A NeoCon is someone who fails to see how antagonistic foreign policy makes us less safe not more.
Bringing NATO to Russia’s doorstep had predictable results.
Why didn’t the Bush administration pay more attention to a warning about Ukraine issued in 2008?
Russia made clear that Georgia and Ukraine admittance to NATO was a red line. Yet NATO continued to kick around the idea. Merkel went as far as to say “We’re just biding time” following the Minsk agreement.
George Kennan also warned of NATO expansion leading to conflict after the end of the Cold War.
The idea of NATO being a defensive alliance is no more comforting to Putin than a Cuban -Russian defensive alliance would be to us.
A NeoCon is someone who believes we were attacked on 9/11 because “They hate our freedom”. Someone who acts surprised every time a U.S. backed regime change in Libya, Syria or Iraq only makes things worse.
Someone who thinks American interests around the world are best secured via the barrel of a gun.
An Aloha.