Time to unite...We are all SHOCKERS!

How's it feel knowing Butler is the best program in the state of Indiana? Yes, Butler.
No their not...thats hilarious. Right now, they just have the better coach, not program. When we get the right coach, we'll see then whose the better
How's it feel knowing Butler is the best program in the state of Indiana? Yes, Butler.
How does it feel to endorse a 2 time proven cheater? He was only caught twice. Caught being key word.
Try to convince me Cal is not still using the same tactics he used to lure Marcus Camby to UMASS.
Should I go on?
How does it feel to endorse a 2 time proven cheater? He was only caught twice. Caught being key word.
Try to convince me Cal is not still using the same tactics he used to lure Marcus Camby to UMASS.
Should I go on?
You really have no idea what happened do you? Also 2 times cleared of wrong doing by the governing body, not two times proven. Your narrative is flawed and untrue but carry on.
You really have no idea what happened do you? Also 2 times cleared of wrong doing by the governing body, not two times proven. Your narrative is flawed and untrue but carry on.

Spin it how you wish. I don't pretend to believe he had no involvement with the violations/controversy surrounding Marcus Camby or Derek Rose. As if violations were taking place all around him without his knowledge. All while being the face of the two programs (Mass & Memphis) being drug through the mud leaving a permanent scar. Time will tell if history repeats itself at UK.
Spin it how you wish. I don't pretend to believe he had no involvement with the violations/controversy surrounding Marcus Camby or Derek Rose. As if violations were taking place all around him without his knowledge. All while being the face of the two programs (Mass & Memphis) being drug through the mud leaving a permanent scar. Time will tell if history repeats itself at UK.
And I see nothing pointing to Cal as doing anything illegal with recruiting or paying players. Funny how articles can be written to dance and insinuate but no proof of anything. Very nice thoughts and assumptions by writers with agendas but no facts about his involvement. Permanent scar? Educate yourself on the Camby situation about him admitting to not telling Cal and paying the school back. Educate yourself on Rose's issues being in high school before committing anywhere and being cleared twice. IU would have played him as well. Oh I know. You have to believe it because you hate all things UK and a lot of people hate others who are on top. But back to your premise. Cal was found innocent by the governing body weather writers want to look at it or not. If you go by writers with agenda, there would be no program that could have a sports team. smh
Are Wichita State fans currently oblivious of the whole Greg Marshall to Iu rumor?
Ive looked everywhere and see no mention of their fans talking about it.
I bet Cal knew something was not right about Rose.Here's what i hate.
Pitino and Louisville, Roy and UNC are the real cheaters and getting away with it..
How does it feel to endorse a 2 time proven cheater? He was only caught twice. Caught being key word.
Try to convince me Cal is not still using the same tactics he used to lure Marcus Camby to UMASS.
Should I go on?
I agree he cheated before. But I don't think he is now because he doesn't have to. Every great one and done player wants to play for Cal. He doesn't have to cheat anymore because he and UK are a marriage which works.
I agree he cheated before. But I don't think he is now because he doesn't have to. Every great one and done player wants to play for Cal. He doesn't have to cheat anymore because he and UK are a marriage which works.
I don't understand this thinking. Why would the most marketable/valuable players give up free money to play for Cal when they could get the sane results at KU/Duke/UNC or any other school? Do you really think that their handlers are going to leave money on the table because of the allure of Cals one title? It's not like these players wouldn't be seen by the NBA anywhere else

Anthony Davis was reportedly a 6 figure signing bonus baby.

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