Trump news conference at 2pm

i don't give a fck about your content. i think you're a vapid moron. your endless threat to democracy bullshit. your bloodbath. your new trump thread every day. how many times have you been told on here no one likes you. bc you have zero personality.

you said you live in a small town dumbass. how else would i know that. you don't know what a paid account is? you subscribe to the site. a subscription. you've been posting since 16 and didn't know that? you're full of shit as usual. you just don't want to pay. how the f do you think this site exists? and on that topic i was joking around with posters i like. posters that make this board worth visiting not boring ass funsuckers like yourself. you know nothing about law. nothing about business. no wonder someone has you under their thumb all day. the worst part is you come here and act like the board is something it's not. no one is listening to your stupid ass. it's for fun. joking around. lost on you. shocking.

you seriously suck as a human. i guarantee jealousy motivates your day as you're too fcking unlikable, too stupid, to offer anything of value anywhere you go. who in the hell would want to do business with you. all they'd want to do is order your dumbass around.

you're just a dumb little bitch jealous of the world
Nothing substantive from you in defense of the ridiculous claim that Harris' nomination is undemocratic or unconstitutional. Why am I not surprised?

And I'll briefly address the rest of your rant. There's obviously no mystery about what a paid account entails. What didn't make sense, and still doesn't, was your inane claim that a new paid account somehow explains or justifies your posting as two different people - - and not only that, but then having a conversation with yourself and liking your own posts. Cuckoo.

Have a great day. TGIF. At least you've got the weekend to rest up after a hectic week with your five businesses. Lol.
Nothing substantive from you in defense of the ridiculous claim that Harris' nomination is undemocratic or unconstitutional. Why am I not surprised?

And I'll briefly address the rest of your rant. There's obviously no mystery about what a paid account entails. What didn't make sense, and still doesn't, was your inane claim that a new paid account somehow explains or justifies your posting as two different people - - and not only that, but then having a conversation with yourself and liking your own posts. Cuckoo.

Have a great day. TGIF. At least you've got the weekend to rest up after a hectic week with your five businesses. Lol.
I want to be able to cancel. It disenfranchised voters. Almost 8. Punch that clock 145 🤣🤣
Yes, I'm off to the assembly line.

Working is good for the mind, heart, soul and wallet. You should try it sometime.

Cuckoo. I hope you're able to regain coherency at some point.
You’d think a guy probably 60 would have figured it out a bit to not be under someone’s thumb. But based on your reading comp and zero understanding of legal careers you’re just dumb. Dumb 145
It’s a forum. Every one responds. Pm him stupid. 2022. Damnnnnnnn. You’re obsessed girly pop.

That’s bc it was like game of thrones and fun. Fun. Fun. Ohhhhhhh a foreign concept
Speaking of girly pop.. has your daughter embraced Brat Summer (Charli XCX)? If she hasn’t mentioned it, ask her how her brat summer is going.
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She’s a dumb f#cking socialists with an IQ in the 80s. You guys underestimate how much people dislike you guys. Best of luck in the November.

"You guys?" As if I'm a Harris fan. But she's going to win. She's leading across nearly every swing State at this point. Trump's path to victory is rapidly closing and it's apparent that he realizes this, hence the insane press conference. He's not going to re-gain the initiative with name calling. Which mean he's not going to regain the initiative.

I've no idea what a Harris Presidency will look like. Could be a harmless hoot. Could be a disaster. But either way we'll be rid of Trump, and that's the reason she'll win. Trump is that reviled by anyone not wearing a Dream Team t-shirt.
"You guys?" As if I'm a Harris fan. But she's going to win. She's leading across nearly every swing State at this point. Trump's path to victory is rapidly closing and it's apparent that he realizes this, hence the insane press conference. He's not going to re-gain the initiative with name calling. Which mean he's not going to regain the initiative.

I've no idea what a Harris Presidency will look like. Could be a harmless hoot. Could be a disaster. But either way we'll be rid of Trump, and that's the reason she'll win. Trump is that reviled by anyone not wearing a Dream Team t-shirt.
Gotcha. The left is hated just as much. We get to find out in November who is hated the most. Best of luck to you. I hope you lose.
"You guys?" As if I'm a Harris fan. But she's going to win. She's leading across nearly every swing State at this point. Trump's path to victory is rapidly closing and it's apparent that he realizes this, hence the insane press conference. He's not going to re-gain the initiative with name calling. Which mean he's not going to regain the initiative.

I've no idea what a Harris Presidency will look like. Could be a harmless hoot. Could be a disaster. But either way we'll be rid of Trump, and that's the reason she'll win. Trump is that reviled by anyone not wearing a Dream Team t-shirt.
Good luck. She's already starting to crater.

The Angry Old Man at Mar A Lago talking about how everything sucks is about as dumb of a strategy as there could be.

And if you are one of those people that is thinking that he is the answer to our inflation problem, you're out of luck. He showed yesterday that he doesn't understand it or really even know what it is.
Gotcha. The left is hated just as much. We get to find out in November who is hated the most. Best of luck to you. I hope you lose.
Angry Wrestling GIF

Let the hate flow through you...maybe if you hate libs just enough, Trump will win.
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The Angry Old Man at Mar A Lago talking about how everything sucks is about as dumb of a strategy as there could be.

And if you are one of those people that is thinking that he is the answer to our inflation problem, you're out of luck. He showed yesterday that he doesn't understand it or really even know what it is.
Aside from the general Trump fatigue, the bleakness and lack of hope is beating people down. It’s just grievances, complaints, and despair. It’s such a bizarre strategy.
Good luck. She's already starting to crater.

I doubt that. Trump’s camp has zero momentum right now and the next couple weeks are just going to get worse with the Democratic convention coming up. Trump hasn’t had any momentum since his convention ended 3 weeks ago.
Laugh now but he'll deliver the goods at the debate.

According to 60+ percent of Americans Trump lost both debates to Biden in 2020. Trump isn't as sharp today and he was then. I don't know where you're getting you confidence. Never mind, I do. You're hopelessly devoted to a nearly 80-year-old ass of a man.
We did the same exercise in 2020. Yes, people do really hate Trump that much.
I fully understand the left hates the right. The difference this time is Trump hasn't been the President the previous 4 years and Harris has a record as VP.
If she would commit to all three debates she could use it as an opportunity to code switch for each one. Do one as folksy southern black woman Kamala, one as erudite, stern California prosecutor Kamala, and if she really wants to go for it she can try one as Kamala from Mumbai.

January 6th came after the election. People are taking that seriously. For many it's a deal breaker.
And many people are struggling to afford the basic necessities and/or having to cut back drastically. I think it will sway voters or get people to stay home.
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The helicopter crash with Willie Brown was my favorite.

Trump's the new old guy on the block, and man is it showing. Karma's sure a damn thing... or is it Karmala? The funniest part is that NBC Nightly News did a follow-up and Trump managed to get it wrong from all accounts. Keep letting him talk🤣

Trump's the new old guy on the block, and man is it showing. Karma's sure a damn thing... or is it Karmala? The funniest part is that NBC Nightly News did a follow-up and Trump managed to get it wrong from all accounts. Keep letting him talk🤣

He’s definitely lost a few steps. Old age catches up with everyone and seems to accelerate in the late 70s. My dad is 83 now and repeating his stories like his dad did at that age. Trump is getting there at an ever increasing rate.
He’s definitely lost a few steps. Old age catches up with everyone and seems to accelerate in the late 70s. My dad is 83 now and repeating his stories like his dad did at that age. Trump is getting there at an ever increasing rate.
Trump doesn’t repeat stories because they are all lies. He can’t remember what lie he told, so he just makes up another lie.
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