What indeed are the Mullah’s thinking when they say …


All-Big Ten
Sep 20, 2021
Senior Iranian officials emphasized … that Iran would strike Israel again “faster and stronger” if Israel retaliated to Iran's April 13 missile and drone attack. Iranian Deputy Foreign Affairs Minister Ali Bagheri Kani stated that Iran would respond against Israel within a “few seconds” of an Israeli attack.[7] Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi emphasized in separate phone calls to several foreign leaders, including his Qatari and Russian counterparts, that Iran would respond “more fiercely, widely and painfully” if Israel retaliates against Iran.[8] The spokesperson of Iran’s Parliamentary National Security and Foreign Policy Committee claimed that Iran is “ready to use weapons that [it] has not used before” during an interview with Lebanese Hezbollah-controlled media on April 16.[9]

“Bravado” … the bully mullahs double dog dare the Israeli Air Force not to strike … say ballistic missile launch sites. … a drone factory or two … uranium centrifuges

Israel slipped the roundhouse haymaker on April 13. Iran is off balance having swung hard and missed. Any notion that Iran didn’t intend to kill hundreds and hundreds on April 13 is laughable. The results were astoundingly incompetent for the Iranians.

The Iranians likely expected that Israeli rates would be higher than the Ukrainian rates but not above 90% against such a large ballistic missile salvo—the Russians, after all, have never fired close to that many large ballistic missiles in a single strike against Ukraine. Ukraine frequently intercepts more than 75% of Russian cruise missiles and drones, but many of those interceptions occur within the air defense umbrella that is also occupied with ballistic missile defense. The Iranians thus likely expected that at least some of their drones and cruise missiles would interfere with Israeli targeting of incoming ballistic missiles, whereas apparently none did.

Having watched Saddam’s Scuds rain down on Israel live on CNN, the Israeli government would possibly fall if it did nothing to provide deterrence for the next Iranian ballistic missile launch. … Did Iran just step in their own bear trap in the need for “justice”?

(Wikipedia says …) The Israeli Air Force does have 7 KC 135 (Boeing 707) tankers. How many can they afford to lose supporting a long range strike in Iran? Churchill made the V1 and V2 launch pads a priority. Hard to believe the Israelis wouldn’t think the same way.

PS. does anyone really believe that Iranian nuclear reactor fuel rods would never be reprocessed to extract the plutonium?
BTW … does this suggest a missile attack across the Taiwan straight could be thwarted.

Or just prove Iranians were willing useful idiots for Beijing.

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