Dude you're linking to a story from Nov 13 and I linked to the AFFADAVIT from the GOP Official who conducted the investigation and posted his sworn testimony as to what he found on Dec 6, nearly a full month AFTER the stupid column you posted and a full month AFTER election day...
Did you even read it? I wish I knew how to copy/paste from a PDF because he goes thru everything in that stupid Australian column piece by piece. He and the folks in his office watched the entire surveillance tape of the events from Nov 3-4. The first point he makes is that what was reported to be a pipe leak on the evening of Nov 3 was actually the toilet overflow occurred during the morning of Nov 3 and DID NOT IMPACT the counting of votes later that evening. He's a GOP official and he interviewed dozens of people and SWORE to the conclusions he made...
His office (GOP) concluded that no one in the media,observers etc were ASKED to leave. They simply left on their own when they saw workers whose only job was to OPEN ballots leave and mistakenly assumed that meant everyone was leaving and they were halting operations for the night. However, the people whose job it was to COUNT the ballots stayed and performed that task...
Again, his staff viewed the entire security footage, while your article and Hannity et al tried to condense it all into a video which erroneously made it seem events happened simultaneously. The entire footage shows the infamous table being brought into the room at 8:22 am, with nothing underneath it.
Then the video shows that at 10 pm while the observers, clerks, monitors, etc are all still in the crowded room, the boxes of OPENED (But not yet COUNTED) ballots are now stored under the table. They had been re-sealed and packed away because workers erroneously thought they were going to close up for the night. The people who COUNTED the ballots (who were Dems, Pubs, and Independents) later counted those ballots, as they worked thru the night after other people had left...
Again this is what the Chief Investigator (a Trump voter) swore to after investigating the ridiculous claims for a month after initial complaints were made claiming people had been asked to leave and that after people left "suitcases" of ballots were somehow brought in. The Trump-supporting GOP Sec of State and his Chief Investigator (also a GOP Trump supporter) conducted an Investigation and a month later that same Investigator signed an affidavit declaring that "under the penalty of perjury" he SWORE that what he submitted was "true and correct". Yet somehow THAT is not good enough for you? Are you just really that stubborn?