Trump Derangement Syndrome


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Gold Member
Sep 1, 2001
From CNHI News, that bastion of liberalism:

Dems struggle with impeachment fever

Just imagine if Barack Obama were still in office, and a special counsel had spent two years investigating whether the Russians interfered in his election.

You know darn good and well Republicans in Congress wouldn’t be demanding President Obama be impeached. They’d get on with the business of governing, just like they did when President Obama actually was in office.​
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From CNHI News, that bastion of liberalism:

Dems struggle with impeachment fever

Just imagine if Barack Obama were still in office, and a special counsel had spent two years investigating whether the Russians interfered in his election.

You know darn good and well Republicans in Congress wouldn’t be demanding President Obama be impeached. They’d get on with the business of governing, just like they did when President Obama actually was in office.​

Have at it. Dems are doing the right thing. Actually they should spend every waking minute on impeachment.
Have at it. Dems are doing the right thing. Actually they should spend every waking minute on impeachment.
It won't make any difference in your case, but I still believe there are voters out there for whom honesty, integrity, and the rule of law matter.
It won't make any difference in your case, but I still believe there are voters out there for whom honesty, integrity, and the rule of law matter.

Many people are sick of it so I guess they aren’t honest and have no integrity. All those honest Dems with all that integrity in Congress need to keep on with what they’re doing.
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From CNHI News, that bastion of liberalism:

Dems struggle with impeachment fever

Just imagine if Barack Obama were still in office, and a special counsel had spent two years investigating whether the Russians interfered in his election.

You know darn good and well Republicans in Congress wouldn’t be demanding President Obama be impeached. They’d get on with the business of governing, just like they did when President Obama actually was in office.​
I'm honestly not sure if that is a work of satire or not. While Republicans never actually started impeachment hearings, they did make it their priority to see Obama fail.

This is nearly as disingenuous as an conservative claiming that Trump has done a better job with improving the economy. It's almost like 2006-2008/9 were wiped from conservatives' memories.
Spoken like someone with a sizable portfolio.

Actually I could use a sizable portfolio as my office is a mess of loose sheets scattered all over the place.

ODS...Office of Deranged Sheets.

I am thinking about doing something about it.

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I'm honestly not sure if that is a work of satire or not. While Republicans never actually started impeachment hearings, they did make it their priority to see Obama fail.

This is nearly as disingenuous as an conservative claiming that Trump has done a better job with improving the economy. It's almost like 2006-2008/9 were wiped from conservatives' memories.

Pretty sure it's satire. And he didn't even get to the "birther" controversy, or the preoccupation with Benghazi or the Trump rally chants of "lock her up".

"There is just no chance they would have gone after President Obama’s tax returns.

And look, if President Obama had worked with his buddy at the National Enquirer to cover up an affair with a Playboy playmate, Republicans would have politely looked the other way. They would have remained calm, even when it turned out he had also paid off a porn actor named Stormy Daniels.

And when somebody outrageously suggested that payments like these might actually constitute campaign finance violations, Republicans would simply have changed the subject.

They would have remained focused on infrastructure and maybe even health care reform.

And when they found out that the FBI had actually started investigating some of this stuff in the middle of the campaign, Republicans would not have started hassling people involved in the Obama campaign. They would have demanded an investigation of the investigators.

You believe that, right?"

On the other hand, this is UNINTENTIONAL satire,with a huge chunk of hypocrisy thrown in for good measure...

"Sean Hannity on Fox tonight, without any hint of irony: "Based on no actual crimes, [Pelosi] wants a political opponent locked up in prison. Umm, that happens in banana republics. Beyond despicable behavior."

— Kyle Griffin (@kylegriffin1) June 7, 2019"

It's like he just slept thru all those Trump rallies featuring the "lock her up" chorus. Including the one in Missouri a few months back,where Ol' Sean walked on stage and was serenaded with cries of "Lock her up!!"...
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Pretty sure it's satire. And he didn't even get to the "birther" controversy, or the preoccupation with Benghazi or the Trump rally chants of "lock her up".

"There is just no chance they would have gone after President Obama’s tax returns.

And look, if President Obama had worked with his buddy at the National Enquirer to cover up an affair with a Playboy playmate, Republicans would have politely looked the other way. They would have remained calm, even when it turned out he had also paid off a porn actor named Stormy Daniels.

And when somebody outrageously suggested that payments like these might actually constitute campaign finance violations, Republicans would simply have changed the subject.

They would have remained focused on infrastructure and maybe even health care reform.

And when they found out that the FBI had actually started investigating some of this stuff in the middle of the campaign, Republicans would not have started hassling people involved in the Obama campaign. They would have demanded an investigation of the investigators.

You believe that, right?"

On the other hand, this is UNINTENTIONAL satire,with a huge chunk of hypocrisy thrown in for good measure...

"Sean Hannity on Fox tonight, without any hint of irony: "Based on no actual crimes, [Pelosi] wants a political opponent locked up in prison. Umm, that happens in banana republics. Beyond despicable behavior."

— Kyle Griffin (@kylegriffin1) June 7, 2019"

It's like he just slept thru all those Trump rallies featuring the "lock her up" chorus. Including the one in Missouri a few months back,where Ol' Sean walked on stage and was serenaded with cries of "Lock her up!!"...
You should be locked up for being inhumane to animals ;) You keep beating a dead horse :D