The Southern border boogeyman

How you Democrats can seem to simply dismiss this stuff is amazing....

Being partisan is one thing, defending allowing murders and rapists to freely be released into our communities is entirely something else....

Is retaining Power by creating voters truly that important to you???

If that's the case I'm sad for you and for the next family destroyed by the policies you appear to support...
This has happened under Kamalas watch:

If that doesn't bother you you're sick...
It doesn’t matter to them. It’s just happenstance. The illegals Biden/Harris/Mayorkas are good people and some do bad. Too bad for your luck if one kills and rapes someone in your family. It’s not the Biden team’s fault for turning them loose on the Country.
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It doesn’t matter to them. It’s just happenstance. The illegals Biden/Harris/Mayorkas are good people and some do bad. Too bad for your luck if one kills and rapes someone in your family. It’s not the Biden team’s fault for turning them loose on the Country.
Harris lies and says trump wants a national ban on abortion. @IU_Hickory denies. It’s published everywhere. So how do you deal with people like this? How do you talk? Compromise? Do anything
How you Democrats can seem to simply dismiss this stuff is amazing....

Being partisan is one thing, defending allowing murders and rapists to freely be released into our communities is entirely something else....

Is retaining Power by creating voters truly that important to you???

If that's the case I'm sad for you and for the next family destroyed by the policies you appear to support...

I would wager more crime is being committed by MAGA followers than so called "illegal immigrants" that mostly want to stay under the radar.

Not a single person is defending rapists and murderers. You're just being ridiculous.
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I would wager more crime is being committed by MAGA followers than so called "illegal immigrants" that mostly want to stay under the radar.

Not a single person is defending rapists and murderers. You're just being ridiculous.
That’s not the point. They’re Americans. The standard for illegal crossing crimes should be zero. Zero tolerance.
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It's not a wall the entire length of the border, (never has been), it's simply a series of walls built "as needed" in otherwise difficult spots to defend by other means...

All Kamala needed to to was instruct addled Joe to reinstate the Trump era executive orders regarding the border (that were working relatively well compared to what's gone on over the past 3+ years under Biden/Harris) but instead she ignored the border proper completely and took a phony trip to Guatemala, pretending to be working on the source issues... How'd that work out???

There is over 1900 miles of boarder between the US and Mexico.

How does one figure where there is wall needed and not needed?

People are coming in from Texas, New Mexico, California and Arizona. How exactly do we figure out where to put some wall and not others?
There is over 1900 miles of boarder between the US and Mexico.

How does one figure where there is wall needed and not needed?

People are coming in from Texas, New Mexico, California and Arizona. How exactly do we figure out where to put some wall and not others?
Don’t you watch those border reality shows son? They know. The problem is that we view things as all or nothing. Maybe it stops 20 percent. Better than nothin
There is over 1900 miles of boarder between the US and Mexico.

How does one figure where there is wall needed and not needed?

People are coming in from Texas, New Mexico, California and Arizona. How exactly do we figure out where to put some wall and not others?
don't forget the northern border and we will need more patrol boats to cover the coast. Those rapist and murderers might learn to swim or use a boat.
There is over 1900 miles of boarder between the US and Mexico.

How does one figure where there is wall needed and not needed?

People are coming in from Texas, New Mexico, California and Arizona. How exactly do we figure out where to put some wall and not others?

Interesting Freudian slip

PS - i think we should make the Statue of Liberty a traveling trophy - possessed by the nation with the most legal immigrants admitted, plus the number of illegal immigrants expelled, less the number of illegal immigrants who “made it and stayed”

Wonder who would win?
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Interesting Freudian slip

PS - i think we should make the Statue of Liberty a traveling trophy - possessed by the nation with the most legal immigrants admitted, plus the number of illegal immigrants expelled, less the number of illegal immigrants who “made it and stayed”

Wonder who would win?
The Attorneys?

Just a wild guess...

for a friend...
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There is over 1900 miles of boarder between the US and Mexico.

How does one figure where there is wall needed and not needed?

People are coming in from Texas, New Mexico, California and Arizona. How exactly do we figure out where to put some wall and not others?

It's simply looking at the topography combined with already known primary points of illegal entry..., but I imagine you already knew that...
It doesn’t matter to them. It’s just happenstance. The illegals Biden/Harris/Mayorkas are good people and some do bad. Too bad for your luck if one kills and rapes someone in your family. It’s not the Biden team’s fault for turning them loose on the Country.
If it turns Texas blue.. They don’t give a ****.
Who's gonna pay for the wall, again?
Does it matter? Biden cut the funding already earmarked. With the amount we send Ukraine and piss away on other shit you’re now concerned?

Further, what did remain in Mexico cost us?
Link the cost allocations for the three asylum agreements?

Is it still a money issue? Or is it something else?
Does it matter? Biden cut the funding already earmarked. With the amount we send Ukraine and piss away on other shit you’re now concerned?

What did remain in Mexico cost us?
Link the cost allocations for the three asylum agreements?

Is it still a money issue?

Isn't everything a money issue at some point?
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Does it matter? Biden cut the funding already earmarked. With the amount we send Ukraine and piss away on other shit you’re now concerned?

Further, what did remain in Mexico cost us?
Link the cost allocations for the three asylum agreements?

Is it still a money issue?
175 Billion to Ukraine

330 Million to Hawaii

Well wishes to East Palestine

Isn't everything a money issue at some point?
Doesn’t have to be.

Trump was doing things to reduce illegal crossings. Then Biden came in and as part of his progressive policies undid what he could and the numbers exploded

Now the left is trying to disavow who they are:
Harris defund and support bail projects
In the tough on crime prosevutor
Border czar Mia reversed policies
Im tough on the border pubs won’t help
No wall.
Yes wall
Fracking against
No now I’m for it

As we approached election year the left wanted to pretend someone else was responsible for their first year.

Quite a shell game. But our electorate is tribal with short memories
Unfortunately, I haven't figured out a way not to pay, so your joy in me paying isn't for nothing.
Why would you even spend time to find a way out of it? Isn't that like trying to cheat your way out of some taxes? The mere effort to attempt that, seems to go against the entire lefts attacks on the Right... OH, wait. I think I understand now.
How can illegals legally vote in our elections? I see that as a tremendous attack on our Democracy. Nobody will answer that question. By what legal apparatus can illegals vote in American elections?
What do you mean nobody will answer? I will.

They can't vote. It's against our laws. It's in the constitution as such. To change that would require an amendment to our constitution. Our constitution is the "legal apparatus". We get taught this in grade school.
Why would you even spend time to find a way out of it? Isn't that like trying to cheat your way out of some taxes? The mere effort to attempt that, seems to go against the entire lefts attacks on the Right... OH, wait. I think I understand now.

It was a joke, Joe.

Don't take everything so seriously.
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Doesn’t have to be.

Trump was doing things to reduce illegal crossings. Then Biden came in and as part of his progressive policies undid what he could and the numbers exploded

Now the left is trying to disavow who they are:
Harris defund and support bail projects
In the tough on crime prosevutor
Border czar Mia reversed policies
Im tough on the border pubs won’t help
No wall.
Yes wall
Fracking against
No now I’m for it

As we approached election year the left wanted to pretend someone else was responsible for their first year.

Quite a shell game. But our electorate is tribal with short memories

If you are expecting me to defend any of that, you've got the wrong guy.

What I will say is politicians, both sides, will say things they know they aren't or can't do to get votes. It's happened forever and will continue to happen.
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Um we can't not. There is literally no way an illegal immigrant or even a legal one who isn't a citizen can vote legally for any national or state election. They can't even register.

If they're allowed to get a drivers license they can register in several states (as I'm certain you well know)...

When the law (Constitutional or otherwise) doesn't seem to factor in with DNC goals they routinely ignore it (see the southern border for the last 3 years as an example)...
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