What one basketball rule would you like to be removed....

the charge is there, the defensive player just has to possess the footwork and moxey to take it and sell it.

Do they call palming anymore?

I've always thought that if you can make it to overtime without fouling out, you should be granted one extra foul. If you hit 5 before end of regulation, you're done. But if you get to OT with 4, they should give you an extra in OT. And reset the bonus (something like 2 team fouls in OT) so overtime isn't just a FT shooting contest right from the tip.
-Lane violations only apply if there's a miss. Who cares if an offensive guy goes in early if its a make?

-Emphasis on not rewarding offensive players for jumping in to defenders while going to the basket. If the movement is intended to initiate contact, and is not a part of a normal shooting or scoring motion, then no foul shall be awarded. Whether defender is in legal guarding position or not.

-At the risk of friction and confusion with the above rule...Change/eliminate charge calls. Player control fouls remain. But standing still in front of the rim is not a "basketball play". Never has been. If a player lowers a shoulder, pushes off, plowing through without normal shot attempts...then its a "player control foul". But if you just stand in front of the basket, don't make an attempt to defend the shot, and get ran over...its a no call, or a block.

-Emphasis on calling illegal screens...not really a rule change, I think the rules are fine in what defines an illegal screen. Just start calling it more.
or added, or enforced?

For me, I hate seeing an offensive player displace a defender in the paint. I hate seeing a 2-3 hard shoulders to the chest to create space. Should be a charge, IMHO.
I want the 5 second rule reinstated. I think it helps with movement. A second rule is the length of the 3 pt shot. I would bring it out further.
or added, or enforced?

For me, I hate seeing an offensive player displace a defender in the paint. I hate seeing a 2-3 hard shoulders to the chest to create space. Should be a charge, IMHO.
The cute little worthless arc under the basket.

It hasn't eliminated rough play, it penalizes the defense for excellent positioning (though maybe not "perfect") and it immunizes the entire offense for murder committed anywhere near it.

Charging should be called charging everywhere, if the little NCAA boys are really serious about eliminating rough play. But the refs use the little arc as an excuse to reward a rough, overly-aggressive offense because they know they don't need to look at anything but the arc (so they don't even try).
the charge is there, the defensive player just has to possess the footwork and moxey to take it and sell it.

Do they call palming anymore?

I've always thought that if you can make it to overtime without fouling out, you should be granted one extra foul. If you hit 5 before end of regulation, you're done. But if you get to OT with 4, they should give you an extra in OT. And reset the bonus (something like 2 team fouls in OT) so overtime isn't just a FT shooting contest right from the tip.

I believe palming was removed from the rule book. Instead it is called a carry if the hand is on the bottom 2 panels of the ball. I'm sure I will be corrected if wrong.
College, NBA and International need to decide on one set of rules. I think the step back travel jump shot should be looked at and let some physicality back in the game.
Reduce the end of game “foulfest”. In the last two minutes of the game every defensive foul beyond the top of the key should be a technical with a free throw and the offensive team retaining possession. Every defensive foul before the ball is inbounded, in the last two minutes, should also be an automatic technical.
Make teams play great defense at the end of games rather than allowing them to repeatedly intentionally foul hoping for missed free throws.
Not necessarily a rule but one of the absolute dumbest concepts in all of college sports (football and basketball) is having officiating crews that are linked to conferences. The built in biases and vendettas that build up over time with some of these guys (Teddy Valentine being a prime example)are a detriment to the integrity of the game. I hate the concept of having crews that only work a single conference.
Not sure what the answer is? Mixed crews? Pay guys more and spread them out across the country on travel? Familiarity with a conference is not necessarily a good thing. Give me a competent guy from effin Alaska if he knows the rules of the game and can call it fairly without giving two shits about the Big Ten, SEC or other conference. Vet them. Whatever it takes to make things as impartial as possible,
or added, or enforced?

For me, I hate seeing an offensive player displace a defender in the paint. I hate seeing a 2-3 hard shoulders to the chest to create space. Should be a charge, IMHO.
This really pisses me off when it's ok for the offensive player to bang the hell out of the defender to get position. The best way to defend this is to flop? I wonder if this happened on the perimeter would it still be allowed?
or added, or enforced?

For me, I hate seeing an offensive player displace a defender in the paint. I hate seeing a 2-3 hard shoulders to the chest to create space. Should be a charge, IMHO.
Bring the 3-point line back to the top of the key.
Make 'em shoot.
When I see scores of games from before the three point line I notice they still scored points. Sometimes they scored more.
go watch some youtube clips of IU games late 80s-early 90s. 45 second shot clock, only a fraction of the 3 pointers shot today, and yet still scored as much /more than modern college ball. Oh for the days of the Sloanscreen and the motion offense. Get off my lawn.
go watch some youtube clips of IU games late 80s-early 90s. 45 second shot clock, only a fraction of the 3 pointers shot today, and yet still scored as much /more than modern college ball. Oh for the days of the Sloanscreen and the motion offense. Get off my lawn.
I don't know why folks think 3s increase scoring. I realize 3>2, but that's only relevant if you shoot it at a fairly high percentage. If most teams shoot around 33% on 3s and 50% on 2s, the scoring is the same, so then it comes down to things like offensive rebounding an turnovers to determine which team would score more. "Shooting more 3s" doesn't do it alone, and could hurt if you're a poor shooting team.
I don't know why folks think 3s increase scoring. I realize 3>2, but that's only relevant if you shoot it at a fairly high percentage. If most teams shoot around 33% on 3s and 50% on 2s, the scoring is the same, so then it comes down to things like offensive rebounding an turnovers to determine which team would score more. "Shooting more 3s" doesn't do it alone, and could hurt if you're a poor shooting team.
too much time looking at xlsx files and metrics analysis. The math might even out (poorer % high volume 3pt shooting = higher % 2pt shooting=same amount of scored points), but, IMHO...has led to a much less appealing brand of game to watch on TV, at least to these old eyes. Too many shitty shooters jacking 22 footers. Too much standing around on the perimeter. A 41% FG shooter isn't necessarily looked at as a bad shooter today. "Back in the day"....they most definitely would have been.

Cue up Glory Days by Springsteen.....
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I don't know why folks think 3s increase scoring. I realize 3>2, but that's only relevant if you shoot it at a fairly high percentage. If most teams shoot around 33% on 3s and 50% on 2s, the scoring is the same, so then it comes down to things like offensive rebounding an turnovers to determine which team would score more. "Shooting more 3s" doesn't do it alone, and could hurt if you're a poor shooting team.
Obviously just chucking 3's, no matter who's shooting them, isn't the answer. And taking and hitting a bunch of 3's isn't the ONLY way to run an effective and efficient offense.

To me its about effective ball and player movement, and having an open paint area for drivers and big man paint finishes... Effective 3 point shooting pulls more defenders further away from the basket, which allows drivers and post players more room in the paint.
too much time looking at xlsx files and metrics analysis. The math might even out (poorer % high volume 3pt shooting = higher % 2pt shooting=same amount of scored points), but, IMHO...has led to a much less appealing brand of game to watch on TV, at least to these old eyes. Too many shitty shooters jacking 22 footers. Too much standing around on the perimeter. A 41% FG shooter isn't necessarily looked at as a bad shooter today. "Back in the day"....they most definitely would have been.

Cue up Glory Days by Springsteen.....
Depends on who you are watching. To me the NBA has gotten infinitely more "watchable" and I love the ball movement and unselfishness to find an open teammate and good 3 pt shooters. I think that's what people envision who want us to shoot more 3s, but, if you don't have that ball movement and good shooters, then it's probably not a good idea to seek out more 3s. UCONN I thought had a very entertaining offense and had good movement and passing without taking a ton of 3s. That's who I'd be emulating if I was another college team seeking to improve!
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Depends on who you are watching. To me the NBA has gotten infinitely more "watchable" and I love the ball movement and unselfishness to find an open teammate and good 3 pt shooters. I think that's what people envision who want us to shoot more 3s, but, if you don't have that ball movement and good shooters, then it's probably not a good idea to seek out more 3s. UCONN I thought had a very entertaining offense and had good movement and passing without taking a ton of 3s. That's who I'd be emulating if I was another college team seeking to improve!
rarely watch NBA today. I was speaking about college ball in general. And, perhaps IU specifically and subconsciously?

Guess I'm showing my age. That '86 series between the Lakers and Celtics, and the 3 yr war between the Pistons and Jordan/Bulls....that was the NBA I enjoyed watching. Grown man basketball.

Now if you'll excuse me, I need to grab a flannel blanket and take my afternoon nap.
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Not necessarily a rule but one of the absolute dumbest concepts in all of college sports (football and basketball) is having officiating crews that are linked to conferences. The built in biases and vendettas that build up over time with some of these guys (Teddy Valentine being a prime example)are a detriment to the integrity of the game. I hate the concept of having crews that only work a single conference.
Not sure what the answer is? Mixed crews? Pay guys more and spread them out across the country on travel? Familiarity with a conference is not necessarily a good thing. Give me a competent guy from effin Alaska if he knows the rules of the game and can call it fairly without giving two shits about the Big Ten, SEC or other conference. Vet them. Whatever it takes to make things as impartial as possible,
espn should do a 30 for 30 episode just on the Ted Valentine-RMK-IU history, going back to the '87 triple OT game in Madison when it all began. Would be very interesting.

Strangest thing is that Ted was part of the crew-of-3 who called the Watshot game, and that game was so high-level, he just sort of got lost in the noise. Didn't even notice he was out there.
or added, or enforced?

For me, I hate seeing an offensive player displace a defender in the paint. I hate seeing a 2-3 hard shoulders to the chest to create space. Should be a charge, IMHO.
Nothing gets me yelling at the TV more than allowing an offensive player to literally knock a defender (with good position) into the bleachers. That's a charge all day long.
or added, or enforced?

For me, I hate seeing an offensive player displace a defender in the paint. I hate seeing a 2-3 hard shoulders to the chest to create space. Should be a charge, IMHO.
Take away the sem-circle restrictive zone under the basket. A charge is a charge, no matter where it occurs.
rarely watch NBA today. I was speaking about college ball in general. And, perhaps IU specifically and subconsciously?

Guess I'm showing my age. That '86 series between the Lakers and Celtics, and the 3 yr war between the Pistons and Jordan/Bulls....that was the NBA I enjoyed watching. Grown man basketball.

Now if you'll excuse me, I need to grab a flannel blanket and take my afternoon nap.
You should watch some NBA. The skill level of the average player is WAY higher than it used to be. They are making so much $$ now that they all take it more seriously and are in better shape and work harder. The ball movement and shooting are really great to watch and better skills than I believe have ever existed at any level across the board. In the old days only the stars were super skilled. Now guys you've never heard of can knock down 40% from 3 and they move the ball to find those guys open shots. The days of the NBA folks complain about of standing around and 1 on 1 ball don't exist at that level now, and sadly happen more at the college level!
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I would take away the automatic two free throws for the last two minutes and make them one and one attempts. It would add more excitement in close games and put more of a premium on free throw accuracy.
The cute little worthless arc under the basket.

It hasn't eliminated rough play, it penalizes the defense for excellent positioning (though maybe not "perfect") and it immunizes the entire offense for murder committed anywhere near it.

Charging should be called charging everywhere, if the little NCAA boys are really serious about eliminating rough play. But the refs use the little arc as an excuse to reward a rough, overly-aggressive offense because they know they don't need to look at anything but the arc (so they don't even try).
So what do you do when an offensive player takes off from the semi-circle to finish...and someone steps over (under the basket)? The offensive player had no intention of contact when he left his feet...bit now gets called for a charge because someone stepped over after he left his feet?

Not much thought into this one.
So what do you do when an offensive player takes off from the semi-circle to finish...and someone steps over (under the basket)? The offensive player had no intention of contact when he left his feet...bit now gets called for a charge because someone stepped over after he left his feet?

Not much thought into this one.

Didn't it change last year that you have to set prior to the offensive player jumping?
So what do you do when an offensive player takes off from the semi-circle to finish...and someone steps over (under the basket)? The offensive player had no intention of contact when he left his feet...bit now gets called for a charge because someone stepped over after he left his feet?

Not much thought into this one.
You go back to way it used to be. Was the defender set before the offensive player left the ground or picked up the dribble, depending on what version of the former rule you want in place.

Why be an ass with the last sentence?
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Another thing… there a damn coaches box anymore? It’s supposed to be 38 feet and behind the line. Some of these coaches are almost an extra player on the court with how far they wander out into the field of play. Start penalizing them more severely. Refs ignore it.
You should watch some NBA. The skill level of the average player is WAY higher than it used to be. They are making so much $$ now that they all take it more seriously and are in better shape and work harder. The ball movement and shooting are really great to watch and better skills than I believe have ever existed at any level across the board. In the old days only the stars were super skilled. Now guys you've never heard of can knock down 40% from 3 and they move the ball to find those guys open shots. The days of the NBA folks complain about of standing around and 1 on 1 ball don't exist at that level now, and sadly happen more at the college level!
I watched some of the playoffs this year for the first time in a long time, and I agree - it's a much better brand of basketball than what used to be played. Used to be a lot of isolation and everyone else standing around. I didn't see much of that and the shooting was incredible, I thought.
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You go back to way it used to be. Was the defender set before the offensive player left the ground or picked up the dribble, depending on what version of the former rule you want in place.

Why be an ass with the last sentence?
It was kind if an ass thing to say,I will give you that. Probably sounded worse than intended,but doesn't matter. Anyway...

I think the old way of officiating the charge limits players ability to use their athleticism in some cases,and the governing bodies,be it NBA or NCAA, do not want a rule that rewards the defense,when everyone knows that offense is what brings in the $. Not saying it's right,or better.
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I would like to see the 3pt line extended and the minor arc changed such that it stops as a chord no further than free throw line extended.

The reason why defenders have a harder time with drives these days is because you have shooters camped out in the corner with his hands out.

Eliminate the corner 3.
Another option for the 3 would be to eliminate the line and just add 2 large circles on either side at the wing. 2 feet must be inside the circle for a 3 to count.

A crazy variation that would be interesting.... use 3 zones on the court. 1 point inside 12 feet. 12-24 feet is 2 points. 24+ is 3 points.
or added, or enforced?

For me, I hate seeing an offensive player displace a defender in the paint. I hate seeing a 2-3 hard shoulders to the chest to create space. Should be a charge, IMHO.
Eliminate Coaches being able to call timeouts, only the players on the floor should be able to call for timeout. Also players should not be able to call timeout while laying on the floor, they should be upright with possession and control of the ball.