8 Terrorists (who came across the S border) arrested per NBC News

So we're supposed to believe that a shadow operation has locked onto every "got away" who has come across our completely porous border over the past 3+ years who wish to cause harm to legal US citizens and have the situation completely well in hand...

Sorry I'm not buying it... Our counter intelligence services are good but nobody is that good... If they were 9-11 would have never happened... Besides..., they seem a lot more interested in tracking down and intimidating political enemies than actual threats to the nation these days...
No, it's not a shadow operation or some conspiracy theory. It's just that every thwarted attack or terror threat isn't made public. And I'm not claiming it's ironclad. I don't know enough about what happens to even begin to talk actual numbers.

All I know is that since 9/11 we haven't had another 9/11. I don't believe that's for lack of interest or trying.
How does Canada’s immigration policy & border security compare to Mexico’s? Who does Canada share borders with vs Canada?
Canada has 200,000km of coastline that you can boat up to.

The United States has 20,000.

Trust me, it's damn easy to get into Canada.

Biggest issue is just getting transportation from your landing spot to the US border. If you can steal a truck somewhere near the coast, getting into the US isn't that hard.

You could land by boat somewhere just north of Quebec City and walk 10 miles, cross a fence like the picture I posted, and be in the US (Maine).
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Biden has undoubtedly been bad with this issue. But I don't know why Trump gets credit for anything. Obama was, according to most data, the strictest president we've have in over 30 years on illegal immigration. Trump rode his coattails for a couple years. Basically carried on Obama's average. Then illegal immigration took a huge spike in 2019. Only to come down in 2020, most likely because the entire world was locked down. Not knocking Trump's record on it but also don't think he deserves much credit.
Newsflash: Obama isn't running for President and Joe ignored Obama's policies.

Nice attempt at whutabout.
biden reversed funding, title 42, remain in mexico and asylum agreements. he did it in keepign with his progressive ways. the numbers thereafter skyrocketed.

then a shitty bill was presented that codified absurd numbers. the lefties on here like bowl and others were pounding the table at what a great bill it was - when in reality it was dogshit. oh and by the way what biden just signed is a massive improvement over that crappy bill with regard to numbers (at least based on my quick and dirty scan). i said don't sign that bill. call their bluff. something better will come along. BAM!!! WHITE BOY SUMMER!!!!!!!!!!!!

Dream Team will take another win
It takesTeam Work to make the Dream Work.
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Why was the bill needed?
Because the border is ****ed. Bidens team is admitting that and trying to fix. The bill, by most accounts, would have helped.

Other than just pwning liberals, why would the GOP object?
It take Team Work to make the Dream Work.
Because the border is ****ed. Bidens team is admitting that and trying to fix. The bill, by most accounts, would have helped.

Other than just pwning liberals, why would the GOP object?
Bc the bill was shit. Biden did nothing for three years and now it’s election season he had to do something. Only a fool would have signed that bill. Call their bluff.
Bc the bill was shit. Biden did nothing for three years and now it’s election season he had to do something. Only a fool would have signed that bill. Call their bluff.
Well a lot of border agents and even high ranking Republicans think the bill was good. Not great but ok.

So it is about pwning liberals for votes. Not actually helping. Got it.
Well a lot of border agents and even high ranking Republicans think the bill was good. Not great but ok.

So it is about pwning liberals for votes. Not actually helping. Got it.
What’s a border agent going to say? No to more money? It’s about having the negotiating sense to know the Dems are backed against a wall and something better will come
Looks like thu weren't the only hard cases to slip thru...

76, good link.

The link repeats something which I had seen previously, "Criminologists have consistently found that immigrants commit crimes at a lower rate than native born Americans". (Can we believe this given those currently seeking asylum?)

Neverthess when you have 100,000 immigrants seeking asylum and 1% of them under Trump (2% under Biden) are found to have criminal records there is a heck of a lot of potential crime lurking in those seemingly low numbers.

Unfortunately left in the hands of those of us with a political bias we all seek data to support our opinions. Can only hope there are people making decisions about immigration who are seeking the truth and can make sound decisions.
I think Obama started all this border crap. There were plenty complaints about what was going on at the border when he was president at least in the border states.
Because republican whining ratchets up whenever a dem is president. Politics
I'm hoping you learn what suspected and possible mean.
I suspect it possibly should mean they shouldn't have been released into the country to begin with. I also suspect that possibly having so many people walking in and allowing them to stay instead of telling them to hold in place until we can figure out who the hell they are leads to these types of things.

I suspect. Possibly.
I'd guess there is a constant threat from terrorists hellbent on hurting Americans. Did you miss the part where the terror suspects were arrested?

It's beyond questioning that security at the border can be improved/tightened, but do you honestly think that there are no safeguards to prevent would-be terrorists from doing terroristy things in a post 9/11 world? It's been a minute, but I used to occasionally talk with someone who would know about these types of things. He'd always say it'd shock people if they knew what types of plans and attempts are thwarted semi-regularly (he wouldn't go into detail, but I believed him). I'd suspect that's still largely the case.
But .. you never know what ya don’t know.

How many got away?

Just "Bogeymen" I presume...

Nothing to see here... Just move along...

I'm curious if any of our far left "friends" recognize the threat having ISIS operatives coming across our borders freely represents...

this is subject to change but illegal immigrants to date haven't really been committing acts of terrorism in the US. and those few that have did not come via southern border.

makes sense if you think about it. why would a terrorist organization put so much money, time, and risk into training, supplying, moving a terrorist for operations in the US only to drop him off in Mexico and have him to walk north? too much could go wrong in that scenario. doesn't make sense.

"This paper identifies 230 foreign‐born terrorists in the United States who killed 3,046 people in attacks on US soil from January 1, 1975, to December 31, 2023. Nine of them entered the United States as illegal immigrants; 79 were lawful permanent residents; 24 were students; 1 entered on a K‑1 fiancé(e) visa; 29 were refugees; 13 were asylum seekers; 43 were tourists on various visas; 15 were from Visa Waiver Program countries; 1 entered on an A‑2 visa for government business or military training; and 1 was on an H‑1B visa for skilled temporary foreign workers. The visas for the remaining 15 terrorists could not be determined and are recorded as “unknown.” During that period, the chance of being murdered by a foreign‐born terrorist on US soil was 1 in 4,449,257 a year. The annual chance of being murdered by someone other than a foreign‐born terrorist in a normal homicide was more than 323 times greater than the chance of dying in a foreign‐born terrorist’s attack."

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this is subject to change but illegal immigrants to date haven't really been committing acts of terrorism in the US. and those few that have did not come via southern border.

makes sense if you think about it. why would a terrorist organization put so much money, time, and risk into training, supplying, moving a terrorist for operations in the US only to drop him off in Mexico and telling him to walk north? too much could go wrong in that scenario. doesn't make sense.

"This paper identifies 230 foreign‐born terrorists in the United States who killed 3,046 people in attacks on US soil from January 1, 1975, to December 31, 2023. Nine of them entered the United States as illegal immigrants; 79 were lawful permanent residents; 24 were students; 1 entered on a K‑1 fiancé(e) visa; 29 were refugees; 13 were asylum seekers; 43 were tourists on various visas; 15 were from Visa Waiver Program countries; 1 entered on an A‑2 visa for government business or military training; and 1 was on an H‑1B visa for skilled temporary foreign workers. The visas for the remaining 15 terrorists could not be determined and are recorded as “unknown.” During that period, the chance of being murdered by a foreign‐born terrorist on US soil was 1 in 4,449,257 a year. The annual chance of being murdered by someone other than a foreign‐born terrorist in a normal homicide was more than 323 times greater than the chance of dying in a foreign‐born terrorist’s attack."

Didn't most of the 9/11 hijackers come over on visas?
Didn't most of the 9/11 hijackers come over on visas?


The 19 hijackers applied for 23 visas and obtained 22. Five other conspirators were denied U.S. visas. Two more obtained visas but did not participate in the attack for various reasons.
They began attempting to acquire U.S. visas in April 1999, two years and five months before the attack. Consular officers were unaware of the potential significance of an indicator of potential extremism present in some al Qaeda passports, had no information about fraudulent travel stamps that are associated with al Qaeda, and were not trained in terrorist travel tactics generally.
Two Yemenis were denied visas in Yemen for reasons of U.S. immigration law unrelated to terrorism. At the same time, two Saudi hijackers obtained visas in Saudi Arabia. When these two Saudis later showed up in Afghanistan, they were selected for the mission in part because they already had U.S. visas. Later, most of the operatives selected were Saudis, who had little difficulty obtaining visas.
In early 2000, four conspirators sought U.S. visas to learn how to become pilots in the plot. An Egyptian and a Lebanese obtained visas easily in Berlin, because they had established ties to Germany and so did not look like intending immigrants. Both presented new passports. A Yemeni who wanted to be a pilot was repeatedly turned down for a visa because he did not have strong ties to Germany, failed to complete the necessary paperwork, and looked like an intending immigrant.
Thirteen of the hijackers presented passports less than three weeks old when they applied for their visas, but the new passports caused no heightened scrutiny of their visa applications.
Two hijackers lied on their visa applications in detectable ways, but were not further questioned about those lies.
Two hijackers were interviewed for reasons unrelated to terrorism. Most simply had their applications approved and their passports stamped with a U.S. visa. Consular officers were not trained to detect terrorists in a visa interview. Terrorism concerns were handled through the watchlist, and all the conspirators’ names were checked against the terrorist watchlist without producing a match.
One Saudi, one Moroccan, and one Pakistani were each denied visas for reasons unrelated to terrorism. The last conspirator, the Pakistani, was denied on August 27, 2001, in the United Arab Emirates.
The mastermind of the operation, Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, used a travel facilitator to acquire a visa on July 23, 2001, in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, using an alias."
I suspect it possibly should mean they shouldn't have been released into the country to begin with. I also suspect that possibly having so many people walking in and allowing them to stay instead of telling them to hold in place until we can figure out who the hell they are leads to these types of things.

I suspect. Possibly.

Governors sending immigrants whose status is yet to be determined to "sanctuary cities" violates keeping them in place from where I sit.

Always struck me as saying... try walking in my shoes and you may see these people differently.

Just me.
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The 19 hijackers applied for 23 visas and obtained 22. Five other conspirators were denied U.S. visas. Two more obtained visas but did not participate in the attack for various reasons.
They began attempting to acquire U.S. visas in April 1999, two years and five months before the attack. Consular officers were unaware of the potential significance of an indicator of potential extremism present in some al Qaeda passports, had no information about fraudulent travel stamps that are associated with al Qaeda, and were not trained in terrorist travel tactics generally.
Two Yemenis were denied visas in Yemen for reasons of U.S. immigration law unrelated to terrorism. At the same time, two Saudi hijackers obtained visas in Saudi Arabia. When these two Saudis later showed up in Afghanistan, they were selected for the mission in part because they already had U.S. visas. Later, most of the operatives selected were Saudis, who had little difficulty obtaining visas.
In early 2000, four conspirators sought U.S. visas to learn how to become pilots in the plot. An Egyptian and a Lebanese obtained visas easily in Berlin, because they had established ties to Germany and so did not look like intending immigrants. Both presented new passports. A Yemeni who wanted to be a pilot was repeatedly turned down for a visa because he did not have strong ties to Germany, failed to complete the necessary paperwork, and looked like an intending immigrant.
Thirteen of the hijackers presented passports less than three weeks old when they applied for their visas, but the new passports caused no heightened scrutiny of their visa applications.
Two hijackers lied on their visa applications in detectable ways, but were not further questioned about those lies.
Two hijackers were interviewed for reasons unrelated to terrorism. Most simply had their applications approved and their passports stamped with a U.S. visa. Consular officers were not trained to detect terrorists in a visa interview. Terrorism concerns were handled through the watchlist, and all the conspirators’ names were checked against the terrorist watchlist without producing a match.
One Saudi, one Moroccan, and one Pakistani were each denied visas for reasons unrelated to terrorism. The last conspirator, the Pakistani, was denied on August 27, 2001, in the United Arab Emirates.
The mastermind of the operation, Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, used a travel facilitator to acquire a visa on July 23, 2001, in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, using an alias."
Makes sense, wait until it happens & then take action. 🤣🤣
Governors sending immigrants whose status is yet to be determined to "sanctuary cities" violates keeping them in place from where I sit.

Always struck me as saying... try walking in my shoes and you may see these people differently.

Just me.
That's just the tip of what was wrong with all that. But those governors were trying to score political points, not make moral choices.
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I'd guess there is a constant threat from terrorists hellbent on hurting Americans. Did you miss the part where the terror suspects were arrested?

It's beyond questioning that security at the border can be improved/tightened, but do you honestly think that there are no safeguards to prevent would-be terrorists from doing terroristy things in a post 9/11 world? It's been a minute, but I used to occasionally talk with someone who would know about these types of things. He'd always say it'd shock people if they knew what types of plans and attempts are thwarted semi-regularly (he wouldn't go into detail, but I believed him). I'd suspect that's still largely the case.
So, Biden’s administration stopped a potential terrorist attack. Would you rather they weren’t caught?
Makes sense, wait until it happens & then take action. 🤣🤣

but it's not happening and wouldn't make sense for it to happen.

I'm for secure borders, it's a bit part of what makes a country a country but saying it protects us from foreign terrorists is incorrect and insincere.
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but it's not happening and wouldn't make sense for it to happen.

I'm for secure borders, it's a bit part of what makes a country a country but saying it protects us from foreign terrorists is incorrect and insincere.
Wouldn’t make sense for a terrorist to enter the country undocumented & with much less chance of being captured, especially if they may be on a watch list? If it doesn’t make any sense, why are middle easterners choosing this route?

Makes No Sense
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Just "Bogeymen" I presume...

Nothing to see here... Just move along...

I'm curious if any of our far left "friends" recognize the threat having ISIS operatives coming across our borders freely represents...
So you’re saying they got caught?