We have a verdict -- Guilty on ALL counts

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Shoes, playing cards and an honorary degree from Trump U.

I wonder how many people only learned the truth during their first interview.

"I'm sorry, it says here you went to what university?"
Maybe not the most rigorous academically, but they have a helluva disk golf team.
Nelly had a college here and he would have commercials for it where he was teaching a class. Was hilarious
OK, I get the point he is trying to make, and I'm not a huge grammar-nazi, but holy heck, learn to spell "behavior" and "weaponizing". I get that not everyone is a perfect speller, but when you are trying to get your message across to people, simple mistakes like that can turn people off to what you are trying to prove.
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What in the hell are you talking about? The Wisconsin SC agreed Trump won WI in 2020.
Huh? Link?
I know that they are revisiting the legality of using drop boxes for future elections, but where are you getting that they ruled that Trump won WI in 2020?
Link - Wisconsin Supreme Court Decision

"In the 4-3 ruling, the court’s three liberal justices were joined by conservative swing Justice Brian Hagedorn who said three of Trump’s four claims were filed too late and the other was without merit. The ruling ends Trump’s legal challenges in state court."
mercy where some of you get your news



MeidasTouch is a liberal American political action committee formed in March 2020 with the purpose to stop the reelection of Donald Trump in the 2020 United States presidential election.
Do you think he didn’t say those things? Do you think those tapes were doctored? I’m well aware who MeidasTouch is and I don’t get my news from there. Just some funny memes.
What in the hell are you talking about? The Wisconsin SC agreed Trump won WI in 2020.

Trump is going to start tanking. I LOVE this category - double haters. Fantastic
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Do you think he didn’t say those things? Do you think those tapes were doctored? I’m well aware who MeidasTouch is and I don’t get my news from there. Just some funny memes.
To be fair, most of the MeidasTouch memes are misleading at best and dishonest at worst. They are no better than dbm's endless procession of Twitter idiots.
Stay out of Hunter's stash.
No. Seriously. Read the link.

In particular, "The court ruled that Trump’s challenge to voters who were indefinitely confined was without merit and that the other claims came too late."

The twitter quote that you provided does not say what you think it says.

Better Link

"In its final decision Monday, the justices concluded it was up to each voter — not clerks or anyone else — to decide when they qualify as indefinitely confined. In addition, they found the pandemic and the stay-at-home order — which has since been struck down — did not render all voters indefinitely confined.

On those points the seven justices were unanimous. But the court’s three liberals dissented on some parts of the majority opinion.

The issue of indefinite confinement was also raised in a lawsuit President Donald Trump brought against election officials after narrowly losing the state to Democrat Joe Biden.

The state Supreme Court ruled in favor of elections officials and Biden in that case later Monday.

“The plain language of (state law) requires that each elector make an individual assessment to determine whether he or she qualifies as indefinitely confined or disabled for an indefinite period. A county clerk may not 'declare' that any elector is indefinitely confined due to a pandemic,” Chief Justice Patience Roggensack wrote for the majority."

There is no Wisconsin Supreme Court ruling that states that Trump won the 2020 election.

(And for the record, I have never and never will partake in an illegal drug. That is literally what "Squeaky Clean" is in reference to. Some of us take our D.A.R.E promises seriously. :) )
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To be fair, most of the MeidasTouch memes are misleading at best and dishonest at worst. They are no better than dbm's endless procession of Twitter idiots.
You’ve noticed I’ve never brought one here? The memes I’m talking about aren’t even supposed to be factual….jokes, cartoons, etc.
No. They are not saying that the majority of 2020 votes were invalid.
They are saying that the "indefinitely confined" designation will not apply to future elections.

Trump tried to use this concept to disenfranchise all the votes from the two most heavily Democrat voting districts.

The court ruled against Trump 4-3. If Trump (or other Republicans) had filed the lawsuit before the election, he might have had a shot, but filing after the votes were already counted was not going to fly.

So, I repeat, there is no ruling from the Wisconsin Supreme Court that states that Trump won the 2020 election.
No. They are not saying that the majority of 2020 votes were invalid.
They are saying that the "indefinitely confined" designation will not apply to future elections.

Trump tried to use this concept to disenfranchise all the votes from the two most heavily Democrat voting districts.

The court ruled against Trump 4-3. If Trump (or other Republicans) had filed the lawsuit before the election, he might have had a shot, but filing after the votes were already counted was not going to fly.

So, I repeat, there is no ruling from the Wisconsin Supreme Court that states that Trump won the 2020 election.
Wrong. The law on election day was you had to be indefinitely confined to vote by mail. If you didn't meet that standard and voted by mail you voted illegally.
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Wrong. The law on election day was you had to be indefinitely confined to vote by mail. If you didn't meet that standard and voted by mail you voted illegally.
And the court ruled voters get to make that determination themselves, did it not? So, none of those voters foted illegally, unless you can bring them forward to say that they were not, in fact, indefinitely confined.
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