Why so much institutional incompetence?

I plead guilty to reading books. But I had no idea what I wanted to hear. Books about how Musk, the Koch Bros. G.E., (in its heyday) and Iacocca did business were pretty instructive. That door that blew off the Boeing 737 never had the bolts installed at the factory! Think about how that can happen and who has to be involved. Yet Boeing can’t say how that happened to this day.

Size matters. As everything from trash businesses to engineering firms, to tech companies merge and get bigger, individual responsibility wanes. Systems take over and problems become systematic Committees make decisions not individuals.

Oh, small to medium sized law firms are different.
The plane left the production line with missing bolts according to the NTSB.
It isn't our crappy educational system that scares me. It is the greatly improved educational progress of our global competitors, starting with the Chinese.

For example, my nephew's father-in-law set up a scholarship fund at Notre Dame to study nuclear physics some forty years ago. Much to his dismay few Americans applied for the scholarship with many of the applicants being Chinese.

Since then, over the years China has been slowly but surely expanding its own STEM programs to the point where it graduates far more students. Thus when you add the Chinese students taking advantage of opportunities both in the USA and the homeland the numbers are impressive.

Then when you consider that the Chinese are just naturally intelligent the total picture goes well beyond simply declaring our educational system as being a complete failure. The total picture goes to where we stand in terms of the global business market and the military threats both globally and in space.
We have an absence of academic rigor throughout our system.
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The plane left the production line with missing bolts according to the NTSB.
That isn't what the January 2024 report stated. The report concluded that "[o]verall, the observed damage patterns and absence of contact damage or deformation around holes associated with the vertical movement arrestor bolts and upper guide track bolts in the upper guide fittings, hinge fittings, and recovered aft lower hinge guide fitting indicate that the four bolts that prevent upward movement of the MED plug were missing before the MED [mid exit door] plug moved upward off the stop pads".

The bolts were missing, Boeing's repair records and the production records show that the bolts were there, removed to address the issue with the rivets, then not put back on. That plane flew for a month without the bolts.
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That isn't what the January 2024 report stated. The report concluded that "[o]verall, the observed damage patterns and absence of contact damage or deformation around holes associated with the vertical movement arrestor bolts and upper guide track bolts in the upper guide fittings, hinge fittings, and recovered aft lower hinge guide fitting indicate that the four bolts that prevent upward movement of the MED plug were missing before the MED [mid exit door] plug moved upward off the stop pads".

The bolts were missing, Boeing's repair records and the production records show that the bolts were there, removed to address the issue with the rivets, then not put back on. That plane flew for a month without the bolts.
Wasn't this done by a third party maintenance contractor?
That isn't what the January 2024 report stated. The report concluded that "[o]verall, the observed damage patterns and absence of contact damage or deformation around holes associated with the vertical movement arrestor bolts and upper guide track bolts in the upper guide fittings, hinge fittings, and recovered aft lower hinge guide fitting indicate that the four bolts that prevent upward movement of the MED plug were missing before the MED [mid exit door] plug moved upward off the stop pads".

The bolts were missing, Boeing's repair records and the production records show that the bolts were there, removed to address the issue with the rivets, then not put back on. That plane flew for a month without the bolts.
I don’t think so. The door assembly was damaged during production, repaired and reinstalled sans bolts. The plane left the line without the bolts.

The door assembly was built by a third party off-Site.
True progress is hindered when innovation intersects with bureaucracy, when everyone has a voice except for those footing the bill.

It's no wonder that the term "Government Boondoggle" flows so well off the tongue, I reckon it's because the two words that make up the term are synonymous.
We have an absence of academic rigor throughout our system.

Academic rigor?

CoH, what is your definition of academic rigor ?

Mine would be to never give up learning by thinking you know it all while maintaining an open mind.

In other words, education is a lifetime experience with formal schooling only being part of it.

Finally, we are underusing the internet as an educational tool and overusing it as a social entertainment device. Pleasure at the expense of academic rigor.
See that's what you good ole boys never understand. DEI doesn't mean inexperienced or lower grades- it means making sure efforts are made to include under represented QUALIFIED people. This boogeyman is astounding

There's an anti-white animus among many promoting DEI. Given that there are good intentions among some other advocates, the intentions don't match the reality. How about 3 quick and obvious examples? 1. Kamala Harris selected as VP candidate; 2. the last president of Harvard; 3. the state of the Secret Service.
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There's an anti-white animus among many promoting DEI. Given that there are good intentions among some other advocates, the intentions don't match the reality. How about 3 quick and obvious examples? 1. Kamala Harris selected as VP candidate; 2. the last president of Harvard; 3. the state of the Secret Service.

MR, how should the Civil War, the Reconstruction Era, and post civil war history up to the present time be taught given today's political climate which includes the so-called culture war?

Guess we will learn to live having kids being taught various single versions depending on the state and city which they live.

Later on they find out for themselves, or just let their own political ideology rule their thinking.
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CoH, what is your definition of academic rigor ?
More students performing at grade level. More challenges to students. Less grade inflation. More reading programs like this.

In other words, education is a lifetime experience with formal schooling only being part of it.
Lifetime learning is good. But it may or may not be rigorous.
DEI, for example, does not put a premium on experience.

In a larger sense, I think the problem lies in emphasis on pedigrees and credentials not based on experience. That’s the real harm of elitism.
It does put a premium on experience. Just not the experience most think relevant to a lot of jobs

DEI values experience as a marginalized or oppressed person. Not exclusively, but it is important.
See that's what you good ole boys never understand. DEI doesn't mean inexperienced or lower grades- it means making sure efforts are made to include under represented QUALIFIED people. This boogeyman is astounding
I think people conflate DEI efforts and affirmative action. DEI goes beyond affirmative action.

But the proof is in the pudding—both serve to redefine QUALIFIED down re objective measurements.
DEI values experience as a marginalized or oppressed person. Not exclusively, but it is important.

Incompetence and DEI summed up in one photo.

DEI is for elite institutions to believe they help marginalized people.

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Incompetence and DEI summed up in one photo.

DEI is for elite institutions to believe they help marginalized people.

I’m right about what I wrote. I’ve read more about DEI philosophy, I’d wager, than anyone on this board.

Everything after “nope” does nothing to refute my point.
I’m right about what I wrote. I’ve read more about DEI philosophy, I’d wager, than anyone on this board.

Everything after “nope” does nothing to refute my point.
The DEI philosophy probably sounds very appealing. The practice looks like many institutions fight over too few qualified. people of color

To be effective DEI needs to start in elementary education. I’m not seeing much of that. In fact, education for marginalized kids, especially males, is getting worse.
The DEI philosophy probably sounds very appealing. The practice looks like many institutions fight over too few qualified. people of color

To be effective DEI needs to start in elementary education. I’m not seeing much of that. In fact, education for marginalized kids, especially males, is getting worse.
DEI philosophy is not logically sound, in my opinion, and rests on some assumptions that are unverifiable or easily refuted. I don’t want it’s current iteration anywhere near our schools @ IUCrazy.

One of its axioms is that oppressed people have standpoint authority and may not be questioned as to their own oppression because of their lived experience under the oppression (contrasted with someone trying to criticize a view without that lived experience).
DEI philosophy is not logically sound, in my opinion, and rests on some assumptions that are unverifiable or easily refuted. I don’t want it’s current iteration anywhere near our schools @ IUCrazy.

One of its axioms is that oppressed people have standpoint authority and may not be questioned as to their own oppression because of their lived experience under the oppression (contrasted with someone trying to criticize a view without that lived experience).
Is DEI philosophy codified to that extent? I assumed DEI philosophy consisted of various writers expressing various views.
Is DEI philosophy codified to that extent? I assumed DEI philosophy consisted of various writers expressing various views.

CoH, think we are both fans of the Socratic method of teaching while admitting you are far more experienced in this method then yours truly.

However, still wonder when this approach in matters such as DEI is a good time to use in the K-12 curriculum as established by state legislatures.

Legislatures which have a majority controlled by one of our political parties. The same party which contends DEI is a threat to what makes America great.

CoH, think we are both fans of the Socratic method of teaching while admitting you are far more experienced in this method then yours truly.

However, still wonder when this approach in matters such as DEI is a good time to use in the K-12 curriculum as established by state legislatures.

Legislatures which have a majority controlled by one of our political parties. The same party which contends DEI is a threat to what makes America great.
I don’t think the Socratic method is suitable for elementary school.

In my view, DEI seems necessary only because of bad public education for minorities, especially minority males. We have huge shortages of well educated minorities. There are many reasons for this including the doom loop generational effects of poorly educated parents on offspring. It’s a tough problem. Poorly educated minorities feed preexisting prejudices. DEI seems like pablum for whites. Until we fix the education problems we won’t be able to fix the other problems.
I don’t think the Socratic method is suitable for elementary school.

In my view, DEI seems necessary only because of bad public education for minorities, especially minority males. We have huge shortages of well educated minorities. There are many reasons for this including the doom loop generational effects of poorly educated parents on offspring. It’s a tough problem. Poorly educated minorities feed preexisting prejudices. DEI seems like pablum for whites. Until we fix the education problems we won’t be able to fix the other problems.

A former black superintendent of the Indianapolis Public Schools Eugene White often remarked that until the parents of minorities became educated the kids would continue to be dropouts.

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