Yard Signs - The True Poll

Should I tell him that we have our second poll in 2 days showing Virginia tied? Harris is spending millions there along with New Hampshire. Biden spent nothing in Virginia in 2020. He's gonna completely implode on election night.

Look for Virginia to be CLOSE. Youngkin has done a tremendous job cracking down on election ****ery putting Democrats at a disadvantage.
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The Democratic Party of Hart Cty, GA just put up a big Harris billboard on the highway I drive every day to town. Can’t wait to see how long it takes for it to be littered with AR fire
In my travels in and around Bton, mostly in the working class areas, I see plenty of Trump signs but not nearly the number I remember seeing in years past. I especially have noticed a distinct lack of the over-the-top shrine-like displays that were common in 2020. The support is there, but it's much more subdued. In a lot of cases, based on what I've heard people say, many former Trump supporters aren't willing to forget the J6 riots like so many here are. @Marvin the Martian lives and travels in much of the same areas I'm talking about; I'm curious as to whether he's had the same impression.