Cutting back. This is probably stupid and TL
R for many.
I grew up poor, a fat little farm kid that I now know, most kids at school pitied me. Dad was a full time farmer, Mom worked a part time job at Sears. Other kids were getting into Nikes, I wore Winner !!'s (from sears branding).
Years later, I got married. Both her and I were working middle class, entry level jobs. this was 88' and a few years later. I couldn't figure out why we, now a 2 income family, with no kids, had to plan to have cold cuts instead of bologna. As a poor farm kid, I had steak, prime ground, awesome beef stew, fresh veggies....
comes to find out, dad would buy calves at $.35 / pound, fattent hem and sell them fat at $.75 per pound. He would also buy $.15 / pound cull Stag bulls (for those who don't know, that is a male beef that was only half castrated because of terrible animal husbandry skills), we would finish the castration, feed them out for 6 months, clean them up then put them in the freezer. We also had an acre garden that we spent 2 hours min, in every day.
I had to deal with Winner II sneakers as a kid, Living the life of what our economy drivers say we are "supposed" to do, I couldn't afford prepackaged scraps from the kill floor.
@stollcpa knows what I am talking about.