8 Terrorists (who came across the S border) arrested per NBC News


Hall of Famer
Mar 22, 2017

Just "Bogeymen" I presume...

Nothing to see here... Just move along...

I'm curious if any of our far left "friends" recognize the threat having ISIS operatives coming across our borders freely represents...

Just "Bogeymen" I presume...

Nothing to see here... Just move along...

I'm curious if any of our far left "friends" recognize the threat having ISIS operatives coming across our borders freely represents...
Yea, too bad republicans blocked the border bill

Just "Bogeymen" I presume...

Nothing to see here... Just move along...

I'm curious if any of our far left "friends" recognize the threat having ISIS operatives coming across our borders freely represents...
Looks like the background check was a little lacking??

Just "Bogeymen" I presume...

Nothing to see here... Just move along...

I'm curious if any of our far left "friends" recognize the threat having ISIS operatives coming across our borders freely represents...
I'd guess there is a constant threat from terrorists hellbent on hurting Americans. Did you miss the part where the terror suspects were arrested?

It's beyond questioning that security at the border can be improved/tightened, but do you honestly think that there are no safeguards to prevent would-be terrorists from doing terroristy things in a post 9/11 world? It's been a minute, but I used to occasionally talk with someone who would know about these types of things. He'd always say it'd shock people if they knew what types of plans and attempts are thwarted semi-regularly (he wouldn't go into detail, but I believed him). I'd suspect that's still largely the case.
Yes, Biden did all that, but what did Hick lie about?

It wasn't the dems that blocked the boarder bill that many on the right said was the best deal that would come about.
Didn’t have an emergency when Trump was in office, have an emergency when Biden is. Trump kept things under control & didn’t need a new bill.

So I’ll summarize:
Dems: Create a need for a bill by creating a crisis that wasn’t there before & then blame R’s for not passing the bill for the crisis that Dems created. Got it.
Didn’t have an emergency when Trump was in office, have an emergency when Biden is. Trump kept things under control & didn’t need a new bill.

So I’ll summarize:
Dems: Create a need for a bill by creating a crisis that wasn’t there before & then blame R’s for not passing the bill for the crisis that Dems created. Got it.

So, I other words, use the boarder as a political tool because it's good for the upcoming election instead of getting it fixed when people say it's such a huge problem.

Got it.
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So, I other words, use the boarder as a political tool because it's good for the upcoming election instead of getting it fixed when people say it's such a huge problem.

Got it.
bied also lied about his ability to do anything about the border

hick lied because he doesn't recognize that biden did any of htose things. how do you discuss a topic when the other side refuses to acknowledge facts?
I'd guess there is a constant threat from terrorists hellbent on hurting Americans. Did you miss the part where the terror suspects were arrested?

It's beyond questioning that security at the border can be improved/tightened, but do you honestly think that there are no safeguards to prevent would-be terrorists from doing terroristy things in a post 9/11 world? It's been a minute, but I used to occasionally talk with someone who would know about these types of things. He'd always say it'd shock people if they knew what types of plans and attempts are thwarted semi-regularly (he wouldn't go into detail, but I believed him). I'd suspect that's still largely the case.
So we're supposed to believe that a shadow operation has locked onto every "got away" who has come across our completely porous border over the past 3+ years who wish to cause harm to legal US citizens and have the situation completely well in hand...

Sorry I'm not buying it... Our counter intelligence services are good but nobody is that good... If they were 9-11 would have never happened... Besides..., they seem a lot more interested in tracking down and intimidating political enemies than actual threats to the nation these days...
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So, I other words, use the boarder as a political tool because it's good for the upcoming election instead of getting it fixed when people say it's such a huge problem.

Got it.
You don’t think Biden’s (in)action was a political tool? Why is he choosing to take action now? Not a political tool? What is the ROOT CAUSE of the change? You’re choosing to blame the REaction instead of the action that caused it. This mess is the Dems & Biden’s fault, no ifs, ands, or buts about it. Was there a crisis when Trump left office? What changed?
Didn’t have an emergency when Trump was in office, have an emergency when Biden is. Trump kept things under control & didn’t need a new bill.

So I’ll summarize:
Dems: Create a need for a bill by creating a crisis that wasn’t there before & then blame R’s for not passing the bill for the crisis that Dems created. Got it.
Biden has undoubtedly been bad with this issue. But I don't know why Trump gets credit for anything. Obama was, according to most data, the strictest president we've have in over 30 years on illegal immigration. Trump rode his coattails for a couple years. Basically carried on Obama's average. Then illegal immigration took a huge spike in 2019. Only to come down in 2020, most likely because the entire world was locked down. Not knocking Trump's record on it but also don't think he deserves much credit.
Biden has undoubtedly been bad with this issue. But I don't know why Trump gets credit for anything. Obama was, according to most data, the strictest president we've have in over 30 years on illegal immigration. Trump rode his coattails for a couple years. Basically carried on Obama's average. Then illegal immigration took a huge spike in 2019. Only to come down in 2020, most likely because the entire world was locked down. Not knocking Trump's record on it but also don't think he deserves much credit.
As I recall Trump tried to tighten the border and the Democrats in Congress blocked him at every turn...
Biden has undoubtedly been bad with this issue. But I don't know why Trump gets credit for anything. Obama was, according to most data, the strictest president we've have in over 30 years on illegal immigration. Trump rode his coattails for a couple years. Basically carried on Obama's average. Then illegal immigration took a huge spike in 2019. Only to come down in 2020, most likely because the entire world was locked down. Not knocking Trump's record on it but also don't think he deserves much credit.
biden reversed funding, title 42, remain in mexico and asylum agreements. he did it in keepign with his progressive ways. the numbers thereafter skyrocketed.

then a shitty bill was presented that codified absurd numbers. the lefties on here like bowl and others were pounding the table at what a great bill it was - when in reality it was dogshit. oh and by the way what biden just signed is a massive improvement over that crappy bill with regard to numbers (at least based on my quick and dirty scan). i said don't sign that bill. call their bluff. something better will come along. BAM!!! WHITE BOY SUMMER!!!!!!!!!!!!

Dream Team will take another win
Biden has undoubtedly been bad with this issue. But I don't know why Trump gets credit for anything. Obama was, according to most data, the strictest president we've have in over 30 years on illegal immigration. Trump rode his coattails for a couple years. Basically carried on Obama's average. Then illegal immigration took a huge spike in 2019. Only to come down in 2020, most likely because the entire world was locked down. Not knocking Trump's record on it but also don't think he deserves much credit.
Good for Obama, if you want to make the case that all Trump did was not screw it up, fine. The same can’t be said for Joe…
Good for Obama, if you want to make the case that all Trump did was not screw it up, fine. The same can’t be said for Joe…
Yes that's what I was saying. He just didn't mess with Obama's existing laws. Which was smart or dumb luck. Either way his record is better, no doubt.
biden reversed funding, title 42, remain in mexico and asylum agreements. he did it in keepign with his progressive ways. the numbers thereafter skyrocketed.

then a shitty bill was presented that codified absurd numbers. the lefties on here like bowl and others were pounding the table at what a great bill it was - when in reality it was dogshit. oh and by the way what biden just signed is a massive improvement over that crappy bill with regard to numbers (at least based on my quick and dirty scan). i said don't sign that bill. call their bluff. something better will come along. BAM!!! WHITE BOY SUMMER!!!!!!!!!!!!

Dream Team will take another win
Yeah Biden fumbled immigration. I said that. I was only pointing out that Trump shouldn't get credit for anything. It's just a non point for him but definitely a negative point for Biden.

Biden ****ed up Obama's policies.
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As I recall Trump tried to tighten the border and the Democrats in Congress blocked him at every turn...
The only thing I recall the dems doing is being upset about separating families and making fun of the wall that was supposed to be paid for by Mexico.

And right now it is the Republicans in congress blocking at every turn. What excuse is there for that?

It is politics to point fingers but pretending this is just biden's fault is obviously looking through hyper partisan glasses.
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As a FYI, the southern border and "letting in terrorists" are actually two different things / debate topics.

Newsflash: If terrorists really want to get into this country, there is absolutely nothing we can do to stop them outside of a totalitarian control of our lives (ie. Big Brother, the full dystopian version).

For example, this is Routh AB-41 in Alberta. This image is the "border fence" that separates the US from Canada.

It's easier to cross here than it would be from the Mexico side.

Yeah Biden fumbled immigration. I said that. I was only pointing out that Trump shouldn't get credit for anything. It's just a non point for him but definitely a negative point for Biden.

Biden ****ed up Obama's policies.
My brethren will kill me but i liked obama
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The only thing I recall the dems doing is being upset about separating families and making fun of the wall that was supposed to be paid for by Mexico.

And right now it is the Republicans in congress blocking at every turn. What excuse is there for that?

It is politics to point fingers but pretending this is just biden's fault is obviously looking through hyper partisan glasses.
It's easy to rile people up with fake news of "hordes" of immigrants. Remember that shit? We were at historic lows in illegal immigration and historic highs in deportations at that time.

We do have a border crisis, now. But it's hard to take the party that Cried Wolf seriously on this topic.
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Biden has undoubtedly been bad with this issue. But I don't know why Trump gets credit for anything. Obama was, according to most data, the strictest president we've have in over 30 years on illegal immigration. Trump rode his coattails for a couple years. Basically carried on Obama's average. Then illegal immigration took a huge spike in 2019. Only to come down in 2020, most likely because the entire world was locked down. Not knocking Trump's record on it but also don't think he deserves much credit.
I think Obama started all this border crap. There were plenty complaints about what was going on at the border when he was president at least in the border states.
the lefties on here like bowl and others were pounding the table at what a great bill it was

It was a good bill.

The bill was drafted by one of the most conservative Republicans in the Senate, Lankford. Lindsay Graham commented, "To those who think that if President Trump wins, which I hope he does, that we can get a better deal — you won’t." Other Republican senators like John Thune agreed; "We have a unique opportunity here, and the timing is right to do this." The bill was gaining momentum until The Felon gave the "kill" order. He needs this as a campaign issue.

You think about me way too much.

As a FYI, the southern border and "letting in terrorists" are actually two different things / debate topics.

Newsflash: If terrorists really want to get into this country, there is absolutely nothing we can do to stop them outside of a totalitarian control of our lives (ie. Big Brother, the full dystopian version).

For example, this is Routh AB-41 in Alberta. This image is the "border fence" that separates the US from Canada.

It's easier to cross here than it would be from the Mexico side.

How does Canada’s immigration policy & border security compare to Mexico’s? Who does Canada share borders with vs Canada?

It was a good bill.

The bill was drafted by one of the most conservative Republicans in the Senate, Lankford. Lindsay Graham commented, "To those who think that if President Trump wins, which I hope he does, that we can get a better deal — you won’t." Other Republican senators like John Thune agreed; "We have a unique opportunity here, and the timing is right to do this." The bill was gaining momentum until The Felon gave the "kill" order. He needs this as a campaign issue.

You think about me way too much.

Why was the bill needed?

It was a good bill.

The bill was drafted by one of the most conservative Republicans in the Senate, Lankford. Lindsay Graham commented, "To those who think that if President Trump wins, which I hope he does, that we can get a better deal — you won’t." Other Republican senators like John Thune agreed; "We have a unique opportunity here, and the timing is right to do this." The bill was gaining momentum until The Felon gave the "kill" order. He needs this as a campaign issue.

You think about me way too much.

Nah I just like how adamant you are while usually being wrong. Yet another case in point
So, I other words, use the boarder as a political tool because it's good for the upcoming election instead of getting it fixed when people say it's such a huge problem.

Got it.
It didn't 'fix' anything except guarantee a million illegals entering the US before any action was taken.

That bill was a joke. Why wasn't HR2 even looked at by the Senate, back in May, 2023? Where was all the interest by the Dems in the border then?