Witness history in real time...

One would think that such open access we will get will tamp down the crazy conspiracy theories, but that would be underestimating the ability of nutjobs to go off on tangents and claim that they are seeing deep state in action.

I won't be watching much. It will add a realty TV vibe to the whole mess. Perform for the cameras, you trained monkey lawyers!
One would think that such open access we will get will tamp down the crazy conspiracy theories, but that would be underestimating the ability of nutjobs to go off on tangents and claim that they are seeing deep state in action.

I won't be watching much. It will add a realty TV vibe to the whole mess. Perform for the cameras, you trained monkey lawyers!
Trump on the stand would be fascinating. His BS would be laid bare for everyone to see and he'd talk way too much, probably incriminating himself in the process. I'd guess it'd be an 'emperor has no clothes' moment.

That said, I have zero insight into whether or not he'd be able to avoid testifying or if he'd be required to. I really hope he does though.

To your point, the prosecuting attorneys would be accused of manipulating justice and working for the deep state by the MAGA cultists if Trump started to bluster and hem and haw. Probably receive death threats too.
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I would hate to be juror and now be easily recognizable from the televised trial. Regardless of the verdict, you're now a target of crazies. Hopefully they don't show the jury.
It’ll get out anyway. Half of them will write a book I’m sure.
Yeah, I'm sure there will be books by jurors, about jurors and even from the alternates.

If 2.5 is the my total on Made for TV movies, are you taking the Over or Under?
That said, I have zero insight into whether or not he'd be able to avoid testifying or if he'd be required to. I really hope he does though.

He can't be forced to testify. The prosecution can't even make an issue of it. But if he chooses to, he's subject to cross examination. That makes him wide open. They would eat him alive.

I would hate to be juror and now be easily recognizable from the televised trial. Regardless of the verdict, you're now a target of crazies. Hopefully they don't show the jury.

Can't imagine they'd be shown.
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Yep, you guys who support him are obviously deranged.
You haven’t been reading. I am voting for DeSantas, Scott or Haley in primary. If choice is The Biden Crime Family and Trump in general I am voting Trump. I believe the prosecutions against Trump are political. They will bite Dems in ass when the Pubs get a chance.

It’s time for Trump to go away but I’d probably be as stubborn as he is with the bullshit the Dems are pulling.
Hardly. This isn't digging around some obscure website hunting for scandal. This is going to a large happening, and cameras in the courtroom are important. Not sure it has to be live streamed, but that it is is also newsworthy.

I offered it up without comment.

I believe the prosecutions against Trump are political.

Of course you do. You're not really interested in facts.
Hardly. This isn't digging around some obscure website hunting for scandal. This is going to a large happening, and cameras in the courtroom are important. Not sure it has to be live streamed, but that it is is also newsworthy.

I offered it up without comment.

Of course you do. You're not really interested in facts.
Any luck sneaking around?
Watergate was a televised Congressional hearing. So was Ollie North. This will be a trial in a court of law.
That was a different time. There’s no need to watch the Trump trials. He has no chance in NY, DC and Atlanta. Totally political. Either Supreme Court will do something or he’s going to jail.
It’s time for Trump to go away but I’d probably be as stubborn as he is with the bullshit these grand juries of citizens are pulling.

Fixed your post for you. Citizens, hearing largely evidence from GOP former supporters of the con man 45.