some observations with a depleted roster

Not that anyone cares... but here's my "next day" thoughts:

1) Tired of hearing Elmore say the flagrant 1's were from "bad habits"... Trey was gassed and barely hanging on by that point (pun slightly intended)
2) When roster is full, Leal may never see the court again
3) Without XJ this team goes absolutely nowhere in a hurry
4) Miller Kopp has exactly what purpose on this team?
5) Were any of you guys young, dumb, and carefree at any point in your lives? After the years of my (mostly) misspent youth, I have a hard time railing on these young guys unless they did something truly egregious.
6) I respect CMW more than ever now for putting principle above W's. We pay a lot of lip service to that but let's be honest, most of us wouldn't have had the balls to pull off what Woody did last night. Will it cost us a tourney bid? Maybe. Will it cost us seeding if we make the tourney? Definitely. Is it a key building block for future teams? Absolutely
7) Now we know why Geronimo doesn't get more minutes as most of us have wanted... he doesn't have the discipline yet to stay in the game
8) Would LOVE to have half a team with the heart a soul of Trey. That man gave us everything he had last night. Kudos even in a loss.

The Failed Five

This really separated the bad culture from the good IU culture kids, in a hurry. I honestly would not be upset if new scholarships open up after this selfish stunt by the suspended Failed 5. At least 1 head may need to roll for that alone if there was a ring-leader of this selfish stunt. You play all year to make the Tournament and then 5 guys do this stupid stunt before a winnable B1G road game. Honestly, unforgivable. If IU misses the NCAA Tournament now, the Failed 5 need to be held accountable.
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The Real Story?

So, what is the truth? Does anyone really know what actually happened to get the 5 players suspended? Many people are posting thoughts, but where is the truth? Not your thoughts on what happened or any rumors. I would like to know exactly what happened, if anyone really knows? I have heard...A) coming in late, past curfew. B) smoking weed. C) taking pictures at a marijuana dispensary. D) smelling like weed. E) out sightseeing. Some are saying that this is the 2nd / 3rd offense for a couple of players. I don't have time to go to a lot of message boards, twitter, etc. to read things, so if someone could "honestly" tell us what happened, please do.
Game thoughts = Galloway should start, he has been playing inspired ball since coming back. Yes, he has his faults, but the kid plays hard and keeps developing his game (less threes and more drives / floaters) and he is playing for the name on the front of the jersey. TJD is good but inconsistent lately and is not a leader (vocal). He does have some nice post moves & dunks at times, but other times he hurries his shot. Race = Another guy who plays hard and wants to win. Glad he quit shooting the 3-ball and decided to get back inside. Kopp & Leal??? Kopp needs to come off the bench, maybe he is thinking too much and needs to watch the game from the bench, no confidence in his shot. Leal can shoot but is scary handling the ball on offense, making some bad passes. When is Rob coming back? Geronimo gives energy and athleticism but is out of control at times and gets lost on defense. Play him in short spurts. How about a zone when you have 6 players? Mix up your defenses...2-3, 1-3-1, man, etc. If nothing else it gives Northwestern more to think about and plan for during time-outs. If the zone doesn't work you can always get out of it. Who are the vocal leaders of this team, are there any? I am talking about guys who are the voice in the locker room, weight room. Will any other players rip into the 5 who were suspended? Is there a divide in the locker room? What is going to happen going forward? Lots of tough games coming up.

This might be an interesting topic for discussion. DOJ open to considering safe injection sites

Of course the idea is to reduce overdoses; but man this seems like a tacit endorsement of drug use. If opioid use/abuse is the issue why would we subsidize safe centers to do drugs? Why wouldn't we fund more MAT centers to treat the addiction? Talk about NIMBY. Part of So Fla (Delray and others) are already like the Walking Dead with the amount of addicts, imagine having an injection site on the corner of your street.

I don't see the logic here, but thought it might make for an interesting debate/discussion
