Trump/Vance 2024

At the convention stage of an election both Trump and Biden will be focused on winning the election.

IMO the selection of Vance and rhetoric about rebuilding small towns is primarily to put the electoral votes of Pennsylvania, Ohio, Michian, Wisconsin, and maybe Minnesota in the Trump win column.

Does anyone really believe Trump or anyone else can somehow alter the factors which have the economic demise of the rust belt small towns? Heck, I read a book predicting this some sixty years ago and it happened. Gradually but surely.
Not over night, not in 4 years, but just as they died, they can rise from the ashes, slowly.
Of course it is a Herculean feat with half of the country (cough rinodems cough) working to make it not happen.
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It’s awesome because the only person more anti-war than Trump is Vance.

The MIC is in an uproar because they understand this point, and it’s glorious.

Trump doesn’t need any help winning the presidency, that was likely before Saturday and confirmed when he pumped his fist. According to recent polls, NY is I’m actually in play and he’s +15 in every swing state.

The geniuses that made the assassination call also didn’t factor in that no candidate could beat him now, even if they swapped in Michelle Obama.
Is Q in the white, padded room with you?
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At the convention stage of an election both Trump and Biden will be focused on winning the election.

IMO the selection of Vance and rhetoric about rebuilding small towns is primarily to put the electoral votes of Pennsylvania, Ohio, Michian, Wisconsin, and maybe Minnesota in the Trump win column.

Does anyone really believe Trump or anyone else can somehow alter the factors which have the economic demise of the rust belt small towns? Heck, I read a book predicting this some sixty years ago and it happened. Gradually but surely.
I believe both Trump and Vance think middle America can be rebuilt by bringing home manufacturing. That doesn't mean their policy ideas will do it.

Here's a think tank that believes it is possible to revive manufacturing here (if not the same kind as before) but doesn't think Trump did anything to make it happen in his first term:

In your link Yarvin said our democracy denigrated into a corrupt oligarchy run by elites. Is there any doubt that there is substantial truth in that? Look how Congress passes legislation if you doubt the point. Money and power control instead of debate and compromise. Important bills are crammed with special perks which are the product of money, special interests and influence peddling.

Vance is a consequential choice because he sees what needs to be seen and addresses it. I don’t think this is new conservatism but instead is pulling conservatism back from the model that has developed in the recent past. Politics, including conservatism, needs to pull back from considering what is beneficial to the money and power in politics and focus, at least in part, on those without money and power.

Established politics of all stripes brought economic policy and trade agreements that left many Americans in the dust, by outsourcing jobs overseas, unfair trade agreements ,hollowing out our manufacturing base, and encouraging skilled and unskilled immigration to provide labor at lower costs. Conservatives supported this in the name of “free markets”. As Vance clearly noted, free markets don’t mean squat to those In small town America who can barely pay for food, shelter, clothes, transportation, and health care with a single paycheck. All of this is overlaid with addictions and drug use which soak up much cash in addition to the social problems.The Democrats want to fix this with more subsidies, more economic controls, more regulations, counterproductive green hogwash, in other words more government. Trump and Vance have a different idea— build the economies of rural America. Trump started with the USMCA, but there is a lot to do. The first thing is to recognize the problem.
Well done.
I believe both Trump and Vance think middle America can be rebuilt by bringing home manufacturing. That doesn't mean their policy ideas will do it.

Here's a think tank that believes it is possible to revive manufacturing here (if not the same kind as before) but doesn't think Trump did anything to make it happen in his first term:

Perfect explanation here for why Vance was picked and what the angle is in Michigan, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, etc. Whether they can get it done doesn't matter. Showing you care does.

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Perfect explanation here for why Vance was picked and what the angle is in Michigan, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, etc. Whether they can get it done doesn't matter. Showing you care does.

Dbm. Do you think there is any part of Vance’s story that resonates with black voters?

I had read the book and watched the movie previously but the recent reminder struck again in my head of just how similar his upbringing is to those in Americas inner cities. Disinterested, abusive parent. No father. A community in such despair that they felt no efforts were worth their time and the powers that be wouldn’t allow their success anyway.

Maybe one or two family members that tried to look out for you but what is that worth in through an entire upbringing? Shit schools. Rampant drug use. No one that gave a damn or was educated in nutrition and bodily health. The list goes on.

Life on Chicago’s south side and Middletown, Ohio are plagued with the same problems.
Dbm. Do you think there is any part of Vance’s story that resonates with black voters?

I had read the book and watched the movie previously but the recent reminder struck again in my head of just how similar his upbringing is to those in Americas inner cities. Disinterested, abusive parent. No father. A community in such despair that they felt no efforts were worth their time and the powers that be wouldn’t allow their success anyway.

Maybe one or two family members that tried to look out for you but what is that worth in through an entire upbringing? Shit schools. Rampant drug use. No one that gave a damn or was educated in nutrition and bodily health. The list goes on.

Life on Chicago’s south side and Middletown, Ohio are plagued with the same problems.
In general, I think a lot of that is right. But I also think Vance grew up with money through his grandparents. He wasn't poor.
Not over night, not in 4 years, but just as they died, they can rise from the ashes, slowly.
Of course it is a Herculean feat with half of the country (cough rinodems cough) working to make it not happen.

Yep, half the country and the entire global economy.

Cannot forget intra state competition as in Indiana with workers migrating to some of the more popular communities.

Then there are those living in small towns but driving, in many cases, a long distance to work. Interestingly the price of housing close to jobs will see families going to rural small towns.

What will be, will be, no matter what the politicians do as the economy has a life of its own beyond government influence.
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I wouldn't be surprised if Trump has something up his sleeve tonight. He usually does. An appearance and endorsement by a certain someone would end the campaign tonight. I wouldn't bet on it but I wouldn't rule it out.
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SC, why do you say Dems are communists and not socialists?

Do you think they are the same?
Technically, most of them are socialists. I do think at some point you start to split hairs on socialism and communism.
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I wouldn't be surprised if Trump has something up his sleeve tonight. He usually does. An appearance and endorsement by a certain someone would end the campaign tonight. I wouldn't bet on it but I wouldn't rule it out.
Who you thinking? Maybe they break Bannon out of jail?
I wouldn't be surprised if Trump has something up his sleeve tonight. He usually does. An appearance and endorsement by a certain someone would end the campaign tonight. I wouldn't bet on it but I wouldn't rule it out.
I predict he'll do a dramatic removal of the bandage, like he did with his mask after getting Covid. Then he'll stand there in his Benito pose and bask in the adulation.
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I believe both Trump and Vance think middle America can be rebuilt by bringing home manufacturing. That doesn't mean their policy ideas will do it.

Here's a think tank that believes it is possible to revive manufacturing here (if not the same kind as before) but doesn't think Trump did anything to make it happen in his first term:

That link is not very impressive work.

First, cause and effect is very hard to establish between policy and jobs. Trumps tax policy that encouraged the return to the U.S. of capital held overseas had to be a positive. Likewise with energy policy.

The think tank listed these thre pillars of industrial growth:

Looking forward, the three pillars of building a sustainable, resilient, manufacturing-based economy are: (1) rebalancing trade flows; (2) rebuilding U.S. infrastructure; and (3) supporting the transition to efficient and clean energy systems.​
#3 Left wing faire for sure.

Most economists list these as the three.

The price of energy
The price of capital
The price of labor.

Biden and state and local democrats increased the price of all those— by a lot.

In addition, Biden green and DEI regulations attached to the chips act and infrastructure project federal subsidies is a further impediment to manufacturing and jobs. No doubt Trump will take action to cut those regs and other red tape.
I believe both Trump and Vance think middle America can be rebuilt by bringing home manufacturing. That doesn't mean their policy ideas will do it.

Here's a think tank that believes it is possible to revive manufacturing here (if not the same kind as before) but doesn't think Trump did anything to make it happen in his first term:

As long as the dollar is the world reserve currency it’s not happening.
I wouldn't be surprised if Trump has something up his sleeve tonight. He usually does. An appearance and endorsement by a certain someone would end the campaign tonight. I wouldn't bet on it but I wouldn't rule it out.

DMB, are you thinking "that certain someone" might be RFK Jr. ?
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I wouldn't be surprised if Trump has something up his sleeve tonight. He usually does. An appearance and endorsement by a certain someone would end the campaign tonight. I wouldn't bet on it but I wouldn't rule it out.
You thinking Willie Robertson is gonna show up and endorse Trump? That high level type person?
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That link is not very impressive work.

First, cause and effect is very hard to establish between policy and jobs. Trumps tax policy that encouraged the return to the U.S. of capital held overseas had to be a positive. Likewise with energy policy.

The think tank listed these thre pillars of industrial growth:

Looking forward, the three pillars of building a sustainable, resilient, manufacturing-based economy are: (1) rebalancing trade flows; (2) rebuilding U.S. infrastructure; and (3) supporting the transition to efficient and clean energy systems.​
#3 Left wing faire for sure.

Most economists list these as the three.

The price of energy
The price of capital
The price of labor.

Biden and state and local democrats increased the price of all those— by a lot.

In addition, Biden green and DEI regulations attached to the chips act and infrastructure project federal subsidies is a further impediment to manufacturing and jobs. No doubt Trump will take action to cut those regs and other red tape.
Number 3 is a terrible idea, unless they’re trying to send the country into a recession. There is a reason why Democrats don’t decrease fossil fuel usage every time they get into office. The base lay the economy is cheap energy.
WHOA... Ending the war BEFORE his first day would be JESUS level EPIC... and really piss off the Rino's. ... Ok, I am in. Let’s do this.
How could he work this magic? You want him to start off by breaking the (again) by negotiating before he becomes President?
Dbm. Do you think there is any part of Vance’s story that resonates with black voters?

I had read the book and watched the movie previously but the recent reminder struck again in my head of just how similar his upbringing is to those in Americas inner cities. Disinterested, abusive parent. No father. A community in such despair that they felt no efforts were worth their time and the powers that be wouldn’t allow their success anyway.

Maybe one or two family members that tried to look out for you but what is that worth in through an entire upbringing? Shit schools. Rampant drug use. No one that gave a damn or was educated in nutrition and bodily health. The list goes on.

Life on Chicago’s south side and Middletown, Ohio are plagued with the same problems.
Nonsense. According to NBC he's a white supremacist.


Good read
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I wonder what Vance’s wife thought while she was speaking about her immigrant parents to the mass deportation signs and cheers of send them back?
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I wonder what Vance’s wife thought while she was speaking about her immigrant parents to the mass deportation signs and cheers of send them back?

Suspect she understands not to take anything a politician says, including her beloved husband, literally.

They are all transactional.

Transactional being to say and do whatever it takes to reach a goal. The goal being in the words of a pol..."What is best for the country they love and serve".