Another school shooting

Also, I remember Greenwald before he got so f*cking jaded. Motherf*cker used to write for Counterpunch and Buzzflash (talk about yer lefty rags, Counterpunch is damn near anarchy).

Bull and shit. Psychopaths cling to just about anything other than ideology. The ideology did nothing. Better watch that shit Glenn, you're wandering into censorship territory. Also, he can cry about liberal weirdos killing people in an article ostensibly about not blaming an ideology while noting that ideologies spawn psychopaths while not acknowledging that, were this to be true, the right wing flavor of ideologies is doing a 5:1 dance on the liberal psychopaths. I don't think he means to have that argument, but his writing talent has fallen off a cliff.

Bull and shit part deux. Should we go back to the days of Rep. Scalise getting shot? "Vitually nobody". What does that even mean? Nobody blamed liberal pundits when cops got killed by ambush psychos? Are we being serious here? And the coup de f*cking gras, "even though they purposesly sought to murder the same enemies whom those prominent liberals target". God damn I can sense the venom dripping from his fingers with this. Look at that language, "purposely", "enemies", "target".

Nah, Greenwald can EAD.
Your visceral response to that is kind of a "welcome to my world" thing because the idea that it is "right wing terrorists" doing this is just as much bull shit.

I can pull a reddit thread for you where a whole bunch of people are pissed off that the TRANS part of this shooter is being highlighted and that people are throwing their opinion on the blank slate manifesto that hasn't been released. Sucks a bag of dicks when that shoe is on your own foot.

Which is the point. And I am totally being a dick on some of this because this is the way these go. If this was a person who was in an environment of "White Genocide" and walked into a minority school wearing a red hat and opened fire, we wouldn't be talking about nuance and psychopaths, we would be talking about right wing MAGA terrorists committing hate crimes. You know it. I know it. We would be talking about how dangerous right wing rhetoric is and how it would be the fault of crazy MAGA hate spewed by Faux News. That was Greenwald's point. And it pissed you off. "The rhetoric from those people he mentioned didn't set those shooters off." Maybe not, but it always seems to be what sets off the right wingers when they are the culprits.

Stochastic terrorism was all over Twitter a few months back. Everybody suddenly decided to drop that argument, huh?

And FWIW, I don't think there is going to be some rash of Tranny Terrorists all over the place but I still feel trans people are mentally ill individuals who need help instead of celebration and this has done nothing to dissuade me from that view.
Trans-terrorism has taken more lives than the J6 movement. Isn't that how we do these things? Stop radical tran-terrorism, we need red flags laws to keep mentally unstable gender dysphorics from having access to guns. They are dangerous individuals hopped up on hate and hormones.
Sounds like the normal killers, hopped up on hate and testosterone.
There is no overthinking going on. There was a professor at Wayne State University (who was thankfully fired) who just advocated for killing speakers like the judge that showed up to speak at Stanford. I just can't do the bullshit today.
In their minds they're doing God's work, not that they believe in God obviously. But it's why psychos like the WEF openly talk about needing to reduce the world's population by a 1/3. They'd gladly kill off a couple billion people today if they could.
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There’s only one group of people that’s responsible for our Country’s problems.
That would all the queer Attorneys!
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For years I’ve been saying there’s no greater danger to our existence than trannies. Furries a close second
That's just because you'd fvck anything that looks like a girl . . . despite your protestations to celibacy . . . . 😬

Curious: Does "tranny" apply to both male to female and female to male transgendered persons? I had thought that the pejorative applied only to male to female . . . but if it's both . . . I need an attitude adjustment.
That's just because you'd fvck anything that looks like a girl . . . despite your protestations to celibacy . . . . 😬

Curious: Does "tranny" apply to both male to female and female to male transgendered persons? I had thought that the pejorative applied only to male to female . . . but if it's both . . . I need an attitude adjustment.
Is tranny a pejorative? I’ve only known one. Prominent dentist I represented 20 years ago. He became a she. Had undergone 17 surgeries. Dwindled her savings built from years of work. Was living in a run down hotel. Really had a hard time. I felt terrible for her
Curious: Does "tranny" apply to both male to female and female to male transgendered persons? I had thought that the pejorative applied only to male to female . . . but if it's both . . . I need an attitude adjustment.

I only know one and she's M>F. Have known of a couple others, same thing. I also know a number of really butch lesbians but none of them claim to be anything but really butch lesbians.

I was told that a man I know (but haven't seen for forever) was a F>M. If true, it was one helluva transition -- full beard, deep voice, masculine mannersisms and body build, the works. I never would have guessed. I'm still not sure I believe it.
Is tranny a pejorative?

I don't know. I think they use and prefer trans, but am unsure if they would find tranny offensive. Gays didn't used to like queer, but now they own it.

Is tranny a pejorative? I’ve only known one. Prominent dentist I represented 20 years ago. He became a she. Had undergone 17 surgeries. Dwindled her savings built from years of work. Was living in a run down hotel. Really had a hard time. I felt terrible for her
Went out with a girl a cpl times, didn't know until she told me her 6-3 biker father was transitioning. This is a long time ago. He burned his house down to pay for the surgery and then became a lesbian. He showed up where we worked one day but I wasn't around. Had a website back in the early days of that kind of stuff I found.
Went out with a girl a cpl times, didn't know until she told me her 6-3 biker father was transitioning. This is a long time ago. He burned his house down to pay for the surgery and then became a lesbian. He showed up where we worked one day but I wasn't around. Had a website back in the early days of that kind of stuff I found.
So a Man transitioned jsut so he could be a lesbian? Did I read that right? Seems like he could have just skipped step 2.
So a Man transitioned jsut so he could be a lesbian? Did I read that right? Seems like he could have just skipped step 2.
They opened up some kind of halfway house for others going through the change. This place had a way of drawing interesting people. I went out with another that turned out had been a roadie for Motorhead one summer.
They're all mentally ill (mass shooters). Yet, Crazy is not entirely wrong that media, and their online syncophants (left or right), just sit and wait for the social media profiles to emerge so they can blame somebody other than the person whose mental illness led to tragedy.

Several things encourage these tragedies and literally none of those things is ideology. B/c if they were motivated solely by ideology, they wouldn't be insane. They'd be John Wick.
Keanu Reeves Thumbs Up GIF by Lionsgate
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I've always thought that all these Doctors prescribing the shit out of AD's to kids 16 and younger is certainly not the best thing for a brain thats not fully developed. Not the best thing for mental health at that stage? Make that $$$ tho script writers.
I've always thought that all these Doctors prescribing the shit out of AD's to kids 16 and younger is certainly not the best thing for a brain thats not fully developed. Not the best thing for mental health at that stage? Make that $$$ tho script writers.

Yeah, lets ignore the fact that she was being treated for emotional disorder by a doctor, yet was still able to freely go buy several guns without being on the radar.

Make that money, NRA.
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Yeah, lets ignore the fact that she was being treated for emotional disorder by a doctor, yet was still able to freely go buy several guns without being on the radar.

Make that money, NRA.
Trey Gawdy stated it perfectly. There is a difference between legally purchasing and legally possessing. I am not sure if she was being treated when she purchased them. After she was being treated, that is when the legally possess comes into play. Lets not over look that her parents felt that she wasn't stable enough to possess them, yet never alerted officials.
So get all up off the NRA.
Isn't it amazing how many right-wingers are all high-fiving and fist-bumping about the shooter being trans?

I guess they feel the need to celebrate on the rare instances when it isn't another angry white guy.

Remember when you made a stupid claim about profiling mass shooters and were quickly embarrassed through facts?

I think I need to dig that up again.
Trey Gawdy stated it perfectly. There is a difference between legally purchasing and legally possessing. I am not sure if she was being treated when she purchased them. After she was being treated, that is when the legally possess comes into play. Lets not over look that her parents felt that she wasn't stable enough to possess them, yet never alerted officials.
So get all up off the NRA.

She was 28, an adult.

She was under the care of a doctor.

Her parents didn't know that she had purchased the guns, which she had done legally.

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There is no overthinking going on. There was a professor at Wayne State University (who was thankfully fired) who just advocated for killing speakers like the judge that showed up to speak at Stanford. I just can't do the bullshit today.
The WSU prof was suspended, not fired.

And he shouldn't have been. WSU is a public university. The First Amendment protects his right to say what he said, no matter how morally reprehensible and stupid. That kind of tweet might be an indicator of incompetence in his employed profession, but it is protected, extramural speech.

He won't be fired unless the university wants to lose a lawsuit. They already are probably in for paying him something for the suspension if he fights it.

None of this detracts from your argument that the violent talk against those we disagree with has been legitimized more than it should in left academic circles.
Trey Gawdy stated it perfectly. There is a difference between legally purchasing and legally possessing. I am not sure if she was being treated when she purchased them. After she was being treated, that is when the legally possess comes into play. Lets not over look that her parents felt that she wasn't stable enough to possess them, yet never alerted officials.
So get all up off the NRA.

I am not familiar with Tennessee law. I see online Tennessee had a red flag law submitted in '20, but didn't make it out of committee. What are the current laws in Tennessee to take guns? Would a red flag law make it better?
I am not familiar with Tennessee law. I see online Tennessee had a red flag law submitted in '20, but didn't make it out of committee. What are the current laws in Tennessee to take guns? Would a red flag law make it better?
Would a red flag law have been able to remove the guns from her? Like would it have even applied?
Would a red flag law have been able to remove the guns from her? Like would it have even applied?

I honestly do not know how the law was written.

Mental health is a tricky issue. If one loses their guns for seeking help, they will be less likely to seek help. For that reason her therapist would have been very unlikely to say anything. Could that family alone have made their doubt win the day? I don't know.

I get concerns that we don't want the bar set so low that anyone can have their guns removed. At the same point it has to be low enough that it is at least theoretically possible to get guns from a Charles Manson.

But it seems unlikely that all states will settle on something that works.
Is tranny a pejorative? I’ve only known one. Prominent dentist I represented 20 years ago. He became a she. Had undergone 17 surgeries. Dwindled her savings built from years of work. Was living in a run down hotel. Really had a hard time. I felt terrible for her
🤷‍♂️ I can say that at the lawfirm we had two who apparently were transitioning, and it was never talked about - at all. Because the term was used in connection with Eddie Murphy's foray into the community, I had understood it to be a pejorative. Maybe not.

And then there's the internet:
Based on the Wiki, I'd guess it's a pejorative.

One transgendered individual I worked with was a 6'4", 230 lbs MtF IT support person who had a full beard and who I believe - not sure - may have reverted back to being male (s/he used a traditionally female name), and one was a FtM (whose male name was of all things, "Aiden"), whom I met in the mens' room. A year after I first encountered Aiden, I saw him/her again in the mens' room and s/he looked - to put it kindly - sloppy. I thought "It's one thing to transition and another to bring unprofessionalism to the firm". Then I saw her/him again, and understood; s/he was pregnant. Never saw him/her after that.
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Plus does the doc's duty extend to those his patient might - might - encounter?
Then we’re going to have to get serious about telling on one another. And then get good about administering this process. And then defend it in court.

But I tend to believe doctors should have an avenue to reprt potential dangers via a red flag law.
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