"we just about beat everybody’s ass.”

These studies stack the deck with like minded experts to try and convince

Just where did acquire the wisdom that qualifies you to speak with such certainty about scientific studies? Judging by the spastic and unsophisticated nature of your posts, it sure wasn't from reading any.
Lmao hardly. This generation is without question the softest generation. Whiny, self-entitled babies. If you don’t think so employ some. You will find out quickly.

That said; that they are so soft is probably a credit to how well we have done as a nation the last 50 years: no depressions, no world wars, etc.

That every generation has said that about the one prior is completely meaningless. That you act like it carries some great moment is silly. If you look at the last three generations it’s actually accurate. Each generation has had it easier than the one prior. So what. It doesn’t bear on the characteristics of millennials.... You must be very young.
This generation can't even get thru school with out amphetamines.
Sorry my family were season ticket holders at IU from 1971-2000. No Michigan St fan here. Take another stimulant and try again.
I don't need stimulants Mr Woke. I dont have anxiety because unlike your kind I'm socially and sexually functional.

Enjoy sitting around in your soiled overfilled depends..dotard.
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I don't need stimulants Mr Woke. I dont have anxiety because unlike your kind I'm socially and sexually functional.

Enjoy sitting around in your soiled overfilled depends..dotard.
Stimulants are not for anxiety. Read a book and learn something
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Stimulants are not for anxiety. Read a book and learn something

Really Mr Woke? Maybe you should read up on the subject instead of guessing.

What a quaggy, limp attempt at retort. Are you feeling deflated and having issues getting up for the task?

Maybe there's a pill for that. lol ...
Gaslighting again. Taking one set of at the most weakly and tangentially related set of statistics and applying it to a different theory. Make me laugh again, please.
I was asked for a general measure that showed mental health has not improved over time and this is such a measure

Here is an article about drug, alcohol, and suicide deaths skyrocketing amongst millennials
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Still waiting for that research into the benefits of corporal punishment.

i am glad your child rearing practices resulted in good adults. My belief differs from yours only in that i cant accept the logic of someone saying a whack on the butt is bad in all situations with all children. All children are different and situations vary. I have known children from a spanking family to not turn out well as adults. I have known children from non spanking family to not turn out well as adults. I have known the reverse of these also-children from each environment that did turn out well. It seems to me that there is a lot more to raising a child then just following some experts advice not to spank any child in any situation. I am not a proponent of not spanking nor a proponent of spanking. A good parent must know what works for his/her individual children in their individual situation.
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This is because it was a catholic school, right? 1.2 billion Catholics, every time something bad happens it is because of their religion. Gotcha.

What if you were recorded 24/7? How many life sentences would you get for what you do in your basement? Would I then blame that on lack of religion?

Sorry about your feelings. They seem to be your only functioning brain area. Too bad they are so easily hurt.
Sorry about your feelings. They seem to be your only functioning brain area. Too bad they are so easily hurt.

I feel you are as smart as a small rodent. That is the only feeling produced when I read your posts. Carry on simpleton, carry on.
What a very odd reference. Might prompt one to wonder what you do in yours that you associate it with criminality.

No basement for me, I spend a good part of my time outdoors. Your buddy on the other hand..... you know what is going on down there. Wife beater boy has a special room he plays dress up in.
Your post implies the IU athletic department wouldn't want Knight here or wouldn't invite him. He has been directly invited many times, but it has been his choice not to come. I just hope you understand it isn't IU's decision to have him stay away. Hopefully, he changes his mind before it is too late, and I see him softening.....

I don't think his post implies that. Everyone knows he's been invited and declined multiple times.

I think he's saying that it doesn't need to be an official thing that's announced beforehand that could turn it into a bigger circus than it would already be. Just an old coach at a basketball game. No ADs or Presidents or Trustees need to be involved.