Yard Signs - The True Poll

Never claimed I’m voting Harris. Unsure at best
If you have a conservative bone in your body there’s only one choice: DONALD JOHN TRUMP. Two radical progressives of moderate intelligence who have spent their adult lives collecting gov checks with big ideas to change things. Or a low watt 80 year old who will spend his first day pardoning himself then fall into a deep slumber until he leaves office accomplishing exactly nothing. It’s a no-brainer
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absolutely re trump. however the contrast is the farthest left radical progressive ticket since fdr. the second most liberal senator this century. equity of outcomes. it's not like ehhh shapiro is on the other side. this is a marked ideological difference that you don't just say i hate trump so i stand for that. if the left takes congress we could see fundamental foundational changes
I agree with him to some extent. I’m not voting for Harris, but Trump has not and never will get my vote either. Those of us that are fiscally conservative and live and let live on social issues are out in the wilderness right now. My preference is right of center and that’s just not a thing right now.
Bruhs... The definition of "conservative" has changed since Trump's ascent. He is, by some measures (you can't deny he likes to just throw money at everything, was the self proclaimed king of debt" ), the least conservative R president of my lifetime. I guess to your point though, I never claimed to be a R (or D), so I've just become homeless in the "fiscally conservative, socially liberal" camp.
That is true and I understand why a "conservative" would pass on him. None of us have disagreed with that. The part we disagree with is someone claiming to be a conservative, while voting for a socialist with marxist leanings.
I agree with him to some extent. I’m not voting for Harris, but Trump has not and never will get my vote either. Those of us that are fiscally conservative and live and let live on social issues are out in the wilderness right now. My preference is right of center and that’s just not a thing right now.
I believe the same can be said of those just left of center
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You just can’t possibly understand that that’s just how shitty a candidate Trump is to a whole hell of a lot of us formerly proud Republicans
You're not alone.

"We believe that the president of the United States must be a principled, serious and steady leader who can advance and defend American security and values, strengthen our alliances and protect our democracy. We expect to disagree with Kamala Harris on many domestic and foreign policy issues, but we believe that she possesses the essential qualities to serve as president and Donald Trump does not.

"We appreciate that many Republicans prefer Donald Trump to Kamala Harris, for a variety of reasons. We recognize and do not disparage their potential concerns, including about some of the positions advocated by the left wing of the Democratic party. But any potential concerns pale in comparison to Donald Trump’s demonstrated chaotic and unethical behavior and disregard for our Republic’s time-tested principles of constitutional governance. His unpredictable nature is not the negotiating virtue he extols. To the contrary, in matters of national security, his demeanor invites equally erratic behavior from our adversaries, which irresponsibly threatens reckless and dangerous global consequences.

"In short, Donald Trump cannot be trusted “to support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic . . . and bear true faith and allegiance to the same.” We believe that Kamala Harris can, and we urge other Americans to join us in supporting her."

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There are 2 Harris signs in my immediate neighborhood. No Trump.

The guy at the end my street had 2 Biden signs. Took them down after debate. Has not replaced them.

The only person (white, female over 50) still maintaining a BLM sign does not have one.

The black, female over 50 strategically located at the corner of the main road does not have one. (Great lawn and flowers though.)

The black preacher over 60 around the corner never has one - he uses “love err’body” messaging.

The leader with 2 are white newbies under 30 with toddlers who dog is named Yadi - after the great Cardinal catcher.

The other is the surprise. Home of members of the Louisville mega-church unpopular for evangelical teachings and who typically get 12-15 cars for Wednesday night Bible study.

Politics makes strange beds.

Walk the neighborhood almost daily and see no yard signs.

Only one person brings up the election at neighborhood porch parties. That person is from Thailand and has only recently gained her citizenship. This is her first federal election. She has proudly announced that she likes Trump.

As per Thai custom, she never comes to our porch without bringing a gift for Mrs. Hoot. Gotta love her.
The only argument I could see someone say is, "I don't want to vote for Kamala. I don't agree with her policies, but the only way that we are going to purge Trump from my party is to vote for Kamala (and all other Republicans down-ticket) so that he loses by 20 million votes. Maybe, just maybe, the message will be sent then that the Republican party needs to dump this guy. Kamala will not be able to do much damage if the Senate and House are solidly Republican. I can live with four years of that."
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Bruhs... The definition of "conservative" has changed since Trump's ascent. He is, by some measures (you can't deny he likes to just throw money at everything, was the self proclaimed king of debt" ), the least conservative R president of my lifetime. I guess to your point though, I never claimed to be a R (or D), so I've just become homeless in the "fiscally conservative, socially liberal" camp.
You have always been relatively homeless in that camp.

Honestly, I think the major change has been in rhetoric. The prior GOP talked a big game about being fiscally conservative but they didn't govern in that manner.
The only argument I could see someone say is, "I don't want to vote for Kamala. I don't agree with her policies, but the only way that we are going to purge Trump from my party is to vote for Kamala (and all other Republicans down-ticket) so that he loses by 20 million votes. Maybe, just maybe, the message will be sent then that the Republican party needs to dump this guy. Kamala will not be able to do much damage if the Senate and House are solidly Republican. I can live with four years of that."
Look, I am not on board with the people saying to passively let the party you disagree with potentially win (by not voting for any of them) but I can at least live with that. It is the actively supporting someone who is antithetical to your stated beliefs that is just a non-starter for me. Harris isn't some Bill Clinton or Evan Bayh. She represents the most extreme wing of that party. Actively supporting her as a supposed "Republican" is nonsensical. There is nothing even remotely conservative about her.
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Look, I am not on board with the people saying to passively let the party you disagree with potentially win (by not voting for any of them) but I can at least live with that. It is the actively supporting someone who is antithetical to your stated beliefs that is just a non-starter for me. Harris isn't some Bill Clinton or Evan Bayh. She represents the most extreme wing of that party. Actively supporting her as a supposed "Republican" is nonsensical. There is nothing even remotely conservative about her.
I live in a neighborhood in the middle of farm land in The Region. Only one house with anything. They have a "Proud Union Member" flag and a Harris/Walz sign. Steel mill guy.
Look, I am not on board with the people saying to passively let the party you disagree with potentially win (by not voting for any of them) but I can at least live with that. It is the actively supporting someone who is antithetical to your stated beliefs that is just a non-starter for me. Harris isn't some Bill Clinton or Evan Bayh. She represents the most extreme wing of that party. Actively supporting her as a supposed "Republican" is nonsensical. There is nothing even remotely conservative about her.
I think it would depend on where you live and whether it is a swing state or not. If you are in a solid red state to the point where your write-in vote is not going to change the results, you can walk away from the booth knowing that you held to your principles. If you truly think that Trump is a bridge too far to the point where the headaches that he will likely cause outweigh the damage that Harris could do (especially with a Repub. Congress), and you live in a state where it's going to be close enough to matter, then I don't see the issue with it.

If Trump loses, he is absolutely going to throw the kitchen sink at any possible whiff of voter fraud. The only way to prevent it (or at least de-tooth it) is to make the results so overwhelming against him that it is ridiculous to even speculate that there was cheating / fraud.
You're not alone.

"We believe that the president of the United States must be a principled, serious and steady leader who can advance and defend American security and values, strengthen our alliances and protect our democracy. We expect to disagree with Kamala Harris on many domestic and foreign policy issues, but we believe that she possesses the essential qualities to serve as president and Donald Trump does not.

"We appreciate that many Republicans prefer Donald Trump to Kamala Harris, for a variety of reasons. We recognize and do not disparage their potential concerns, including about some of the positions advocated by the left wing of the Democratic party. But any potential concerns pale in comparison to Donald Trump’s demonstrated chaotic and unethical behavior and disregard for our Republic’s time-tested principles of constitutional governance. His unpredictable nature is not the negotiating virtue he extols. To the contrary, in matters of national security, his demeanor invites equally erratic behavior from our adversaries, which irresponsibly threatens reckless and dangerous global consequences.

"In short, Donald Trump cannot be trusted “to support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic . . . and bear true faith and allegiance to the same.” We believe that Kamala Harris can, and we urge other Americans to join us in supporting her."

The bolded paragraph is exactly right. Trump just doesn't have the character, temperament, integrity or mental stability (and he's starting to decline mentally due to old age as well) to be trusted as President, especially as Commander in Chief. I don't trust him even slightly. He's totally unfit and should never be in the White House again. I won't vote for Harris like they say they will, but I will write in a good Republican for President.
Walk the neighborhood almost daily and see no yard signs.

Only one person brings up the election at neighborhood porch parties. That person is from Thailand and has only recently gained her citizenship. This is her first federal election. She has proudly announced that she likes Trump.

As per Thai custom, she never comes to our porch without bringing a gift for Mrs. Hoot. Gotta love her.
I haven't mentioned the yard sign (poll) to my wife, interestingly she's been telling me the sign count after her walks. Today she told me she saw five Harris signs and three Trump signs. Surprised me a bit since I'm 99 percent certain Trump will win this county and this state.
I agree with him to some extent. I’m not voting for Harris, but Trump has not and never will get my vote either. Those of us that are fiscally conservative and live and let live on social issues are out in the wilderness right now. My preference is right of center and that’s just not a thing right now.
Yes. This a 1000 times. What the hell do we do????
The only argument I could see someone say is, "I don't want to vote for Kamala. I don't agree with her policies, but the only way that we are going to purge Trump from my party is to vote for Kamala (and all other Republicans down-ticket) so that he loses by 20 million votes. Maybe, just maybe, the message will be sent then that the Republican party needs to dump this guy. Kamala will not be able to do much damage if the Senate and House are solidly Republican. I can live with four years of that."
Absolute best case scenario
I haven't mentioned the yard sign (poll) to my wife, interestingly she's been telling me the sign count after her walks. Today she told me she saw five Harris signs and three Trump signs. Surprised me a bit since I'm 99 percent certain Trump will win this county and this state.
I don’t know who you are but I respect your posts because you are one of the few on these boards who aligns pretty much lockstep with me. Solid long time Republican conservative who feels Trump is a big enough threat to the good ole USA that you can’t vote for him. But don’t truly want the radical left in charge either. You’re in Indiana so your vote for pres is honorary only. I live in Georgia wih potential national implications. I fully planned to vote for neither but know that this state could come down to a few hundred votes. What would Aloha do in this situation?!
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I don’t know who you are but I respect your posts because you are one of the few on these boards who aligns pretty much lockstep with me. Solid long time Republican conservative who feels Trump is a big enough threat to the good ole USA that you can’t vote for him. But don’t truly want the radical left in charge either. You’re in Indiana so your vote for pres is honorary only. I live in Georgia wih potential national implications. I fully planned to vote for neither but know that this state could come down to a few hundred votes. What would Aloha do in this situation?!
No, I'm in Ohio. I intend to write in. If it gets tight in Ohio (Trump should win easily) that would be a strong indicator that Harris is likely to win big nation-wide and in the swing states. I'd likely still vote write-in in that situation.
I haven't mentioned the yard sign (poll) to my wife, interestingly she's been telling me the sign count after her walks. Today she told me she saw five Harris signs and three Trump signs. Surprised me a bit since I'm 99 percent certain Trump will win this county and this state.

Aloha, wonder how many elections around the country at all levels of government share your 99% certainty.

Somehow don't think this is particularly healthy.
Aloha, wonder how many elections around the country at all levels of government share your 99% certainty.

Somehow don't think this is particularly healthy.
California is probably 99.999 percent certain to go for Harris. Same with Hawaii. Polls still show Ohio isn't very close. I'd prefer that elections were closer in every state - assuming we have to legitimate choices for President.
California is probably 99.999 percent certain to go for Harris. Same with Hawaii. Polls still show Ohio isn't very close. I'd prefer that elections were closer in every state - assuming we have to legitimate choices for President.
When did Ohio go from toss up to solid Red??
California is probably 99.999 percent certain to go for Harris. Same with Hawaii. Polls still show Ohio isn't very close. I'd prefer that elections were closer in every state - assuming we have to legitimate choices for President.

Aloha, voting for some candidates in the other party is healthy in my view as it shows you might actually believe the other guys might have some good ideas.

Too many pols and voters spend all their hot air time putting the other guys down while spending no time listening to them.

Watch Congressional hearings with panels of witnesses being lectured to by pols instead of the pols asking questions. Tells me, the pols think they have all the answers.
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California is probably 99.999 percent certain to go for Harris. Same with Hawaii. Polls still show Ohio isn't very close. I'd prefer that elections were closer in every state - assuming we have to legitimate choices for President.
I'm the opposite. I want elections to be blow outs in every state. It's means a larger majority of Americans are getting the type of government (at least at the state level) they want.
I don’t know who you are but I respect your posts because you are one of the few on these boards who aligns pretty much lockstep with me. Solid long time Republican conservative who feels Trump is a big enough threat to the good ole USA that you can’t vote for him. But don’t truly want the radical left in charge either. You’re in Indiana so your vote for pres is honorary only. I live in Georgia wih potential national implications. I fully planned to vote for neither but know that this state could come down to a few hundred votes. What would Aloha do in this situation?!
Think of where Harris comes from. San Fran. Favorite city in America. What did progressive policies do to that once great city. Homeless. Drugs. Defund. Bail projects. Think of reversing 42, asylum agreements. Remain in Mexico. Think of big gov. The largest social safety net in history. Cradle to grave benefits. And what that will do to our country. Think of all the freebies and how they spiked inflation. And finally think philosophically of equity of outcomes. So that a man who went to 4 years of college, mcats, four years of med or osto school then did a residency then had the balls to open a practice with all that attends having to support others who don’t want to work as hard. Free student loans. Free home down payments. Taxes on your wealth. What YOU earned. And if that comports with Harris and walz so be it
I'm the opposite. I want elections to be blow outs in every state. It's means a larger majority of Americans are getting the type of government (at least at the state level) they want.
I'd like this one to be a blow out.