I've watched it several times now, and the discussion with Trump and Zelensky was cordial--until JD stepped in. Listened to the BBC this a.m. and their politicians say that this was a purposeful ambush from Vance. I have no idea one way or the next. It didn't look right at all, and it was a bit of place and felt rehearsed. Vance's outbursts certainly seemed to engender an emotional reaction from Trump, but before that, Trump was fine.
Set up/Ambush, we won't really know, but this was from Russian TV on thurdsay (the day before Zelensky arrived):
"One day earlier, Zelensky’s Oval Office ambush was predicted by State Duma member Oleg Morozov on 60 Minutes, a state TV show. Morozov said that the meeting would be a lesson in humiliation, designed to condition Zelensky to capitulate to the United States—and later to Russia. The lawmaker said that the Ukrainian president was flying to America “to sign an act of capitulation,” referring to the rare earth mineral deal Trump was determined to get as a “payback” for previous aid to Ukraine. Describing Trump as Zelensky’s “Daddy,” Morozov predicted, “They will rub his nose into everything, like a messy puppy… Then he will sign whatever he is told to sign.” Host Evgeny Popov chimed in, “But first, Daddy will flog him.”
During the same show, Vitaly Tretyakov, Dean of the Higher School of Television at Moscow’s State University, praised Trump by explaining, “I really like what he is doing right now… I like his revolutionary approach… He did our job for us that we did not dare to do.”
Popov pointed out that Trump is strangling America’s friends and allies. Tretyakov noted, “He is pursuing policies that are beneficial for Russia.” He surmised, “With respect to Ukraine, he is ready to give Russia everything it wants to take.”
I will take day earlier comment with the proverbial grain of salt, Friday's events certainly seemed to be consistent with the ruskie's comments and prediction.
The decision to parade out Zelensky to the press was stupid--nobody should have agreed to that. Goof ups by everyone, and why do it BEFORE you actually cut and sign the formal deal? Odd timing.