Another school shooting

Has anyone noticed how frequently the murderer's name is being used in the stories? Am I imagining things, or is it much more than normal? If so, why?
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Has anyone noticed how frequently the murderer's name is being used in the stories? Am I imagining things, or is it much more than normal? If so, why?
I noticed that on CNN when the cops first dropped the whole trans thing. CNN published an update that used her (his?) name over and over in what clearly appeared to me to be an attempt to avoid any pronouns.
That you, me, our whole society has long accepted limits on the right to bear arms. There are arms that you, as a citizen, DO NOT NEED and CAN NOT HAVE, simply in the interest of public safety, as determined by laws that (to my knowledge) nobody opposes. Lines have existed. We can draw those lines, if we are tired of kids getting gunned down.

My point is that you do not need and should not have unfettered access to AR-15 style weapons, access that is easier than getting a driver's license.

You seem to even reject the compromise positions that mentally ill people or known violent people ought not to be able to get them, or that you ought to have to wait a week for a background check. The horror! I need to fire off 80 rounds a minute, TOMORROW!
Clown boy. 2/3 of the most deadly school shootings happened without the weapons you are looking to ban. Virginia Tech was all hand guns. Texas Bell Tower was almost all a bolt action sniper rifle.

You can keep going after the the knife but at some point you should address the wielder.
The leftists are probably building a statue of she /he as we speak.
The amount of ridiculous chyrons and articles trying soft peddle this most recent school shooter are astounding. That brain dead, bitch press secretary got up there the other day and had the nerve to say “Trans people are under attack right now”.
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Clown boy. 2/3 of the most deadly school shootings happened without the weapons you are looking to ban.
We have seen a large increase in the use of semiautomatic rifles just over the past 10 years.

From 1962-2012, a rifle was used in only 21% of mass public shootings. But since 2012 and Aurora Co, the percentage has been 44%. In so-called random shootings since 2012 where the victims were not known to the shooter, AR15 style rifles have been used in 78% of the incidents in which in the type of weapon was disclosed.
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Picture from the article...FFS...shooter pn the right


Fvck the mom and his complaining. She enabled this monster and now all of these innocent kids are dead. They didn't even get to experience life like her shitty kid.
Fvck the mom and his complaining. She enabled this monster and now all of these innocent kids are dead. They didn't even get to experience life like her shitty kid.

I agree. I was just pointing out that in the photo, the shooter as a younger kid was sporting a Transformer Shirt...
Not a US cultural export we want: