policy in this country since slavery.

look at the country's drug problems pre war on drugs, and now.

we've made the drug problem a hundred times worse, while bringing back prohibition era mob violence and making the hood it's home base..

Medicare for all and free K-16, (and med school for those wanting to go that route), instead of just K-12, would help the black community a ton as well, and offer poor blacks another way out and reason to stay out of trouble, but would also help everyone, and jobs and wages, as well.

medicare for all, free K-16/med school, ending the war on drugs, legal pot, should be the top priorities of any black leader and white leader alike.

bringing back US manufacturing, and good jobs for non MBAs and tech wizes next on the agenda.

not legal assault weapons, and a financial/industrial plan that only makes the the wealthy wealthier, offshores all our supply chains making us future sitting ducks, while making the working class worse and worse off..