364 million verdict against the trumpster

That’s easy. You really haven’t read about this? He stiffed contractors and people who worked for him all the time. He’d make them take him to court to get the rest ( or all) of their money. For many it was too expensive and time consuming to do so. He still stiffs his attorney, campaign events, etc.

Where's the AG all those years? Where's the SDNY? Apparently they only care about big banks but not the average Joe.
CPA's work with the figures they are given and nothing more. They are not private eyes who deputize themselves and pull out their badge and tape measure when they smell something fishy (unless they work for the IRS).

Good CPA's, like the ones you would use to help underwrite a massive loan to the Trump Organization would perform a multi-factor analysis and make a reccomendation.

Any good CPA would have looked at Trump assets and income, account for any marginal inflation of assets and recommend/ decide to offer the loan.

Don't say the phrase CPA again. You don't know what you're talking about.
One of the reasons Engoron came down so hard on Trump is (for lack of a better term) his lack of remorse and his propensity to be a repeat offender. A financial monitor (chosen by both parties) was put in place a year ago. Retired Federal Judge Barbara Jones was appointed by the Court after both parties submitted her as a suitable choice. She filed her report with Engoron last week (which is why the verdict was delayed so long) and what she reported had a great deal of import on the penalty...

The previous examples of Trump U and the Trump Foundation had a major effect as well...

"The judge said Trump and his companies' past run-ins with the law were part of the reason for the stiff penalties. The Trump Organization was found guilty of criminal tax fraud in 2022. Two other entities Trump ran previously settled allegations of wrongdoing brought by New York state."

Lawyers - is it common for AGs to file civil suits? I thought they only focused on criminal prosecutions?
These civil cases are based on consumer fraud statutes. . Consumer protection has become an important function of AG offices. To my knowledge they are filed in connection with consumer fraud, like Trump University, or Fly-by-Night vacation clubs. . These are filed to recover consumer losses and to enjoin shady dealings. . I’ve never seen a case like this one where tables are turned and the perp is a customer and nobody was defrauded resulting in a loss.
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Complete bullshit. No victums except fcked up liberal democrats using legal system in blue states and blue counties as a weapon.

I hope Trump gets elected and exacts revenge on every fcking liberal who had anything to do with every one of his fcking prosecutions.

This is a disgrace. Fck anyone who disagrees with me. You can go to hell.

Yep I am angry and you can fck off.
Trump does not act like anyone you know in Washington, Indiana. Why do you worship him?
The banks said he didn’t cheat them and he was a whale they wanted to keep doing business with.
No they didn't.

They said he gave them false financial statements and refused to be his bank any longer. They lost no money because they refused to do business with him any longer.
To appeal this and the E Jean Carrol case he has to put up something like 110 percent of the awards. So he needs something around half a billion bucks to appeal. I understand they can get someone to guarantee it (like bail bondsmen) but discussion on POTUS is that Trump might not be able to get anyone to do it, so he'd have to put up all the money himself. Billionaire or not, that's a ton of cash. He may have to sell a building or something.
Or send out yet another appeal for $20 donations from his gullible followers.
No AG in that story.
Correct. Because, as I said, he wasn’t reported, because he made it too difficult. Everyone was afraid of him. You really think it’s ok to treat people who did work for him that way?
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Complete bullshit. No victums except fcked up liberal democrats using legal system in blue states and blue counties as a weapon.

I hope Trump gets elected and exacts revenge on every fcking liberal who had anything to do with every one of his fcking prosecutions.

This is a disgrace. Fck anyone who disagrees with me. You can go to hell.

Yep I am angry and you can fck off.
Wow. Smalltown values in Washington, Indiana, sure are different than they used to be.

And, to think, some people think Donald Trump is a bigtime robber baron from New York City. Apparently, Stoll thinks he's the Mayor of Mayberry.
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No they didn't.

They said he gave them false financial statements and refused to be his bank any longer. They lost no money because they refused to do business with him any longer.
The bank made a lot of money from Trump. They were whale hunting for more loans with his friends and acquaintances.

I’ve been on multiple bank boards and loan committees within those boards. Every single financial statement with assets shown at FMV were adjusted downward by the bank when analyzing a loan related to the customer or potential customer. It was the bank loan department’s job to do their due diligence on all loan applications.

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Correct. Because, as I said, he wasn’t reported, because he made it too difficult. Everyone was afraid of him. You really think it’s ok to treat people who did work for him that way?

Nope. Can't stand the guy. But funny how, only recently, anyone cared. And to get him, they get a judge that rules before hearing evidence.

There's has been lots of stuff on which to nail Trump over the years. This was a true witch hunt.
I assume it’s more common bc NY is a finance and investment hub
Cases like this one are not common anywhere. The NY AG ran on the promise to end Trump,. Her only way was to use a consumer protection statute for a purpose for which it wasn’t intended. Kinda like the Colorado Secretary of State using a constitutional provision directed at confederates against Trump and Smith dusting off a never used KKK statute against Trump.
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Sorry you feel this way stollcpa ,trump is a rapist and a insurrectionist, you are entitle to your opinion. He is a traitor to his country. I do not want to go back to pre 1964. thats why MAGA love him so. We are near the same age and I totally disagree with you . Im not seeking revenge. I want DEI. I want AA .I want my rights as a citizen to continue . trump will take away those rights.
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The bank made a lot of money from Trump. They were whale hunting for more loans with his friends and acquaintances.

I’ve been on multiple bank boards and loan committees within those boards. Every single financial statement with assets shown at FMV were adjusted downward by the bank when analyzing a loan related to the customer or potential customer. It was the bank loan department’s job to do their due diligence on all loan applications.

I don’t think bank examiners would allow a bank to use a FS at face value. Correct?

Also FS‘s are not collateral or security.. If the bank takes real estate as collateral, a whole different set of rules apply.
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Now selling for an all time low cost of $1000 per coin. All proceeds will go to your favorite billionaire victim so he can pay off his fines.
Is that what a BitchCoin looks like?
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I don’t think bank examiners would allow a bank to use a FS at face value. Correct?

Also FS‘s are not collateral or security.. If the bank takes real estate as collateral, a whole different set of rules apply.
Business financial statements are presented on a cost basis.

Personal financial statements are market value. They include notes showing the balance sheets of entities owned by the applicant. The assets on those balance sheets are adjusted to market value. The notes clearly state whether the applicant determined the FMV or if independent appraisals were used.

Same type of notes for other assets and properties owned.
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My friend, you don't even understand the Jack Smith 1/6 case. No one without a law degree and a lot of time on their hands does because it purposely opaque and convoluted with reliance on obscure statutes and novel legal theories

Apply the 1st grader test to it. If the indictment can't be explained to and understood by a 1st grader, it's likely trumped up bullshit. Which the Smith case is of course.
Wow. Instruction given to us by a new user name.
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Nope. Can't stand the guy. But funny how, only recently, anyone cared. And to get him, they get a judge that rules before hearing evidence.

There's has been lots of stuff on which to nail Trump over the years. This was a true witch hunt.
You don’t understand why a small business would not want to go against Trump Organization?
They didn’t stop because of overstated financial statements.

Wokeness is stopping them.
..... but, you do admit they stopped doing business with him.

An ex-President but they won't do business with him. Sounds like they're wide awake now.
You don’t understand why a small business would not want to go against Trump Organization?

No. I don't understand why the state AG, let me repeat that, as you have failed to comprehend that information the multiple times I have stated it - why the state AG or SDNY would not "go against" Trump only until he wants run for President a second time? Now, try to stay on topic with the terms AG and/or SDNY. Can you do that?
No. I don't understand why the state AG, let me repeat that, as you have failed to comprehend that information the multiple times I have stated it - why the state AG or SDNY would not "go against" Trump only until he wants run for President a second time? Now, try to stay on topic with the terms AG and/or SDNY. Can you do that?
I guess we are talking past each other. I quite realize you are focused on the AG. I neither know, nor care, why someone didn’t try to get his cheating a$$ before now. I’m just happy the roosters have finally come home to roost.
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