What one basketball rule would you like to be removed....

You should watch some NBA. The skill level of the average player is WAY higher than it used to be. They are making so much $$ now that they all take it more seriously and are in better shape and work harder. The ball movement and shooting are really great to watch and better skills than I believe have ever existed at any level across the board. In the old days only the stars were super skilled. Now guys you've never heard of can knock down 40% from 3 and they move the ball to find those guys open shots. The days of the NBA folks complain about of standing around and 1 on 1 ball don't exist at that level now, and sadly happen more at the college level!

The modern NBA is a far superior product to what modern college basketball has become. Skill level has dropped in college but only improved in the NBA. Big Ten basketball is sadly one of the worst.
You should watch some NBA. The skill level of the average player is WAY higher than it used to be. They are making so much $$ now that they all take it more seriously and are in better shape and work harder. The ball movement and shooting are really great to watch and better skills than I believe have ever existed at any level across the board. In the old days only the stars were super skilled. Now guys you've never heard of can knock down 40% from 3 and they move the ball to find those guys open shots. The days of the NBA folks complain about of standing around and 1 on 1 ball don't exist at that level now, and sadly happen more at the college level!

The Celtics 3 and D is no more appealing to me than the isolation stuff.
It is not what I want when I watch basketball but I know that RMK isn't walking through that door again, sadly.
Eliminate Coaches being able to call timeouts, only the players on the floor should be able to call for timeout. Also players should not be able to call timeout while laying on the floor, they should be upright with possession and control of the ball.
I'd rather the coach call the timeouts if we had to choose. Its part of why they are the coach.
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I’m a simple man. I would like to see a rule change allowing use of a multi-colored ball. If not a red, white, blue one in copy of ABA days, then some other agreed upon color scheme of high contrast. It was so much easier to see the ball with its spin rotation. Many times it made the ball appear to float. I don’t know why the NBA has to be so stubborn about it.
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I’m a simple man. I would like to see a rule change allowing use of a multi-colored ball. If not a red, white, blue one in copy of ABA days, then some other agreed upon color scheme of high contrast. It was so much easier to see the ball with its spin rotation. Many times it made the ball appear to float. I don’t know why the NBA has to be so stubborn about it.

or added, or enforced?

For me, I hate seeing an offensive player displace a defender in the paint. I hate seeing a 2-3 hard shoulders to the chest to create space. Should be a charge, IMHO.
Flops. Anyone flopping should be given a technical foul. If they do it a second time they are ejected. I’d argue that one flop and you are ejected. It’s become a disgrace to the game and promotes cheating / acting.
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Flops. Anyone flopping should be given a technical foul. If they do it a second time they are ejected. I’d argue that one flop and you are ejected. It’s become a disgrace to the game and promotes cheating / acting.
Everyone is taught to "sell" a charge. You have to take a hit and fall. I don't like flopping either but in terms of determining the call, it's not always easy without replay, which can be a delay.
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Everyone is taught to "sell" a charge. You have to take a hit and fall. I don't like flopping either but in terms of determining the call, it's not always easy without replay, which can be a delay.
Get to your spot and hold your ground. It’s an easy call that has been made difficult by wussies flopping. Eject them!
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In the NBA, they are able to review certain calls. For instance, when a ball seems to go out of bounds and they cant tell who it went off of, they review it. They had a situation this past year where they called it off a certain player, but reviewed it, and found that it went out of bounds on a player because he was fouled. Current rules stipulate that they can’t call a foul upon review, so they had to award the ball to the fouling team. That rule has to change or be modified.
or added, or enforced?

For me, I hate seeing an offensive player displace a defender in the paint. I hate seeing a 2-3 hard shoulders to the chest to create space. Should be a charge, IMHO.
LBJ wouldn't be the NBA's all time leading scorer without it.
I'm with you 💯...Let me push you back 6 inches so I can get my shot off..
Needs cleaned up at every level..jmo
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So what do you do when an offensive player takes off from the semi-circle to finish...and someone steps over (under the basket)? The offensive player had no intention of contact when he left his feet...bit now gets called for a charge because someone stepped over after he left his feet?

Not much thought into this one.
There is already a different rule governing what you described that does not depend on the cute little useless arc under the basket. Look it up.
Reduce the end of game “foulfest”. In the last two minutes of the game every defensive foul beyond the top of the key should be a technical with a free throw and the offensive team retaining possession. Every defensive foul before the ball is inbounded, in the last two minutes, should also be an automatic technical.
Make teams play great defense at the end of games rather than allowing them to repeatedly intentionally foul hoping for missed free throws.
Very good idea regarding the "foulest". I hope this doesn't sound incongruent with your idea, but the overall tenor of the game the last 20 years where good D is penalized all in the name of more scoring. Rules are such that it is lopsided in favor of the offense and solid defense seems not to exist
Do away with "re-establishing" position on the court. Stepping out of bounds (or being pushed out) without the ball should not be a big deal once a player is back in bounds.
or added, or enforced?

For me, I hate seeing an offensive player displace a defender in the paint. I hate seeing a 2-3 hard shoulders to the chest to create space. Should be a charge, IMHO.
The hand push off in order to gain space for a shot. It's a blatant offensive foul. Maybe more consistent calls on illegal picks.
I would take away the automatic two free throws for the last two minutes and make them one and one attempts. It would add more excitement in close games and put more of a premium on free throw accuracy.
Wouldn't want Galloway out there then at last 2
I'd like to see the international rule on basket interference used.
what exactly, are you looking for?

"interference occurs under certain conditions when a player touches the ball, basket, rim, or backboard in a motion that "the ball has been prevented from entering the basket or has been caused to enter the basket."
the rule I'd like to see reverted is:

Wherein a Hoosier hearth game has textured its final tick of the clock, herein be it official decree, that thy final brass bombastic fait be forever deeded: "Birdland"

Those of ye old enough to remember walking out satisfied to that wonderful jazz number
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eliminate all reviews, the call on the floor stands. While I don't necessarily agree with this and I know it will never happen, it just frustrates me how long it takes at the end of close games nowdays. and they still don't get em all correct anyway.
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what exactly, are you looking for?

"interference occurs under certain conditions when a player touches the ball, basket, rim, or backboard in a motion that "the ball has been prevented from entering the basket or has been caused to enter the basket."
Once the ball hits the rim, it's fair game.
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eliminate all reviews, the call on the floor stands. While I don't necessarily agree with this and I know it will never happen, it just frustrates me how long it takes at the end of close games nowdays. and they still don't get em all correct anyway.
Do not mind the reviews, but put a 30-45 second time limit on it and go from there. The other thing with them is do not let the players go to the benches make them stay on the floor--do not give them an extra time out where coaches decide everything, if there is a break, make the players on the floor figure it out
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Four 12-minute quarters. That will ruin previous record comparisons; however, four-year players are a thing of the past anyway.

Also 6 fouls and an additional foul per overtime period.
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