A poll question which would be simple for kids to answer . . .

A registered Republican votes for Republicans for every race on the ballot except President is a

  • Republican

    Votes: 23 88.5%
  • Democrat

    Votes: 3 11.5%

  • Total voters
I love it. Great post! Hopefully, I will find time to give it the response it deserves. I don't disagree with much of it.
Thank you and look forward to it. Now as is my preference I’ll return to my regularly scheduled programming of drive by attacks and insults.
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Words matter. I'm not suggesting that the policies of the Biden administration caused inflation. I'm stating the policies of the Biden adminstration contributed to and/or exacerbated inflation. And when I write inflation, I'm not limiting myself to the standard exclusive definition of inflation.

When Biden took office he promised to be "transformative." After the Trump drama all of us had fatigue. We wanted a calming Uncle Joe to serve as a bridge to the next, younger, competent moderate president. Instead, on the heels of the Summer of Love, we got a Joe Biden that was co-opted by the Progressive Left. I saw it the moment he promised equal pay for the USWNT without bothering to look into the matter and recognizing that they had bargained for the pay they received pursuant to the CBA. Harris did the same declaring cops murderers in the Breonna Taylor matter, which was a pure rush to judgement without the benefit of facts and evidence. A deporable virtue signal that a prosecutor should know better. But I DIGRESS :).

In keeping with this desire to be transformative, Biden took office and instituted sweeping policy changes. Let's first look at stimulus. He extended stimulus payments. He extended unemployment checks. He converted child tax credits to monthly checks. He stayed foreclosures. And he stayed evictions. The latter continued after caving to the whim of Cori Bush and the squad. The context of all of this mailbox money was draconian local business closings and lockdowns as well as school closures. People were home receiving money in the mail and a stay on their bills so what did they do: they ordered shit. Not services. Goods. Products. All of this cash put a strangehold on supply chains and overheated the economy exacerbating inflation and causing steep price increases. The timing of same is reflected in the data charts for inflation. When Biden took office it was 1.4% . After the stimulus it jumped to a 40 year high. That's not a coincidence. See Fed findings in the Vox citation as well as the Economist set forth below. Remember, words matter. We're not saying he caused inflation we're saying he contributed/exacerbated same. As much as 3 points.

Next let's look at gas. Day one he waged war on big oil. @MyTeamIsOnTheFloor posted a thread "let's track gas prices." It was like betting on the sun one day rising again. Same drill. We're not saying he's the sole cause in the increase in gas prices, just that his policies contributed to same. See below. And before being dismissive given the source the actions can be independently verified.

Lastly let's look at the border. Biden reversed Title 42, cut funding for the wall, reversed asylum agreements with three countries, and reversed Remain in Mexico. What's more he feigned as though there was little he could do until election year when he intimated that he could unilaterally close the border. Set forth below are crossings:

What's most damning to me is not that this was a failure of policy, but rather the pretense that any of this was intended to be responsive to the pandemic or to ameliorate a one-time emergent situation. It wasn't. This was aspirational policy in the guise of pandemic relief. The espoused position of this administration is to be transformative, to engender cradle to grave benefits in keeping with the expansion of the social safety net. Had the administration stated that they flooded the economy with stimulus to stave off a recession, recognizing and understanding that they were taking risk with prices and counting on The Fed to temper same, it would be one thing, but that's not reality. Reality is that this is an administration that is tantamount to running for student council on a no homework and free pizza platform. They pander to the minorities and underclass desirous of achieving equity of outcome not opportunity. And in so doing they lie through their teeth. They tweet that Trump wants a national ban on abortion. Not true. They lie that inflation was 9 percent upon taking office. Not true it was 1.4%. They lie that Republicans are responsible for the border because they didn't adopt their shitty bill that would codify absurd numbers ignoring the actions they took that gave rise to a marked increase in illegal crossings. They're more worried about semantics and how we classify people than results.

It's illusory to believe that this administration and Harris have the moral high ground on Trump. On every major issue facing America they have lied and continued to lie. We have two parties that are just lying through their teeth. So the decision is whether you want the policies we saw under Trump or do we want a government that endeavors to create equity of outcomes and will pursue policies that further same. It's as simple as that in my view.

Okay my friend. I'm growing bored of the board and the endless loop nature of same. You are a gentleman so for you I took the time. The choice is between a lying unscrupulous businessman and tv personality or a lying politician who is by no means some Frankenstein amalgamation of Learned Hand and Winston Churchill. She's politician meets influencer who missed her window.
I appreciate the time you took. I will try to be as succinct as possible.

I think people are predisposed to lean one way, or the other, politically. Yes, both sides lie and pander. Obviously, it works and that's why we have so many challenges. People want their tax cuts and their entitlements.

We as a country have a short attention span and lack context and nuance in our political beliefs. I'll write more about the nuance later.

Wrt all 3 of your complaints. I agree. Biden’s stimulus exacerbated inflation. Biden's war on fossil fuels has, and continues to, exacerbate inflation. He was late to the border crisis.

Where we diverge is the weight we put on each issue. As you mentioned, the Biden stimulus was a part of the problem. I think your argument would have more weight if it weren't $1400+ 3.5 years ago. It would also mean more if the guy you're advocating for wasn't proposing more inflationary

Wrt energy. It would be nice if we had a candidate that could strike a balance between short term economic relief and moving towards cleaner energy. As a farmer this is a big deal to me. "Drill baby drill" won't get my vote.

The border is a mess. Biden and Democrats f'd it up. We've known we would need immigration for decades. But we need organized, safe, legal immigration. Trump did overplay his hand opposing the bipartisan deal. Non-MAGA see through that.

It took me all day and countless attempts to get these ramblings down. Sorry for the length, and I appreciated the time you took for your post.
I appreciate the time you took. I will try to be as succinct as possible.

I think people are predisposed to lean one way, or the other, politically. Yes, both sides lie and pander. Obviously, it works and that's why we have so many challenges. People want their tax cuts and their entitlements.

We as a country have a short attention span and lack context and nuance in our political beliefs. I'll write more about the nuance later.

Wrt all 3 of your complaints. I agree. Biden’s stimulus exacerbated inflation. Biden's war on fossil fuels has, and continues to, exacerbate inflation. He was late to the border crisis.

Where we diverge is the weight we put on each issue. As you mentioned, the Biden stimulus was a part of the problem. I think your argument would have more weight if it weren't $1400+ 3.5 years ago. It would also mean more if the guy you're advocating for wasn't proposing more inflationary

Wrt energy. It would be nice if we had a candidate that could strike a balance between short term economic relief and moving towards cleaner energy. As a farmer this is a big deal to me. "Drill baby drill" won't get my vote.

The border is a mess. Biden and Democrats f'd it up. We've known we would need immigration for decades. But we need organized, safe, legal immigration. Trump did overplay his hand opposing the bipartisan deal. Non-MAGA see through that.

It took me all day and countless attempts to get these ramblings down. Sorry for the length, and I appreciated the time you took for your post.
Flattery won’t get you onto the Dream Team. That aside I agree and know that I was only commenting on what Biden actually did re inflation. It’s certainly plausible that trump would have done the same. He was certainly enamored with seeing his name on stimulus checks and his tariff proposals won’t help the cost of goods either. So how is he going to offset that increase? 🤔stimulus 🤣. We’re a mess. Appreciate the discussion. There aren’t many of us left here that avoid the insults etc. carry on sir
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You don't mind typing out the same repetitive/ regurgitated shit every time I'm on here, but you call me names then refuse to send a link. It's groundhog day for all of us. Good day, sir. (Edit:On second thought, I do enjoy many of your posts. They aren't ALL about woke, far-left, DEI, name calling, ect.)

This is for anyone who cares to listen:

I would like to point out that the stimulus is more evidence of what I've been trying to communicate. If you give everyone something, you've given them nothing.

Trumps tax proposals=inflationary
Trumps no tax on tips=inflationary(but will have a similar impact of the EITC)
Trumps tariffs = inflationary

If you understand how things work you don't have to wait for the data. There's plenty of historic and a priori evidence.
Inflation comes from printing money. Also, the definition of inflation shouldn’t start at 0. Decreasing taxes is deflationary.
Inflation comes from printing money. Also, the definition of inflation shouldn’t start at 0. Decreasing taxes is deflationary.
What is your definition of inflation?

Edit: The first sentence is wrong. I have no clue what your point is wrt the second sentence. The third sentence is wrong.

Second edit: Did the Tuttle Twins write an economics book?
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What is your definition of inflation?

Edit: The first sentence is wrong.
Nope. Printing money is the cause of inflation.
I have no clue what your point is wrt the second sentence.
If productivity grows by 10%, but we increase the money supply by 12% and prices increase by 2%, Economists say inflation was 2%. They’re wrong, inflation was 12%
The third sentence is wrong.
You really think governments are more efficient with capital than the private market? Sorry, that’s ridiculous.

If you meant tax cuts without corresponding government cuts, then yes they sometimes can be inflationary. Not always though. The private market is more efficient with capital.
Then Murt and I are wrong. Biden’s off the hook. I promise you Joe Biden has never printed a dollar.

@mcmurtry66 tell me this guy isn't starting for you?
Starter? I’m Jordan. I’m a big gorgeous dude, who is light on his feet, and f#cks. I’ve been charming ladies since the 1st grade. I almost got kidnapped twice at a nursing home (they’re quick in those wheelchairs). Oh yeah and I’m a Bitcoiner. Keynes was a f#cking re#%#% pervert.
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This board is for political discussion, and in depth policy discussions are both necessary and stimulating. But I think they’re irrelevant to the political times we live in. I truly believe Trump is wholly unfit for office in a multitude of serious ways.

Policy is policy, but it’s irrelevant when the nations very existence is at stake. I’m amazed on a daily basis that Trump has the support of even 10% of the American people. It’s really shocking if you think about it.
If it weren't for Trump’s "constitutional issues", what would be your biggest complaint with where he's taken the party?
MAGA culture. Incivility, dishonesty, refusal to compromise, believing political opponents are enemies and evil rather than other Americans with different political beliefs, persecution complex (grievances and victimhood), prone to conspiracy theories, negativity and pessimism, anger, and on and on. This is not the culture of the Republican Party that I joined.
If it weren't for Trump’s "constitutional issues", what would be your biggest complaint with where he's taken the party?

Extreme corrosive divisiveness that presents a clear and present danger to the nation. The absence of an ounce of leadership or character.

Any CEO of any organization larger than a mom and pop operation would have long ago been dismissed. Certainly never rehired.
refusal to compromise
To accept compromise, on a project that allows the R's to get an extra cup of government soup, while only having to cut off one foot. Is not a comprise worth considering. Never ever be afraid of walking away from a totally terrible deal, ever. Accepting, being totally complicit in terrible deals are why the legacy R's are on the endangered politician list.
MAGA culture. Incivility, dishonesty, refusal to compromise, believing political opponents are enemies and evil rather than other Americans with different political beliefs, persecution complex (grievances and victimhood), prone to conspiracy theories, negativity and pessimism, anger, and on and on. This is not the culture of the Republican Party that I joined.
Thank you for the clarity. Anything on the policy front?
MAGA culture. Incivility, dishonesty, refusal to compromise, believing political opponents are enemies and evil rather than other Americans with different political beliefs, persecution complex (grievances and victimhood), prone to conspiracy theories, negativity and pessimism, anger, and on and on. This is not the culture of the Republican Party that I joined.
Nonsense on refusal to compromise. MAGA like the RINOs before them have compromised and went along with plenty of Democrats new spending plans. MAGA also made sure to increase military spending.
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This board is for political discussion, and in depth policy discussions are both necessary and stimulating. But I think they’re irrelevant to the political times we live in. I truly believe Trump is wholly unfit for office in a multitude of serious ways.

Policy is policy, but it’s irrelevant when the nations very existence is at stake. I’m amazed on a daily basis that Trump has the support of even 10% of the American people. It’s really shocking if you think about it.
“The nation’s very existence is at stake.”

No, it’s not.
“The nation’s very existence is at stake.”

No, it’s not.
Yes it is brother. Whom ever is driving the policy of the left, are taking tiny bites, that legacy pubs are all inline with. We couldn't stop the debit... We must stop this Venezuela type take over of the US and that is TODAY !
It's sad that our politicians are all against us and our only chance of stopping DC is to vote with our big bad AR's.
The trajectory either changes, or the new vote machine come out soon. If you can't feel it, I am not sure how to help you. But it's REAL.
If only the Rhino's would have stopped this 30 years ago, but instead they joined into the gravy train.
Yes it is brother. Whom ever is driving the policy of the left, are taking tiny bites, that legacy pubs are all inline with. We couldn't stop the debit... We must stop this Venezuela type take over of the US and that is TODAY !
It's sad that our politicians are all against us and our only chance of stopping DC is to vote with our big bad AR's.
The trajectory either changes, or the new vote machine come out soon. If you can't feel it, I am not sure how to help you. But it's REAL.
If only the Rhino's would have stopped this 30 years ago, but instead they joined into the gravy train.
In 2028, this nation will still exist and it will look substantially similar to the one we are living in now, no matter who wins this election.
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This board is for political discussion, and in depth policy discussions are both necessary and stimulating. But I think they’re irrelevant to the political times we live in. I truly believe Trump is wholly unfit for office in a multitude of serious ways.

Policy is policy, but it’s irrelevant when the nations very existence is at stake. I’m amazed on a daily basis that Trump has the support of even 10% of the American people. It’s really shocking if you think about it.
The world and the nation will be safer with Harris. That's the end of it for me.
In 2028, this nation will still exist and it will look substantially similar to the one we are living in now, no matter who wins this election.
We can hope so (kind of). But I am telling you that there are a significant # that have their fuzes already lite and are just waiting. And I'm not talking about the side that already tried to kill Trump. (Say it loud so that it sticks, it's not a somewhat feelingless word like assassination... THEY TRIED TO KILL TRUMP... just so the reality sets in without being down played).
Most likely. But the amount Trump raises the odds of national and global catastrophe, while small, is also non-zero.
Which other national or global catastrophes that Trump Caused in his first 4 years, allows you to arrive anywhere above ZERO? I mean from a data standpoint, not emotions. OH also please compare those Trump caused catastrophes against the number of wars we are funding right now.
Thanks in advance.
Which other national or global catastrophes that Trump Caused in his first 4 years, allows you to arrive anywhere above ZERO? I mean from a data standpoint, not emotions. OH also please compare those Trump caused catastrophes against the number of wars we are funding right now.
Thanks in advance.
Dude...he's LITERALLY Hitler.

He's a threat to our democracy, and most importantly, his antics have undermined any and all of us in CRE that have had to pay off hookers and/or pornstars by putting generally accepted practical strategies under the national microscope.
Serious question: do we even know what Harris’s foreign policy positions are?
I don't but if it's a continuation of Biden's policies, I'm confident in my assessment. Almost every president post-WW2 had pursued virtually the same foreign policy. Slight variations here or there. Anyone but Trump is effectively interchangeable on this point.
Yes it is brother. Whom ever is driving the policy of the left, are taking tiny bites, that legacy pubs are all inline with. We couldn't stop the debit... We must stop this Venezuela type take over of the US and that is TODAY !
It's sad that our politicians are all against us and our only chance of stopping DC is to vote with our big bad AR's.
The trajectory either changes, or the new vote machine come out soon. If you can't feel it, I am not sure how to help you. But it's REAL.
If only the Rhino's would have stopped this 30 years ago, but instead they joined into the gravy train.

And we're supposed to take your word for it...a former Obama voter? You basically voted in the majority of the team that is currently running the exec branch.

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