8 Terrorists (who came across the S border) arrested per NBC News

So do ladders and tunnels.
Shut. Up. Why is do you think that Israel has a wall with Gaza? Why is it that Poland is building a wall as we speak? Why is it that walls are springing up everywhere in the world?

Physical barriers are superior to no physical barrier. No one is claiming it to be a panacea. But the idea that walls don’t work is complete and utter horseshit. Don’t use this tired line again. Don’t.
Shut. Up. Why is do you think that Israel has a wall with Gaza? Why is it that Poland is building a wall as we speak? Why is it that walls are springing up everywhere in the world?

Physical barriers are superior to no physical barrier. No one is claiming it to be a panacea. But the idea that walls don’t work is complete and utter horseshit. Don’t use this tired line again. Don’t.
How well did Israel's Wall work back in October?
How well did Israel's Wall work back in October?
And your view is the attack would’ve been less deadly had there been no wall?

Or that the wall caused the attack?

Or that the wall has never been preventative in Israel’s case?

Which one of these inane points are you trying to make? Help me out.
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We’ve been through this. Lankford negotiated that bill with a gun to his head. McConnell tasked him with coming back with Ukr/ Israel funding and to negotiate what border concessions he could.

He wasn’t able to get any border concessions which is why he later disavowed his own bill. Trump instituted remain in Mexico and detained most asylum seeker at the border until slack jaws like you started crowing about “kids in cages”.

I’m done. You refuse to learn, you have an asshole where your mouth should be.
Gun to his head? You are delusional. He was mad when republicans torpedoed his bill.
Gun to his head? You are delusional. He was mad when republicans torpedoed his bill.
Who was mad? Not Lankford.

Not at all. What exactly are you mad about?

They put forth a bill that couldn’t pass through the House of Representatives.

And Hickory is mad that there isn’t enough House reps to vote in favor
of the bill.

What is your problem exactly? You don’t believe House Reps should represent their people? Or you believe the house reps are fooling them because the American people are dumb? Or what?
Who was mad? Not Lankford.

Not at all. What exactly are you mad about?

They put forth a bill that couldn’t pass through the House of Representatives.

And Hickory is mad that there isn’t enough House reps to vote in favor
of the bill.

What is your problem exactly? You don’t believe House Reps should represent their people? Or you believe the house reps are fooling them because the American people are dumb? Or what?
Lankford was mad. And here I thought you were done incorrecting me. You obviously know very little on the topic
That's funny.... Biden hasn't wanted to do anything about the border (except stop the states from doing anything) UNTIL it's an election year.
You might be right, but it's still fact the GOP killed the bill only because they were afraid passing it would give Biden a win on the topic.
You might be right, but it's still fact the GOP killed the bill only because they were afraid passing it would give Biden a win on the topic.
Of course, it's an election year and that is the ONLY reason the Democrats wanted to pass a border bill because it sure hasn't been an issue for over 3 years except if a state tried to protect itself.

To be honest, I have no idea what was in the bill. Was it just words that sound good or was there some good action items in it?
There is no excuse for a president to try to pass a border bill when the border hasn't been an issure for over 3 years. Did it just all of a sudden become a problem? The answer to that is yes, it became a political problem
There are many dems that don't think it is an issue.

Even if your contention is Biden is just playing politics, that doesn't refute anything I said.

Give me 1 legit reason to block the bill if the border is really a problem? And spare me the yabbuts.
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There are many dems that don't think it is an issue.

Even if your contention is Biden is just playing politics, that doesn't refute anything I said.

Give me 1 legit reason to block the bill if the border is really a problem? And spare me the yabbuts.
A better bill

Did you ever bother to read the actions Biden took you shill? Did you read the action he’s taking now? Why can’t you view anything with even an ounce of objectivity? It just renders you a hyena who clogs up debate. It’s not like debating climate with you. It’s like debating whether the sun even exists. So Fing stupid. On every topic

And you post on everything repeatedly. Stuff you know nothing about. Law. Mercy
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Of course, it's an election year and that is the ONLY reason the Democrats wanted to pass a border bill because it sure hasn't been an issue for over 3 years except if a state tried to protect itself.

To be honest, I have no idea what was in the bill. Was it just words that sound good or was there some good action items in it?
There were a couple of really good things in it, like a stricter definition of asylum.
A better bill

Did you ever bother to read the actions Biden took you shill? Did you read the action he’s taking now? Why can’t you view anything with even an ounce of objectivity? It just renders you a hyena who clogs up debate. It’s not like debating climate with you. It’s like debating whether the sun even exists. So Fing stupid. On every topic

And you post on everything repeatedly. Stuff you know nothing about. Law. Mercy
You will never get perfect.

Even republicans said that was the best bill you were going to get even under trump.

It was killed because Trump didn't want Biden to get a win
You will never get perfect.

Even republicans said that was the best bill you were going to get even under trump.

It was killed because Trump didn't want Biden to get a win
No stupid. It was killed bc we had better under trump. Look at the numbers. We had wall funding. Asylum agreements. Remain in Mexico. Title 42. Then Biden reversed and opened the border bc he’s a pink haired cult leader. Americans said F this. So now in an election year the Dems tried to codify a bill that left the border wide open. Stupid numbers. Americans will keep bitching so Biden took executive action with numbers that are way better than the bill. Cut the propaganda. You’ve never negotiated a thing in your life. Americans still have pull beyond your weird little trannies are heroes everything is racist cult of dummies

Go back to the kiddie table

Just "Bogeymen" I presume...

Nothing to see here... Just move along...

I'm curious if any of our far left "friends" recognize the threat having ISIS operatives coming across our borders freely represents...
Tip of the iceberg… who really knows how many terrorists, gang members, and PRC spies there are.
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Looks like you're right...

Just another Bogeyman? :

The key word is all.

Data shows a higher percentage of U.S. citizens are rapists and murderers vs those here illegally
Those #’s are definitely fudged. But regardless. The number of brutal crimes I’m willing to tolerate from people residing here illegally is 0.

I would tolerate 0 brutal crimes regardless of how they are in the country. How they are in the country is immaterial
The key word is all.

Data shows a higher percentage of U.S. citizens are rapists and murderers vs those here illegally
How do you accurately count those here illegally? Do they all raise their hands when asked?
I'm no math major but, how do you determine % of rapists and murderers among those who entered illegally when you don't know the total to begin with?
How do you accurately count those here illegally? Do they all raise their hands when asked?
I'm no math major but, how do you determine % of rapists and murderers among those who entered illegally when you don't know the total to begin with?
Trump said all. You really want to pretend that is accurate?

Most wouldn't even be accurate
Trump said all. You really want to pretend that is accurate?

Most wouldn't even be accurate
Trumps rhetoric is not the question. The question is what baseline level of illegal border crossers and fraudulent asylum claims are you comfortable with?

It seems quite high.
Trump said all. You really want to pretend that is accurate?

Most wouldn't even be accurate
I don't listen to Trump.
You want to tell me how you determine that % without knowing the total number?

XXX / ??? = >US citizens
I would tolerate 0 brutal crimes regardless of how they are in the country. How they are in the country is immaterial
That is not true. Otherwise the idea of a “country” is meaningless.

If you have a nation state that puts no restrictions on how many or who comes in you will fail. Is that actually what you are advocating for simp?
That is not true. Otherwise the idea of a “country” is meaningless.

If you have a nation state that puts no restrictions on how many or who comes in you will fail. Is that actually what you are advocating for simp?
Why the insults? Incapable of acting like an adult?
Why the insults? Incapable of acting like an adult?
I mean if during the course of a day I was told I have an asshole for a mouth and the brain of a hyena I might begin to question whether I’m victim to a propaganda feed. Maybe take a break. De-program yourself. And try to become informed on topics. You won’t be treated so poorly here
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