Another school shooting

Reading the back and forth in these threads makes me shake my head and realize our society and humans in general have progressed to the equivalent of birds with little tiny brains.

“ Individual superb fairy-wrens help their families and friends before helping strangers, suggesting these songbirds recognize which social tier individual birds belong to. “
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Armageddon son. We’re on the cusp of a tranny apocalypse

Gotta be the liberals.
Did you read the post I responded to? Context matters. If conservatives are to blame for people having the guns, liberals are to blame for the culture that gets them to shoot.

Social media companies, entertainment, news, and music are all dominated by the left and that is what spreads the culture. Same logic in play.
Did you read the post I responded to? Context matters. If conservatives are to blame for people having the guns, liberals are to blame for the culture that gets them to shoot.

Social media companies, entertainment, news, and music are all dominated by the left and that is what spreads the culture. Same logic in play.
You left out churches, online extremism (let's face it, mostly right wing). I've yet to see a shooter holding 30 kids hostage yelling about Medicare for All.
You left out churches, online extremism (let's face it, mostly right wing). I've yet to see a shooter holding 30 kids hostage yelling about Medicare for All.

After every shooting it is the right's fault. The dude in Buffalo was a racist socialist that hated conservatives. We got that blame. This trans beeyotch and we still are getting the blame. DC GENERAL'S other thread about mass shootings, I lay money most of those are inner city and gang related. Those aren't GOP voters or supporters.
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After every shooting it is the right's fault. The dude in Buffalo was a racist socialist that hated conservatives. We got that blame. This trans beeyotch and we still are getting the blame. DC GENERAL'S other thread about mass shootings, I lay money most of those are inner city and gang related. Those aren't GOP voters or supporters.
I get it. I'm being cheeky. I've been pretty consistent that mass shooters aren't motivated by ideology. They are motivated by being nucking futs. They're crazy. Insane. Should be in an institution. But we don't do that anymore.

I wish I had more time. I have thoughts. I really think our biology is utterly confused by our intelligence. Evolution is tricky and messy. We (humans) are in this weird epoch where our cognitive abilities are evolving faster than our physical capabilities . To the point we are actively replacing physical work with machines. As Twenty noted earlier someday his job will be done by a computer.

We're just scratching the surface of societal insanity. If we don't end up with UBI or some kind of system to take care of 70% of the population (due to lack of way to earn the currency necessary to eat in our world), we're doomed.

Right now will look rose colored compared to 20 years from now.

After every shooting it is the right's fault. The dude in Buffalo was a racist socialist that hated conservatives. We got that blame. This trans beeyotch and we still are getting the blame. DC GENERAL'S other thread about mass shootings, I lay money most of those are inner city and gang related. Those aren't GOP voters or supporters.

Kelly gives a good explanation for the MSM narrative. Don’t overthink it.
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After every shooting it is the right's fault. The dude in Buffalo was a racist socialist that hated conservatives. We got that blame. This trans beeyotch and we still are getting the blame. DC GENERAL'S other thread about mass shootings, I lay money most of those are inner city and gang related. Those aren't GOP voters or supporters.
There is no overthinking going on. There was a professor at Wayne State University (who was thankfully fired) who just advocated for killing speakers like the judge that showed up to speak at Stanford. I just can't do the bullshit today.
You’re ready for a WOKE WAR!!!
You’re ready for a WOKE WAR!!!
Trans-terrorism has taken more lives than the J6 movement. Isn't that how we do these things? Stop radical tran-terrorism, we need red flags laws to keep mentally unstable gender dysphorics from having access to guns. They are dangerous individuals hopped up on hate and hormones.
Did you read the post I responded to? Context matters. If conservatives are to blame for people having the guns, liberals are to blame for the culture that gets them to shoot.

Social media companies, entertainment, news, and music are all dominated by the left and that is what spreads the culture. Same logic in play.

If you were looking to get people to take you as seriously as they take winners, then congrats...mission accomplished. 🤷‍♂️

After every shooting it is the right's fault. The dude in Buffalo was a racist socialist that hated conservatives. We got that blame. This trans beeyotch and we still are getting the blame. DC GENERAL'S other thread about mass shootings, I lay money most of those are inner city and gang related. Those aren't GOP voters or supporters.
Also, I remember Greenwald before he got so f*cking jaded. Motherf*cker used to write for Counterpunch and Buzzflash (talk about yer lefty rags, Counterpunch is damn near anarchy).

All ideologies spawn psychopaths who kill innocents in its name. Yet only some are blamed for their violent adherents: by opportunists cravenly exploiting corpses while they still lie on the ground.​

Bull and shit. Psychopaths cling to just about anything other than ideology. The ideology did nothing. Better watch that shit Glenn, you're wandering into censorship territory. Also, he can cry about liberal weirdos killing people in an article ostensibly about not blaming an ideology while noting that ideologies spawn psychopaths while not acknowledging that, were this to be true, the right wing flavor of ideologies is doing a 5:1 dance on the liberal psychopaths. I don't think he means to have that argument, but his writing talent has fallen off a cliff.

Yet virtually nobody sought to blame Chris Hayes, Joy Reid, Nancy Pelosi, Jamelle Bouie or New York Times op-ed writers for these shooting sprees. Indeed, no blame was assigned to anti-police liberal pundits whose view of American history is exactly the same as that of these two killers — even though they purposely sought to murder the same enemies whom those prominent liberals target.

Bull and shit part deux. Should we go back to the days of Rep. Scalise getting shot? "Vitually nobody". What does that even mean? Nobody blamed liberal pundits when cops got killed by ambush psychos? Are we being serious here? And the coup de f*cking gras, "even though they purposesly sought to murder the same enemies whom those prominent liberals target". God damn I can sense the venom dripping from his fingers with this. Look at that language, "purposely", "enemies", "target".

Nah, Greenwald can EAD.

After every shooting it is the right's fault. The dude in Buffalo was a racist socialist that hated conservatives. We got that blame. This trans beeyotch and we still are getting the blame. DC GENERAL'S other thread about mass shootings, I lay money most of those are inner city and gang related. Those aren't GOP voters or supporters.
'The Libs' reacting to this story seem to be trying to specifically talk about school/mass shootings in supposed safe public areas.

The variables seem to be pretty simple...dudes and guns.

Some conservatives here keep trying to change the subject and/or deflect (it's the blacks, it's the porn, it's the trans, it's the left, yada yada yada) as they focus the narrative on 'the dudes' part of the equation.

It's never about the guns even though 'the guns' are the one variable that differentiates us from pretty much every other country, particularly every other advanced country.

It's not complex, if you want to have the amount of guns, the ease of acquisition and the lack of accountability per gun owner.....people are going to shoot each other and are at risk in even safe spaces.

Like saying if we remove all speed limits because they are tyrannical displays of government overreach.... predictably more people are going to be killed via the car.

That's why gun lovers get ripped on for their 'thoughts and prayers', for trying so hard to deflect and for trying to come up with solutions that still allow 'the guns' to be handled as is (ie we need stormtroopers guarding the entrances into the bunkers that should now be our schools 40 feet underground).

Most Americans want discussions about 'the guns'. It's actually pretty bipartisan. Yet it keeps getting shot dead via certain right wing politicians who have the NRA lining their pockets.

I just want to get to a level of either saying f#$k it and we just live with the ramifications as the American way or let's get to work and at a minimum better regulate it because the same threads with the same reactions are getting old and lead to nothing.
'The Libs' reacting to this story seem to be trying to specifically talk about school/mass shootings in supposed safe public areas.

The variables seem to be pretty simple...dudes and guns.

Some conservatives here keep trying to change the subject and/or deflect (it's the blacks, it's the porn, it's the trans, it's the left, yada yada yada) as they focus the narrative on 'the dudes' part of the equation.

It's never about the guns even though 'the guns' are the one variable that differentiates us from pretty much every other country, particularly every other advanced country.

It's not complex, if you want to have the amount of guns, the ease of acquisition and the lack of accountability per gun owner.....people are going to shoot each other and are at risk in even safe spaces.

Like saying if we remove all speed limits because they are tyrannical displays of government overreach.... predictably more people are going to be killed via the car.

That's why gun lovers get ripped on for their 'thoughts and prayers', for trying so hard to deflect and for trying to come up with solutions that still allow 'the guns' to be handled as is (ie we need stormtroopers guarding the entrances into the bunkers that should now be our schools 40 feet underground).

Most Americans want discussions about 'the guns'. It's actually pretty bipartisan. Yet it keeps getting shot dead via certain right wing politicians who have the NRA lining their pockets.

I just want to get to a level of either saying f#$k it and we just live with the ramifications as the American way or let's get to work and at a minimum better regulate it because the same threads with the same reactions are getting old and lead to nothing.
And this is where i think the circle comes together for folks like you, me, and Crazy.

Why are we men losing our collective shit over the last 40 years? That's real and should be a non ideological question that we need to answer.
Isn't it amazing how many right-wingers are all high-fiving and fist-bumping about the shooter being trans?

I guess they feel the need to celebrate on the rare instances when it isn't another angry white guy.
Trans-terrorism has taken more lives than the J6 movement. Isn't that how we do these things? Stop radical tran-terrorism, we need red flags laws to keep mentally unstable gender dysphorics from having access to guns. They are dangerous individuals hopped up on hate and hormones.
Man I like how that sounds!!! Trans-terrorism!!!
I get it. I'm being cheeky. I've been pretty consistent that mass shooters aren't motivated by ideology. They are motivated by being nucking futs. They're crazy. Insane. Should be in an institution. But we don't do that anymore.

I wish I had more time. I have thoughts. I really think our biology is utterly confused by our intelligence. Evolution is tricky and messy. We (humans) are in this weird epoch where our cognitive abilities are evolving faster than our physical capabilities . To the point we are actively replacing physical work with machines. As Twenty noted earlier someday his job will be done by a computer.

We're just scratching the surface of societal insanity. If we don't end up with UBI or some kind of system to take care of 70% of the population (due to lack of way to earn the currency necessary to eat in our world), we're doomed.

Right now will look rose colored compared to 20 years from now.
Yikes Lars, you're our Ted Lasso that we look for optimism (well I do).

That was pretty dark!
I've noticed my side has been conspicuously quiet relative to the race/gender of Audrey Hale. So afraid we are to call a trans person mentally ill.

We'll do back flips to avoid it. Tragic.
I’m not any more afraid to call Audrey mentally ill than I am to call the 99% of white male shooters mentally ill. Anyone who chooses to slaughter people is mentally ill. That’s pretty simple.
I’m not any more afraid to call Audrey mentally ill than I am to call the 99% of white male shooters mentally ill. Anyone who chooses to slaughter people is mentally ill. That’s pretty simple.
They're all mentally ill (mass shooters). Yet, Crazy is not entirely wrong that media, and their online syncophants (left or right), just sit and wait for the social media profiles to emerge so they can blame somebody other than the person whose mental illness led to tragedy.

Several things encourage these tragedies and literally none of those things is ideology. B/c if they were motivated solely by ideology, they wouldn't be insane. They'd be John Wick.
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They're all mentally ill (mass shooters). Yet, Crazy is not entirely wrong that media, and their online syncophants (left or right), just sit and wait for the social media profiles to emerge so they can blame somebody other than the person whose mental illness led to tragedy.

Several things encourage these tragedies and literally none of those things is ideology. B/c if they were motivated solely by ideology, they wouldn't be insane. They'd be John Wick.
Yeah but this is trans-terrorism. Okay. Wow. Wow. New world order.
Is that like the Trans Siberian Orchestra?
I texted my ex that I’m going to need a list of all the trannies 1) at my daughter’s school and 2) that my ex regularly visits. #trans-terrorism.

I haven’t gotten a reply yet.
And this is where i think the circle comes together for folks like you, me, and Crazy.

Why are we men losing our collective shit over the last 40 years? That's real and should be a non ideological question that we need to answer.
I'm probably way too simplistic but, as Murt said, social media.

From the intense bullying and fighting (I'm 53 and I've never had the constant political arguments as I've had the past five years. A big part is I've invited it) to the communities that have been found (Bill Burr said before social media the crazy guy at the bar was pretty alone and being rejected media allows for that crazy guy to join a community with all the other crazy guys and now they are part of something bigger and more dangerous).

Also social media greatly distorts reality (duh, I know). I posted a survey recently that had all these fringe groups were believed to be way over represented than they are. For example trans were believed to be 21% of the population (so 1 out of 5) when in reality they are less than 1%. Social media makes us think they are all over the place shaming us to oblivion and pissing us off.

Lastly, when it comes to dudes, we're dealing with equity shifts. Equality doesn't mean oppression at all....but it feels like it to those that aren't used to it. The dudes. It's also easy to manipulate as anger.

My real fear of the dudes is were falling behind academically. We're not graduating like previous generations, particularly graduate degrees (that's shifted to a higher percentage of women....which should mean that those women will naturally and deservingly take those power positions as they earned it). Dudes, particularly white dudes are feeling like the ones being victimized (and their is definitely a market to push this victimization) which leads to anger and naturally violence.

The evolution of the incel.

Lastly, lastly there's infamy. For some twisted reason school shootings/public shooting are the trend. If a suicidal killer wants to make national news these a mass shooting. They will automatically go to the top of the news cycle. Cop killers and serial killer were so 1990's.
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Yikes Lars, you're our Ted Lasso that we look for optimism (well I do).

That was pretty dark!
Irrelevant sidebar:

Speaking of Ted Lasso, I think Rupert has one of Lasso's players purposely injured (Zava or Jamie) and Ted loses his shit and punches him in public.
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If you were looking to get people to take you as seriously as they take winners, then congrats...mission accomplished. 🤷‍♂️
At a certain point hoos, I kind of reflect back what I get. Winners had a post talking about conservatives being the devil and I regurgitated his talking points back to him and changed the villain.
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