Trump’s “economic” address


Hall of Famer
Gold Member
Dec 6, 2001
What a joke! He spent more time criticizing Harris( her laugh, calls her crazy, dumb), The United States (a 3rd World Country), Biden
I’m sure campaign team is very upset
Anyone surprised?

Trump knows he can't win unless people think the other side is worse. So he pours gas on the fire so to speak to make people think they need to hold their nose and vote for him because the alternative is just unthinkable.

He can't win with only people that think he's a good choice.
What a joke! He spent more time criticizing Harris( her laugh, calls her crazy, dumb), The United States (a 3rd World Country), Biden
I’m sure campaign team is very upset
If they still actually get "upset" when he indulges himself, then shame on them. They should be planning for the shit talking, and trying to weave platform points in amongst them.

Its like expecting your toddler child to be able to sit still for 3 hours at a business dinner. Then getting pissed when he can't.
I’m still shocked that this where the GOP is currently. Just imagine any one of the other GOP candidates hammering Ds on policies right now. It’s fertile ground. A serious person with a true grasp of policy would be wiping the floor with Harris.

Instead we have an undisciplined Trump rambling on and calling people stupid names. The self own here is something to behold.
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Anyone surprised?

Trump knows he can't win unless people think the other side is worse. So he pours gas on the fire so to speak to make people think they need to hold their nose and vote for him because the alternative is just unthinkable.

This is called politics Hickory. The art of making it hard to vote for your opponent.

You're making all sorts of revelations this morning.
I’m still shocked that this where the GOP is currently. Just imagine any one of the other GOP candidates hammering Ds on policies right now. It’s fertile ground. A serious person with a true grasp of policy would be wiping the floor with Harris.

Instead we have an undisciplined Trump rambling on and calling people stupid names. The self own here is something to behold.
The Media would not allow anyone to wipe the floor with Harris. God could be running against Harris and the Media would make the race just as close as it’s going to be with Trump.
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What a joke! He spent more time criticizing Harris( her laugh, calls her crazy, dumb), The United States (a 3rd World Country), Biden
I’m sure campaign team is very upset
Yeah. I saw some clips. He referred to the US as "a third-world notion." (Not a typo). Said Harris "crackled while the economy burns." Wild guess here, but I'm thinking the written word was "cackled." Even reading off a teleprompter seems to be increasingly difficult for him.

Maybe he spent much of the time insulting Harris and discussing other topics because he can't credibly run on the economy anymore. Inflation is now below 3%. There will be a rate cut next month making mortgages and borrowing much more palatable for consumers. Prices are actually coming down in some areas (e.g. used cars, clothing, seafood, potatoes). The real measure of an economy's strength, GDP growth, has been substantially higher under Biden/Harris than Trump/Pence, even adjusting for the pandemic. Job growth has been higher under Biden/Harris than under Trump, even adjusting for the pandemic. We're producing more oil than ever before and exporting more than we're importing. That never happened under Trump. The importing of shitty Venezuelan oil is dramatically down under Biden versus Trump.

What can he persuasively run on? Violent crime? The violent crime rate is down substantially per 100,000 people. The border? That's probably his best play, but even that (see below) isn't the argument it was. Crossings are way down, largely a function of actions taken by the Mexican government following negotiations with the Biden administration. And, if I was Harris, I'd keep hammering the fact that Trump killed Lankford's bipartisan border security bill.

November is still two and a half months away and a lot can happen, but Trump's in deep trouble. And he was looking unbeatable just a month ago. What a difference a few weeks can make.

Yeah. I saw some clips. He referred to the US as "a third-world notion." (Not a typo). Said Harris "crackled while the economy burns." Wild guess here, but I'm thinking the written word was "cackled." Even reading off a teleprompter seems to be increasingly difficult for him.

Maybe he spent much of the time insulting Harris and discussing other topics because he can't credibly run on the economy anymore. Inflation is now below 3%. There will be a rate cut next month making mortgages and borrowing much more palatable for consumers. Prices are actually coming down in some areas (e.g. used cars, clothing, seafood, potatoes). The real measure of an economy's strength, GDP growth, has been substantially higher under Biden/Harris than Trump/Pence, even adjusting for the pandemic. Job growth has been higher under Biden/Harris than under Trump, even adjusting for the pandemic. We're producing more oil than ever before and exporting more than we're importing. That never happened under Trump. The importing of shitty Venezuelan oil is dramatically down under Biden versus Trump.

What can he persuasively run on? Violent crime? The violent crime rate is down substantially per 100,000 people. The border? That's probably his best play, but even that (see below) isn't the argument it was. Crossings are way down, largely a function of actions taken by the Mexican government following negotiations with the Biden administration. And, if I was Harris, I'd keep hammering the fact that Trump killed Lankford's bipartisan border security bill.

November is still two and a half months away and a lot can happen, but Trump's in deep trouble. And he was looking unbeatable just a month ago. What a difference a few weeks can make.

Inflation is below 3% is great news? So have prices gone back down to the levels before Biden/Harris came into office?
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This is called politics Hickory. The art of making it hard to vote for your opponent.

You're making all sorts of revelations this morning.

Trump isn't winning any new votes with crap like this. Anyone who would respond favorably to this sort of nonsense is already in his camp. Throwing meat to your own dogs while you build an even higher fence around them is a loser's game. Which is why Trump will lose.
Inflation is below 3% is great news? So have prices gone back down to the levels before Biden/Harris came into office?
Yes, that's very good news.

Regarding prices, and as I said earlier, prices are down in some areas. You're never going to have 2020 gas prices again because no one was driving then.

Are you really looking for deflation, though? You're looking for less money flowing through the economy? You're a money guy, so I assume you understand that lowered prices would be a bad sign for the economy and could lead to a recession since it usually occurs when people are spending less. And one guy's spending is another guy's income.
What a joke! He spent more time criticizing Harris( her laugh, calls her crazy, dumb), The United States (a 3rd World Country), Biden
I’m sure campaign team is very upset
4,000 people congregated in a Target parking lot, blocked a busy adjacent street, shot guns in the air, and whooped it up the day of the Venezuelan election. 25 cops called to the scene were useless. A moderate income apartment was shuttered because a Venezuelan gang took it over and the place was full of meth. Both are within 5 miles of me. Broad daylight violence and shootings is a weekly occurrence in neighborhoods of “migrants” and of color.

The third world is here. Thanks to the democrats. This is the reality. The Harris happy talk campaign, amplified by her media sycophants is the same as national Xanax. The trends are clear. The United States will become like much of the rest of the world, pockets of accomplished achievers surrounded by third world filth, drugs, and violence. The high functioning segments will use corrupt politics, law, and a corrupt media to stay in control.

We find comfort in denying reality. Happy Talk Harris will be the next president. Take it to the bank.
The Media would not allow anyone to wipe the floor with Harris. God could be running against Harris and the Media would make the race just as close as it’s going to be with Trump.
The same could be said for trump.
The Media would not allow anyone to wipe the floor with Harris. God could be running against Harris and the Media would make the race just as close as it’s going to be with Trump.
What are you talking about? God is running against Harris....just ask his non-cult followers.
Stock market is looking strong. Hope none of you sold when Trump lashed out after one rough day.
What a joke! He spent more time criticizing Harris( her laugh, calls her crazy, dumb), The United States (a 3rd World Country), Biden
I’m sure campaign team is very upset
Did you think he was going to articulate some sort of policy?

I haven’t watched it yet, but I hope Trump does his Daffy Duck impression like he did during the Musk interview. That was great.

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