another elementary school shooting

That's regulation. You can regulate. Perhaps charge a prohibitively expensive license fee under the ambit of regulation.
Plenty of heavily regulated industries are also subject to civil liability. It's stupid that gun manufacturers are not. Give them incentives to make guns safer like limiting who can fire based on fingerprint identification.
Plenty of heavily regulated industries are also subject to civil liability. It's stupid that gun manufacturers are not. Give them incentives to make guns safer like limiting who can fire based on fingerprint identification.
I don't know but I'm presuming these people buying assault rifles are doing so legally and are passing background checks. I don't see how the fingerprint works. Personally I don't understand why we need assault rifles given their danger but I don't know much about guns. If they are important to collectors I think the simplest solution is to make the license expensive enough to weed out an 18 year old
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The second guy can't possibly pull out his gun fast enough to overcome the first guy who already is pointing his gun at him.
That was shown true in Buffalo where a good guy with a gun. The security guard who was a trained police officer attempted to kill the shooter, but the shooter was wearing body armor and he shot the guard dead.

That sort of psychopaths believe this is acceptable. For God’s sake, the gun lobby is so strong that the ATF is not allowed to have COMPUTERS! That is an actual fact!
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The problem is deranged fanatics. Guns are one instrument but not the only one. Bombs, vehicles, planes, knives, and anthrax has also been used.
I don't disagree with your platitudes but...I'd rather bet on a legislative solution while working on the 'broken family, lack of male role models' and whatnot.

I'd be more than open trying to remedy a social breakdown....but after a legislative strategy.

I still don't really see why we can't have a license system like every other thing that a mass kill, like a car. A license system that you have to retest and re-apply every four years and can get taken away for things like beating the shit out of your girlfriend.

Can we try that first?
I just did a two second scan of states' laws re background checks and private sales. Pretty damn loose. Republicans are on the wrong side of the background check issue
Oh, I thought we were having a serious conversation. When you’re ready, let me know.
You're giving excuses for why our neighbors need access to high capacity magazines to kill coyotes on the prairie when school massacres are an unfortunate byproduct. But that passes for a serious argument today, I guess
I don't disagree with your platitudes but...I'd rather bet on a legislative solution while working on the 'broken family, lack of male role models' and whatnot.

I'd be more than open trying to remedy a social breakdown....but after a legislative strategy.

I still don't really see why we can't have a license system like every other thing that a mass kill, like a car. A license system that you have to retest and re-apply every four years and can get taken away for things like beating the shit out of your girlfriend.

Can we try that first?
Voting rights are pretty damn important to our democracy. Probably the most important right we have. If that requires a license then for damn sure guns should.
I don't disagree with your platitudes but...I'd rather bet on a legislative solution while working on the 'broken family, lack of male role models' and whatnot.

I'd be more than open trying to remedy a social breakdown....but after a legislative strategy.

I still don't really see why we can't have a license system like every other thing that a mass kill, like a car. A license system that you have to retest and re-apply every four years and can get taken away for things like beating the shit out of your girlfriend.

Can we try that first?
because you have republican politicians that win elections on stoking the fears of idiots, sadly its that simple
I don't disagree with your platitudes but...I'd rather bet on a legislative solution while working on the 'broken family, lack of male role models' and whatnot.

I'd be more than open trying to remedy a social breakdown....but after a legislative strategy.

I still don't really see why we can't have a license system like every other thing that a mass kill, like a car. A license system that you have to retest and re-apply every four years and can get taken away for things like beating the shit out of your girlfriend.

Can we try that first?
i don’t think we solve this by more regulations on law-abiding citizens. We solve it by addressing the ultra hazardous nature of guns. We must make them less dangerous . The “common sense“ gun laws politicians keep talking about regulate gun ownership, not the gun.

.The larger problem is why are we producing so many shooters. We need to look at that too.
A couple of thoughts:

1. We had access to guns in this country for centuries. We had access to semiautomatic guns for decades. It is not some new technology. These types of shootings are a relatively "new" thing. Columbine was within the past 25 years and that seems to be kind of a marker in time for when this stuff kicked in. So what went wrong around that time?

2. I am young Gen X, for those who are older than me, how were fist fights viewed in your day? I can remember getting in a few scuffles in elementary school in the 80's. By the time middle school rolled around (early 90's) we were starting to hit the zero tolerance type of approach. Fights were an out of school suspension. Period.

3. Quite a bit of the past 25 to 30 years has had quite a bit of focus on the mental health and encouragement of girls. We have really shuffled boys off the stage.

I have my thoughts on a few things I think contribute to this. Degradation of families, moral breakdown of society, the internet, lack of a pressure release valve for boys, poor mental health resources (true mental health issues), the breakdown of our civic unity, a catch and release approach to crime that is not deemed serious enough.....

And when it comes to the guns, it is as simple as this. The heavily armed people in this country do not trust the altruism of the gun grabbers. It's that simple. You want to address the gun issue, you need to start there.
I have some disdain for social media, but how the hell can it be responsible for someone that is motivated to kill young, innocent kids? This POS and Lanza have some serious issues and their families are absolutely to blame.
How’d you know Lanza’s name? Sometimes it’s just like every other spree killer.

You, random dude on the internet (meant in the best way possible), know his name.
Depression, anxiety and suicidal thoughts are serious problems. But they don’t begin to explain mass murder of any sort, much less of little kids.
Google can figure out what kind of toothpaste we use by keeping track of our search history. I hafta believe that techies can put together an algorithm that could help identify potential shooters. Almost all of the shooters have come to the attention of law enforcement and mental health agencies before the fatal event. . There ought to be some data to be crunched to help with risk assessment.
Google can figure out what kind of toothpaste we use by keeping track of our search history. I hafta believe that techies can put together an algorithm that could help identify potential shooters. Almost all of the shooters have come to the attention of law enforcement and mental health agencies before the fatal event. . There ought to be some data to be crunched to help with risk assessment.

There is a pattern.
You're giving excuses for why our neighbors need access to high capacity magazines to kill coyotes on the prairie when school massacres are an unfortunate byproduct. But that passes for a serious argument today, I guess
Dumb. Not even remotely what I said. Start over and try again.
Google can figure out what kind of toothpaste we use by keeping track of our search history. I hafta believe that techies can put together an algorithm that could help identify potential shooters. Almost all of the shooters have come to the attention of law enforcement and mental health agencies before the fatal event. . There ought to be some data to be crunched to help with risk assessment.
I’m certain it is 100% possible. Have to believe the NSA could update some code and start pulling names next week.


We don’t like it when the NSA does that to Muricans.

Why would we feel better about Google or Meta doing it?
I don't know but I'm presuming these people buying assault rifles are doing so legally and are passing background checks. I don't see how the fingerprint works. Personally I don't understand why we need assault rifles given their danger but I don't know much about guns. If they are important to collectors I think the simplest solution is to make the license expensive enough to weed out an 18 year old
In Colorado the background check for a .22 single shot is the same as a .223 semi auto.

I don’t know why .223 semi-auto needs to be made or sold. As far as I am concerned, any semi auto long gun should be banned. If a user can’t deal with game or predators with a lever or bolt action, they need to go to the range and practice.
In Colorado the background check for a .22 single shot is the same as a .223 semi auto.

I don’t know why .223 semi-auto needs to be made or sold. As far as I am concerned, any semi auto long gun should be banned. If a user can’t deal with game or predators with a lever or bolt action, they need to go to the range and practice.
Sounds good to me. I don't care about any guns. But I know there are responsible people who enjoy them. So how do we protect them while getting the rest off the street. Ranger touched on a number of viable and not very intrusive measures imo
There are no “solutions” - that’s simplistic thinking. There are mitigation steps that can be taken.
  • Outside of provable exceptions, forbid home storage of high powered semi-auto long rifles. Able to keep them at a range for target practice and plinking. Amnesty period and then they are illegal to have at your house without the exception (eg occupational use, rancher, farmer, etc).

  • Hotlines to report to local authorities the people that just don’t seem “right” and have access to firearms. Authorities investigate and their investigations and decisions have teeth.

  • Full background checks and rechecks upon expiration (five years?) on gun owners.

  • Hardened schools using state or federal money. LEO at every school.

  • full withdrawal of immunity from gun manufacturers and FFL brokers
These are a few mitigation ideas. Pick what you want.

Sounds great. How long you holding your breath until a single asshole on the right even has the spine to even talk about such things?

This country is a hell hole that's circling the drain.
The more I think about lifting immunity I don't see it. You want to impose tort liability on a manufacturer of a nondefective product. A manufacturer operating lawfully in a legal business. As it stands they are found liable for defects and under state law for improper marketing - state's couch it differently: merchandising practices, nuisance, whatever. And naturally you sue everyone. The manufacturer, distributor, gun shop, sales guy, anyone in the chain.

So a guy with no priors, not on papers, no history of mental health issues, who passes a background check loses his shit five years down the road when he's passsssed over (al Pacino voice in scent of a woman) for a promotion and shoots up his office we're going to hold the gun industry accountable?

I don't know. Doesn't seem plausible.

I don't know the answer. But we need one
Same theory as Perdue Pharma. Overselling in a market is evidence of illegal use.

A jury should also decide if putting a .223 Semi auto in the steam of commerce is an ultra-hazardous activity for which there is no counterbalancing social utility.

Finally, If a nervous and angry 18 year old comes into a shop wanting a .223 semi auto, high capacity magazines, a bunch of ammo, and body armor and then shoots up someplace, I’d want to take than gunshop to court.
Politicians will talk big and urge more stringent curtailment of 2nd Amendment rights…but the truth is there are literally 1000s & 1000s of reclusive young men with severe personality problems and access to weapons and repeatedly making threats of violence living amongst our 350 M people.. Virtually all of them are known since they were youngsters by family & acquaintances to be potential mass killers like this…

…are we prepared to institutionalize/incarcerate all these 1000s just because they have the potential to fly off the handle and murder? Who will decide if the potential is serious enough to take early action? How early? Will those making the judgments be required to wear cool black uniforms with snazzy brass SS insignias? How many will be unjustly incarcerated— the actual rate of acting out is really quite low compared to the number of potential actors.

Compare the risks to that of driving or riding in a car and getting killed. No comparison. No “need” to “do something.” It’s just one of those sad, frustrating and uncontrollable things that can happen.

Yep.... is a huge problem in advanced nations all over the world, nutin to be done...... oh, wait....derp
