We have a verdict -- Guilty on ALL counts

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You're rarely right about anything. If you told me 2+2=4, I'd consult a calculator, that's how little faith I have in your opinion.

But you're right about this. This whole pointy chin, hollow cheek thing women are going for these days is just a straight turnoff. Highly bangable women paying good money to turn themselves unbangable.
My doubts about your sexuality have now been assuaged.
Biden is actually worse than Stalin according to Desch as he didn't just find a man and then found the crime he actually made up a crime. Dems are sickest people alive.

😂 😂 😂. Please dumbhoosier. Stalin murdered millions of his own citizens. And no I didn’t make a mistake with your handle. You are without a doubt the singular greatest Orange Jesus apologist and cultist on this or likely any other site. I’m betting you were either in DC or wish you were on January 6th. Keep posting the idiotic. It truly brightens my day to know there are people in America who live in an alternate reality where truth and rational thinking do not exist.
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Why do you choose to remain ignorant?
That is
Compare border numbers. Policies and actions re same. Prices from gas to groceries to houses. Biden did much of this. Trump from a cell would be better than a progressive

Nothing is worse than progressives
But all that's just more bullshit from you -- auto loop nonstop blathering.

The other poster posted about three alleged people that he claims said something or other. That's what I responded to. But that's not at all what you posted about, and we all know why.

You can't handle it.
😂 😂 😂. Please dumbhoosier. Stalin murdered millions of his own citizens. And no I didn’t make a mistake with your handle. You are without a doubt the singular greatest Orange Jesus apologist and cultist on this or likely any other site. I’m betting you were either in DC or wish you were on January 6th. Keep posting the idiotic. It truly brightens my day to know there are people in America who live in an alternate reality where truth and rational thinking do not exist.
He’s the most slavishly devoted minion here. He has no thoughts, he simply repeats what the Twitter Twits and his Lord T say. If he had self awareness he’d be ashamed and embarrassed for his worship of his Lord T. It’s incredible. Priests Preachers and Nuns should take notes on what total devotion looks like.
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That is

But all that's just more bullshit from you -- auto loop nonstop blathering.

The other poster posted about three alleged people that he claims said something or other. That's what I responded to. But that's not at all what you posted about, and we all know why.

You can't handle it.
What’s bullshit? YOU can’t handle it! Want to debate prices? The border? When Biden had control his policy actions? The constant race baiting? What’s bs? Use your words on topic. Go! Biden was talking just yesterday about getting progressives on the s ct. do you want to talk about how far left he is?

Or just spew your ignorance per usual
😂 😂 😂. Please dumbhoosier. Stalin murdered millions of his own citizens. And no I didn’t make a mistake with your handle. You are without a doubt the singular greatest Orange Jesus apologist and cultist on this or likely any other site. I’m betting you were either in DC or wish you were on January 6th. Keep posting the idiotic. It truly brightens my day to know there are people in America who live in an alternate reality where truth and rational thinking do not exist.
No need to respond to dbm now - mods have taken away his posting privileges.
I notice you didn't challenge any point.

I guess, when presented by facts, all you can do is pull your head back in your shell.
You still don’t know the difference between opinions and facts.
No need to respond to dbm now - mods have taken away his posting privileges.
Why? Probably for something frivolous. Took mine for calling Trump Orange Jesus. I was told I had to use his real name. I asked why someone who repeatedly called Crean Clappy wasn’t suspended. Was then told I can be childish and call him what I want. And that there was no rule regarding that.
I hate coming to the water cooler because it just drags me down to somewhere I really don’t want to be. Here in our community I’ve told numerous friends I don’t want to know their politics and I won’t talk about mine. It just destroys friendships. I’ve seen it happen. I have several close friends in Indiana that I see each time I fly up to see the grandkids. They are Trumpers and we just agree to not talk politics and we remain close friends. Had a friend here who said some horribly racist things to me 2 years ago at our community restaurant and I got up and walked off and told my wife I would never speak to him again. He begged my wife to ask me not to tell his wife which I had no intention of doing. Haven’t spoken to him since. Hits home because my brother in law is black and is as good a person as you will find.
I’m done preaching. I’m out of the cooler.
Trump talks about nothing but Trump Trump Trump. He has TDS to the max.
Unfortunately, everyone talks about Trump.
You just told us that none of the other Republicans "recognize what they’re up against," (whatever that means). That won't help Trump win the election.
A lot of Republicans still think Democrats are sane and have some integrity. That’s not the case anymore. It’s all about power, money, and control. Imprisoning political opponents and making a mockery out of the justice system is a small price to pay if it gives them a better chance of winning an election. They know their voters people lack intelligence and/or character and will continue voting for them.
He no longer talks much about all those economic issues that supposedly are the only issues Americans care about. He's running his own campaign, very poorly for the long run. The election is five months away, but Trump's campaign is nothing but Trump Trump Trump.
His campaign strategy hasn’t changed and he’s leading in the polls. He knows Democrats are emotional little babies and will eventually stoop to his level and roll around in the mud with him. It’s the only way he wins. If Democrats were reasonable adults, Biden would be ahead by 10 points.
Biden is not Michael Dukakis, George McGovern or Gary Hart. He's sure to figure out what economic issues matter to voters, while Trump is still spewing about how unfair his rich, privileged life has been.
Biden doesn’t have a f#cking clue how to fix the economy. He’s a Democrat. My 10 year old understands the economy better.
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A lot of willful blindness in your post.

1. You don’t remember Judge Noreika throwing Hunters plea deal back in the DOJ’s face? Selective memory? Biden very much attempted to use the DOJ to let his son get off Scott free.

2. People from Biden’s DOJ quite literally left to help prosecute this Trump case. The judge donates to Biden against ethics rules. Again. Selective memory? Dishonesty?

This is not conspiracy. It’s fact. Biden admin handprints are all over this crap whether you have enough integrity to admit it or not.
Identify the NY ethical rule that prohibited Merchon from contributing $35 in 2020. That's your claim -- support it.

Question for the board: is there a web site that tracks political contributions by judges and their spouses, like Roberts, Thomas, Alito, Gorsuch, Kavanagh and Barrett?

In America, judges and prosecutors are all political animals,
Unfortunately, everyone talks about Trump.

A lot of Republicans still think Democrats are sane and have some integrity. That’s not the case anymore. It’s all about power, money, and control. Imprisoning political opponents and making a mockery out of the justice system is a small price to pay if it gives them a better chance of winning an election. They know their voters people lack intelligence and/or character and will continue voting for them.

His campaign strategy hasn’t changed and he’s leading in the polls. He knows Democrats are emotional little babies and will eventually stoop to his level and roll around in the mud with him. It’s the only way he wins. If Democrats were reasonable adults, Biden would be ahead by 10 points.

Biden doesn’t have a f#cking clue how to fix the economy. He’s a Democrat. My 10 year old understands the economy better.
I've got some unbelievably stupid cousins who think Trump was found guilty of spending campaign money to pay Stormy, or that he got convicted for not paying taxes on the payments, or that he paid her with government money.

I don't think the general public has the first clue of what this trial was all about.
Unfortunately, everyone talks about Trump.

A lot of Republicans still think Democrats are sane and have some integrity. That’s not the case anymore. It’s all about power, money, and control. Imprisoning political opponents and making a mockery out of the justice system is a small price to pay if it gives them a better chance of winning an election. They know their voters people lack intelligence and/or character and will continue voting for them.

His campaign strategy hasn’t changed and he’s leading in the polls. He knows Democrats are emotional little babies and will eventually stoop to his level and roll around in the mud with him. It’s the only way he wins. If Democrats were reasonable adults, Biden would be ahead by 10 points.

Biden doesn’t have a f#cking clue how to fix the economy. He’s a Democrat. My 10 year old understands the economy better.
Well, OK, then. Have your son lie about his age and run for President.

Then, you can vote for either child you love most. The son and Trump have the same talent.
Identify the NY ethical rule that prohibited Merchon from contributing $35 in 2020. That's your claim -- support it.

Question for the board: is there a web site that tracks political contributions by judges and their spouses, like Roberts, Thomas, Alito, Gorsuch, Kavanagh and Barrett?

In America, judges and prosecutors are all political animals,

A state ethics panel quietly dismissed a complaint last summer against the New York judge presiding over the criminal trial of Donald J. Trump, issuing a warning over small donations the judge had made to groups supporting Democrats, including the campaign of Joseph R. Biden Jr.

The judge, Juan M. Merchan, donated a total of $35 to the groups in 2020, including a $15 donation earmarked for the Biden campaign, and $10 to a group called “Stop Republicans.”

Political contributions of any kind are prohibited under state judicial ethics rules
I've got some unbelievably stupid cousins who think Trump was found guilty of spending campaign money to pay Stormy, or that he got convicted for not paying taxes on the payments, or that he paid her with government money.

I don't think the general public has the first clue of what this trial was all about.
You may be right, but it's their own fault for choosing to remain like your "unbelievably stupid cousins."

A state ethics panel quietly dismissed a complaint last summer against the New York judge presiding over the criminal trial of Donald J. Trump, issuing a warning over small donations the judge had made to groups supporting Democrats, including the campaign of Joseph R. Biden Jr.

The judge, Juan M. Merchan, donated a total of $35 to the groups in 2020, including a $15 donation earmarked for the Biden campaign, and $10 to a group called “Stop Republicans.”

Political contributions of any kind are prohibited under state judicial ethics rules
It's ok - he's a Democrat. The rules don't apply.
Identify the NY ethical rule that prohibited Merchon from contributing $35 in 2020. That's your claim -- support it.

Question for the board: is there a web site that tracks political contributions by judges and their spouses, like Roberts, Thomas, Alito, Gorsuch, Kavanagh and Barrett?

In America, judges and prosecutors are all political animals,
I think it’s open
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Well, OK, then. Have your son lie about his age and run for President.

Then, you can vote for either child you love most. The son and Trump have the same talent.
She. My sons are younger and Biden still has an edge on the youngest. He’s currently eating salsa naked. My son, not Biden (hopefully).
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yes like he did with the endless free cheese that we’re still dealing with today. He created this mess dummy

He can’t fix shit. He should be in a home
And yet you never complain about the free cheese from Trump and the tax cuts for the wealthy.

Methinks it isn't the free cheese that is the issue
He dm'd me and says he doesn't have authority to post. Something must have happened.
Well, OK, then. Have your son lie about his age and run for President.

Then, you can vote for either child you love most. The son and Trump have the same talent.
I love how you never talk policies. Just this stuff. You’re a perfect little useful idiot
And yet you never complain about the free cheese from Trump and the tax cuts for the wealthy.

Methinks it isn't the free cheese that is the issue
No you don’t thinks. Ever

And yes trump contributed as well but he didn’t promise to be transformative and he’s certainly not a progressive
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