You knew it was going to happen....

You had a bad experience. If that’s all it was about to you, you never experienced good leadership.
I never said that. I had both good and bad. But you may not be quite the 'leader' you think you were, when everyone had to obey your orders.

And real leaders don't need to tell everyone else they are good leaders - it's obvious.
I never said that. I had both good and bad. But you may not be quite the 'leader' you think you were, when everyone had to obey your orders.

And real leaders don't need to tell everyone else they are good leaders - it's obvious.
Well, i can’t lead you or my wife so maybe I’m a failure. Hell, I was promoted to senior officer level in the military and I’ve been at the VP level in a civilian capacity for 11 years due to pure dumb luck. I feel better now that I’ve admitted that.
Well, i can’t lead you or my wife so maybe I’m a failure. Hell, I was promoted to senior officer level in the military and I’ve been at the VP level in a civilian capacity for 11 years due to pure dumb luck. I feel better now that I’ve admitted that.
Wow, someone got their feelings hurt.

Honest question - if you hadn't been an officer in the Navy for your career, would you have made VP at your company? Of course, I have no idea how big your company is.

My son-in-law is a VP at Wells Fargo and he just turned 30. You think he got that position because he was such a great leader? Hell no - the kid's a genius and is only there because they need to justify his high salary. He has a staff of no one - well, himself.

So, while I'm sure you're accomplished and a superstar at your work, being VP doesn't always mean what you think it means.

And, to be fair - you seem to have been a conscientious officer to your men, from what you've said. I just don't think saying you were a leader in the military means you were actually a good leader - all officers are considered leaders and not all are. I'll give you the benefit of the doubt.
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Wow, someone got their feelings hurt.

Honest question - if you hadn't been an officer in the Navy for your career, would you have made VP at your company? Of course, I have no idea how big your company is.

My son-in-law is a VP at Wells Fargo and he just turned 30. You think he got that position because he was such a great leader? Hell no - the kid's a genius and is only there because they need to justify his high salary. He has a staff of no one - well, himself.

So, while I'm sure you're accomplished and a superstar at your work, being VP doesn't always mean what you think it means.

And, to be fair - you seem to have been a conscientious officer to your men, from what you've said. I just don't think saying you were a leader in the military means you were actually a good leader - all officers are considered leaders and not all are. I'll give you the benefit of the doubt.

Being a VP in banking vs a VP in other industries is comparing apples and bowling balls.

Everyone is made a VP in banking. It's like a mid level title in that world, takes maybe 5 years of experience to get. In other industries it would be just a junior manager position
Being a VP in banking vs a VP in other industries is comparing apples and bowling balls.

Everyone is made a VP in banking.
That was my point. Same with consulting.

Saying your a VP doesn't mean you're a leader. It can, but it depends on the industry.
Wow, someone got their feelings hurt.

Honest question - if you hadn't been an officer in the Navy for your career, would you have made VP at your company? Of course, I have no idea how big your company is.

My son-in-law is a VP at Wells Fargo and he just turned 30. You think he got that position because he was such a great leader? Hell no - the kid's a genius and is only there because they need to justify his high salary. He has a staff of no one - well, himself.

So, while I'm sure you're accomplished and a superstar at your work, being VP doesn't always mean what you think it means.

And, to be fair - you seem to have been a conscientious officer to your men, from what you've said. I just don't think saying you were a leader in the military means you were actually a good leader - all officers are considered leaders and not all are. I'll give you the benefit of the doubt.
I certainly wouldn’t have started at the same level if I wasn’t a retired senior officer. My military career gave me a leg up. I’ve also hired several other retired or former officers and senior enlisted as well as several retired or former senior government civilians or contractors.

I’m not in banking and none of the VP level people are anywhere near that young. I wish I was.

I’m just about ready to hang it up and retire completely. I’ve had enough and will hang it up at some point in the next 12 months. I’d like to not have to lead people or to deal with all the personal issues of others. I’ve done that long enough.
There were a lot of boxes, but not all contained classified documents. We don't know what boxes had classified documents or where they were at MAL.
And, we do know that virtually every document in those boxes was property of the U.S. government, classified or unclassified.

Trump has never rationally explained why he kept property of the U.S. government.
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What Govt job did Biden hold in 2017? I'll hang up and wait for an answer...

But everyone knew in 2017 that Biden was going to be president in 2021.

This isn't the gotcha you guys think it is. That chat is discussing the Chinese company backing out on an agreement of payment and then having to be strong armed into staying in the agreement. "The Bidens are the best" at greasing the political wheels for you. Why did the Chinese company think that had changed suddenly in 2017? If Hunter was worth all that money independently of Joe in the past, what about 2017 suddenly changed that?

Go on though.
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So is it a crime to ask your lawyer if you're doing something illegal now?
I didn’t read that post as Trump asking his lawyers IF he was doing something illegal. I read it as he was asking them TO DO something illegal.

I’ll defer to the OP on what the meaning was though.
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No. You've got it backwards. The institutions haven't "tarnished themselves for Trump." You and the other Trump sycophants have. You're disgracefully smearing, slamming and slandering federal law enforcement which is exactly what Trump wants you to do. He'll tear the whole thing down, with the help of people like you, in an effort to save his sorry, fat ass.

Comey was a terrible leader. He's gone and his successor, hand-picked by Trump (one of his few good hires who actually stuck around) has restored integrity to the Bureau.

The DOJ is "highly selective" with Trump prosecutions? I'm not sure what that means other than a recognition that Trump's conduct has been so egregious and he's broken so many laws that it's probably a challenge for Justice in determining what to charge him with next, and where.
Just leave me the f*ck out of this okay? Rule number 1 when arguing: never attack your opponent. Never.

. Trump isn’t the subject either.

My point only concerns government conduct and the conduct of the media— a vital institution in a democracy.

The FBI‘s willingness to wink at the 4th Amendment began with J. Edgar and it never really stopped. Bobby Kennedy pushed that reputation to new heights with his war on the mob. In the Trump era the politicization of the head shed was obvious. That culture told responsible people it was okay to lie about Trump and they got caught one time. The FISA judge came down in the FBI for generally playing fast and loose with its affidavits for warrants in many cases besides Trump. The FBI actively used its power and authority to protect Biden from his kids laptop and diary. Lisa Page should have been disbarred. Some even in the media said they had a duty to make sure Trump should be run out of town on a rail.

It seems we have gotten to the point of thinking Trump is so awful there are no rules for getting him. That is more scary than anything Trump could do. Trump is no angel, but that doesn’t mean he is worse than he is. The Manhattan prosecution is a disgrace. The NY AG running on an ant-Trump platform is a disgrace. That tarnishes lady justice and rips off her blindfold.— just like Garland has done with his targeted investigations, enforcement, and prosecutions. We can’t hold government accountable for anything without the press. When the government and the press are playing from the same sheet of music, we are screwed.
And, we do know that virtually every document in those boxes was property of the U.S. government, classified or unclassified.

Trump has never rationally explained why he kept property of the U.S. government.
He's not good with rational explanations!
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I certainly wouldn’t have started at the same level if I wasn’t a retired senior officer. My military career gave me a leg up. I’ve also hired several other retired or former officers and senior enlisted as well as several retired or former senior government civilians or contractors.

I’m not in banking and none of the VP level people are anywhere near that young. I wish I was.

I’m just about ready to hang it up and retire completely. I’ve had enough and will hang it up at some point in the next 12 months. I’d like to not have to lead people or to deal with all the personal issues of others. I’ve done that long enough.
Get some grandkids. It's the best thing about retirement.
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And, we do know that virtually every document in those boxes was property of the U.S. government, classified or unclassified.

Trump has never rationally explained why he kept property of the U.S. government.
No, sorry - we don't know that. As the Clinton sock drawer issue shows, ex-Presidents are allowed to keep personal notes and documents.

So, you're wrong. Again.
I didn’t read that post as Trump asking his lawyers IF he was doing something illegal. I read it as he was asking them TO DO something illegal.

I’ll defer to the OP on what the meaning was though.
Well, of course you didn't.
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No. You don't know what a straw man fallacy is. It's when you distort the other person's argument to make it appear more stupid, so it's easier to knock down. Danc doesn't need my help making his arguments look stupid.

Gateway Pundit's "Wikipedo" (??) page is more than adequately sourced. "GP" is, in fact, a far-right, fake news website. And, in all likelihood, one of your go-to sources.

Your browsing history is probably even more fascinating than Joe's. usual...

GP is an independent news agency, not unlike Rebel, Blaze, and a dozen others who report on and actually follow up on the items the left-wing yellow press distorts and suppresses.

You construct this Gateway Pundit straw man of no ethics , disinformation, etc.,etc., etc......then post a reference to Wikipedo to whip the stuffins' out of your straw man.

No refutation, no counter argument, and especially no defense of your diaper-dandy hero.

You got nothing.
You forgot about taking bribes from multiple foreign countries to change American policy, intentionally setting up multiple different shell companies to launder the $$$ through, and showering with is adolescent daughter. What's not to like, right?
Aside from the fact that all of that is basically wingnut circle jerk fodder with no legitimate evidence backing it up, Trump was up to his eyeballs in Fraudulent grifts (Trump University, Trump "charity") as far back as 2010. In fact he had been desposed in various lawsuits surrounding the corruption he was embroiled in as far back as 2012, long before he was a polticial candidate...

For some reason you want to ignore facts and pretend that Trump was just an innocent victim of a political witchunt, when the reality was that he was a scumbag who was known for screwing old ladies out of their lifesavings and ripping off any contractor stupid enough to enter into a "contract" with him, long before he reshaped his phony image and proclaimed himself the "savior of the common man"...
Pure straw man faulty logic.
Then attempt to use Wikipedo as your 'source', while maligning GP.

Wiki is unfortunate to use as a source because they don't screen posters. But at least they don't charge and they require some semblance of footnotes...

On the other hand GP is an embarrassment. They visciously harased a couple of elderly civic minded election workers in GA, and made ridiculous claims that harmless election protocol they were engaged in was an example of election fraud. Trump got involved and sent one of his goons to try and scare them into admitting to a non-existant crime...

Luckily the good guys won. Ruby and her daughter apperared before the Jan 6 Committee on National TV, and were vindicated. At the same time the despicable actions of GP and Trump cultists were exposed, and the two women sued the GP. The case is ongoing,and it appears from this story from late April that the GP will soon be battling the lawsuit filed by Eric Coomer, who the GP also lied about...

I ahven't checked out the Pundit in a while. Are they still displaying the post where they cried about being picked on and urged morons to contribute to their defense fund?

Are there any right wingers that don't whine and grift?
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Aside from the fact that all of that is basically wingnut circle jerk fodder with no legitimate evidence backing it up, Trump was up to his eyeballs in Fraudulent grifts (Trump University, Trump "charity") as far back as 2010. In fact he had been desposed in various lawsuits surrounding the corruption he was embroiled in as far back as 2012, long before he was a polticial candidate...

For some reason you want to ignore facts and pretend that Trump was just an innocent victim of a political witchunt, when the reality was that he was a scumbag who was known for screwing old ladies out of their lifesavings and ripping off any contractor stupid enough to enter into a "contract" with him, long before he reshaped his phony image and proclaimed himself the "savior of the common man"...

Wiki is unfortunate to use as a source because they don't screen posters. But at least they don't charge and they require some semblance of footnotes...

On the other hand GP is an embarrassment. They visciously harased a couple of elderly civic minded election workers in GA, and made ridiculous claims that harmless election protocol they were engaged in was an example of election fraud. Trump got involved and sent one of his goons to try and scare them into admitting to a non-existant crime...

Luckily the good guys won. Ruby and her daughter apperared before the Jan 6 Committee on National TV, and were vindicated. At the same time the despicable actions of GP and Trump cultists were exposed, and the two women sued the GP. The case is ongoing,and it appears from this story from late April that the GP will soon be battling the lawsuit filed by Eric Coomer, who the GP also lied about...

I ahven't checked out the Pundit in a while. Are they still displaying the post where they cried about being picked on and urged morons to contribute to their defense fund?

Are there any right wingers that don't whine and grift?
long before he was a polticial candidate...

So not a political grifter. Paying taxes and employing people who pay taxes. Well no shit. Amazing.
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Being a VP in banking vs a VP in other industries is comparing apples and bowling balls.

Everyone is made a VP in banking. It's like a mid level title in that world, takes maybe 5 years of experience to get. In other industries it would be just a junior manager position
So, like a manager at Taco Bell?
Being a VP in banking vs a VP in other industries is comparing apples and bowling balls.

Everyone is made a VP in banking. It's like a mid level title in that world, takes maybe 5 years of experience to get. In other industries it would be just a junior manager position
Nothing like talking to a 27 y/o with a VP title who looks like he hasn't shaved in 8 days. usual...

GP is an independent news agency, not unlike Rebel, Blaze, and a dozen others who report on and actually follow up on the items the left-wing yellow press distorts and suppresses.

You construct this Gateway Pundit straw man of no ethics , disinformation, etc.,etc., etc......then post a reference to Wikipedo to whip the stuffins' out of your straw man.

No refutation, no counter argument, and especially no defense of your diaper-dandy hero.

You got nothing.
The Gateway Pundit is a fake-news, propaganda-driven website. It has been cited by several crazies who sent death threats to election workers after the 2020 election. Among its most infamous and outrageous claims is that the Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School students who spoke to the media after the shooting massacre were "crisis actors."

I'm not surprised you consider it a legitimate news source.

No, sorry - we don't know that. As the Clinton sock drawer issue shows, ex-Presidents are allowed to keep personal notes and documents.

So, you're wrong. Again.
Nah, I'm right.

Here's the full inventory of what was taken from Mar-a-Lago:

The only identified items that could be considered personal or private property of Trump are some clothing, "Magazines/ Newspapers/Press Articles and Other Printed Media," gift items, and books.

The inventory does NOT list any of Trump's personal letters, bank statements, handwritten notes, or business papers.

With a little help from Excel, I counted 13,030 government documents on this list -- and no "personal notes and documents" as you claimed in your automatic defense of Trump in your Post No. 218 above.
long before he was a polticial candidate...

So not a political grifter. Paying taxes and employing people who pay taxes. Well no shit. Amazing.
Not surprising that the actual point escaped you...

"long before he was a polticial candidate..."

Trump syncophants always claim that the attacks on him are "political"... The fact that he wasn't involved in politics when he defrauded all those people via Trump U or Trump "charity" means that the prosecutors in those cases were driven to prosecute him because he was guilty of fraud, not because of what political party he represented...

That's the baggage that he brought to the WH. And he ended up settling the Trump U case in 2018 for $25 Million.
People didn't sue him over politics, they filed suit because he defrauded them.

He misappropriated funds donated to his "charity" for his personal use...Another multi $$ Million fine...

And about those "employees who paid taxes"...Every time Trump declared bankruptcy he screwed people who had engaged in business with him. But while he and his family skated, his employees lost their livliehood. They were the victims of his "brilliant" bankruptcies. Heck he even succeeded in turning a cash cow like his casinos in Atlantic City into a financial disaster. That was a monumental example of business acumen...

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You never answered my question - is Joe a liar when he said he didn't know anything about Hunter's business?
So now you think lying is a crime? After the past 6 yrs of Trump's almost daily lies...

So if we ask Trump if he ever fantasized about screwing Ivanka and he lies and says No while at least three former staffers are willing to testify to those comments is his lie a crime?

Maybe Comer should hire you to appear on tv and answer the hard questions for him. What would you have said when Ducey asked "what was the crime"?

The GOP can't even provide proof that what Hunter Biden said in that What's Ap is illegal...

12 minutes in Commer sounds like an idiot. So the crime is that in July/Aug 2017 when neither Joe or Hunter Biden had any connection with Govt, and Joe had just declined to run for POTUS a year earlier, that somehow the two of them entered into an agreement with a Chinese company that Joe would alter US policy when he unretired and became POTUS 3+ yrs in the future?

How does someone this stupid get elected to Congress, even if it's in Kentucky? It seems like in their zeal to broadcast this "damnning" Whats Ap none of these fools even noticed the time stamp which showed that Trump was POTUS and his guy Barr was the AG and head of the DOJ. Even Steve Ducey is smart enough to realize that the "smoking gun" is loaded with blanks...
Nah, “public knowledge” although wrong, was that Trump was a warmonger. Remember all the warnings early in his presidency - “this guy is going to send us into WW3!!
Link it. I don’t remember being a potential warmonger was on the list of reasons many thought he was unfit to be President. It certainly wasn’t on my list.
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So now you think lying is a crime? After the past 6 yrs of Trump's almost daily lies...

So if we ask Trump if he ever fantasized about screwing Ivanka and he lies and says No while at least three former staffers are willing to testify to those comments is his lie a crime?

Maybe Comer should hire you to appear on tv and answer the hard questions for him. What would you have said when Ducey asked "what was the crime"?

The GOP can't even provide proof that what Hunter Biden said in that What's Ap is illegal...

12 minutes in Commer sounds like an idiot. So the crime is that in July/Aug 2017 when neither Joe or Hunter Biden had any connection with Govt, and Joe had just declined to run for POTUS a year earlier, that somehow the two of them entered into an agreement with a Chinese company that Joe would alter US policy when he unretired and became POTUS 3+ yrs in the future?

How does someone this stupid get elected to Congress, even if it's in Kentucky? It seems like in their zeal to broadcast this "damnning" Whats Ap none of these fools even noticed the time stamp which showed that Trump was POTUS and his guy Barr was the AG and head of the DOJ. Even Steve Ducey is smart enough to realize that the "smoking gun" is loaded with blanks...
'...neither Joe nor Hunter Biden had any connection with the Govt....'

It's comments like this that prove your complete mendacity.

The Biden crime family has grifted the American taxpayer for 50 years, and continues to this day.

You're a ****ing joke!
I didn’t open all of them, but every one I looked at was after his election and he was in office. We were talking about before his election. I opposed him, but not because I thought he was a warmonger. He was unfit for many other reasons. Trumpsters are generally isolationists so being a warmonger doesn’t fit with their devotion to him.
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