A poll question which would be simple for kids to answer . . .

A registered Republican votes for Republicans for every race on the ballot except President is a

  • Republican

    Votes: 23 88.5%
  • Democrat

    Votes: 3 11.5%

  • Total voters
It's not a Haiku, It's a Hawk Tuah.
Hawk Tuah? Would that be the sound Stormy made, in between her bursts of uncontrollable, derisive laughter?

How come you guys are all (apparently) offended by the year KH and WB dated? After all it was basically the same time frame of when Donnie raped EJC...
Yes correct, My Romney is your Trump. BUT, at the time, although I was bitching about obama, he was not viewed as being as terrible as Biden/ harris is today. Also to even double down today, it's not just biden/ harris. There is a level of fraud and corruption from the entire D party that must be obliterated, that wasn't seen during obama (at least not that I recall). Today is different by levels of magnitude.
Don’t say I’m not a Republican again. 😉
Nobody seems to want to answer the question I posed about Liz Cheney.

Is she a Republican, or not?
She of course is. Strong Conservative positions at that. But her crusade against Trump made her unfit for House leadership. There are other priorities she needs to be focused on but she wouldn't stop talking about the former President. Maybe she earnestly believed that Trump is a threat to the Republic or whatever, but making such a spectacle of yourself not only could potentially harm Republicans in the 2022 midterms but shows a lack of focus and over-emotionality that is disqualifying.
Well there are probably a lot of "Republicans" in the GOP that are independents because there are quite a few that don't support Trump. I despise Trump but I'll probably hold my nose and vote for him....really itwill be more a vote against Harris than a vote for Trump.
There is no rule in the GOP club that we absolutely must vote for the Republican for President.

This reminds me of the 2000 Florida recount. In every election that are a number of voters who don’t care for any of the Presidential choices it vote down ballot. The Gore campaign made an argument that if a voter marked the rest of the ballot mostly for Democrats the ballot should count as a vote for Gore. This was their attempt to divine voter intent. The argument failed. 😉
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No the team is the team. The game is scheduled. You either play or you don’t. This is the third election cycle. This is the Republican Party. You’re an independent
I don’t know why you this is so important for you to keep on say this. I’m a Republican because I’m a registered Republican, vote for Republicans, and I haven’t given up on my party. My write in will be a Republican too. Straight ticket, baby!
I don’t know why you this is so important for you to keep on say this. I’m a Republican because I’m a registered Republican, vote for Republicans, and I haven’t given up my party. My write in will be a Republican too. Straight ticket, baby!
None of this is important to me. Trump is the Republican nominee. Period. The other candidate is a progressive. The party is now maga. Vote for the nominee or just be an independent which you are. Writing in Jeb bush means nothing
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She of course is. Strong Conservative positions at that. But her crusade against Trump made her unfit for House leadership. There are other priorities she needs to be focused on but she wouldn't stop talking about the former President. Maybe she earnestly believed that Trump is a threat to the Republic or whatever, but making such a spectacle of yourself not only could potentially harm Republicans in the 2022 midterms but shows a lack of focus and over-emotionality that is disqualifying.
If you watched her in the hearings or during appearances on TV, over-emotional is not close to an accurate description of her. She saw and studied the evidence and came to the perfectly logical and sane conclusion that Trump is not fit for the office of President. No reason to complicate it.
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Does a Democrat or Republican have to support only Democrat/Republican candidates and policies?

Seems to me this notion adds to a growing divide and the inability to find compromise.
Hell no that shouldn't. But, in the case of R's supporting D Policies, those policies can't be as crazy as the US tax payer paying for Salamander castration for all lizards that live on Mars. .... and then the $ gets sent to tranny elementary teachers.
That is what the R's are fighting. There is no compromise with totally INSANE ideology.
The D's as a whole have figured out the formula to siphon off $billions through totally insane policies and corrupt manipulation of heart string ideologies and black mail via MSM news and social media.
Other than MAGA, there are no Adults willing to smack their stupid asses back to the kids table. This country needs to bring back public caning as a therapy session.
Purple hair, whip the shit out of them! Blond haired boy, a member of the presidential admin steal luggage in an airport, wearing bright red lipstick and a dress, whip the shit out of it.
Help them before they harm themselves even worse. That is true love, save them from themselves.
None of this is important to me. Trump is the Republican nominee. Period. The other candidate is a progressive. The party is now maga. Vote for the nominee or just be an independent which you are. Writing in Jeb bush means nothing
Think what you want. I know I’m a Republican.
If you watched her in the hearings or during appearances on TV, over-emotional is not close to an accurate description of her. She saw and studied the evidence and came to the perfectly logical and sane conclusion that Trump is not fit for the office of President. No reason to complicate it.
Over emotional is spot on. She had an axe to grind and was motivated by personal animus. Good riddance to her
Over emotional is spot on. She had an axe to grind and was motivated by personal animus. Good riddance to her
She studied the evidence and came to a rational conclusion. She’s brave too when you consider how irrational overly emotional Trump loyalists absolutely hate her now.
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She studied the evidence and came to a rational conclusion. She’s brave too when you consider how irrational overly emotional Trump loyalists absolutely hate her now.
No she had an axe to grind. And lost in the primary. She was bitter and angry and out to get trump
And believe me I know trump was in the wrong. Two things can be true
No she had an axe to grind. And lost in the primary. She was bitter and angry and out to get trump
And believe me I know trump was in the wrong. Two things can be true
What axe was that? I’m not aware of one. She voted with Trump just like most Republicans in the House. She expected she would lose. Brave.
What axe was that? I’m not aware of one. She voted with Trump just like most Republicans in the House. She expected she would lose. Brave.
The party changed. It’s not her crowd. It’s been two decades since the old guard won. 20 years. They pulled in 59 60 million votes and lost. Shit bush Cheney pulled in 50 mil. Trump last election had 74 million votes. He and maga are the party. Shit changes. The Dems today are progressives.
The party changed. It’s not her crowd. It’s been two decades since the old guard won. 20 years. They pulled in 59 60 million votes and lost. Shit bush Cheney pulled in 50 mil. Trump last election had 74 million votes. He and maga are the party. Shit changes. The Dems today are progressives.
I agree wholeheartedly. Lots of people in the middle are looking for a political home when it comes to voting for president, specifically and at the federal office level in general.
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I agree wholeheartedly. Lots of people in the middle are looking for a political home when it comes to voting for president, specifically and at the federal office level in general.
Look at the names popping up for next election. Newsom California woke. Pritzker Illinois woke. Whitmer. That’s not moving anywhere but squarely far left. Now look at the right. If trump wins. Jd Vance. Next has to be war on woke Desantis. Both squarely righties playing the culture war shit. This is just how it is now. The old Cheney bush McCain days are long gone imo
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I agree wholeheartedly. Lots of people in the middle are looking for a political home when it comes to voting for president, specifically and at the federal office level in general.
People aren't going to like this but "MAGA" (for lack of a better term) is covering more of that middle ground. Both of the major parties have pulled to the left since 2016. Actually for the Democrats I think Obama started the trend.

I think to a degree that McM is correct. The early 2000's GOP is in hibernation for now. It could eventually poke its head back up again but it likely won't be in many of our lifetimes. That portion of the party failed to get the things done they said they would and rarely capitalized on things that their base was excited to fight about. Taxes don't move the dial as much anymore because, of the type that actually get adjusted, the vast majority of people pay next to nothing.

So the GOP's base just wasn't as concerned about the economic side because the GOP has been a spend like a drunken sailor party as well. Many of them were still motivated by cultural issues but the GOP has been reluctant warriors on those topics. The rhetoric was always there but the will to act isn't, namely because the people that run the party generally find the social conservative types to be ignorant rubes much in the same manner the Democrats do. They got on the free trade train and that did open up a world of cheap Chinese junk for people to blow money on, but it also came with a hollowing out of the middle and working classes that either had been or were becoming their voting base.

The Romney types aren't going to win any national elections right now. That cycle has burned through and they failed to capitalize on their leadership of the party. Trump the figurehead will move along and be replaced, but the policy positions he has taken are going to be around awhile I think. 62% of the US has money in the stock market but when you look at Millenials (55%) and Gen Z (37%), then you find that the future generations aren't as invested in that economic argument.

The GOP is now the married and family party mixed with middle and working class. It should be focusing on doing things that speak to people in those categories. Paul Ryan economic conservatism isn't that.
People aren't going to like this but "MAGA" (for lack of a better term) is covering more of that middle ground. Both of the major parties have pulled to the left since 2016. Actually for the Democrats I think Obama started the trend.

I think to a degree that McM is correct. The early 2000's GOP is in hibernation for now. It could eventually poke its head back up again but it likely won't be in many of our lifetimes. That portion of the party failed to get the things done they said they would and rarely capitalized on things that their base was excited to fight about. Taxes don't move the dial as much anymore because, of the type that actually get adjusted, the vast majority of people pay next to nothing.

So the GOP's base just wasn't as concerned about the economic side because the GOP has been a spend like a drunken sailor party as well. Many of them were still motivated by cultural issues but the GOP has been reluctant warriors on those topics. The rhetoric was always there but the will to act isn't, namely because the people that run the party generally find the social conservative types to be ignorant rubes much in the same manner the Democrats do. They got on the free trade train and that did open up a world of cheap Chinese junk for people to blow money on, but it also came with a hollowing out of the middle and working classes that either had been or were becoming their voting base.

The Romney types aren't going to win any national elections right now. That cycle has burned through and they failed to capitalize on their leadership of the party. Trump the figurehead will move along and be replaced, but the policy positions he has taken are going to be around awhile I think. 62% of the US has money in the stock market but when you look at Millenials (55%) and Gen Z (37%), then you find that the future generations aren't as invested in that economic argument.

The GOP is now the married and family party mixed with middle and working class. It should be focusing on doing things that speak to people in those categories. Paul Ryan economic conservatism isn't that.
And that 62 percent is very top heavy
My dad is a registered republican and hasn’t voted for an R in as long as I can remember. He votes for the most liberal R in primaries, not that it matters in Chicagoland.
People aren't going to like this but "MAGA" (for lack of a better term) is covering more of that middle ground. Both of the major parties have pulled to the left since 2016. Actually for the Democrats I think Obama started the trend.

I think to a degree that McM is correct. The early 2000's GOP is in hibernation for now. It could eventually poke its head back up again but it likely won't be in many of our lifetimes. That portion of the party failed to get the things done they said they would and rarely capitalized on things that their base was excited to fight about. Taxes don't move the dial as much anymore because, of the type that actually get adjusted, the vast majority of people pay next to nothing.

So the GOP's base just wasn't as concerned about the economic side because the GOP has been a spend like a drunken sailor party as well. Many of them were still motivated by cultural issues but the GOP has been reluctant warriors on those topics. The rhetoric was always there but the will to act isn't, namely because the people that run the party generally find the social conservative types to be ignorant rubes much in the same manner the Democrats do. They got on the free trade train and that did open up a world of cheap Chinese junk for people to blow money on, but it also came with a hollowing out of the middle and working classes that either had been or were becoming their voting base.

The Romney types aren't going to win any national elections right now. That cycle has burned through and they failed to capitalize on their leadership of the party. Trump the figurehead will move along and be replaced, but the policy positions he has taken are going to be around awhile I think. 62% of the US has money in the stock market but when you look at Millenials (55%) and Gen Z (37%), then you find that the future generations aren't as invested in that economic argument.

The GOP is now the married and family party mixed with middle and working class. It should be focusing on doing things that speak to people in those categories. Paul Ryan economic conservatism isn't that.
If I had to place money on it, this will be the widest gender gap election in history. Single women are a growing, fervent Democratic contingent. They’re angry and angry people vote.

So I agree. Republicans will continue to be the party of families maybe even more so going forward. Hopefully a couple decades from now we outbreed them.
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If I had to place money on it, this will be the widest gender gap election in history. Single women are a growing, fervent Democratic contingent. They’re angry and angry people vote.

So I agree. Republicans will continue to be the party of families maybe even more so going forward. Hopefully a couple decades from now we outbreed them.
Why they so angry?
Trump was president. We saw the results of his tenure. We now have Biden’s policies and the results of same.
This is an untrue, very weak, and disingenuous argument. It might be effective, but that's a testament to the economic illiteracy of the electorate, not a fair critique of both president's policies.

To pretend both governed under similar circumstances is horseshit. And Donald Trump agrees. See Donald's criticism of the Fed as an example (another dangerous norm he has broken). Time has proven Trump wrong on every occasion and there are plenty of examples. He spews so much nonsense, he receives a pass by default.
This is an untrue, very weak, and disingenuous argument. It might be effective, but that's a testament to the economic illiteracy of the electorate, not a fair critique of both president's policies.

To pretend both governed under similar circumstances is horseshit. And Donald Trump agrees. See Donald's criticism of the Fed as an example (another dangerous norm he has broken). Time has proven Trump wrong on every occasion and there are plenty of examples. He spews so much nonsense, he receives a pass by default.
Words. No data. No support. Just far left nonsense. We’ve explained the data countless times on the impact of excess stimulus and price increases. From the fed. The economist. On and on. We’ve explained the actions Biden took at the border and the resultant spike in crossings. On gas. If you refuse to believe data that’s on you. It means you’re unreachable. You’re simply intractable. There’s a reason we had a 40 year spike in inflation. Record crossings. On and on. Bad policy.

Equity of outcome doesn’t work. Vote with the data not your feelz. And if you think the actions of the administration were concerted and measured I have ocean front property in Missouri to sell you. It was pandering free cheese giveaway. Hell the rent stay was based on cori bush protesting. This is MSW governance
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Words. No data. No support. Just far left nonsense. We’ve explained the data countless times on the impact of excess stimulus and price increases. From the fed. The economist. On and on. We’ve explained the actions Biden took at the border and the resultant spike in crossings. On gas. If you refuse to believe data that’s on you. It means you’re unreachable. You’re simply intractable. There’s a reason we had a 40 year spike in inflation. Record crossings. On and on. Bad policy.

Equity of outcome doesn’t work. Vote with the data not your feelz. And if you think the actions of the administration were concerted and measured I have ocean front property in Missouri to sell you. It was pandering free cheese giveaway. Hell the rent stay was based on cori bush protesting. This is MSW governance
I'm not on here enough to read every post. Please link to a post that you've provided data and I'll address it.

Biden’s last stimulus was too much. Agreed. I said as much at the time. And everyone should be able to agree in hindsight. There is no way the amount of stimulus can explain the type of inflation we are experiencing. It also can't explain why we have the lowest inflation in the world.

The fact that Covid accelerated retirement of the boomer class from 80k/month to 200k/ month does help explain the difference.

I could go on, but I doubt it's worth either of our time. I would like to point out that your use of "far left" is historically inaccurate economically speaking. The tax code when America was great makes Bernie Sanders look like Ayn Rand. Trumps MAGA movement is the equivalent of someone saying they're going to make the Chicago Bulls great again, but this time we're not drafting Jordan.
I'm not on here enough to read every post. Please link to a post that you've provided data and I'll address it.

Biden’s last stimulus was too much. Agreed. I said as much at the time. And everyone should be able to agree in hindsight. There is no way the amount of stimulus can explain the type of inflation we are experiencing. It also can't explain why we have the lowest inflation in the world.

The fact that Covid accelerated retirement of the boomer class from 80k/month to 200k/ month does help explain the difference.

I could go on, but I doubt it's worth either of our time. I would like to point out that your use of "far left" is historically inaccurate economically speaking. The tax code when America was great makes Bernie Sanders look like Ayn Rand. Trumps MAGA movement is the equivalent of someone saying they're going to make the Chicago Bulls great again, but this time we're not drafting Jordan.
I’ve posted it so many times I’m not doing it again. It’s like Groundhog Day. This board is like Groundhog Day. Be well
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I’ve posted it so many times I’m not doing it again. It’s like Groundhog Day. This board is like Groundhog Day. Be well
I’ve posted it so many times I’m not doing it again. It’s like Groundhog Day. This board is like Groundhog Day. Be well
You don't mind typing out the same repetitive/ regurgitated shit every time I'm on here, but you call me names then refuse to send a link. It's groundhog day for all of us. Good day, sir. (Edit:On second thought, I do enjoy many of your posts. They aren't ALL about woke, far-left, DEI, name calling, ect.)

This is for anyone who cares to listen:

I would like to point out that the stimulus is more evidence of what I've been trying to communicate. If you give everyone something, you've given them nothing.

Trumps tax proposals=inflationary
Trumps no tax on tips=inflationary(but will have a similar impact of the EITC)
Trumps tariffs = inflationary

If you understand how things work you don't have to wait for the data. There's plenty of historic and a priori evidence.
You don't mind typing out the same repetitive/ regurgitated shit every time I'm on here, but you call me names then refuse to send a link. It's groundhog day for all of us. Good day, sir. (Edit:On second thought, I do enjoy many of your posts. They aren't ALL about woke, far-left, DEI, name calling, ect.)

This is for anyone who cares to listen:

I would like to point out that the stimulus is more evidence of what I've been trying to communicate. If you give everyone something, you've given them nothing.

Trumps tax proposals=inflationary
Trumps no tax on tips=inflationary(but will have a similar impact of the EITC)
Trumps tariffs = inflationary

If you understand how things work you don't have to wait for the data. There's plenty of historic and a priori evidence.
You’re nice. I’m running around. I’ll post it in ten minutes
There’s indeed a reason why virtually the entire world had a 40 year spike in inflation. The only countries who didn't reach a high had other even more catastrophic issues befall then than COVID-19 and the supply chain meltdown, such as war and/or political turmoil (e.g., Venezuela).

The abysmal COVID denialism of Trump certainly set things up to make it worse.

Yes, the free money of Biden of course made inflation worse. Some programs were ill-advised and wasteful.

But COVID stimulus spending also averted widespread unemployment, personal and business bankruptcies, a foreclosure crisis, and an eviction epidemic. It prevented recession.

On the whole it set the USA apart from other major world economies in recovery from post-pandemic economic collapse.

The USA economy seems only bad when you ignore what could have resulted from the COVID-19 aftermath and the supply chain meltdown, how the rest of the world dealt with it much more poorly, and how incredibly much more horrible it likely would have been had Trump been reelected in 2020.
Thank you, sir!
Words matter. I'm not suggesting that the policies of the Biden administration caused inflation. I'm stating the policies of the Biden adminstration contributed to and/or exacerbated inflation. And when I write inflation, I'm not limiting myself to the standard exclusive definition of inflation.

When Biden took office he promised to be "transformative." After the Trump drama all of us had fatigue. We wanted a calming Uncle Joe to serve as a bridge to the next, younger, competent moderate president. Instead, on the heels of the Summer of Love, we got a Joe Biden that was co-opted by the Progressive Left. I saw it the moment he promised equal pay for the USWNT without bothering to look into the matter and recognizing that they had bargained for the pay they received pursuant to the CBA. Harris did the same declaring cops murderers in the Breonna Taylor matter, which was a pure rush to judgement without the benefit of facts and evidence. A deporable virtue signal that a prosecutor should know better. But I DIGRESS :).

In keeping with this desire to be transformative, Biden took office and instituted sweeping policy changes. Let's first look at stimulus. He extended stimulus payments. He extended unemployment checks. He converted child tax credits to monthly checks. He stayed foreclosures. And he stayed evictions. The latter continued after caving to the whim of Cori Bush and the squad. The context of all of this mailbox money was draconian local business closings and lockdowns as well as school closures. People were home receiving money in the mail and a stay on their bills so what did they do: they ordered shit. Not services. Goods. Products. All of this cash put a strangehold on supply chains and overheated the economy exacerbating inflation and causing steep price increases. The timing of same is reflected in the data charts for inflation. When Biden took office it was 1.4% . After the stimulus it jumped to a 40 year high. That's not a coincidence. See Fed findings in the Vox citation as well as the Economist set forth below. Remember, words matter. We're not saying he caused inflation we're saying he contributed/exacerbated same. As much as 3 points.

Next let's look at gas. Day one he waged war on big oil. @MyTeamIsOnTheFloor posted a thread "let's track gas prices." It was like betting on the sun one day rising again. Same drill. We're not saying he's the sole cause in the increase in gas prices, just that his policies contributed to same. See below. And before being dismissive given the source the actions can be independently verified.

Lastly let's look at the border. Biden reversed Title 42, cut funding for the wall, reversed asylum agreements with three countries, and reversed Remain in Mexico. What's more he feigned as though there was little he could do until election year when he intimated that he could unilaterally close the border. Set forth below are crossings:

What's most damning to me is not that this was a failure of policy, but rather the pretense that any of this was intended to be responsive to the pandemic or to ameliorate a one-time emergent situation. It wasn't. This was aspirational policy in the guise of pandemic relief. The espoused position of this administration is to be transformative, to engender cradle to grave benefits in keeping with the expansion of the social safety net. Had the administration stated that they flooded the economy with stimulus to stave off a recession, recognizing and understanding that they were taking risk with prices and counting on The Fed to temper same, it would be one thing, but that's not reality. Reality is that this is an administration that is tantamount to running for student council on a no homework and free pizza platform. They pander to the minorities and underclass desirous of achieving equity of outcome not opportunity. And in so doing they lie through their teeth. They tweet that Trump wants a national ban on abortion. Not true. They lie that inflation was 9 percent upon taking office. Not true it was 1.4%. They lie that Republicans are responsible for the border because they didn't adopt their shitty bill that would codify absurd numbers ignoring the actions they took that gave rise to a marked increase in illegal crossings. They're more worried about semantics and how we classify people than results.

It's illusory to believe that this administration and Harris have the moral high ground on Trump. On every major issue facing America they have lied and continued to lie. We have two parties that are just lying through their teeth. So the decision is whether you want the policies we saw under Trump or do we want a government that endeavors to create equity of outcomes and will pursue policies that further same. It's as simple as that in my view.

Okay my friend. I'm growing bored of the board and the endless loop nature of same. You are a gentleman so for you I took the time. The choice is between a lying unscrupulous businessman and tv personality or a lying politician who is by no means some Frankenstein amalgamation of Learned Hand and Winston Churchill. She's politician meets influencer who missed her window.
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