What is a “black job”?

And what jobs do you think the "majority of Blacks do?
I can't give you a definitive list. What do blacks complain about? They don't make enough money. So wouldn't that mean lower wage jobs? Now lower wage jobs are those that anybody can do which is why illegals who don't even speak the language can do it. They are not coming here to walk into management or professional jobs.
Really?....why did dems tell us for a year that inflation was "transitory" if it was because of Covid,or Trump,or any other reason? GD you people are a special kind of stupid. Inflation in the US was exacerbated because of Biden’s energy policies. There is no argument. That is a fact.
You got this one (mostly) right

Inflation rate subsided bc in part stimulus was stopped. That’s not anything Biden gets credit for. They lost the house. Prices remain elevated.
Ending the stimulous, Fed's activity and people just unable to afford shit any more helped slow inflation. And yes, Biden gets nearly zero credit for these although he takes credit for the trend as any politician would.

The rent is still too damned high as they say.
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I new pole shows that the Vegas girls that are in the human services business are pissed about all of the illegals. It seems that they are taking all of the blow jobs.
Because he is an idiot. Why does the WH have to explain or correct stuff that Biden says? Heck, they've changed historic transcripts for Biden.
"Heck, they've changed historic transcripts for Biden." Translated into kitchen table English... THEY HAVE FLAT OUT LIED, ON HISTORIC DOCUMENTS, TO COVER THEIR ASSES. How "free" are we? How "honest" is DC? Just how much do "they work for us"?
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