Where is Your Outrage You Hypocrite Bastages?


Hall of Famer
Gold Member
Dec 5, 2001
Hurricane Katrina hit New Orleans on August 29. By 9/2 (“Heckuva Job” Day) Shepherd Smith was on the interstate demanding aid, political sycophants were demanding a magic wand fix of all blocked roads and all electric wires and all shelves re-stocked - but no blame for the failure of Louisiana or city officials (the only ones empowered to do so) to implement a mandatory evacuation. Nope. All Bush’s fault.

The rain started last Wednesday. By Friday morning, flash floods had already started. Cities are gone. Where is the help?

Asheville’s Mayor said an hour ago “ we needed it very quickly. We can’t wait any longer. Our resident have been without food and water now for five days.”

Well, Biden is saying the same thing Bush said - “ I don’t want to go and get in the way of the relief efforts.“

So where is the outrage?

Some of the dead and missing in Carolina are black. Where are the claims that Biden hates black people?

Bush sent 7,200 federal troops. How about Biden send in some? Oh, wait. There are 30 “high water” vehicles staged at …. Wait fer it … Fort Campbell, Kentucky!

The politics of personal destruction, the Borking of all honorable people, and the hypocrisy, has produced our next election where we get to pick between Trump and Harris (after the Democratic Party “democratically“ prevented Bernie and Biden from running). Thanks hypocrites.

Y’all sux.
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DeSantis thanked Biden recently?
Sorry he didn't directly apologize. Just said that he has everything he needs from the federal government.

Cooper and Kemp have both thanked the president. Oh and Kemp also said fema was their prior to the storm even hitting.

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Hurricane Katrina hit New Orleans on August 29. By 9/2 (“Heckuva Job” Day) Shepherd Smith was on the interstate demanding aid, political sycophants were demanding a magic wand fix of all blocked roads and all electric wires and all shelves re-stocked - but no blame for the failure of Louisiana or city officials (the only ones empowered to do so) to implement a mandatory evacuation. Nope. All Bush’s fault.

The rain started last Wednesday. By Friday morning, flash floods had already started. Cities are gone. Where is the help?

Asheville’s Mayor said an hour ago “ we needed it very quickly. We can’t wait any longer. Our resident have been without food and water now for five days.”

Well, Biden is saying the same thing Bush said - “ I don’t want to go and get in the way of the relief efforts.“

So where is the outrage?

Some of the dead and missing in Carolina are black. Where are the claims that Biden hates black people?

Bush sent 7,200 federal troops. How about Biden send in some? Oh, wait. There are 30 “high water” vehicles staged at …. Wait fer it … Fort Campbell, Kentucky!

The politics of personal destruction, the Borking of all honorable people, and the hypocrisy, has produced our next election where we get to pick between Trump and Harris (after the Democratic Party “democratically“ prevented Bernie and Biden from running). Thanks hypocrites.

Y’all sux.
Her phone isn't even plugged into the headphones and the paper is completely blank. Fraud.

The weed doesn’t seem to be working for you these days. Spaz.
Lying about something like this is pretty shitty. There is a lot to knock Biden and Harris on but this isn't one of them and you know it. So does MTIOF. That's why he is a piece of trash.
You're either a massive piece of shit for knowingly lying about a horrible situation right now or a moron. Which is it?
Ok Pseudo-Brainiac. Let us play it your way.

Please link me one post where the Lefties said THAT bs about Bush and Katrina. (“Oh, Don’t complain about W and Brownie! It’s a bad flood! Wait to criticize until all the water is gone.”)

Otherwise their hypocrisy is only exceeded by yours.

And while you are at, say a prayer for the families of the folks in NC where Biden won’t go, hasn’t helped and won’t remember tomorrow.
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Look - over there is Florida! You only missed relevancy by 400 miles. That’s almost a whole hurricane!
I don't think you get what Brad was saying.

A huge difference, we could see people on TV pleading for help. In NC, the distance and rural nature prevents that. We don't know what is on the ground, what is happening.

I think we should have went in active duty military in Katrina and today. In all probability we are not giving this our best shot.
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Lying about something like this is pretty shitty. There is a lot to knock Biden and Harris on but this isn't one of them and you know it. So does MTIOF. That's why he is a piece of trash.
Point out my lie, specifically, or STFU.

But at least we found YOUR outrage.

Bush and NewOrleans/Katrina - bad.
Biden and NC/Helene - how DARE you compare!!!! Everyone call him names!
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If you hate lying, you must despise Kamala.
All politicians lie. Not many do about natural disasters where people die. Trump is in rare company.

The entire premise of your post is a lie. The federal government is doing what they can. Should Biden go down there and toss paper towels at people and take pictures?
Stop pointing out irrelevancies. Trump, not Bush.

And saying “the federal government is going what they can” is a joke unless you defended Bush in Katrina - but tgat didn’t happen, did it.

You are just trolling. I think we’re done here. Tell your Dad “hi” Hunter.
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Stop pointing out irrelevancies. Trump, not Bush.

And saying “the federal government is going what they can” is a joke unless you defended Bush in Katrina - but tgat didn’t happen, did it.

You are just trolling. I think we’re done here. Tell your Dad “hi” Hunter.
So you're just being a hypocrite about others being a hypocrite. Ok.
I figured it out!

Asheville is the Biltmore! Rich people lived there 100 years ago.

Biden hates rich people!

Wet Ashevillians make him happy!
My old boss bought a retirement home there. As did a fair number of folks I know in fla. To get away from hurricanes and weather….
No. The exact opposite. I’m pointing out hypocrisy that you apparently embrace with your whole being.

Bush bad.
Biden good.
Got it.

Run along now.
Adults are talking.
You're an adult? Coulda fooled me. I guess holding on to a grudge for almost 20 years would have to make you "of age".

So let me get this straight. You're criticizing people who criticized Bush's response to Katrina while also criticizing Biden's response to Helene. Awfully critical of sorts id say. 🤔
My old boss bought a retirement home there. As did a fair number of folks I know in fla. To get away from hurricanes and weather….
Is he on one of the Hills? I've got friends in Asheville. they said that if your house is on one of the high bank parts of The French Broad you're ok. Or on one of the hills. But if you're in the valley or the river walk you're not. The entire river arts district is gone.
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Is he on one of the Hills? I've got friends in Asheville. they said that if your house is on one of the high bank parts of The French Broad you're ok. Or on one of the hills. But if you're in the valley or the river walk you're not. The entire river arts district is gone.
I don’t know. Same crowd a friend has a house on lake lure. Nc is real popular for Floridians
Hurricane Katrina hit New Orleans on August 29. By 9/2 (“Heckuva Job” Day) Shepherd Smith was on the interstate demanding aid, political sycophants were demanding a magic wand fix of all blocked roads and all electric wires and all shelves re-stocked - but no blame for the failure of Louisiana or city officials (the only ones empowered to do so) to implement a mandatory evacuation. Nope. All Bush’s fault.

The rain started last Wednesday. By Friday morning, flash floods had already started. Cities are gone. Where is the help?

Asheville’s Mayor said an hour ago “ we needed it very quickly. We can’t wait any longer. Our resident have been without food and water now for five days.”

Well, Biden is saying the same thing Bush said - “ I don’t want to go and get in the way of the relief efforts.“

So where is the outrage?

Some of the dead and missing in Carolina are black. Where are the claims that Biden hates black people?

Bush sent 7,200 federal troops. How about Biden send in some? Oh, wait. There are 30 “high water” vehicles staged at …. Wait fer it … Fort Campbell, Kentucky!

The politics of personal destruction, the Borking of all honorable people, and the hypocrisy, has produced our next election where we get to pick between Trump and Harris (after the Democratic Party “democratically“ prevented Bernie and Biden from running). Thanks hypocrites.

Y’all sux.

MTIOTF, Good to see someone defending GWB at a time when many in the GOP are calling Daddy Bush, GWB, McCain, and Romney as Rhinos.
You're an adult? Coulda fooled me. I guess holding on to a grudge for almost 20 years would have to make you "of age".

So let me get this straight. You're criticizing people who criticized Bush's response to Katrina while also criticizing Biden's response to Helene. Awfully critical of sorts id say. 🤔
You’re batting .000
New board record
Even a blind leftie finds an acorn occasionally.

I am criticizing the folks who criticized Bush but who have NOT criticized Biden for the same conduct.

So far, you are the only one could not figure that out.

Is English your first language?
MTIOTF, Good to see someone defending GWB at a time when many in the GOP are calling Daddy Bush, GWB, McCain, and Romney as Rhinos.
W and W Daddy were Rockefeller Republicans, middle of the roaders, who both got punished by both parties for trying to be bi-partisan.
You’re batting .000
New board record
Even a blind leftie finds an acorn occasionally.

I am criticizing the folks who criticized Bush but who have NOT criticized Biden for the same conduct.

So far, you are the only one could not figure that out.

Is English your first language?
That's the same thing asshole. You're doing what those people did. You posted multiple times criticizing Bidens response.

Are you saying Biden is doing a good job like Governor Kemp and Cooper have said? Or are you unfairly criticizing Biden?

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