Another school shooting

You're a semi-employed cuck, still angered about the fact that society always considered you an outcast and a "fag", even though you always liked girls, but they never dug you.

You shitpost here habitually as a sociatal loser because you have nothing better to do with your life. You live it here because you've accomplished some sort of hierarchical relevance as a "Moderator"...

But really, you're just a sexually confused poser that bobbles around Bloomington as an inconsequential loser, hoping some undergrad alt chick will buy your semi-pedophilc bullshit and accept a ride.

You're immaterial.

Tell me where I'm wrong.
This guy is like McM when he had balls.
Check out Crazy... he's now advocated for higher taxes and regulation of free speech. Are you ANTIFA?
I am not regulating free speech. You can still have that exact same speech on youtube, facebook, some other domestic alternative. I think the speech on tik tok is mostly garbage but I want it shut down because of the Chinese, not what is being said on it.
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I am not regulating free speech. You can still have that exact same speech on youtube, facebook, some other domestic alternative. I think the speech on tik tok is mostly garbage but I want it shut down because of the Chinese, not what is being said on it.
If someone has put time into building a large following on a specific platform, I'm not sure "speak elsewhere" is a strong defense to 1A claims.
If someone has put time into building a large following on a specific platform, I'm not sure "speak elsewhere" is a strong defense to 1A claims.
We block commerce from foreign powers that are detrimental to national security all the time. We are not abridging their speech, they are free to speak whenever. We are sanctioning a company.

If you are someone that did business with an Iranian manufacturer and it was found that manufacturer had terrorist ties, the government can shut down the ability for that company to do business in the U.S. They haven't banned your ability to continue to manufacture your product, they have banned that company from doing business here. You just have to find another partner to do your business with.

Banning companies and their products is nothing new.
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We block commerce from foreign powers that are detrimental to national security all the time. We are not abridging their speech, they are free to speak whenever. We are sanctioning a company.

If you are someone that did business with an Iranian manufacturer and it was found that manufacturer had terrorist ties, the government can shut down the ability for that company to do business in the U.S. They haven't banned your ability to continue to manufacture your product, they have banned that company from doing business here. You just have to find another partner to do your business with.

Banning companies and their products is nothing new.
Users aren't just doing business with TikTok. They are engaging in protected speech. The government generally isn't allowed to restrict how you do that.

What exactly do you envision would constitute a "ban" anyway?
Dude, dbm.

I believe this might be a bit out of context as she was likely asked about the vitriol focused on the trans community, blah blah blah.

Now, since the Biden admin sucks so f*cking hard at communication, she probably should have said something to the effect of:

"This has nothing to do with the trans community and everything to do wiht one person's mental illness". But, as I alluded to earlier, they just cannot say the words "mental illness" and "trans" in the same breath b/c they are trying so hard to NOT have those two things conflated.
Users aren't just doing business with TikTok. They are engaging in protected speech. The government generally isn't allowed to restrict how you do that.

What exactly do you envision would constitute a "ban" anyway?
Forced sale or block the site.

The government already reserves the right to regulate time, place, and manner for some protected speech. This would be place or manner depending on how you looked at it.

ETA: There is an already established 3 prong test to verify if the actions taken are not violating the first.

  1. The regulation must be content neutral.
  2. It must be narrowly tailored to serve a significant governmental interest.
  3. It must leave open ample alternative channels for communicating the speaker’s message.
You can block Tik Tok and not violate any of those tests.
Forced sale or block the site.

The government already reserves the right to regulate time, place, and manner for some protected speech. This would be place or manner depending on how you looked at it.

ETA: There is an already established 3 prong test to verify if the actions taken are not violating the first.

  1. The regulation must be content neutral.
  2. It must be narrowly tailored to serve a significant governmental interest.
  3. It must leave open ample alternative channels for communicating the speaker’s message.
You can block Tik Tok and not violate any of those tests.
What does "block the site" mean?
What does "block the site" mean?
No access through Apple or Google app store. Illegal to host on US servers and block access to any foreign servers it is hosted on. You could still possibly get through VPN but that would kill access to the site for the majority.

Block it.
Forced sale or block the site.

The government already reserves the right to regulate time, place, and manner for some protected speech. This would be place or manner depending on how you looked at it.

ETA: There is an already established 3 prong test to verify if the actions taken are not violating the first.

  1. The regulation must be content neutral.
  2. It must be narrowly tailored to serve a significant governmental interest.
  3. It must leave open ample alternative channels for communicating the speaker’s message.
You can block Tik Tok and not violate any of those tests.
Here's an article covering some of the terrain:

Love IS a four letter word.
You can laugh all you want lars or whatever your handle is. What year is it? 2023 After Death.. Ohhhhh yea that guy called Christ. You know the one that appeared to all his disciples and above 500 other people. Yea that guy. Continue on. You're ripe for an ending. Peace
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You can laugh all you want lars or whatever your handle is. What year is it? 2023 After Death.. Ohhhhh yea that guy called Christ. You know the one that appeared to all his disciples and above 500 other people. Yea that guy. Continue on. You're ripe for an ending. Peace
The fact that you seem to get such an erection over the possibility of someone else's damnation seems, I don't know, unchristian to me.
You can laugh all you want lars or whatever your handle is. What year is it? 2023 After Death.. Ohhhhh yea that guy called Christ. You know the one that appeared to all his disciples and above 500 other people. Yea that guy. Continue on. You're ripe for an ending. Peace
I mean it’s literally lars plus IU. Although the IU part is, and pardon my utter lack of creativity, an homage to the alma. However, the lars part has significance. Oh yes.

But not why you’d probably think. At least not to start. It’s actually a shortened form of Larry. Which is not my name. Why Larry you’re probably wondering? Because f*ck you that’s why! Just kidding!! It really comes down to a rather strange opportunity offered to me back in 1988. One year post natty. I’m 13. 8th grade. Stud.

This opportunity, though, means I’ll be joining a group of kids older than me. I’ll be the youngest. No problem. I’m cool.

Which is total b/s because puberty’s a bitch and I’m coming though that really f*cking weird kinda chubby, but super tall, with a totally sweet four strand mustache phase. If I knew then what I know now right?

Well anyway, I make friends with some guys older than me. They sense the potential. Back then there used to be reruns on TV all the time of 60’s shows like Addams Family, I Dream if Genie, and (my favorite) Leave it to Beaver. I, um, kinda looked like a taller version of the Beav’s best friend, Larry. Hence Larry.

Like I said. Chick magnet.

Anyway I keep the Larry moniker for a few years but my attachment to Metallica meant, quite naturally, that Larry would morph to Lars. So here we are. Technically IU was the last piece chronologically.

But why is lars lower case? An homage to IGW? TS Eliot? No. Just the way it worked out. However, if you’ve read this far, thank you. But honestly I have no f*cking idea why you responded the way you did. Just odd. I can dig it though.
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I mean it’s literally lars plus IU. Although the IU part is, and pardon my utter lack of creativity, an homage to the alma. However, the lars part has significance. Oh yes.

But not why you’d probably think. At least not to start. It’s actually a shortened form of Larry. Which is not my name. Why Larry you’re probably wondering? Because f*ck you that’s why! Just kidding!! It really comes down to a rather strange opportunity offered to me back in 1988. One year post natty. I’m 13. 8th grade. Stud.

This opportunity, though, means I’ll be joining a group of kids older than me. I’ll be the youngest. No problem. I’m cool.

Which is total b/s because puberty’s a bitch and I’m coming though that really f*cking weird kinda chubby, but super tall, with a totally sweet four strand mustache phase. If I knew then what I know now right?

Well anyway, I make friends with some guys older than me. They sense the potential. Back then there used to be reruns on TV all the time of 60’s shows like Addams Family, I Dream if Genie, and (my favorite) Leave it to Beaver. I, um, kinda looked like a taller version of the Beav’s best friend, Larry. Hence Larry.

Like I said. Chick magnet.

Anyway I keep the Larry moniker for a few years but my attachment to Metallica meant, quite naturally, that Larry would morph to Lars. So here we are. Technically IU was the last piece chronologically.

But why is lars lower case? An homage to IGW? TS Eliot? No. Just the way it worked out. But if you’ve read this far, thank you. But honestly I have no f*cking idea why you responded the way you did. Just odd. I can dig it though.
At least you have a cool story to your name, like a story behind a tattoo.

My name came out of a panic ~2001 as I joined a fantasy football league that was going to try this online thing and two minutes before our first online draft I realized I never registered for a yahoo account.

So I did what most people do, try to play off my name but they were all taken, so I started typing jibberish names and again, all taken.... finally typed in tommycracker with about 25 seconds left....that was I tried tommycracker2002 and BOOM!!!

I got in just in time.

Ended up using my yahoo account for my personal email.

My friends saw the email address and started calling me derivatives of it (T-Crack, Crack, Crackhead, etc) and yeah, it stuck.

Still have it, 22 years later.

Had no idea that 20 seconds of panic was going to stick with me forever (or until yahoo goes out of business).

It's like the joke about married couples who don't realize the first day cohabitating is the most important, because the side of the bed you pick that first night will be the side that you will be on for the rest of your life.
It really comes down to a rather strange opportunity offered to me back in 1988. One year post natty. I’m 13. 8th grade. Stud.

This opportunity, though, means I’ll be joining a group of kids older than me. I’ll be the youngest. No problem. I’m cool.

Which is total b/s because puberty’s a bitch and I’m coming though that really f*cking weird kinda chubby, but super tall, with a totally sweet four strand mustache phase. If I knew then what I know now right?

Well anyway, I make friends with some guys older than me. They sense the potential. Back then there used to be reruns on TV all the time of 60’s shows like Addams Family, I Dream if Genie, and (my favorite) Leave it to Beaver. I, um, kinda looked like a taller version of the Beav’s best friend, Larry. Hence Larry.

Like I said. Chick magnet.
So this was the first draft of the Boogie Nights screenplay?
  • Haha
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Are people getting numb to these yet?

When will enough be enough?
Someone needs to remind these kids that the emotions they're feeling aren't sadness or's FREEDOM. They shouldn't be focusing on mourning their deceased classmates and teachers but celebrating FREEDOM. The adults need to get these children's priorities in order and in line with the modern views. There's no time for sadness when there's so much FREEDOM to celebrate. Let's all celebrate's the American Way.
What about all the people who already have it installed?
Blocking the servers that house the program should take care of that outside of all of its users getting a VPN.

Can we stop the semantics here? I want it blocked. Countries have found ways to block websites and such. It isn't like this is something that hasn't been tried anywhere before. I can't give you all the technical details on "how about this" or "how does that work". I don't know. I know it is possible and feasible and I don't believe it violates the first amendment based on the 3 question test I posted above, so I want it done because I think Tik Tok goes beyond the propaganda that used to get spread and gets into collecting data on people for the Chinese Government.

That being said, as our government usually does, the current bill to block Tik Tok has expanded that slim goal into something akin to the Patriot Act 2, we get to do more spying on you. And so we can't support that because Congress could F up a wet dream.

ETA: And I don't think this is censorship because Tik Tok is basically Vine. There would be a race to fill that void by domestic companies and all the creators could get back to sharing their mostly mindless content.

Additionally, I am also all for reducing the ways domestic companies track us online as well. I trust Facebook barely more than Communist China, so allowing them to track isn't any better.

And with that I don't really have any more comments about this topic in this thread. It was supposed to be about a shooting and somehow I (we?) turned it into a discussion on something completely different.
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