Another person tried to kill Trump

Are you an end times kind of Pastor? Have you given any thought to who might be the Antichrist? I've been reading occasionally that some Christians are considering that Trump might just be the Antichrist. What are your thoughts on that?
Not a chance. The AntiChrist will be subtle and charismatic. Trump is neithrr
This is where I'm at.

It wouldn't be good for the country is there were ever a successful attempt on his life. I hope it never happens.

That said, I think it would be a net negative for the country if he gets re-elected and never has to face justice for his crimes.
When many in the government, including the cabinet secretary in charge of the secret service, believe the assassination target is more dangerous than any assassin, we will have a lot of gaps and failures in protection.
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Are you an end times kind of Pastor? Have you given any thought to who might be the Antichrist? I've been reading occasionally that some Christians are considering that Trump might just be the Antichrist. What are your thoughts on that?
In my view the AntiChrist will be a globalist located within the confines of the old roman empire since this depiction of 10 horns and seven heads in the passage below corresponds to Daniel's prophecy interpretation in Daniel 2. The Scripture says in Revelation 13 The dragon stood on the shore of the sea. And I saw a beast coming out of the sea. It had ten horns and seven heads, with ten crowns on its horns, and on each head a blasphemous name. 2The beast I saw resembled a leopard, but had feet like those of a bear and a mouth like that of a lion. The dragon gave the beast his power and his throne and great authority.
Now the dragon is Satan himself. From him comes a beast who had ten horns and seven heads. This is a future world leader, the AntiChrist who will head up a conglomerate of nations who will do his bidding. Notice there are 10 crowns on its horns. This signifies leadership, or a ruler of these individual nations which will be part of the Anti Christ's group. Also notice how the beast resembled a lepard. What do we know about these creatures? They are fast. So this is talking about the speed in which this AntiChrist will take over. He has feet like those of a bear, which signifies strength of power, and his mouth will be like that of a lion which speaks about his ability to speak loudly and cause a lot of fear in people. At the end of verse two we see that Satan gave this beast or AntiChrist his power and throne and great authority. This is talking about world wide ruler. Verse three and Four is very interesting. It says 3One of the heads of the beast seemed to have had a fatal wound, but the fatal wound had been healed. The whole world was filled with wonder and followed the beast. 4People worshiped the dragon because he had given authority to the beast, and they also worshiped the beast and asked, “Who is like the beast? Who can wage war against it?”
It would seem that the world will see a miracle in that either the beast himself will be miraculously healed from a deadly wound or perhaps the beast himself will be seen as the one who does the healing of one of his subordinates. Because of this they will worship the beast or the one we call the AntiChrist. Notice this is a global reaction. Satan will imbue this beast with false powers in that they come from Satan and not God. There is so much more we could say about this beast or AntiChrist's activities in this chapter alone. The bottom line is he has been given 3 1/2 yrs to rule by God as a judgment against an unbelieving Earth in verse 5. He wages war against God's Holy people the Jews and rules the Earth in verse 7. Verse 8 says he will be worshiped by the world, except for those whose names are written in the Lamb's book of life. Only those on the Earth who know Jesus as Savior will refrain from this type of blasphemous worship. Now the question before us is this. Has Donald Trump gained a world wide audience who will worship him? Is he going to lead a world government from Europe? Does Donald Trump want to destroy the nation of Israel?
Per your 2nd paragraph...Trump earned quite a lot of the scrutiny you mention. Obviously he hasn't earned being shot at/or killed. But I hope the combination of outrage and genuine concern for the man, doesn't cause too many people to forget that he 100% percent deserved those 2 impeachments...he absolutely deserves the scrutiny and much of the indictment activity he's facing.

It is possible to be worried for his overall safety...but then not worried, at all, about him being held accountable legally, and at the polls, for all the bullshit he's said, done, and put people through.
“Deserving” prosecution and impeachment is a political statement. Because impeachment is a political process people can belive what they want about that.

But criminal prosecution must be different from politics if we really believe we are different from a banana republic. Deserving prosecution has zero relevance to whether prosecution should happen. That must be objective. That is why Lady Justice wears a blindfold.
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But I hope the combination of outrage and genuine concern for the man, doesn't cause too many people to forget that he 100% percent deserved those 2 impeachments...he absolutely deserves the scrutiny and much of the indictment activity he's facing.
Oh bullshit. Nothing but Democrat politization.
Where we differ is when you get into your second paragraph. Do you think that at least some of the investigations and scrutiny he has faced are also brought on by himself? Meaning, could you allow for the possibility that he has actually broken the law and actually deserves to face justice. I can't subscribe to the idea that Trump is just being attacked by his political opponents for the sake of attacking a political opponent, mostly because I read, see and hear what he has done over the last decade or so.
I think the evidence is overwhelming that all government cases are politically motivated and have nothing to do with seeking justice.

NY civil case. AG campaigned on get Trump message. Politicized the prosecution before she took office. Statutory basis for the claim is unprecedented and the statute is used in a way never intended. No loss even though loss is an essential element of civil common law fraud.

NY criminal case. Prosecutor campaigned on a get Trump message and politicized the prosecution before he took office. Statute again used in an unprecedented manner. The feds passed on a very similar case. Nobody else similarly prosecuted.

GA criminal case. Prosecutor campaigned on a get Trump message and politicized the prosecution. DA had a pecuniary interest in the prosecution. Statutes again used in a unique manner with no similar prosecutions.

DC criminal case. Statutes used in unprecedented manner. sSelective prosecution is a real issue. Supreme Court already rejected the Sarbanes Oxley charge in a similar case. The KKK claim will also be rejected because the statute is misapplied.

Records case. At one time I thought this was a legit case. Then we learned the FBI created phony evidence and leaked it. Why? Then instead of proceeding with the prosecution as the Trial Court said, Jack Smith appealed her ruling that he has no authority. Why is Jack smith so personally invested in this case instead of having a legitimate DOJ official handle it? Politics. Selective prosecution is also an issue.
I think the evidence is overwhelming that all government cases are politically motivated and have nothing to do with seeking justice.

NY civil case. AG campaigned on get Trump message. Politicized the prosecution before she took office. Statutory basis for the claim is unprecedented and the statute is used in a way never intended. No loss even though loss is an essential element of civil common law fraud.

NY criminal case. Prosecutor campaigned on a get Trump message and politicized the prosecution before he took office. Statute again used in an unprecedented manner. The feds passed on a very similar case. Nobody else similarly prosecuted.

GA criminal case. Prosecutor campaigned on a get Trump message and politicized the prosecution. DA had a pecuniary interest in the prosecution. Statutes again used in a unique manner with no similar prosecutions.

DC criminal case. Statutes used in unprecedented manner. sSelective prosecution is a real issue. Supreme Court already rejected the Sarbanes Oxley charge in a similar case. The KKK claim will also be rejected because the statute is misapplied.

Records case. At one time I thought this was a legit case. Then we learned the FBI created phony evidence and leaked it. Why? Then instead of proceeding with the prosecution as the Trial Court said, Jack Smith appealed her ruling that he has no authority. Why is Jack smith so personally invested in this case instead of having a legitimate DOJ official handle it? Politics. Selective prosecution is also an issue.
Both federal cases are totally legitimate. Both indictments are very well written. What phony evidence are you referring to? DANC once claimed that and linked something that absolutely refuted his claim. I hope you're not referring to that.
“Deserving” prosecution and impeachment is a political statement. Because impeachment is a political process people can belive what they want about that.

But criminal prosecution must be different from politics if we really believe we are different from a banana republic. Deserving prosecution has zero relevance to whether prosecution should happen. That must be objective. That is why Lady Justice wears a blindfold.
Its safe to assume you know the difference between "prosecute" and "indict"... And thusly, your use of the word "prosecution", when I didn't use it, is disappointing.

"Most" of the things he's faced, and is facing, and probably will continue to face, he deserves. Being shot at is not one of those things. Being voted out of office was one of those things. Losing another election would be one of those things. Being impeached was one of those things. And yes, being INDICTED, also on the list of things he's earned and deserves. At least by the group of people who's lives and careers are on the line for coming to the conclusions, based on mountains of evidence, that the Indictments were justified and necessary.
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They were still staged, phony, and leaked. Bad look for the FBI. Intended only to inflame emotions.
It was clearly a marketing effort by the FBI. They shouldn't have to try to get the public on their side and clamor for a conviction, but that's exactly what they did.
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trump says if he is elected, he will deport all of the immigrants starting with Springfield who are here legally and Aurora. We all know it is no secret trump wants a all-white Christian US.. He is a racist, a bigot, and a white nationalist.
Speaking of Hate, another young black man was hanged in North Carolina. How can anyone tell a Haitian from a black man born in America, The gop continues to back trump and JD vance. They continue to back hate.
Exactly. The phony image will never be a trial exhibit. The FBI never said it was staged instead Trumps lawyers had to prove that.
I've not seen any article claiming that it was staged, or the Trump lawyers addressed the picture, and I've read a lot about the document case. Why would they address it? You got a link to an article that says this? I may have missed it.

I forgot the indictments. They do a great job of describing the specific crimes and laying out some key evidence of committing those crimes. The documents case is the most important to me, but I think he's almost certainly guilty in the election interference case as well and those crimes are serious too. Lots of felonies for Trump to be convicted of committing. He doesn't get elected, he's in for a world of hurt.
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In my view the AntiChrist will be a globalist located within the confines of the old roman empire since this depiction of 10 horns and seven heads in the passage below corresponds to Daniel's prophecy interpretation in Daniel 2. The Scripture says in Revelation 13 The dragon stood on the shore of the sea. And I saw a beast coming out of the sea. It had ten horns and seven heads, with ten crowns on its horns, and on each head a blasphemous name. 2The beast I saw resembled a leopard, but had feet like those of a bear and a mouth like that of a lion. The dragon gave the beast his power and his throne and great authority.
Now the dragon is Satan himself. From him comes a beast who had ten horns and seven heads. This is a future world leader, the AntiChrist who will head up a conglomerate of nations who will do his bidding. Notice there are 10 crowns on its horns. This signifies leadership, or a ruler of these individual nations which will be part of the Anti Christ's group. Also notice how the beast resembled a lepard. What do we know about these creatures? They are fast. So this is talking about the speed in which this AntiChrist will take over. He has feet like those of a bear, which signifies strength of power, and his mouth will be like that of a lion which speaks about his ability to speak loudly and cause a lot of fear in people. At the end of verse two we see that Satan gave this beast or AntiChrist his power and throne and great authority. This is talking about world wide ruler. Verse three and Four is very interesting. It says 3One of the heads of the beast seemed to have had a fatal wound, but the fatal wound had been healed. The whole world was filled with wonder and followed the beast. 4People worshiped the dragon because he had given authority to the beast, and they also worshiped the beast and asked, “Who is like the beast? Who can wage war against it?”
It would seem that the world will see a miracle in that either the beast himself will be miraculously healed from a deadly wound or perhaps the beast himself will be seen as the one who does the healing of one of his subordinates. Because of this they will worship the beast or the one we call the AntiChrist. Notice this is a global reaction. Satan will imbue this beast with false powers in that they come from Satan and not God. There is so much more we could say about this beast or AntiChrist's activities in this chapter alone. The bottom line is he has been given 3 1/2 yrs to rule by God as a judgment against an unbelieving Earth in verse 5. He wages war against God's Holy people the Jews and rules the Earth in verse 7. Verse 8 says he will be worshiped by the world, except for those whose names are written in the Lamb's book of life. Only those on the Earth who know Jesus as Savior will refrain from this type of blasphemous worship. Now the question before us is this. Has Donald Trump gained a world wide audience who will worship him? Is he going to lead a world government from Europe? Does Donald Trump want to destroy the nation of Israel?
Some interpretations have the entire western world as being part of the defunct Roman Empire…. So hmmmmmmm
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trump says if he is elected, he will deport all of the immigrants starting with Springfield who are here legally and Aurora. We all know it is no secret trump wants a all-white Christian US.. He is a racist, a bigot, and a white nationalist.
You don’t help at all those of us who have legitimate concerns about Trump
trump says if he is elected, he will deport all of the immigrants starting with Springfield who are here legally and Aurora. We all know it is no secret trump wants a all-white Christian US.. He is a racist, a bigot, and a white nationalist.
Lair, he said illegal immigrants.
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Speaking of Hate, another young black man was hanged in North Carolina. How can anyone tell a Haitian from a black man born in America, The gop continues to back trump and JD vance. They continue to back hate.
I can tell you how to tell the difference, the Haitian is the one with a job! Last time I looked Biden was in office when this guy died.
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Guy hanged himself.

Dude you posted a nonsensical tweet from some twitter twat who falsely claimed 4 shots were fired at Trump. Yet the Feds can't charge Routh with attempted murder precisely because his actions specifically involved pointing his gun (at a SS agent) but not firing it.

I'd say you're on pretty thin ice (close to DBM level) when it comes to which (false) claims you choose to amplify.
Democrats didn't do this or anything of the like.
Two nutbags who needed better access to mental health care and less access to guns did this.

I do think the secret service needs overhauled though. This is f-cking crazy. The leadership their all needs to help accountable.
You are so right. Only Trump’s words can incite violence. Idiots everywhere.
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This is where I'm at.

It wouldn't be good for the country is there were ever a successful attempt on his life. I hope it never happens.

That said, I think it would be a net negative for the country if he gets re-elected and never has to face justice for his crimes.
A lot of politicians on both sides in DC need to face justice including the old man occupying the WH right now.
Just curious---You dont think the words/actions of Dems, especially those from Biden, could cause people to come "unhinged", and act as these two have?

If not---then why blame Trump, and his words, for the actions of others?
I highly recommend that you don't vote for Joe Biden this year.
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People that claim to be of the cloth. Big difference.
If you get right down to it, “man of the cloth” is just another occupation, albeit a well-respected one. It is an occupation categorized loosely in the health care profession, offering mental therapy through more ambiguous, spiritual techniques.
Democrats didn't do this or anything of the like.
Two nutbags who needed better access to mental health care and less access to guns did this.

I do think the secret service needs overhauled though. This is f-cking crazy. The leadership their all needs to help accountable.

The Secret Service thwarted an attempt to shoot somebody (probably Trump) before the asshole even fired a shot at all. Don't blame them for not doing enough to prevent injury.

As for gun law, keep in mind that both Hawaii (his state of residence) and Florida (site of the event) have Red Flag Laws. These laws did absolutely nothing to prevent a serious threat to Trump. The Secret Service did.

All of which just underscores the primary question: why do Republicans refuse to consider stronger gun laws to protect all of us (not just those with Secret Service protection).

What Would Clarence Do Claim He's Doing?
What I’m curious to know about this second shooter (Three strikes and you’re out…forever?) is how this desired action was planned. The golf outing was not listed on Trump’s preplanned agenda. The round with his buddy was a last minute decision, probably a quick nine holes on a relatively telaxing Sunday. How did the accused shooter know to be there without living in the neighborhood? Was it a last second decision he made with little time to plan throughly, unlike the first assassination attempt?

Speaking of Crooks, how the hell did he know the one rooftop he picked would be the only one security agents didn’t secure, only because it was too hot, and/or too steep? I smell a fish left out in noonday’s sun too long and it’s not my personal hygiene…this time.

Dan Bongino, a man of political passion, will have interesting commentary tonight.
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The Secret Service thwarted an attempt to shoot somebody (probably Trump) before the asshole even fired a shot at all. Don't blame them for not doing enough to prevent injury.

As for gun law, keep in mind that both Hawaii (his state of residence) and Florida (site of the event) have Red Flag Laws. These laws did absolutely nothing to prevent a serious threat to Trump. The Secret Service did.

All of which just underscores the primary question: why do Republicans refuse to consider stronger gun laws to protect all of us (not just those with Secret Service protection).

What Would Clarence Do Claim He's Doing?
If you look at the layout of that course, and where Routh was with respect to it...its mind boggling that the SS and whoever else was tasked to protect Trump, wouldn't have scanned that fence line area he was hiding out in. All it would take is a couple extra fellows going ahead a hole or so, to make sure any area within sight lines and firing distance was clear.

Add in the fact that not much more than a month ago, someone was able to get a relatively point blank shot off on him at one of his rallies...and it makes it even more un believable.

Certainly not a stress free round of golf for the people constantly having to check the surroundings...but that's kinda their job.
Just curious---You dont think the words/actions of Dems, especially those from Biden, could cause people to come "unhinged", and act as these two have?

If not---then why blame Trump, and his words, for the actions of others?
We know for sure what Trump said over and over again: go to the capitol at the exact time Electoral Votes are being counted, "fight like hell," "election fraud," they won't treat Mike Pence very nice etc. etc. etc.



So what words by Biden are you concerned about?

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