The Tea Party

John Cleese talked about this at IU on Sunday. He was saying this is what kept happening to the British left circa 1970 and is the basis of the jokes of the group's name being similar to the other names of groups opposing the Romans ( "splitter" and people's front vs popular).

He said the most amazing part of these groups is that their enemies are their allies. He specifically said the Tea Party hates somewhat conservative mainstream Republicans far more than they hate Democrats.
He said the most amazing part of these groups is that their enemies are their allies. He specifically said the Tea Party hates somewhat conservative mainstream Republicans far more than they hate Democrats.

I noticed this right away with the TP. Part of the reason for this is that they would never have the political strength, on their own, to defeat a Democrat in a general election....not a competitive one, anyway. But they certainly possessed the strength to defeat at least some Republicans in a primary.

On one hand, this was the primary source of whatever political influence they had (have?). On the other hand, there were obvious strategic perils in a scorched earth strategy -- how is the cause of conservatism served by, say, defeating Mike Castle in favor of Christine O'Donnell?

An even bigger problem, though, was that their lack of formal structure made it easy for opportunistic social conservatives to hop on and ride the wave...despite the fact that the motivating forces behind the movement were exclusively fiscal and essentially mute on social issues.
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Great show but I wished it kept away from those little love interest stuff to detract away from the hard-hitting truths it was communicating.

It went to hell towards the end. But still worth a watch for those into politics